Zelensky Desperate About Possible Republican Victory

Zelensky Desperate About Possible Republican Victory

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Written by Lucas Leiroz, member of the BRICS Journalists Association, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, military expert

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky seems to be increasingly desperate about the possibility of a Republican victory in the US elections. Knowing that military assistance to Ukraine could be cut off if the Democrats lose, Zelensky is doing everything he can to try to convince Donald Trump to change his mind about the conflict with Russia.

In a recent interview with Bloomberg, Zelensky asked Donald Trump for clarification on his alleged plan to end the war in “just 24 hours.” The Ukrainian president appears concerned about what Trump will do to end the war — fearing that the Republican’s proposed solution will undermine Ukraine’s so-called “statehood” and “territorial integrity.”

“I would like to know what it would mean to finish a war fast (…) If Trump knows how to end this war, he should tell us today, because if there are risks to Ukraine’s independence, and there are risks that we will lose our statehood, we want to be prepared for this,” he said during the interview.

Trump has repeatedly said that he plans to end the war with Russia. One of his main promises in the current election campaign is precisely to stop sending weapons to the Kiev regime – which means, in practice, “allowing” Ukraine to surrender, since without Western weapons the neo-Nazi troops cannot fight against Moscow.

Trump does not propose an end to the war because he is committed to multipolarity or because he sympathizes with Russia. He is still an American pro-hegemony politician, extremely concerned with preserving the US’ status as a global power as much as possible. However, Trump thinks pragmatically and rationally, and has the important ability to choose which moves to take according to the circumstances.

Trump’s personal background helps us understand his mindset. Unlike Biden, who is simply an ultra-liberal militant committed to all points of the globalist agenda, Trump is a businessman. Like any businessman, Trump thinks according to the capitalist logic of gaining profit. In other words, his policy is focused on obtaining profits and direct strategic advantages for the US – something that Ukraine is incapable of providing. That is why, even though he agrees with his Democratic opponents on other points – such as Israel – Trump sees no reason to continue the war in Ukraine. Kiev no longer brings any strategic benefit to the US and should therefore be “abandoned” according to Trump’s business logic.

Unlike Biden and the Democrats, Trump and some other Republican politicians seem to be more “resigned” with the multipolar geopolitical reality. They have already realized that the world has changed and that it will not be possible for the US to continue to play the role of “world police” in this new order, which is why they are pragmatically resuming the “America First” policy, prioritizing measures such as internal pacification, economic nationalism and continental interventionism in Latin America. Trump and his partners seem concerned with ensuring that the US has a “pole” in the multipolar world, having already understood that Washington will no longer “rule” over the entire world.

Trump’s pragmatism worries Zelensky because Ukraine needs to continue receiving American weapons on a systematic basis to enable it to fight Russia. If Washington’s assistance ceases, the tendency is that more NATO countries will then stop helping Kiev as well. This would be catastrophic for the already weakened Ukrainian military, making defeat absolutely inevitable.

Nothing is certain about the future of the US yet. It is possible that Trump and Biden will not even run for office, given that the Republican candidate is involved in several legal problems, while the current president is the target of criticism over his mental health. In the same sense, it is possible that Trump will be elected but will not have enough political strength to face the pro-war lobby, failing to fulfill his electoral promise. The future is uncertain, but in all scenarios, Ukraine will continue to have serious problems.

For Kiev, the only difference between a Republican or Democratic victory is the time remaining until defeat. If Trump wins, Kiev could surrender within “24 hours,” while a Democratic victory could give the neo-Nazi regime a few more months or years to survive the hostilities. However, regardless of what happens in the US, the end result of the conflict will be the same: at some point, Kiev will collapse and will have to unconditionally accept the peace terms imposed by the winning side – the Russian Federation.

You can follow Lucas on X (formerly Twitter) and Telegram.


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a matter of time friends, nazi germany invades countries in search of materials and resources to support its war. after germany lost its factories and ran out of resources and having defeat after defeat they ended up surrendering. the same thing goes for ukraine, it’s all a matter of time


the war production of germany was highest in 1944 amazingly, the problem was manpower for the frontlines. btw the troops under central command were fighting until the last bullet even when the hj only had the kreuzberg area left.

Crocus Shooting Gallery

regardless of who is president, america will never abandon its ally ukraine…the orc shredding will continue…

homer simpson

“obamas job is to lie to a nation of liars”. kiese laymon


you’re hilarious

Fyodir the Field Medic

i send him a vial of copium every day to keep him going. he’s our only hope.

homer simpson

we always betray–nobody trusts amerikunt


the europeans are justifiably terrified of russia. they also command significant industrial capacity. if, as trump got them to meet their 2% gnp for military, he gets them to fully fund an aggressive ukraine military capacity, he could shift the financial burden to those most directly benefitted. they could do that easily. help with employment along the way.


and you state that ukraine offers no strategic benefit. are you nuts? it is a bread basket. get real. it also has industrial capacity. and it offers the eastern slavs a european status. and there are many of western european descent as well. and it’s a nice forward operating base along the way. just sayin’.

Fyodir the Field Medic

go away, dipshit. you’re getting us all killed.


when the elections cannot be stolen this time, antifa/blm will be activated by soros and there will be a whole different ballgame


i dont understand zelensky, almost a million ukrainians have died and fled the country, and that does not phase him? does he have any empathy for them at all? instead he just keeps sending them to the front, i wonder if he even has a soul

Massa John

the reason, putin hasn’t stopped the war, is that nato’s further envolvement could spark in some additional referendae regarding sumy, kharkiv and odessa. win win.

John Kesich

remind me of how many republicans voted for aid – after trump suggested the lucite fig leaf that it was a loan.
