Zelensky Accused Of Interfering In Upcoming US Elections

Zelensky Accused Of Interfering In Upcoming US Elections

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Written by Ahmed Adel, Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky reportedly used US military assets to campaign for Vice President Kamala Harris during a visit to a munitions plant in Pennsylvania, The Federalist magazine reported. He visited the factory in the swing state with supporters of Kamala Harris, Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro and other Democrats and promoted the visit with photos and a speech aboard a US Air Force plane.

“Zelensky is in Pennsylvania today, signing bombs with Gov. Shapiro. Zelensky is also attacking J.D. Vance in the biggest, most important battleground state in the country during an election year.  Folks, if that ain’t foreign election interference, I don’t know what is,” Sean Parnell, a former Republican candidate for the US Senate from Pennsylvania, said in the article published on September 23.

The magazine also emphasised that the Pentagon did not deny that Zelensky used US military resources for the trip but declined to comment on Zelensky’s possible efforts to support a specific candidate.

Zelensky began his visit to the United States on September 22 by visiting an ammunition factory in Scranton, Pennsylvania, that produces ammunition for the Ukrainian Armed Forces. He immediately asked for more projectiles.

Earlier, Zelensky said in an interview with The New Yorker that vice presidential candidate Vance’s possible rise to power sends “dangerous signals” to Kiev, as the latter declared that Ukraine’s hopes of returning to its 1991 borders with Russia are absurd. The Ukrainian leader said he fears Vance’s rise to power because he is too hardline on the Ukraine issue.

“For us, these are dangerous signals, coming as they do from a potential Vice-President. I don’t take Vance’s words seriously because, if this were a plan, then America is headed for global conflict,” Zelensky said before comparing any negotiations with Russia to the appeasement of Adolf Hitler before World War II.

While not directly mentioning Trump by name, Zelensky criticised the Republican candidate in the interview by slamming world leaders for seeking working relationships with Russian President Vladimir Putin, which the former president cites as key to his foreign policy successes during his presidency.

“A lot of world leaders want to have some sort of dealings with Putin, to reach agreements, to conduct some business with him. I look at such leaders and realise that they are very interested in playing this game — and for them, unfortunately, it really is a game,” Zelensky said. “But what makes a real leader? A leader is someone whom Putin needs for something, not a person who needs Putin. Flirting with him is not a sign of strength. Sitting across the table from him might make you believe you’re making important decisions about the world.”

These very words and actions lead to Zelensky being accused of directly interfering in the upcoming US election.

“The Biden-Harris admin is using military assets to fly a foreign leader into a battleground state in order to undermine their political opponents,” Dan Caldwell, public policy advisor at Defense Priorities, posted on social media.

Yet, despite these accusations, Zelensky ironically said, “I think Ukraine has demonstrated the wisdom of not becoming captured by American domestic politics.”

Although most polls show Kamala Harris in a narrow lead over Trump, some of her supporters are unnerved by the small margin of her advantage in three northern battlegrounds—Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin—reported The Guardian. This puts a greater perspective on why Zelensky is directly interfering in the US election by visiting Pennsylvania, hoping to rally the people to vote for the Democratic candidate.

“Some polls have shown the vice-president with leads of between four and six points in Pennsylvania – generally judged the most important swing state – others show Trump trailing by smaller deficits,” the outlet reported.

John Fetterman, the Democratic senator for Pennsylvania, told The Hill that the former president threatened Kamala Harris despite the current vice president leading in the battleground state.

“Polling has really been seriously damaged since 2016 … Trump is going to be tough in Pennsylvania, and that’s absolutely the truth,” he said.

Zelensky hopes that by the Democrats winning the election, the futile war against Russia can be prolonged as his ego does not allow him to accept that Ukraine cannot win and that he will need to accept the loss of vast territory after promising Ukrainians that even Crimea would be recaptured.

Trump has already famously said that he would resolve the conflict in 24 hours, and although this is doubtful, it does signal that his presidency aims to achieve a resolution swiftly. Due to this fact, it is obvious why Zelensky is directly interfering in the US election, as a Trump victory would be catastrophic to his power and the Kiev regime.


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Den Snow 1

funny , but zelensky is a p*nis clown paid by kolomoisky, who is jeeewish oligarch and scammer and criminal, which makes him jeeeewish celebrity. u.s. elections are rigged by jeeeews anyway. it doesn’t matter if it is zelensky or kolomoisky or rotschilds or whoeverr as these folks are taking decisions together behind the closed door and gojims are only instructed what they are supposed to repeat. especially in media and internet. this is the sad truth about the “democracy”.


zelenskyy is a multi billionaire through this war and money laundering i suspect he could buy leaders in every country..! however, he wants “more”..!

Last edited 22 days ago by Skip59
Justice is Served

oh, he’ll get ‘more’ alright, just not more to his liking.

Gabriel Missile

a big nothing burger of irrelevance. try harder, sf.

Dime a Dozen

looks like zelensky’s going from mcdonalds to white castle burgers on his nothing burger tour.


as pepe escobar has said, russia is still trying to figure out how to weaponize its soft power. it should be easy considering how cartoonishly evil the west has become …
but for some reason russia is not as assertive as it needs to be in numerating the many evil deeds …


for one, the ftx friedman crypto scam was one of the biggest scams in history which included massive taxpayer grift and money laundering by kiev junta, which also involved election meddling in the form of us taxpayer ukraine-aide (grift) funds being laundered through ftx and kicked-back to politicians. this is the us domestic scandal of the century … and nobody is talking about it anymore?


what about the biowarfare labs in ukraine? with bioweapons being developed against russian genome pool? is that not worth talking about? seems very wicked to me and to anyone with half a brain …


… you can talk about all of this while simultaneously warning against long-range attacks into russian territory … the russians already said what would happen if such an escalation transpires … apparently the americans got the message … but not the british whose elite are 100% delusional


… also, russia should continue to discuss how ukraine and israel have geneva convention and international law. both israel and ukraine are conducting state sponsored terrorism openly — and overtly — and as official policy.


all of these developments point to: rogue states. rogue from both their citizens and the international community as a whole.
why isn’t russia calling the us, uk and their vassals: ukraine and israel as an out of control rogue state (s) being controlled by a criminal syndicate with zero regard human rights and international law? russia: two words: “rogue state” and then these three words: “state sponsored terrorism” why is this so hard?


sounds just like planned parenthood. they receive 550 million per year, thanks to the dems. taxpayer money. then donate only to dems. the same happens with every powerful lobby: big oil, military industrial complex, israel, etc etc that is how america works. there is no honesty, integrity, nor justice in america. all parties will get a pass. that is how america works.

K. Lewis

while war profits soar for the mic to the banks, ukraine aide particularly has been a dnc slush fund. it is why there was no ukraine war when trump was in office. it is an establishment neocon affair. think what you will of the man, but trump knew it would be a fiasco and another quagmire in the long list of neocon quagmires. that being said, certainly this doj and fbi won’t investigate any of it. in fact, i am surprised friedman didnt get epstein’d

Justice is Served

the brits’ time for being flushed down the loo is long past due.


multiple occurrences of war crimes have been attributed to far-right regiments in ukraine, including the use of cluster munitions and documented instances of the torture.

Justice is Served

including? those are hardly the worst of their crimes. the book on them is a meter thick.

Justice is Served

there is no ‘uniquely russian’ genome pool that doesn’t reach out to millions of others too, including ukrainians.

Justice is Served

ukraine’s involved. needs to be hushed up, for now anyway.

Justice is Served

meanwhile, zelensky’s in town trying to figure out more of how to weaponize joe biden’s soft head.


the idea the united states is allowing this person from ukraine parade around its country in this manner tells you a lot. the us is finished and have lost a war.


it’s a real shame that greasy jew shapiro’s oven-dodging grandparents didn’t get made into a bar of soap during the holoco$t instead of sliming up on america’s shores.

Crocus Shooting Gallery

zelenski can interfere with my pooper, his dick skills are music to my ears!


you so gay sweety! wanna hang out again and lick each others manure-holes?

K. Lewis

you really have to be a degenerate fagg for posting this every single day. i hope you catch aids and die painfully

Conan M

and all the while russia remains in the un/unsc den of inequity jeopardizing it’s foreign service in the west as hostages and refusing to expel the western foreign “diplomatic community terrori$ts” from within its territories that will give birth to more crocus hall(s) and beslan(s), with nothing to show for it’s passivity!… why???…

Last edited 22 days ago by Conan M
Conan M

…”putin lowers threshold of nuclear weapons use in dramatic warning aimed at nato”.
and how many loyal russian patriots had to die the last 14 years both at home and abroad because this po$ serves “two” masters” that keeps him a $billionaire with the likes of “brother karamazov” mr. abramovitch in london refusing to take a stand for the homeland he no longer associate with?!!!

Last edited 22 days ago by Conan M
V for Victory

and of course, j. shapiro is a jew as well. coincidence?


that’s a jewincidence.


kikelensky, the mastermind behind the election rigging. r.o.f.l.

Justice is Served

zelensky’s such a retard. right in the running with melnik and kuleba, insulting anyone that won’t share his fantasies.

that alone tells me the man is destined for the trap door to the sewer works. never mind military defeats.


i wonder if the us media are covering this statement?
