Libyan National Army Storms Militant-Held City of Derna. 17 Civilians Killed In Airstrike (Map)

Libyan National Army Storms Militant-Held City of Derna. 17 Civilians Killed In Airstrike (Map)

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On October 31, at least 17 people were killed and more than 30 wounded in an air strike in the eastern Libyan city of Derna, according to reprots in various sources.

It is not clear which country or group was behind the airstrikes. The city itself is now besieged by forces loyal to General Khalifa Haftar. He’s  the self-styled chief of Libyan National Army (LNA).

Between 2011 and 2014, Derna was in the hands of Ansar al-Sharia, a militant group close to al-Qaeda. But by the end of 2014, the city was seized by jihadists who defected from this group and joined ISIS [the Islamic State]. The Mujahideen Shura Council, which is currently in de facto control of Derna, took the city from them in 2015. Now, LNA troops are attempting to retake the city from militants. Hatfar forces have been also carrying out air raids in the region.

The LNA is backed by Egypt, France and the government based in the eastern city of Tobruk.

Egypt sees Haftar and its forces as an important tool that would allow to secure the western Egyptian border. So far, various militant groups have been very active in the area. The Egyptian Air Force conducts airstrikes on vehicles illegally crossing the border on a constant basis.

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It’s Been Too Long!

You can call me Al

At first I thought they were talking vice – versa, but I read it again after your comment and I am with you 100%, D you reckon France carried out the airstrikes ?, if not whom ?

Rodney Loder

UAE 100% certain, Libya is one of the reasons Qatar exited the KSA camp, Gadaffi is gone his son Saif al-Islam only lost one finger on the way to Zintan, Gadaffi had seven sons the others are dead or silenced Saif is still a prisoner since October 2011, he says what he’s told to say by Haftar and he counts his fingers and toes ever morning, if you back LNA the BH will be back with a vengeance in Egypt but this time with Hezbollah with them, and Iran.


Still not democracy in Libya ? XD.

Gadafi who has never killed his people has been killed by those who are killing Libyans on daily basis. Strange how people can be blind. Of course, human beings are garbage.

Better let Libya for turtles to reproduce. Some turtles can go 1 km deep. Enough to stay away from submarine, boat and people pollution.


When will it stop?