Eastern Military Alliance Bonding


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Eastern Military Alliance Bonding

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Eastern Military Alliance Bonding
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Eastern Military Alliance Bonding

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On February 20, an IL-76TD of the Iranian Air Force flew from Tehran to Moscow on a regular visit. Over the past 10 days, this is the 4th visit of this cargo aircraft to the Russian capital. Earlier, another Iranian transport carrier, a Boeing-747 of Saha Airlines, flew to Russia.

The cargo on board the Iranian aircraft remains secret. However, the traffic of cargo planes of the Iranian Air Force flying to Moscow has only been growing recently.

The level of cooperation between Tehran and Moscow is growing in various fields, including in the military.

The Geran-2 UAVs, which are considered to be renamed Iranian Shahed-136 systems, have already proven their high efficiency on the battlefield during the fighting in Ukraine.

Iran itself denies the connection between Geran and Shahed. Although, according to some reports, Russia has purchased about 2,600 UAVs.

Earlier on February 12, The Guardian reported, citing its sources, that since November 2022 Iran has allegedly delivered 18 new-type attack UAVs to Russia. They reportedly include 12 Shahed-129 and Shahed-191, as well as 6 Mohajer-6. Most of the drones were reportedly tranferred across the Caspian Sea, where they were reloaded from Iranian ships to the Russian ones.

However, so far the report is yet to be confirmed.

A few months ago, Moscow and Tehran reached an agreement on the exchange of technologies for the production of various weapons and military equipment. Thus, the Russian military-industrial complex has gained access to the development of analogues of Iranian UAVs.

In exchange, Iranian industry received the Russian technologies that they were interested in. According to Western media, they include helicopters and anti-aircraft missile systems. It was also reported that 24 Su-35 fighters, previously intended for the Egyptian Air Force, would be delivered to Iran.

Moscow and Tehran continue to exchange their experience and technologies in the production of high-precision bombs and missiles for UAVs and assault aircraft.

Russia also signed an agreement to purchase over 100,000 pieces of artillery and mortar ammunition from Iran, which has large stocks of 122-mm rounds for D-30 howitzers and BM-21 Grad MLRS. There are active negotiations on the supply of 152 mm artillery shells.

Mutually beneficial cooperation has allowed the Russian and Iranian military to gain access to the necessary technologies amid the Western sanctions imposed on the military sectors of both countries.

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No way the U.S. and their feeble European vassals will have the capacity to keep pace with Iran, Russia, China, North Korea, the CSTO, SCO & other BRICS nations. Once the BRICS currency goes online, 40% of the world (and increasing) will have little need for dollars, and thereby help to hasten the collapse of the fake dollar paradigm the West has used as a weapon for FAR too long.

Other than NATO wanting WWIII, Ukraine is done!


Kings Of The East does not include FT in its circle unless vetted by those who have the Marker, and even those who have the Marker must be over 40 years of Age, and facing Al-Yamani.


There is zero tolerance on this matter.

Chris Gr

Make more sense please.


Revelation 16:12


The idea for Ukraine to defeat Russia must have come from the proper inbreds in London who lived there before trailers were available.


We have to be very careful what we call The Kings Of The East.

1. Paternal Bloodline ABCDE first and only, without exception.

2. Any other alliances are null and void, and subject to scrutiny, kharma, and suspicion of mutiny.

3. hiv marriage is strictly forbidden, and heretical upon the perpetraitors.

Last edited 1 year ago by JHK

The Semite Paternal Modal YDNA Haplotype belongs to the DE Marker from Our Creator.

So which of Allah(swt)s Blessings do you deny?


The Ukraine conflict clearly demonstrated that the US does not stand a chance in or close to the Persian Gulf. Iran really should ramp up and all other BRICS should do so too. Then Europan countries will losen themselves from the USA.


China and North Korea should join this alliance. More countries united with Russia, better success will be against Westerns aggressors


Russia should NOT align with China and N. Korea as these are not Christian nations. Russia should appeal to the MAJORITY of AMERICANS THAT DESPISE the DEMENTED SCUM-BAG bIDEN that STOLE THE U.S. PRESIDENCY. We wish for a peaceful resolution to this conflict.

Last edited 1 year ago by JohnJake22
Vitamin Protein

Canagay cant even establish political stability except dominance and oppression in Afghanistan and Iraq, what a pathetic fool.


Soon China and Iran will join the CSTO.


BRICS + CSTO + Iran, Irak, Syria and North Corea should form a military union, than NATO would be no more the strongest military organisation.

Erase my post again and again...

F…uck… This is such old news. Why is this getting recycled? Did Southfront take a hit on their bitcoin holdings or summat, had to fire a few freelancers? Lone posters on brighteon.com are posting better, more reliable and relevant material than Southfront. I’ll give Southfront some credit, thier comment section works better, except for the fact that their moderators erase all the good comments and venerate all the idiotic posts from Jen Holmes and the like, as if it’s a bloody psyop working out of the BBC’s basement.


Just one note, that was under Medvedev, The one who Putin Replaced after he also allowed Hillary to Kill Gaddaffi. He was a true atlanticist but you wouldn’t know it the way he talks now.

Erik Nielsen

Whatabout some ammo to the guys in Donbass? Whatabout that??


Iran really has put up with an incredible amount of shit from the “Russians” and the sanctions the “Russians” imposed on them with the Western “partners”.
So it is pretty big of the Iranians to step up and help like this.
Hopefully the Jews that run Moscow and Putin will learn something from this experience.

jens holm

hopefully the mulattos that have torn your anus will rent you to more sadistic homos

Rodney Loder.

The best thing that could happen did happen Iran is out of the woods and jew pig israel in likely to be attacked by the bears.

Jaba night

A friend in need is a friend indeed
