Sacrificing Ukraine’s Future. Trump Gives Ultimatum To Zelensky On Youth Mobilization

Sacrificing Ukraine's Future. Trump Gives Ultimatum To Zelensky On Youth Mobilization

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The depletion of Ukraine’s mobilization potential is now an obvious fact. The Ukrainian army is not facing a critical shortage of combat equipment, and the budget is still being replenished by generous subsidies from the United States of America and the European Union. If the American and European elites are very willing, the supply of the AFU and the financing of Ukraine will continue. However, the West will not be able to compensate for the lack of personnel. There is only one option: NATO’s direct entry into the war. This scenario is highly unlikely because the Western society is hardly ready for the toils of war and the skepticism of the new presidential administration in the United States toward the North Atlantic Alliance.

The team of the president-elect of the United States plans to increase the pressure on Kiev to make Vladimir Zelensky expand the scope of mobilization.

“We need to stabilize the situation on the battlefield. One of the issues we’re going to raise with the Ukrainians has to do with real problems with the military. Right now they have a draft age of 25, not 18, and I think a lot of people don’t realize that Ukraine could mobilize hundreds of thousands of new soldiers. So when we hear about morale problems or difficulties on the front lines, we say, ‘Look, if the Ukrainians are asking the whole world to support democracy, they should be fully committed to it themselves,'” said Donald Trump’s national security adviser, Mike Waltz.

In April 2024, Vladimir Zelensky signed a decree lowering the age of mobilization from 27 to 25. According to the Telegraph, this increased the draft pool by 470 thousand people. Last year showed that such a palliative measure was insufficient. Lowering the age of mobilization allows only a partial replenishment, but not an increase in the number of troops for counter-offensive actions. If the age limit is lowered to 18 years, the employees of the Territorial Center of Recruitment and Social Support (TCC) will be able to recruit about 1.68 million people.

So far, young people have not been drafted into the AFU for several reasons: political and demographic. The first reason is a priority for the current president of Ukraine. Sending young people to certain death will cause a sharp drop in Zelensky’s ratings. The level of trust in the head of state is already declining. According to the latest poll by the Kiev International Institute of Sociology, 45% trust Vladimir Zelensky, while 31% do not trust him. In December 2024, the position of the Ukrainian leader was much stronger: 84% trusted the president, 5% did not trust him. The mobilization of 18-25 year olds will lead to the fact that the number of those who are dissatisfied with Zelensky’s policy will exceed the number of those who are loyal.

The second reason is Ukraine’s future. Even if it manages to maintain itself as a separate state from Russia, the prospects for economic development are highly questionable. In December 2024, Victoria Wagner, a member of the Supreme Council’s Committee on the Health of the Nation, reported that Ukraine has the highest mortality rate and the lowest birth rate on the planet. The death rate is three times higher than the birth rate. The total fertility rate has fallen below 1 child per woman. A rate of 2.1 is needed to maintain a normal population. Sending young men to war will destroy Ukrainian demography. The point of no return will finally be passed.

According to El Pais, more than 10 million Ukrainian citizens live abroad. Most of them are women and children. There are about 812 thousand men of conscription age (from 25 to 60 years old) who are hiding from mobilization abroad. Every year the desire of these people to return to their homeland diminishes. Emigrants settle in a new place, learn the language and adapt to the conditions of the European Union.

Talk of lowering the age of mobilization to 18 is fueling the emigration of high school students.

“In western Ukraine, they say they just see buses full of 16- to 17-year-old boys going to Slovakia. And it’s not with their parents, it’s the kids themselves who are leaving. It’s organized as tours of the boys. They leave not for the sake of education, but rather to escape mobilization,” says Olga Kupets, associate professor at the Kiev School of Economics and a consultant to the World Bank.

On October 15, a member of the Supreme Council of Ukraine, Nina Yuzhanina, citing data from the Ministry of Education, said that 300,000 schoolchildren had left the country on the eve of the school year. The director of one of Ukraine’s business schools, Vladimir Strashko, wrote on his personal Facebook page that 27 out of 30 students prefer to leave the country. “They go anywhere, the main thing is not in Ukraine,” Strashko said.

At the age of 17, Ukrainian young men are required to register for military service. Parents fear that their children will be drafted into the armed forces and do everything they can to prevent their children from being mobilized in the European Union. The exodus of school-age people is a catastrophic demographic blow. Last April, the New York Times reported that the Kiev authorities risked “wiping out an entire generation”.

Further actions of the government of Vladimir Zelensky will depend on the degree of pressure from Donald Trump. If the pressure is excessive, the Ukrainian president will be forced to lower the draft age to 18. If Kiev succeeds in delaying the lowering of the draft age, it can try to compensate for the losses by other mechanisms. First, by canceling the reserve of specialists needed by the economy (about 900-950 thousand people, according to Prime Minister Denis Shmygal). Second, by revising the disability system. This measure may affect 1 million people. Thirdly, the abolition of deferments for people caring for sick relatives (125 thousand people) and fathers of many children (123 thousand people).


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Stephen Obi Emekekwue

🪖truly the ukrainian’s are idiots and ukraine fate is seald🇺🇦@death ☠️ if?!; they agree to usa 🇺🇸 trump wh neocons criminal’s pressuring to do this,insane mobilization drive!!. russia 🇷🇺 will win🥇no matter what wether conventionally as day by day battlefield advance’s&gains are showing,or by thermo nuclear ☢️ apocalyptic measure’s which will consume america&eu🇺🇸 too!.

Last edited 26 days ago by Stephen Obi Emekekwue

500 thousand dead ukroz has it brought, ukraine 😀


there you go again with your fake names and fake votes spewing you’re anti american trolling not dof russu at all but using that as your pretext to spread propaganda for the globalists. imo .as usual. same old.
disingenuity deceit by design ..typical.


of course, that’s just imo.


11 fake names today duncan do nuts ? that’s a mouthful even for you .

Shlomo's little weenie

fuck off bot 💩


dunking do nuts dimitri.

The Galloping Herbifore

trump looks like he’s about to call security and ask ‘who let this beggar in?’


you’re dumb as sheep dip dreary .
“shocking china’s wealthiest family emigrate wurb 300 billion …” youtube
they’re not .they know canada’s catholic.


here’s why ,your” glorious east ” your brics russia partner , has revealed itself as the lackey of the globalists who enslaved it under mao as their puppet , ” 82% stolen china just did the unimiganable | millionaires flee… you tube ”
more transparencies of course .but read between the lines .


join dots history always repeats.
“what did the britush loot from the old sumner palace in beijing?” you tube
what didn’t they loot or steal in total would be mote revealing since it was basically just their opium addicted slaves they left behind.


slave drivers pharoah.
” whydid the allies use a white star ? you tube. a star s a sun .
amon ra .
red white and boo ! surprise.


the jenkem and the damage done.

Luigi Ricotta

fucking crazy retard


china was rolling merrily along until mao, wasn’t it jenkem boy?


$500 billion is soon coming, ukraine 😀

Moshe Dayan

yes, money for zelensky and his crooked henchmen to fill their swiss bank accounts and buy more mansions around the world. be sure to locate their sons and daughters: hint, they’re all enjoying the expensive life all over the world, except ukraine.
only the poor average people are there to die, the rulers will indulge their most luxurious dreams with the sellout of their people.


hahaha, hahaha haha 🏃‍♂️🤡 😆😆😆 haha hahaha


hahaha, hahaha haha 🏃‍♂️🤡 😆😆😆 haha hahaha hahaha


so fake i down voted you and the moderator’s hahaha made it an up vote you’re really on -1.

Last edited 26 days ago by Anonymous

drunkendmitro upvoted me but then someone downvoted me back to 0 to balance the world order. oh vey.

Last edited 26 days ago by Anonymous

grandpa get back on your rocking chair and dream your back adoring hitler and its still 1940 .your happy days when you were young .


stop being a coward .that describes every single war ever. it says nothing.


finally. someone of my liking ” . ” if i were asked what i understood divinity to mean i would say ,by that i understood the living beings of the ultra violet and infra red forces and world’s”.hitler’s monk joorg lans von liebenfels
as you know all information processed within our system is done via infra red .all knowledge .
“they re not like us. ” princess diana
they aren’t you either see or you don’t see .them .imo allegedly.


” there is no religion higher than the truth ” blavatsky theosophical society. i am the way the truth the light
” they in.there hate the truth ” pope emeritus benedict. “and all liars go to hell .” …..
come out of her ,the whore of babylon.
imo allegedly .


caveat his monk ,like himself and all.austrians at the time were heavily under the influence of cocaine freud jung etc flashes of insights but marred by hallucinations and delusions from imbalanced chemistry..

Yuri Mulatov

is this shit by waltz surprised anyone? just knew it. so does it all of ya!


american politics is mostly populated by shit shuckers.


1% oc 8 billion is 80 million people .they’re all in it together imo .


or 500 triilion ,there are many other thngs in the world beyond ukraine , you will soon notice that


he knows he’s just doing his job .imo


$500 billion billl?


there you are again pretending .to be other people

Tony Montana

there are rumors the clown of kiev is becoming increasingly delusional & unpredictable, he’s built so much tolerance to kokain his braincells are quickly diminishing. he’s now fantasizing about a steiner type offensive that will slice through towards the black sea, will cut the landbridge from russia to crimea and will end the war on favorable terms for ukraine. i think zelenski either gonna end up like hitler soon or may be even like mussolini

Moshe Dayan

the clock is ticking for the thief of kiev.


ali babachuk and his banderite band of 40 thieves.

Mount Zion Surgery Center

all we want to know is, if peace comes to ukraine, does that mean we have to look to kosovo or syria again for our organ supplies?

A Casual Observer

well, they say that kosher and halal rules dictating organ extractions are much the same, so i would recommend giving islamic sources priority over ukranazi butchers.


you anx your deceiving as usual impersonating. satan the great .

Body Language Blues

could be it’s attached to an ied too.

Shlomo's little weenie

the clock should be ticking for these troll-bots splattering shit everywhere in the commentary. genuine comments are in the minority and getting a lot worse. they’re allowed 100% ‘cos they’re not tripping up a moderator’s algorithm’s ‘verboten words’ perhaps ? real 💩💩💩


free speech dude. plus it’s fun to hunt them down and hear them squeal, like zelensky himself – although squealing frogs are few and far between. the more we should cherish them for fun and games. i think of him as a cross between a squealing frog and a trained monkey holding out a tin cup to passersby.


it’s common knowledge that
1 hes a puppet on a string
2 he’s been drugged wirh their cocaine for years very very likely by his appearance
3 he and his wife now have luxurious chalets in swizzy land
4 he will.continue to take his orders just like stalin did ,out of fear of them
5 he knows perfectly well that ” we are all disposable to them ” .imo allegedly .

Last edited 26 days ago by Anonymous
Body Language Blues

quiz time: in that photo, what is zelensky saying to trump and what is trump saying to zelensky?

my guess is:

z: got any spare change?

t: ‘how’d you get in here? i’m calling security right now!’

Body Language Blues

z: but nancy likes me.

t: sure, but her husband thinks you might hit him with a hammer and steal his wallet.


z: i’m going back to europe where ursula hugs me and analina makes me waffles with jam.

t: give them both my lack of regards.


not likely. nancy’s not into boys imo


hahaha indicates your thinking .

Body Language Blues

i knew that from reading his lips in the photo above.

z: what do you think of my steiner offensive plans. pretty cool, huh?

t: if you’re very quite and slip out the back door unnoticed, i won’t have to call security.

Yuri Mulatov

yes, it is true. much like montana in film.

A Casual Observer

he scares me. he’s like an austin powers backed by the keystone coppers.


the murderer trump are old enough to get hanged. hang him, the leader of the christian-“jewish” death cult. its the source to the nazi germany death cult, it only use fake jews in a different way.
do not sacrifice more lambs in ukraine for the death cult, cut the head of the snake.


” i’ a christian and i’m not a jew ,and i just realised that nothing is what it seems ” madonna

Joseph Day

trumps new peace plan.


what is it, to leave ukraine in pieces? oops, i let the cat out of the bag. never mind.


satan the great .impersonator


so much for the lying shit-bag donald trump. he promised to end the war in “24 hours” after entering office in 7 days. now he wants young boys, without any real training, to die in a war that was decided and designed by the united states. the entire political elite in the us is evil – pure evil in its ugliest form.


hi beverly how’s it going with your new name arw you going to be a hateful anti american troll too spreading g disinformation for ths globalists ?


inferior amerikunt anon feels rejected


hahagaga still.talking to yourself under all your fake names grandpa here’s a theme song just for you and your shadows . i think.we’re alone now by tiffany you can make that your own .


what precisley is “anti-american”? about pointing out some of the unending failinings of roy cohn junior?

Shlomo's little weenie

piss off idiot bot.


ae you the beverly.hillbillies now as your new fake identity ? grandpa of a dozen different identities daily imo

Last edited 25 days ago by Anonymous

he was born too late for barnum and bailey. besides, he would’ve wanted his name in bigger letters than theirs on the tent.

Last edited 26 days ago by Anonymouse

trump overpromised. he proceeded on incomplete information. he has learn that russia is ill prepared to continue the bleed, so he sees an opportunity to leverage his negotiation with putin so as not to “lose” in the deal. this is very bad news for putin. could be good news for russia.


i dont think a good outcome for russians if they loose. in 1990 they did not started the killing cause they thought they would dvindle and perish by themselves how it was designed slowly wither away.
now that they did not russia cannot ever let an enemy get the helm or they will imediatelly start where lenin left of the mass killing of russians. and this time they have much better tools to do so and they have made the world hate russians so much that it will cheer.


he will end the war against the deep state and reunite with it.


we amerikunts are proven liars–2/3 of all lawyers on earth live in amerikuntland


another moderated i gave you a down for your transparencies under that name but enough is enough made it an up vote too .you’re on 0 really .

Last edited 26 days ago by Anonymous

my amerikunt sister anon tantrums on cue


your math skills are truly extraordinary. can you also explain how to peel an unappealing hot potato, like ukraine? trump would like to know.

Last edited 26 days ago by Anonymouse

hot potato ukraine, hmm. interesting, now i can’t get it out of my mind. that would make a great video.

A Casual Observer

it could be a new olympic sport.


no, no – i don’t want it. throw it over to macron.


this is certainly true and most are ambulance chasers.


england s sending them 26000 troops .bidens sent them 3 billion .
there’s still almost 4 billion in the usa war chest biden set up to fund ukraine .jointly that’s the church and crown contribution to ensuring zelensky carries on with their campaign and doesn’t negotiate .
imo .

Last edited 26 days ago by Anonymous
V for victory

sooo the ass*oles from iuesei’ are asking more blood? then why m. waltz doesn’t go to ukraine to fight in first person view (fpv)? trump is not any better than biden?

Nome de Plu,e

trump says to zelensky in that classic photo: ‘deliveries are through the back door, boy.’.

Son of the kingdom

take out that piece of shit jew zionist talmudic luciferian pharisee hellinsky. what are you waiting for putin, the jews want to destroy your nation are you a fake jew or a christian. remove him and put a pro russian government and save lives.


my senile sister will-saxon-ramses live w me in amerikan trailer–we trap squirrel —nice jew social worker bring us tacos if we wash her car

Shlomo's little weenie

“sending young people (russian speaking slavs) to a certain death will cause a sharp drop in zelensky’s ratings”. none of these major jew & nazi actors are going to be taken out. you can thank pootin’s crowd for this. trump, you should’ve gone to the vietnam war and not dodged the draft. you slighted the ones that did as fools and idiots, and got away with it. if you’re that keen, send your boy from your trophy wife there to donbass. 🖕


the reason why trump will continue supporting ukraine is because france,usa,britain poland embassies in ukraine harbour and accommodate human testing and destruction laboratories like in namibia.


where ever usa france,britain and china build huge embassies in africa there are human trafficking,organ testing and destruction laboratories


good analysis… it is recognized for what it is, a zionist financiers’ genocide of christian slavs.


non contare su trump arrivano rifornimenti a kursh e non li distruggi provoca butta il supermissile e così pure sulle fabbriche e aeroporti e porti così perdi devi rendere conto alle famiglie di tutti i soldati morti usa l’atomica non puoi continuare così l’ucraina a mezzi e personale tu perdi cocco stai perdendo.

White Gandalf

trump does not at all sound anything like “reasonable”. he is a warmonger like all other us presidents. the ukrainians will bleed until the vast majority of the remaining rest will overthrow their war government. and that means not only zelenski, but the hole clique of fashists at power. this is still far in the future.


cocco non contare su trump butta atomica e supermissile i soldati li ha ucraina e pure armi se vuoi essere rispettato fai tutto questo perché stai perdendo e perdi.


wonder if trumps son would have been called up to assist zelensky since trump is so favourable about helping ukraine and calling up 18 to 25 year olds.

A Casual Observer

washington had such luck with 18 yr olds in vietnam that it thought ukraine deserved no less.


trump is going to increase spending and support for ukraine. maybe even us boots on tbe ground to assist blackrock and the us getting their investments back.

amereikuntis inferioritus

how many taliban piecedicks in your anuz?

Shlomo's little weenie

now, for a second attempt at a reply 🤞 your comment isn’t too pleasant at all but you are being bluntly realistic. this is exactly the scenario that these uniparty yank a-holes (never spell that one in full) and their khazar handlers will try. the ‘shapeshifters’ will just stick with this strategy and the more people murdered is just their bonus. these yanks will not change course.


a chicken has more brain than you, russian cheerleader

The Delphic Oracle

i threw some chicken bones last week and they read – ukraine kaput.

Shlomo's little weenie

your voodoo is strong 💪

amereikuntis inferioritus

as an inferior species genetically designed to submissively tantrum and accept female domination we are humiliated cuz russians expose us as incompetent failures

Truth Hurts

more dead ukrainians for their fearless leader!!! glory to the dead glory to the fallen! glory to the graves glory to the grave diggers!


read this first, editor. every time i come to sf i am being asked to contribute to discussion. funny thing is that my last three comments had not been posted below relevant articles. well, i plan on to switching my comments fom a crypto- sf news directly to haaretz. it´the same thing, only less pretentious and more transparent.

Shlomo's little weenie

wow ! ! 😵‍💫 i do hope your epiphany revelation leads you into a more satisfied information experience. don’t know about your target source though. chosen will be chosen. 🥸. certain words are taboo here, and naming some big shot jews in some contexts. i’ve found out. bot garbage always gets through by the looks of it. never take it too seriously.


i agree. i was suggesting barron trump to lead young ukies in bayonet charges against those pesky russsians. this might cure his belligerent father who is not better than his predecessor.