NATO Spins Spiral Of War


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NATO Spins Spiral Of War

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NATO Spins Spiral Of War
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Amid the faint ray of hope for the upcoming ceasefire shining in Ukraine, NATO is preparing escalations, including the nuclear one.

On July 21, two B-52 strategic bombers from the US Air Force Global Strike Command that are capable of carrying nuclear missiles flew from Barksdale Air Base in Louisiana to European airspace. Over Finland, they positioned the flight into firing positions to launch strikes on Russian territory. The bombers were intercepted by Russian MiG-29 and MiG-31 fighters.

After the flight, the bombers were refueled by a KC-135 Stratotanker from the British Air Force and landed at a NATO airbase in Romania. The US Air Force Command highlighted that this was the first time that this type of aircraft landed in Romania, which underlines the deliberate escalation against Russia.

The aircraft will undergo post-flight maintenance and training with the NATO air force as part of the Operational Bomber Group 24-4. During deployment, the B-52s will operate as the 20th Expeditionary Bomber Squadron.

Three more B-52 strategic bombers of the U.S. Air Force Global Strike Command were intercepted by Russian fighters near the Russian border in the Bering Sea area on July 15.

A major step towards nuclear escalation was the recently made US decision to begin the deployment of medium- and short-range missiles in Germany in 2026. The list of weapons will include the multifunctional SM-6 missiles, Tomahawk cruise missiles, as well as hypersonic weapons under development.

In 1987, the USSR and the United States concluded an Agreement on the Elimination of Intermediate-range and Shorter-range Missiles, according to which the parties were prohibited from testing land-based missiles with a range of 500 to 5.500 km, as well as launchers for them.

In 2019, it was the administration of Donald Trump that announced its withdrawal from the treaty. After the treaty collapsed, the Russian authorities announced their readiness to continue to adhere to a voluntary moratorium on the deployment of medium- and shorter-range land-based missile systems on their territory until the United States decides to deploy such systems in Europe or Asia.

If Washington deploys its missiles in Germany, Russia will reciprocate.

A NATO spokesperson acknowledged that since 2014 NATO has undergone the most significant transformation in its own collective defense since the Cold War. Currently more than 500 thousand troops are on high alert. NATO warmongers claim that they should not wait for the conflict to begin, but focus on preparing for it. Thus, increasing the escalation.

While everybody is following the race for the presidency in Washington, hearkening the promises and allegations, the United States and NATO countries do not stop the downward spiral to war.


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“on july 21, two b-52 strategic bombers from the air force global strike command that are capable of carrying nuclear missiles”

only problem for murican degenerates is that yur relic trash for aviation is tolerated, otherwise easily shot down…

Hawaii guy

easy yes, but authorized part of the plan… no. actions show the global cabal is as big as george carlin warned decades ago. when it happens, 9/10 its gonna be the regional cabal that kills its own plebs, globally, until they get to an acceptable number of survivors they can re-control,
re-indoctrinate, re-distribute and keep locked inside those “logans run” smart cities.


but the problem is that reducing population in western countries creates disbalance. now they can hardly control migrants. when a state apparatus will be almost destroyed after nuclear strikes, no power will hold gangs at leash. there will be not “smart city”, but idlib in every city. china and india will be new leaders of the world, they could try to revenge for colonialism. cabal could survive in bunkers somewhere in aus or nz, while ex-eu will be new caliphate and ex-us — territory of gangs.

Last edited 8 months ago by Антон

it looks more like they want to bait ru s.sia into shooting them down in order to justify escalation and more direct nato involvement in ukraine. its a trap. they dont want the full defcon scenario.
dont take the bait.

Rudolf Neumann

…since it has now been recognized in the usa that the great superiority of the west no longer exists ( if it ever existed ), nato’s actions are currently characterized by sheer fear!

and since fear is not a good advisor, such completely pointless muscle games come out of it. these only serve to save time in order to be able to “retrofit”.

Rudolf Neumann

in the western media you hear the same lyre every day, russia will attack nato after ukraine, and the evil putin is striving for world domination! that’s the daily tenor!

first a politician tells it to the media – they publish it the next day – the politician then hears it again and feels confirmed in his delusion!

if this spiral is not broken by reason, it is predictable how it will end…


only one thing to say to nato. dead hand.

Icarus Tanović

so much of trumps promises about ending the war…nothing, a b s o l u t e l y nothing would change if he gets elected. and that ear shoot is his setup to gain more popularity. no trust.


we’ll have to wait and see what happens if he gets elected. too soon to start talking about his election promises if he’s not even in the white house.


i agree because cults must sacrifice the worshipers


russia’s got all these idiots under the microscope, not too much goes unnoticed


total truth


why we hillbilly always lose to superior russians vietnam korean and pygmy

Allahists are Nazis

either trump will win and have his ronald reagan moment or we in europe will all die.

our odds are … not good


tell us more about how biden did it better 😂


it’s nothing more than nato trying to be relevant by fistbumping it’s own chest. “hey guys, look at me! please, won’t you just look at meeeeeehhheeeeeee”


now ukies want negotiation w russia—they are defeated demoralized—amerikan humiliated


it all depends on who will be the us cic after novembers election.


“it all depends”

bad joke. believe me, whoever wins will rely on “depends”…


facts not a joke. trump wins, he won’t want a major war with the us itself being hit on his watch, cackling kamala wins , ww3 here we come.

Ramses II

this homosexual ghey forum is still going strong!

Ramses II

zzzzzombie speach from talentless volodolf ghey fan club orch troll


war is inevitable. it’s only a question of when and where, not if.
the situation now is comparable to the period 1936-9.
everybody knew war was coming, but various crises fizzled out before the big explosion.

Conan M

as a murican… i’m praying for a civil war in my country every day when i see how bat shit crazy my government truly “is” and “has been” since 9/11/2001…

a word of caution to the dual national($) living the “good life” in north america from china, india and russia. take your first visa and one that designates your place of birth and get out while you still can!…

Last edited 8 months ago by Conan M

israel’s no.1 shabbos goy, trumpo, is currently threatening to “obliterate” iran.
he has to sing for his supper and earn that $100 million of adelson money.
some gullible folk actually believe that trumpo is preferable on anti war grounds.


russia on max alert, us flying those b52’s around, russia runs em off, keep playing around with someone who’s not, suffer the consequences retards.


russia should have work closely with poland not germany. germans are weak, you can’t trust them and within next two decades they will become poor country with massive racial problems thanks to growing muslim / african population. poles are slavic brothers – it was mistake to try to make business with germans. if nord stream was connected to poland it would still pump the gas… polish/russian friendship is the only way to make russia a successful country – together with poland!