Zelensky Getting On Trump’s Bad Side Half A Year Before His (Likely) Presidency

Zelensky Getting On Trump's Bad Side Half A Year Before His (Likely) Presidency

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Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

It’s no secret that the Neo-Nazi junta and (for now) former president Donald Trump don’t exactly see eye to eye. However, as the latter’s chances for a second term are now going through the roof, it could be argued that the Kiev regime is in a quiet (or perhaps not so quiet) panic mode. It should be noted that Trump certainly isn’t pro-Russian, as his staunch political opponents in both parties like to point out. However, he fully realizes that the puppet regime in Ukraine was installed by the exact same people who have been doing everything in their power to prevent him from winning the upcoming election. The latest evidence suggests that this also includes the recent assassination attempt. As I’ve argued already, foreign involvement in this is also quite probable.

And while this hypothesis may seem too farfetched, especially so soon after the assassination attempt, the Neo-Nazi junta’s desperation shouldn’t be taken lightly. Its frontman Volodymyr Zelensky has had a very rocky relationship with several of Trump’s closest associates, including his running mate, JD Vance. Namely, in an interview he gave to CNN on the second anniversary of the special military operation (SMO), Zelensky didn’t have anything nice to say about Vance. In fact, the former comedian insisted that Vance, who served as a combat correspondent in the US Marine Corps, is “clueless” about the ongoing NATO-orchestrated Ukrainian conflict. It seems the fatigues Zelensky has been wearing since the SMO started gave him the illusion that he’s an actual military commander.

“I’m not sure he understands what’s going on here and we don’t need any rhetoric from people who are not deeply in the war,” Zelensky told CNN’s Kaitlan Collins, adding: “To understand, he needs to come to the frontline to see what’s going on, to speak with the people … to understand.”

As an employee of CNN, the infamous neoliberal mouthpiece and the flagship of the mainstream propaganda machine, Collins essentially led Zelensky to criticize Vance, as he was one of the staunchest opponents of the $60 billion “aid” package that the United States provided to the Kiev regime in late April. Vance was certainly aware of the Neo-Nazi junta’s massive issues with endemic corruption, while also understanding that much of that money was also being funneled back into the US so that the no less corrupt Democrats could get their “fair share” of the spoils. In addition, Trump’s running mate also expressed the belief that the so-called “aid” wouldn’t change the real situation on the ground, a fact that Zelensky never takes too kindly and always insists that “Ukraine is winning”.

Zelensky certainly never dreamed that his comments on Vance could actually make the Kiev regime’s relations with Trump all the more sour, so he soon resorted to damage control after his closest henchmen panicked that tens of billions in US “aid” could soon dry out. The lavish lifestyle of the Neo-Nazi junta elite is quite expensive and includes high-level prostitutes, supercars, seaside resorts, villas and other perks of “freedom and democracy”. During a press briefing held on July 15, Zelensky insisted that he is “ready to work with Trump” if the latter is elected in November. Obviously, this was a last-ditch (albeit ill-timed) effort to make sure that the aforementioned American “aid” continues flowing into the coffers of the perpetually corrupt Kiev regime.

“If Mr. Donald Trump becomes a president, we will work. I am not afraid of this,” Zelensky stated, adding: “Most of the Democratic party supports Ukraine, [but] there are varying positions among Republicans, some of whom are more right-wing and radical. The Republican Party is different, but its majority supports Ukraine and the people of Ukraine. We have bipartisan support and we have strong relations with the US politicians representing the Republican Party.”

We can only expect that such “damage control” just made things worse, as it’s quite clear who these “more right-wing and radical” Republicans are. Zelensky is certainly not referring to actual warmongers and war criminals such as Lindsey Graham, infamous for calls to “take Putin out” and the excitement that “the Russians are dying”, Michael McCaul who wants Americans to die for Taiwanese semiconductors or John Bolton, one of the worst warhawks in Washington DC who openly called for a coup in Russia. This is without even considering the fact that the frontman of a literal Neo-Nazi regime and a man who thinks Stepan Bandera is a “hero”, is suddenly so “worried” about “right-wing and radical” pro-Trump Republicans.

The obsessive panic about Trump and Vance can also be seen in the European Union, where senior officials are already preparing for doom and gloom scenarios of the Kiev regime’s total defeat at the hands of the advancing Russian military. Not to mention that many of them are convinced that they’ll also be forced to face Russia all by themselves, a daunting prospect given just how ineffective and weak the EU has become (if it’s ever been anything but). One unnamed official was quite direct and said that “this is a disaster for Ukraine”. Having to deal with Trump was “a major trouble already”, but it seems that Brussels is particularly afraid of Vance, as his appointment “raised further questions about a potential new administration’s commitment to Ukraine and the transatlantic alliance”.

Politico claims that “Vance has made his views on Ukraine clear”, because in 2022, he told Steve Bannon in an interview that “[he doesn’t] really care what happens to Ukraine one way or another”. In February 2024, Vance also refused to meet the Neo-Nazi junta’s delegation at the Munich Security Conference, telling Politico that “the US needed to reassess its support for Ukraine”. He also criticized the EU for its “dependence on the US for military spending”, particularly Germany, accusing it of “failing to meet the NATO defense spending target of 2% of GDP”. However, the Kiev regime officials believe something could be “worked out with Vance”. Maria Mezentseva, an MP from Zelensky’s party and deputy chairwoman of the EU integration committee, said Vance should be invited to Ukraine.

“I think we should bring him,” she told Semafor, adding: “That’s how we usually succeed to change someone’s mind.”

Mezentseva’s assessment may seem overoptimistic, but it’s not without reason, as it has indeed been the case that many who were previously skeptical about the Neo-Nazi junta ended up “changing their mind” after visiting the country. Whether this was the result of some “monetary encouragement” or something else is unknown, but it obviously worked often enough to give the Kiev regime the said overconfidence. We don’t yet know much about Vance and his convictions to say with certainty whether he’d budge or not. However, we do know that Trump is unlikely to do so, particularly if the Neo-Nazi junta’s possible involvement in his assassination attempt is revealed. This perfectly explains the panic in both Kiev and Brussels, as well as the Deep State’s readiness to eliminate Trump. After all, he said he will “totally obliterate it”.


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just watch mr. scott ritter’s excellent documentary, can be seen here on sf. search it out.

ziolensky the pretend slav visits rome, london, washington etc.

imagine my surprise (our yours) with such sellout, imbecilic degenerates…

A corrupt mafia shithole

30% of all money sent to ukraine is skimmed off the top by zelensky’s regime.


“investigation by scott ritter: agent zelensky”


Gneaus stapo

#edo ritter,a crown jewel of the russian flathead world, almost as good as intellectual mastermind turned actor steven segal or €hitty charlson, ni€ger kanye west aka hitler lover…the list of i humans supporting russia is soooo impressive

crooked licking gallery

stupo retired janitor desperate like all failed germ

Sauer Kraut

germany going back to potato farming and picking tourist pockets.

Gneaus stapo

bs as always… ukrainians hire a damn bad teenage look like shooter to kill trump? yeah sure,just like captured nato generals,biolabs, isis connection and all the other bs.

but hey we are on sf, so at the end we all know it is the jews secret cabal actions

A corrupt mafia shithole

you like jews now, stupo? strange words coming from a dyed in the wool nazi like you.


nothing strange for schizophrenic. look at the clown, his grandfather was lieutenant of the red army, he would kill any nazi on his way. clown betrayed him, all his relatives, he serves to banderites who killed many of his relatives. modern banderites are schizophrenic too, because their leader is very strange jewish clown. altogether they fight for fashington while thinking they are doing something good for their false ukroidentity invented ~150 years ago. mental asylum should be their home.


i think its just a strange temporary alliance where the oligarch heirs of the bolshevics and the heirs of bandera think to use each other to some point before backstabbing the other when its convenient. as for the usa. the usa is owned by the same ones who funded the bolshevics to murder millions of russians in the past. for them nothing has changed its just the next try to kill russia with their agents.

Sauer Kraut

i though a mental asylum was already their home.

a corrupt mafia mental asylum.

Gneaus stapo

dont u know, according to one sf clown i am jewish .

Stupo the Sauer Kraut

according to the 100%, you are a jackass.


so, should the assassin look ukrainian to make it clear? they’re hardly that stupid. whoever was behind this. ordinary civilians don’t do political assassinations of top leaders, it doesn’t affect their lives in any way if the president changes. but politics is affected, that’s why the suspects are from politics.

Gneaus stapo

u watch too many movies…not everything is done by dark powers in the background…ordinary folks have feelings too, push em too hard and even they can be assasins… although rather shitty ones

Stupo the Sauer Kraut

neocons are dark powers. they even wrote a manifesto. “project for the new dark ages”.

crooked licking gallery

we cuckold inferior species amerikunts now lick taliban peniz

Gneaus stapo

thx for the great insight

crooked licking gallery

bitteschön, gern geschehen – und völlig kostenlos




immediately after the “assassination attempt” he picked the most pro-israel vp. trump is a snake and his upcoming role is to wash the us’ hands from the failed ukraine project, just to pivot to iran. don’t forget what he did during his term. he is a puppet like the vegetable in the white house, america is and will never be anyone’s friend.

Last edited 2 months ago by Solstice
A corrupt mafia shithole

as long as he cuts zelensky’s begging hands off, he’s alright by me.

Sauer Kraut

trump hugged zelensky and made up, then stuck a shiv in his back.

then he turned around to vance and said. “phew, never thought i’d get rid of that fool.”


i guess, jared kushner could be even more pro-israeli. vance can’t be the most, because he is not a jew. though, if he’s an evangelist, it’s almost the same as being a zionist. at least vance looks like a human, real man with a beard, not a faggot on high heels and lipstick like that sodomite who opens faggot games in paris soon. yes, there is nothing good can be expected from trump and vance, but grandpa dementor, stupid camel kamala, newsom or sodomite buttigieg are even worse.


there is no support for the ukraine war among the trump base. they are sick of war, sick of their young men dying and the nations coffers being drained. vance is part of said base and wants his own people looked after and trump is the author of this view.

its no given trump wins but if he does things will be sorted fast, putin won’t get a free ticket but it will be resolved. as for nato, it will still exist but the europeans will have to carry most of the load. no more free loaders.

Sauer Kraut

they’re sick of a war they can’t win. when bojo came to visit trump for a photo-op, trump should have opened a trap door under his feet.

A corrupt mafia shithole

all i see in the pic is zelensky holding his hands out for more loot and his mouth catching flies while trump catches a nap.


more wwe theater for trumptards. one is a faggy looking joo who plays the piano with his dick, and the other is a wall and ass kisser in exchange for fuel for narcissism. they serve the same master, and it isn’t something with a moral compass.

crooked licking gallery

zel calls trump begs for green card


trump looks bored: “stop talking, kid, go and play the piano for your master.”

Fools Paradise

talking to zelensky is like talking to a fly before you swat it.


if someone imagines that some crazy person alone decided to try to kill trump, they are naive.

who has the most to lose if trump wins? the most worrisome is in kiev, for obvious reasons. second, the us democrats who want to stay in power. then the eu, which threatens russia, behind the muscles of the usa. i’m not surprised by anyone’s motivations.

AM Hants

j d vance, the vp nominee, is ex-marine and no doubt loyal to the mic. he is running on an anti=ukraine platform and so expect him to switch, after the election. crowdstrike, caused global computer problems, the same crowdstrike, who provided ukrainian malicious malware, in order to blame it on the russians and that was back in 2016. not forgetting the c i a and vault 7.

AM Hants

2) the same crowdstrike who were given the white house computer software contract and who were involved in the clinton funded steele dossier. allegedly zelinsky phoned trump and is bragging that the call was so wonderful and trump wants to meet him. i hope trump remembers that anybody who receives the zelinsky cuddle, ends up looking at their p45, shortly after. zelinsky was always loyal to biden, burisma and his nazi/azov mates.

Sauer Kraut

the circus continues.

Sauer Kraut

they hugged and made up, then trump stuck a shiv in his back.
