Zerohedge Suspended On Twitter

Originally appeared at ZeroHedge

First it was Facebook, then all of New Zealand; now Twitter has decided to suspend Zero Hedge.

Just as in the prior bans, which were eventually overturned, so in this case it is unclear what prompted Twitter’s abrupt censorship: the only notification we received from twitter was the following:

Zerohedge Suspended On Twitter

It is news to us that this website has (ever) “engaged in the targeted harassment of someone.”

What appears to have happened is that twitter received a complaint from the website best known for publishing the discredited Steele dossier when no other media outlet would touch it, and making cat slideshows of course, Buzzfeed, in which someone called Ryan Broderick writes that Zero Hedge  has released the personal information of a scientist from Wuhan, China, falsely accusing them of creating the coronavirus as a bioweapon, in a plot it said is the real-life version of the video game Resident Evil.”

A few points: the article referenced by Buzz Feed, “Is This The Man Behind The Global Coronavirus Pandemic?”, is as the title implies, a question, and one which considering the huge significance and life or death import of the Coronavirus pandemic, has to be answered, especially since even the establishment’s Foreign Policy magazine writes bat soup, which is widely being cited and circulated by the mainstream press as the cause of the coronavirus breakout, is not the cause of the Wuhan virus. The widely read website also chimes in: “No, Coronavirus Was Not Caused by ‘Bat Soup‘”. Meanwhile, Business Insider writes “Experts think the Wuhan coronavirus jumped from bats to snakes to people. Bats have been the source of at least 4 pandemics.”

So considering that Peng Zhou, who currently works at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, is the Leader of the Bat Virus Infection and Immunization Group at the Institute, the question certainly is a reasonable one and, in a normal world, would demand an answer from the established media (assuming it wasn’t afraid of risking lucrative Chinese funding) instead of leaving it to “fringe” websites.

The impetus to ask the question if the disease originated at the Wuhan Institute of Virology is especially relevant in light of social media reports such as this one which claims to “have evidence here that the outbreak originated from Wuhan P4 Research Institute. You need to find a truly patriotic journalist to publish it to the public. You can personally trust me to provide a complete chain of evidence. Thank you.”

So did we have a right to ask the question if there is an alternative version for the emergence of the Coronavirus pandemic, especially with hundreds if not thousands of lives at stake? Absolutely.

Meanwhile, those who wonder if Dr. Zhou has any link to the possible emergence of the Coronavirus following years of experimenting with bats, we urge you to read our full article instead of relying on the hearsay of ideologically biased journalists.

Second, and contrary to the claims presented by Buzzfeed, we did not release any “personal information”: Peng Zhou (周鹏) is a public figure, and all the contact information that we presented was pulled from his publicly posted bio found on a website at the Wuhan Institute of Virology which anyone with access to the internet can pull from the following URL:, which is also the information we used.

Zerohedge Suspended On Twitter

So about Buzzfeed’s allegation, which was adopted by Twitter, that somehow we incited “targeted abuse”, here is what we said:

Something tells us, if anyone wants to find out what really caused the coronavirus pandemic that has infected thousands of people in China and around the globe, they should probably pay Dr. Peng a visit.

To which we then added the information obtained from his own bio page on the Institute’s website:

“Or at least start with an email: Dr Peng can be reached at, and his phone# is 87197311″

Are we then to understand that we have now reached a point the mere gathering of information, which our colleagues in the media may want to eventually do as thousands of people are afflicted daily by the Coronavirus, is now synonymous with “abuse and harassment”? According to Twitter, and certainly our competitors in the media, the answer is yes.

In any case, we have emailed Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, who incidentally happens to follow zerohedge…

Zerohedge Suspended On Twitter

… for the answer. If we get one, we will promptly share it with our readers. We aren’t holding our breath, however, as we realize how important it is to today’s media giants not to ruffle too many Chinese feathers or lack losing access to the Chinese market. After all, who can forget the following report from the New York Times about another of our media competitors that several years ago was itself engaged in “doxing” us (yet oddly wasn’t suspended by Twitter):

The chairman of Bloomberg L.P. said in a speech here on Thursday that the company should have reconsidered articles that deviated from its core of coverage of business news, because they jeopardized the huge sales potential for its products in the Chinese market.

The comments by the chairman, Peter T. Grauer, represented the starkest acknowledgment yet by a senior Bloomberg executive that the ambitions of the news division should be assessed in the context of the business operation, which provides the bulk of the company’s revenue. They also signaled which of those considerations might get priority.

Acknowledging the vast size of the Chinese economy, the world’s second-biggest after that of the United States, Mr. Grauer, said, “We have to be there.”

“We have about 50 journalists in the market, primarily writing stories about the local business and economic environment,” Mr. Grauer said in response to questions after a speech at the Asia Society. “You’re all aware that every once in a while we wander a little bit away from that and write stories that we probably may have kind of rethought — should have rethought.”

Bloomberg, the financial data and news company, relies on sales of its terminals, which are ubiquitous on bankers’ desks around the world, for about 82 percent of its $8.5 billion in revenue. But sales of those terminals in China declined after the company published an article in June 2012 on the family wealth of Xi Jinping, at that time the incoming Communist Party chief. After its publication, officials ordered state enterprises not to subscribe to the service. Mr. Grauer did not specifically mention the article about Mr. Xi or any other articles.

“Being in China is very much a part of our long-term strategy and will continue to be so going forward,” Mr. Grauer said. “It occupies a lot of our thinking — Dan Doctoroff, our C.E.O.; me; Mike; and other members of our senior team.”

Some current and former Bloomberg journalists, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said they had hoped the controversy surrounding Bloomberg’s China reporting would prompt the company to reaffirm its support for investigative efforts. Mr. Grauer’s comments were met with dismay, particularly because he is regarded as close to Mr. Bloomberg and would be unlikely to voice views that were not broadly accepted at the top of the company.

Unlike Bloomberg, or anyone else in the mainstream media, we don’t plan on “rethinking” any of our articles just to curry favor with the powerful and we certainly will continue our own “investigative efforts”, even if it means we lose some of our inbound traffic.

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Harry Smith

Oh that wonderful smell of freedom and democracy from the “beacon”!

Zionism = EVIL

Jew agenda is a global police state and censorship of anything remotely factual or truthful. That is why it is imperative for all fair minded and evolved people to support independent media.


I think we’re well on the way where coppers and snitches will make up more than 50 pct of the population in order to contain any kind of independent and harmful (for the elite and its minions in the media and so on) off the counter activities..

Jens Holm

You know nothing. Its not their fault You work hard to remain stupid and learn Your children too.

Jews are not higher ranked in power then others which also educate themselves well and work hard by that.

So they are not high. You are low by own lazy choise.

Unky Gramps



Jens Holm

Get painted and learn to use chopstickers.

We own those banks because we raise well for school, education, skills and by that also work pr hour an got paid.

Here those banks are vital important instruments vreated by US too.

I think there are 3 solutions for You: 1) Do as us ot at least implemnt our goo invensions for a good life 2) Make Your own life and 3) shut up.

Unky Gramps

WE WHO? So you are saying you are a FILTHY FAKE SEMITE!

Which of the 12 tribes of Israel did the bible say were white europeans, Shlomo?

greg bee


Warburgs, Lehmans, Loebs Kuhn……ALL FAKE JEWS!

Unky Gramps

THE FAKE JEW AGENDA….Kalergi Plan, Yinon Plan, Schengen Plan

Revelations 3:9

There are no non-Hebrew Jews according to the Bible.

Jens Holm

I dont like false information, wherever it is and come from. Even I try not to, I sometimes believes in false information and gets mis informed.

Even SF brings a lot of info about that website I have no oppinion. Another thing is if infamous acccusations is done often from there and this bat thing makes the glass more then full.


Agreed Jen; I review sceptically both mainstream and alternative media. In the case of this ZH article I’ve gone straight to the scientific paper, which as not been peer reviewed yet, so more research and full TRANSPARENCY by all health authorities on what they know needed.

Unky Gramps

Then stop posting lies, Menachem!

greg bee

Jens has proven herself to be a liar for the globalist ashkeNAZI JEW WORLD ORDER!

The Federal Reserve Bank, the ECB and the BOJ are owned by who??? THE FILTHY FAKE JEW OF REVELATIONS 3:9….THAT’S WHO!


I egerly await Jens new ridiculous lies!


there is no one as afraid of the truth as the friggin morons in the white house and their underlings truly remarkable.

Jens Holm

They could paint it.

Bobby Twoshoes

Fuck Ziohedge and fuck Twitter, they’re two sides of the same anti-China coin.

Ricky Miller

I agree with you. I regularly read ZeroHedge and have found their coverage of the Wuhan virus to be over the top. It’s been chicken little the sky is falling for about a week now. On the South China Morning Post webpage, a media organization which tries to balance it’s position between the official China line and the Hong Kong counterculture, there have been articles about volunteers driving supplies around the city, people rallying to fight the virus and support one another, but at ZeroHedge it’s been full on Zombie Apocalypse. It’s ridiculous. First, if the virus were to be artificial, not at all likely, but if-than I would look at the United States who has a complex network of biolaboratories and who stands to gain the most from an epidemic in China. And second, in the quite likely event that this is a naturally occuring virus it will be contained. Most of it’s fatalities are patients over sixty and by summer it will be all but gone. There will be some minor economic damage but all will be well. Western MSM and even others, including governments usually friendly to China are all showing a laughable descent into hysteria, even panic.


Whose commerce secretary publicly rejoiced that “the deadly coronavirus will be good for American jobs”? (= Wilbur Ross…). Which is the only country on the planet which dares unleashing WMDs? (think of Hiroshima and Nagasaki). Which country is waging a (trade ) war against China?

The ideal release date for the bio-WMD (HIV-enhanced coronavirus, AIDS cures are a little helpful) is before the Chinese new year, and the ideal place is Wuhan, because it hosts China’s most advanced research facility on deadly viruses, so that the Chinese government can be blamed instead of the US one, would it be found out that it is a WMD.

In the meantime, in the Western countries (= controlled by the USA), some scientists try to discredit the research work of the independent Indian scientists who proved that the present coronavirus attacking China is human-engineered.


Bru I agree with you. Terrible lack of transparency by all country health authorities and the WHO. The planet my be dealing with AAIDS here; Airborne AIDS with pneumonia infection. This outbreak should planetary lock down like in Hubei now; no flights, no metro no sports matches, no schools, working from home. etc, until it is totally controlled and off the streets.


Who would provide the food, power, sanitation, police protection and enforcement, is a ‘lockdown’ dystopia even enforceable with mass dissent and panic anyway?

The Diverse UK is not exactly self disciplined.

Lazy Gamer

BS peer review. Western medicine has long abandoned its oath and is a slave for corporate greed.

Damien C

Firstly I do not, nor ever have supported censorship as a broadsword weapon.
Things irrespective of being unpalatable to our political or social view must
be challenged not banned.

I accept there are some frontiers that should not be breached such as those
who would advocate euthanasia by selection rather than of choice. Others who
wish to culturally support FGM, or those that pursue the demonization of a
particular demographic within society facilitating a cultivation of distain
towards them.

Zerohedge published a statement not a question when it said “if
anyone wants to find out what really caused the coronavirus pandemic that has
infected thousands of people in China
and around the globe, they should probably pay Dr. Peng a visit.”

This without any concrete proof or documentation heavily and deliberately
implies that Dr Peng manufactured this virus in his lab.
Releasing such statements on a platform like Twitter is reckless beyond
belief, people who are happy to receive their information on important and
complicated subjects in 280 character sound bites wouldn’t meet the
intellectual threshold required for rational or decision making.

So if you’re going to feed the ignorant without care or consideration don’t
be shocked if their eating habits are uncouth or unhygienic and they’re
ravenous for dessert

Mark Paul

FGM and MGM must be banned and punishable by death.

Damien C

I find it harder every passing day to argue against your view


The main reeason ZH was suspended is it trying to get to the truth of this new Virus nCoV. A genetic research paper has found AIDs gene sequences in nCoV, that it does not believe could have got into a SARS style pneumonia virus naturally. The world may be dealing with ‘Airbone AIDS’ or for short ‘AAIDS’ .
This is conjecture. Full TRANSPARENCY by all State authorities on what they know is needed.
“……..The evolution of 2019-nCoV remains elusive. We found 4 insertions in the spike glycoprotein (S) which are unique to the 2019-nCoV and are not present in other coronaviruses. Importantly, amino acid residues in all the 4 inserts have identity or similarity to those in the HIV-1 gp120 or HIV-1 Gag. Interestingly, despite the inserts being discontinuous on the primary amino acid sequence, 3D-modelling of the 2019-nCoV suggests that they converge to constitute the receptor binding site. The finding of 4 unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV, all of which have identity /similarity to amino acid residues in key structural proteins of HIV-1 is unlikely to be fortuitous in nature……..”

Lazy Gamer

Any other articles on this?


I read the article on Otherwise I cannot find any articles, only comments here and there. One interesting comment was that the Chinese treated patients with HIV quite early on, mid January, and in the mainstream media the success of this HIV treatment was briefly reported. Why would they use HIV to treat a corona virus? Did, do they, know there is HIV gene in this infection?

Unky Gramps


Even ZioHedge has scrubbed them clean. I have the screenshots though.

Zionism = EVIL

Zero Hedge sometimes shows some independence and exposes Jew and CIA crimes. it also published a true account of Americunt loser arseholes casualties in the Iranian missile account. The Americunts have found an opportunity to weaken and isolate China via the coronavirus pandemic. The fat moron Trump and the Jews were having problems ” containing China” and now they will try to use the virus to weaken Chinese economy.


You truly need meds or are puffing on the too strong sh*t, Adolf.

Unky Gramps

Adolph was just doing God’s work, according to Revelations 3:9…the Bible NEVER MENTIONS ANY WHITE EUROPEAN JEWS!

Unky Gramps

Not any more! ZioHedge has been taken over. They now agree with CNN AND MSNBC on most ‘issues’

Decatur Guy

Interesting how the Chi-Coms were using AIDS medicine in treating the illness.
Gee! They must known something. Guess I’ll have to re-read the ZH article.

cechas vodobenikov

“censorship reflects a society that has no confidence in itself”. Justice Potter Stewart
amerikans=self doubting cowards

Jens Holm

I mainly agree, but we do have limitations but allow nazi and commnists in the open being allowed to join our parlament. Here the confidence works. People know well about both iseologies and therefore dont elct them.

By the way we are also fobideen to sign in as slaves of any kind even we should wish that being not bought or forced to. Some say deciding nothing is the biggest freedom of all for mind and body:)

cechas vodobenikov

deciding nothing is nihilism and passivity, that accepts the status quo—a peculiar definition of freedom.
censorship assumes that receptors r stupid and must be only exposed to ruling class propaganda….journalism in the US has always been censored—Hearst’s yellow journalism…interesting that amerikans assign a color to cowardice (yellow)

Jens Holm

Haha of course its a pecualiar definition of freedom beingtaken care of tlike that and maybee whipped until You remain like that. But You full the wishes being a very good victim for a psycopath.

Maybee censurship has to be used as a word and definition, where it relevant only.

So its very much about who makes the limitations and woth a læegal or not allowed right. Our state Denmark has 4 viral legs and one is the free speach has to be independend from politicians and fx companies buit also about religion, minorities and a lot of other things.

Sober by that is being sober as well as it can be difficult to see exact where the line is.

Telling jounalism in USA always has been censured makes no sense. Its about whatis shanes, what is not changed and whats might be hidden or what get extra heaslines.

Thats why we have several medias and not only one. Fx I use Twitter right now. So You also is wrong. Some Hearst, Springer or Turner supported by the state npw runs much less. Well it some times its a quamire to me.

Thats why we debate censurshi and/or free speah on every level and shoudl continue. Its like a garden. Ypu have to be there and plant things, but You ceratinly has to clean it for making those plants grow.

Several countreis makes hard censurship like Turkey, China, Russia, Iran. They have no Hearsts but their citicens all are learned that America lie all the time and ones of the best new things like Wikipedia is not to trust. Borderchack even includes mobile phones and androids, so they as emmigrant comming home is there for hopstile purpose enven You have send money to fx 30 years and being 90 yars old. They even are taken as hostages against their families.

Ad Yes, USA do that – but it certainly is – TOO.

cechas vodobenikov

nonsense—Russia has nearly no censorship…as anyone that has read Novaya Gazeta, Moscow Times, etc., is fully aware….wiki fully conforms to Robert Michel’s concept of “iron rule of the oligarchy”–demonstrated by US researchers…..of course freedom of speech is irrelevant in the USA…as Tocqueville wrote, ” there is no independence of mind nor ant real freedom of debate in the USA”. Gorer described the amerikan mind as “homogenized”;l Goffman described it as “bureaucratized”


That’s ripe coming from an aficionado of Putz Putin the Poisoner.

Jens Holm

I agree 100%. Just as Russia has the biggest dwarfs and world records for free parkingspace, they certainly now try to regain the total control as in the good old days of USSR.

I observed my first Russian tourist and soldiers in east Berlin 1968. Thay were as arriogant as any to the Eats Germans.

My sister had a book, where it was told USSR had invented everything by Father Stalin and even a long list.

My sister was a hard head communist and maybee still is. She did not know anything about America, because it was not allowed. Speaking as politician at the elections here, she had a paper from Moscow telling how bad Americans are.

So I think I have known communisme and the akward version for free speach he prefare himself.

DEfinitions around censurship partly seemes to be censured away.


Assuming we remove Trump in the coming election, Putz Putin and his RF will be slated for the dustbin of history by way of sanctions and bankruptcy to keep the Russian Czarist and Soviet Empires company. We may even agree to allow China to pick over some of the remnants like Siberia.

Jens Holm

Thats very very long time planning. If You wish to see something like that You have to live a more healthy life the next many many years.

I redcuced my smoking right away, when I saw Your hopes:)


Not if we defeat Trump this year (which is very far from assured). Vengeance is in the air here among the Dems and regardless of Trump, most all Republicans hate Putin and Russia even more than the Dems. All the economic indicators show the Russian economy is on edge and without a significant increase in oil prices, Putin’s attempts to recreate the Russian Empire along with his pining for a new arms race with the US make the RF vulnerable to new US sanctions. These can quickly bankrupt them and they can collapse and disintegrate as fast as the Soviets. As an aside, I never smoked, well, never tobacco.

Unky Gramps

LOL….WW3Trumpy works for the Fake Semite World Order!

He is a shoe-in!

Unky Gramps

LOL…if the 98% FAKE SEMITE RUN MEDIa says so!


It also reflects societies built on lies.

cechas vodobenikov

the only country I know so self doubting that they use participation awards, psychologists give advice and they use the term self-conscious too mean insecurity/embarrassment…others use this term to mean self awareness–ussians, Spanish speakers, Germans, French, etc


Amazing… Zerohedge, a site that has banned hundreds/thousands for little or nothing, complaining they were banned without notice or reason. I was banned from their site. I don’t cuss,,, don’t attack people. When I asked why…. No answer. Now go to their site comment section. Nothing but attacks,,, foul mouthed insults,,, Non stop anti-Christian, jew, Muslim comments,,, just a bunch of imbeciles calling each other foul names.

Yes I could take on another username with a different email, maybe spoof my location,,, but I have no desire to even participate in their idiocy. Years ago, when I first joined, they had some great commenters. Most are now gone. I do scan their site but most articles are take offs of articles I read on other sites,,, like southfront. Ninety percent are tabloid material.

No,,, Tyler deserves to get what they dish out. After all they claim they’re a fight club. I imagine Twitter will relent as ZH is a large site with many readers and once or twice a day they put out government propaganda so it won’t be a big deal.

On a long enough timeline the survival rate for everyone drops to zero. True enough!


The difference between ZH and Twatter is legal platform status which obligates them (Twatter) to be a fair and open *platform* free of arbitrary discrimination.

Unky Gramps

ZIOHEDGE is now owned by the same FAKE AMISH” that own the FED, ECB and BOJ….as well as control almost 100% of the media.


greg bee

You must have mentioned some facts about racist antisemitic Israel or the fake hebrews (WHITE EUROPEAN JEWS) of REVELATIONS 3:9


Great, there are a lot of other Alt Right cesspool sites that should be banned. They ban folk they don’t like and disagree with. Goose and Gander, Goose and Gander.


hop in front of that train and do not hesitate – the world will be better place once you’re gone and the squatters terminated for good.

Unky Gramps


Their two replacement editors, Menachem and Shlomo, are now marching lockstep with CNN and MSNBC!

Even Matt drudge is a “FAKE AMISH”(SEE REVELATIONS 3:9)

greg bee

Maybe we could get an article of Dr FAUXi ‘predicting’ that the jUSA would suffer a plannedEMIC under WW3 TRUMPY?