After of a week of intense clashes accompanied by dozens and dozens of videos of eliminated troops and equipment of the Kyiv regime, its leader finally decided to admit the reality.
The statement was made at a joint press conference in Kyiv with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
“Counteroffensive and defensive actions are taking place in Ukraine: at which stage I will not talk in detail,” Zelensky said.
“It’s interesting what Putin said about our counteroffensive. It is important that Russia always feels this: that they do not have long left, in my opinion.”
“Everyone is positive now — tell that to Putin!” he added.
Unfortunately, the public leader of the Kyiv regime did not elaborate if burned columns of NATO military equipment and their crews were also positive about the situation.
hohol what’s up with your shitty ebalo??? hahahaha
lol imagine being one of those poor ukro goblin sobs that was stuffed into a leopard tank, only to be driven into a 1 sided slaughter, and the regime that you were fighting for won’t even acknowledge your death 🤣🤣🤣
ukro cannon fodder is completely forgotten by history exactly 0.01 second after death.
not by their families they’re not. imagine seeing your dad, brother or son slowly slip into banderas nazi ideology, or getting dragged away by a press gang to be killed.
also our accountants. we’re making tons of money off this war.
how was seeing your dad turn into a vegetable, so that you could stiff him on his 10% and he’d never know the difference? c’mon admit it. you’ve been spiking his ice cream with lead sprinkles for years.
my neighbor’s sister makes 95 american bucks reliably on the workstation. she has beenwithout an occupation for a half year in any case multi month back her part was 30000 american bucks essentially dealing with the pc for two or three hours. go to this siteand read more……..
now here copy and open it……..
so she makes that much doing internet sex? wow, she must have nice cans.
your english is much better than that danish doofus.
zelenski finally admits defeat……..oops wrong headline for today….wait for it!
i can’t stay up that late. i’ll check it out in the morning news.
selensky had some success otherwise he would not talk about the offensive. => no good news for the friends of russia.
even a liar like zelensky couldn’t keep ignoring what the western press was reporting and the numerous videos and still pics of destroyed uke “wonder weapons”.
even the trolls got nothin
zelensky major success; senile brandon sent 71 suitcases $$ to his villa in italy…lol
yeah, they took a farmhouse. then it got blown up. congrats.
well, big nose that is very positive in fact!
de muzicieni ce se mai aude? sunt in vacanta la cetatea alba?
soon he will have to admit his counter offensive has utterly failed and not long after that his regime will start to collapse.
has he even admitted losing bakhmut yet?
the only thing he’d ever be sad over losing would be his coke dealer. that’d probably be hunter biden.
poor, poor “mister” zelensky. not smart enough to play president and then losing his country.
he can’t even play chopdicks any more. better hold on to those begging bowls.
i admit talibam humilited us hillbillies–we gullible lgbt like give $$ to zelensky
try burger w prozac
nach offensive kommt leere!
lol, this clown follows a very predictable script.
a$$ cl0wn!!!
amerikan nato humiliated inferior: read ritter analysis at sputnik (no google translate for jens holm gibberish ice age language)
thief of kiev doesn’t know shise from shinola. 😁
did he really just say ukrops are pozzed!
so finally, the offensive for a greater israel in europe has started. committing all that pig meat to the slaughter must please the zionist agenda. just keep going 4th,5th,6th,7th… counteroffensive operation. ziolenskid is a bolshevik turd.
why senile moron jens holm jibbers at sf? he is like zoo animal
he’s the runt of a sheep litter – and momma sheep keeps trying to push him into a well to be rid of the runt.
hey’s admins why deleting comment i made yesterday ? i laughed saying : did he just said offensive counter.
zelenski is a dead man walking
milley’s going to stuff him and use him for target practice for being such a useless dweeb..
“everyone is positive.”
indeed. i’m positive little volodymyr will soon be leaving kiev, one way or another.