Libyan National Army Shot Down Mirage F.1 Of GNA Air Force, Captured Pilot (Photos)

Libyan National Army Shot Down Mirage F.1 Of GNA Air Force, Captured Pilot (Photos)

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On May 7, the Libyan National Army (LNA) shot down a Mirage F.1 fighter jet of forces loyal to the Government of National Accord (GNA) south of the city of Tripoli, the LNA said.

According to the existing data, the jet crashed near Hirah. The downed warplane was reportedly based in Misrata’s airbase. Misrata is the stronghold of militias supporting the GNA.

The LNA also captured the pilot of the downed warplane. The army said that he is a Portuguese origin. This still has to be confirmed.

Libyan National Army Shot Down Mirage F.1 Of GNA Air Force, Captured Pilot (Photos)

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Libyan National Army Shot Down Mirage F.1 Of GNA Air Force, Captured Pilot (Photos)

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Is that the star of david? anyone know what his tattoo represents. I’m sure the LNA will treat him correctly but what happens with captured mercenaries usually?


LNA is sponsored by the Salafi Emirates so there are mercenaries also. Sure, all stars are either of David or Satan or both.


It was the flames around the star, thought it might mean something but probably not. There’s mercs on both sides of course…but here we have a captured european, wonder how this will play out.

Marc Pouvreau

A pentagram is a five pointed star with lines that cross to each point, like a celtic “endless knot” and it’s supposed to be drawn in a single motion.

Brother Ma

Many said that the pilots of the iSraeli planes that destroyed egypt’s airforce on the ground in 1967 were yankees and not israelis. Ie in israeli uniform and planes but yankees.

There is a commentator here whose friends are ukros or russians from ukro that are mercenery pilots. He spoke about it once.
If he sees my comment he may tell us more.

Marc Pouvreau

nope that’s a pentagram is a five pointed star with lines that cross to each point, like a celtic “endless knot” and it’s supposed to be drawn in a single motion.

Marc Pouvreau

search pentagram in circle of flames that’s comon celtic tatoo


Thank you very much sir. Just learned something new. Star or shield of David has 6 points.

G. T. Void

And it looks to be upside-down, so satanic. Right-side up means positive stuff.


It looks more like one point up which is normal. If it was 2 points up (upside down) then it’s evil shit. Double check online.

G. T. Void

Yes, that is what I am saying. It look to me it was upside-down from the pic.


Upside down means HEAVY FUCKIN’ METAL m/. Right side up means boring normal.

G. T. Void

I’ll assume sarcasm is in effect, if not, then you are just an idiot.


Id he French, American, Brit? I need to know


Portugal, but still needs confirmation.




If he is American or a Brit, he is unlikely to be fluent in any other languages than English. :)

Peter Moy

Absolutely. Tourist: “Excuse me, do you have an English menu please?’ Waiter: “Oui monsieur, the prices are 20 % higher?’ – …..F*cking morons!. Hopefully for this poor captured slob, his dietary requirements are being met with special menus and periodic Red Cross packages. If anything harsh happens to him, an immediate UN Security Counsel meeting convened by the US and its usual lapdogs is in order to form another “coalition of the willing” to bring to justice the LNA barbarians. Isn’t an Idiocracy just great? It’s time to use HMS Big Lizzie: the 65,000 ton bimbo from Hades.


I suppose a ploy could be:- If you want food or water please select a book of your choice from this multi lingual selection , read it and answer our questions about the content. :)

Shy Talk

lots of jimmy reeces on FB, all seem to be US citizens, check out the one from rancho cucamonga CA

Simon Abruzzo



On his chest the star of David mean he is moron Jew. Jews are global terrorists.

Marc Pouvreau

pentagram ! lmao

Harry Smith

Looks like it’s pentagram tattoo from supernatural.


More likely a hipster star picked out of a tatoo artists portfolio that the pilot woke up with after a tequila bender.


win a few and lose a few.
wouldn’t want to be in this dude’s boots.

Brother Ma

Looks nothing like a majority Portuguese . Yes ,there are Portuguese lightheaded and fairskinned people,yet this fellow looks most like an American. I bet he is an American on faked documents saying he is Portuguese. His captors know this but are probably unwilling to make waves at this stage.


“American”? Dude could be from any country in Europe or N.America or S.America. You are a first class rube.


YEAH! It’s not like an American Secretary of State would celebrate death in Libya! wait…..


He slouches he’s flabby unshaven and not very military, that pretty much describes an American.

Harry Smith

@235cacti:disqus can you discuss without assaulting anybody?

john huscio

South african, they have a long history of merc’ing around the dark continent…..


The US has been using Colombians in Yemen, but they are mostly disposable.

john huscio

All the more reason why the CIA wouldnt use personnel that could easily be traced back to them.


They don’t care, it’s not like any of the western media would report it.

Brother Ma

All the more reason to shoot him before it ever gets on film. They are not to be afforded Geneva convention protection.

Brother Ma

Can’t Wait to find out for sure if we ever do. Do we ever find out what happens to all those nato commandos syria has caught? Never..


Portugal didn’t use the Mirage F1, but Spain did.
Someone had to train this guy to fly the plane, but who?
The possibles are US South Africa France Greece Spain.
I would think he’s most likely French or American.
A US company bought 61 Mirage’s for adversary training, and I’m betting he is American.

Brother Ma

I reckon French or South African now that i know more about who had Mirages. There were a whole lot of Frogs who tried to escape into Tunisia only last month that were caught with bogus diplomatic papers.

Does south Africa have a high proportion of white pilots? I do remember apartheid era mercs then and post being involved in mischief everywhere. Guess what ? maybe an Aussie. Australia had mirages too!

I have not seen portugal deny it but they never will. They are debt slaves to the Eu/Nato and will never upset their masters.


Australia hasn’t used the Mirage since the late 80’s, so assuming he got his wings at 20, he would now be 50, he doesn’t look 50 to me.
In fact he doesn’t look military at all, which is why I think he might be an American who worked for the American company that bought a bunch of Mirages.
The MSM doesn’t seem to be reporting it, which also indicates American involvement.

But we will probably never know the truth.

Brother Ma

Thank you for correcting me. I thought the mirages were retired only tens or so years ago? He is still young enough to have trained on aussie mirages?
Also mercs I Suppose ,mercs can be trained on any nato airforce their paymasters choose.


His tattoo is mostly found among Iberian mercenaries. Portugal was one of the most brutal African colonial power. They killed and enslaved Africans by the millions. When the Portuguese were forced to abandon Angola, Mozambique and other colonies they were petty enough to even take the window frames and door handles from buildings. Some of the richest African cultures were destroyed by the Belgians, Portuguese, Spanish and French.

Brother Ma

Portugal has been out of colonies in Africa since 1975? and the fellow looks quite young to be associated with them, unless he is the son of portuguese returnee colonists from Africa. There were and are some Portuguese who have been living and still do in SouthAfrica but i assume colonialist-types would have been weeded out?
However ,i defer to your understanding of tattoos.
If portuguese ,where did he learn to fly the Mirage? Advanced training under a falsename in one of the above Airforces? Who knows?

Either way he has been well looked after. Woe to pilots who fall into the hands of jihadis nursed by zionatoists! They lose their heads..both of them!


Your points are valid, but Portugal is still a feudal state with a deep state military and security apparatus going back to 40 years of Salazar dictatorship. The children of these military autocrats are now in power and the policies are just neo-colonialism. The Spanish have a similar deep state going back to Franco and the tactics are the same, just ask the repressed Catalans, whose whole leadership is in jail, despite hypocritical claims of EU “democracy”. The French have airbases in Mali, Niger and Chad to teach mercenary pilots on Mirages, like the French “Foreign Legion”. People don’t realize that the US has the largest drone base in Niger and Chad now.


Did they already send his saliva to ’23AndMe’ or ‘AncestryDNA’ to see where he came from? If they take a tooth they can also determine where he grew up based on the trace elements.

Promitheas Apollonious

and why should any one cares where is coming from? What good exactly is to know the ID of an expendable mercenary?


Might help in tracing the money.

Promitheas Apollonious

in what way and what for, are you the tax man?


He might not be a merc. Might be a black op out of some multi-national military alliance with a hard-on for Libya…..


So he’s a mercenary, or out of uniform, either way he’s a dead man, unless the CIA or whoever is willing to pay to get him back.

Promitheas Apollonious

and the difference from the rest who fighting in ME and the globalists wars what exactly are they? same shit different name so ………….


You might be able to sell him?

Brother Ma

Just helps working out which network he comes from . Why did the yankees tell us so much about the saudi bombers of 9/11 ? In the end they never bombed saud did they? Hahah so yes,itcoyld be bullshit info.

Yet it helps track your enemies.

Promitheas Apollonious

k fair enough but I dont think any one who has basic knowledge of what is going on need any longer to track his enemies. Depending in which side you are you know exactly where your enemies are and who they are.

Brother Ma

I agree. Your enemy is your enemy is your enemy. When se europe finally kicked out the Turk in 1913, all that mattered was that the enemy associated with and considered themselves a Turk and was against you. It didn’t matter if they were from Serb,Greek or Bulgarian ancestry. The same here. They are haftar libyan enemies! so who cares where he is from . Bullet in the head!

Brother Ma



Fucking mercenaries don’t you dare let him go or something stack him in a hole and never let him go.


Inject him some tumor cells.


An American would not be caught dead flying a MIRAGE!


its always sad to see a POW been mistreated in captivity, unless they are isis of course which must be very rare because ISIS members should not be taken prisoners in the first place.

john huscio

Id bet hes south african.

J Roderet

I watched the video of the pilot’s questioning. He identified himself as “Jimmy Reese”, which is obviously not a Portuguese name. He speaks English and his ‘Portuguese accent’ sounds fake. At one point in the video he says, “I was requested to…”, in which it sounds like he ‘slips up’ and speaks in his native American English. Obviously, this dude is a US mercenary.


He’s a mercenary, so he will be executed unless someone is willing to pay for him.

john huscio

He was captured by the libyan national army which is headed by a secularist ex gaddafi general. Theyve already said the pilot would be sent back to his country of origin.


Well that’s pretty lame, he’ll be back in a week killing more people.
But they might sell him back to his own country.
He’s fat like an American?

john huscio

Fat? I dont see it…….he does have awful teeth like a brit….


Yes fat was the wrong word, flabby would be more appropriate.

john huscio

He looks pretty averagely fit to me, if a bit pasty.


He’s a fighter pilot, he’s not supposed to be average fit.

john huscio

You have to be fit enough to withstand G forces and not pass out.


Have you ever met any fighter pilots?

john huscio

A couple at eglin AFB in florida on a school fieldtrip a longass time ago. From what i can remember both guys were slim and trim.


Exactly, they aren’t built like weight lifters, but they are fit.
The old Mirage F1 is mechanical, and you would need to be fit.

Brother Ma

Too bad too sad too weak. A bullet sends a message . He will be back and no zionato country will do favours for haftar anymore.


Even under international law, mercenaries are treated as spies and can be legally executed and should be.


The pilot is indeed of Portuguese mercenary origin. Salazar’s murderous forces in Africa also sported the same tattoos. The other fact is that oil deprived Portugal and Spain were also party to the NATO attack on Libya led by UK, Italy and Canada for the control of Libyan oil. Portuguese right wing government has openly supported the GNA and is a big beneficiary of Libyan oil plunder. The mercenary pilots are mostly of Portuguese and Spanish origins. Spain and Portugal have a history of colonialism in Africa.

Brother Ma

A son of returnee portuguese African colonialists?


Perhaps, Portugal is still a fascist deep state, like Spain.


He’s still alive, and they have said he will be returned to his country.
Only the US can put that kind of pressure on another country.

Brother Ma

There you go!


Check out this video of Jimmy Reese or Reis, the pilot.