Niger Faces Threat Of Military Intervention


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Niger Faces Threat Of Military Intervention

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Niger Faces Threat Of Military Intervention
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Niger Faces Threat Of Military Intervention

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Just a week after Nigerian President Mohamed Bazoum was removed by the military, the threat of a Western-backed intervention in the country began to rise.

The military takeover on July 27 was supported by many in Niger, who staged anti-French protests in the Nigerian capital, Niamey, and other parts of the country. However, it was not welcomed by the West’s remaining ally in West Africa.

On July 30, The 15-nation Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) imposed sanctions on Niger and threatened force if Niger’s military leaders fail to reinstate ousted President Bazoum within a week.

ECOWAS and the eight-member West African Economic and Monetary Union said that with immediate effect borders with Niger would be closed, commercial flights banned, financial transactions halted, national assets frozen and aid ended. Military officials involved in the so-called coup would be banned from traveling and have their assets frozen, it added.

The sanctions were welcomed by the United States as well as France and by the rest of the European Union, who felt threatened by the military takeover and its anti-imperialist sentiment.

The United States, France, Italy and Germany have troops in Niger on military training and missions to fight Islamist insurgents. Niger is also the world’s seventh-largest producer of uranium. The country’s radioactive metal is mainly exported to the West.

On August 3, West Africa’s defense chiefs met in Nigeria’s capital Abuja and discussed the possibility of a military intervention in Niger if efforts fail to reinstate ousted president, Bazoum.

An intervention in Niger would rely heavily on Nigeria, which has 223,000 personnel as well as modern fighter jets and armed helicopters. Senegal’s foreign minister also said that her country would participate in a military intervention if ECOWAS decides to act.

However, several other ECOWAS member states have already stated that they would not support the use of force in Niger, including Mauritania, Algeria, Mali and Burkina Faso.

It’s worth noting that both Mali and Burkina Faso announced in a joint statement on August 1 that any military intervention against Niger’s military leaders would be considered a “declaration of war” against their nations.

A military intervention in Niger will most likely be backed by the West, who fears that the military takeover could facilitate the expansion of Russian influence in West Africa. Pro-military protesters have already called for boosting relations with Moscow and cooperation with the Russian military.

Any intervention in the country would escalate into a Western African conflict considering the split within the ECOWAS block. The West, namely the U.S. and France, is apparently planning to start a war in the region, using its allies there as proxies.

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niger, with the help of their neighbors could repel the french, and with assistance from gamers in france, they could sabotage the french regime, leading to france not being able to hold a grip in niger. i think gamers should start a coup against macron.

Last edited 1 year ago by 🌸😈02😈🌸

knock knock, who’s there? wagner btches!


you don’t know africa very well, do you numbnuts?
african wars are long drawn out affairs that last decades, are waged by absolutely incompetent idiots, costs thousands of lives and achieve squat.
you’re a fool if you think niger’s neighbors will help it.


notsurewatnever…..skip your nonsensical word salad, just condense it…they are tribal and always have been. problem is it’s called “global tag” and they are it!


i lived in africa for 44 years asshole.
i think i know it pretty well.
here’s a condensation for you:
you’re a clueless idiot.


sounds a lot like zelensky land.


zelensky’s a babe-in-arms.
and an absolute fool to boot.
he’s got absolutely no idea what’s waiting for him if he keeps his nonsense up.


“napoleon” macron is a useless, oppressive, entitled worm. he likes his mirrors more than the french citizens.


and it looks like more and more french citizens want to hang him by his ball sack and stick a meat hook up his ass.


western policy doc #1. recruit disaffected violent types > ban from shaving while training > issue usual kit + rebrand as ‘islamic terror group’ > send to resource rich country > 💥💀☠️ > dispatch military to chase ’em around while stealing country’s resources > rinse & repeat..

John Tosh

france wanted nigerians and ecowas to defend the french military base in niger with african blood.
similar to how nato sacrificed over 200,000 ukrainians in the ukraine-russia military conflict.
nato and its goons are so used to using other people to fight their own battles.

nato should go in and bomb africans like it did in libya…… show the world how strong they are after the beating they got in ukraine.

John Tosh

what is ecowas defending? a french military base in niger where the secret security organizations of the nato countries train boko haram terrorists? the same french military base in niger where the guns and military hardware used by boko haram to attack nigeria is stored? that military base is the bona fide armory for boko haram.

John Tosh

between 2003 and now, there has been an over 2,000 % increase in terrorist activities in africa (mali, niger, nigeria), with the intervention of the western security apparatus…. its becoming obvious….

to get a military base, all you need is finance and train terrorists, then come back to fight the terrorists and in the process get a military base where you can steal gold, uranium and oil.

this is the best business model used by the western countries now.

John Tosh

there is a another western military base in ghana at an old airport…. that would soon produce terrorists in benin republic and ghana…. by the time ecowas wakes up from its stupidity, it would realize it helped to grow boko haram terrorists all over nigeria.

Icarus Tanović

yes, indeed.

Icarus Tanović

thanks for the info and confirmation. i suspected that for long.


russia should clearly tell africans that it will be a mistake to ally themselves with western oppressor forces against their own people and it is everything that russia stands against. he should say that while he does not support coups, the nations themselves should sort it out without hostile outside interference.


“thoughtful” huh?
maybe you should change your name to ignorant.
african politicians don’t represent the interests of their own people at all.
they see themselves as gods that cannot do wrong.
there to rob and enslave those whose interests they’re supposed to represent.
why do you think they keep on trading with their “oppressors”?
plain stupidity?
or maybe greed.
putin’s right not to want to get involved in a meat grinding, pointless quagmire though.

Last edited 1 year ago by SureWhatever

you’re talking about western puppet dictators working against their people and no, not all african politicians are the same.

see thomas sankara for example…

surewhatever: “plain stupidity? or maybe greed.”
– both but also the threats of coups and assassination if you don’t do their imperialist/neocolonial bidding.


nigers coup seems to be anti french & us colonialism as in mali and burkina faso and guinea


tomas sankara has been dead for decades numbnuts.
he means absolutely nothing anymore and had pathetically little impact even when he was alive.
name me one current african leader that actually acts in the best interests of their own people and does not rob, impoverish and enslave them while living lives of luxury the proceeds of what they stole from their own people.


here’s an example for you:
the regime in angola sells all the country’s oil to china and steals the proceeds for itself while the angolan people live in absolute squalor when they should be wealthy from oil proceeds.
but according to your dim lights angola’s mpla government is a western puppet?
dream on dimwit.


“name me one current african leader that actually acts in the best interests of their own people…”
answer: abdourahmane tchian.


turkish military + russian military can act together in niger to stop a potencial usa/france occupation…


yes, they can.
why, exactly, should they?


screw the west. why do they give a shit ? all they want is the uranium, so why do they care who sells it to them ? like africa needs another war … no it doesn’t. fuck france anyway, they can’t even manage their own population, so why the fuck should they think they have any right to fuck with niger ?

Icarus Tanović

would love to hear simon ndritu’s of kenya take on this.


the joe biden administration starting another war making the world more unstable. fuck joe biden.


the us and the “collective west” will never learn to stay out of other countries’ business.this will backfire just like ukraine. play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


they’ll learn.
when they get punched in the head a few times by people just as powerful or even more powerful than they are.
then they’ll realize they’re not the biggest swinging dicks in the world and their word isn’t law anymore.


the nigerian army should stage a coup in nigeria for nigerias hostility to a neighboring african state. at least everything is peaceful in niger now! all africa needs is for the wests sycophants to support colonial puppet states.


everything’s peaceful in niger?