Military Situation In Libya’s Tripoli On May 13, 2019 (Map Update)

The Libyan National Army (LNA) continued developing its military operation in the area south of Tripoli amid an intense fighting with forces loyal to the Government of National Accord (GNA). The most intense fighting is still ongoing near the area of Ain Zara and in the area of Tripoli International Airport.

Military Situation In Libya's Tripoli On May 13, 2019 (Map Update)

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There seems to be about as much movement in this battle then a WW1 battle. Sans the horrendous casualties. The average offensive seems to be in like ‘We’ll take this tank for a spin and…… ATGM just buzzed by our heads, turn around full speed, tomorrow’s another day.’

Ксавие Киллер (Sir Xavier Kill

It’s more like the battle for Stalingrad. Taking heavy casualties and barely making progress.


Stalingrad and Monte Cassino were basically the two WW2 battles that closest resemble the ones in WW1. But I get the impression from Tripoli its that its the odd small skirmish, and then everybody goes back into the shade for tea and biscuits.


To be fair, would you go and resolutely get your head shot off for any of the clowns/bastards in charge of all this?


Depends on how I am supposed to get my head shot off. By running into no man’s land charging into machine gun fire, hoping they run out of bullets before we run out of soldiers, not that keen on that. Also depends on my motivation. If I believe in the cause I reckon I’d be more motivated to go out there then if I was forced to fight at gun point or if I think my generals have brains made out of mulch. Or how well I will be treated if I were to surrender or be captured by the enemy. On the Eastern Front at both sides you were forced to fight and either shot or hanged for desertion, while surrendering either saw you killed directly, or slowly starve from hunger. Not great choices.


I was really talking about the “believing in the cause” part. I haven’t heard anything about any of the leaders involved in this stuff that would make me feel like believing in their cause. They all just want the goodies for themselves. So if I were in some gang that had been swept up into one of these armies (which seems to have been basically how they were made), and the opportunity came to partake of some tea and biscuits in the shade instead of going and getting shot at, I’d take it in a second.


Completely fair reasoning.