Illustrative image
On January 24, an unnamed Kurdish official from Afrin area told the Lebanese al-Mayadeen TV that Kurdish forces will welcome the entry of the Syrian Arab Army to Afrin and said that the Syrian Kurds took up arms “to defend themselves and not to fight the Syrian regime”.
The source allegedly denied that Syrian Kurds are planning to build their own state within Syria and stressed that they are part of the Syrian community, according to al-Mayadeen.
“The Kurds [in Afrin] have never been part of the American coalition and have not received any kind of support from it … we do not have a separatist agenda, but most of what we aspire is some of our rights at home,” the unnamed Kurdish official told al-Mayadeen.
Only few hours later, Bahjat Abdo, head of the Defense Committee in the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) in Afrin area denied that the YPG agreed to allow the SAA to enter Afrin and stressed that Kurdish forces there are the one that will stop the Turkish Army attack on the area, according to the Iranian al-Alam TV.
The YPG commander also said that any agreement with the Damascus government will be announced through the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). This confirms that the YPG in Afrin area is indeed backed and commanded by the US-led coalition, as many Turkish and Syrian activists claimed previously.
Abdo’s statement confirms that Kurdish forces in Syria are still not ready to reach any agreement with the Damascus government, although that they are currently facing a major threat from Turkey.
this satanic arrogance is a trademark of all zio terrorists/kurds/sdf/ameitards- only salvaged by hell fire – losers
going through SDF channels…. think it kinda shows kurds are no longer kurds, but US backed terrorists now
terrorists? Why? because they want to be free? Kurds have lived in the region for thousands of years. The only faction even mildly supporting a free kurdistan is USA. I can’t blame them. But surely they are not terrorists.
They are thieves with the help of USA. Is only one minority in the area when lives also many arabs and other minorities.
You seem to have a horrible view of human life, declaring that an entire ethnical group is nothing but thieves. Better exterminate all kurds then, huh?
I dont say that all the kurds are thieves. Just those ones that are ally with USA and want to made a Kurdish state that not has sense because there are other people in same area that are not kurds and dont want to be ruled by kurds.
Ok, fair enough
they are thieving little bastards who tried annexing land as Syrian was dying
kurds are gonna die.. pink mist everywhere… they should have accepted syrian and russian protection against turkey
Everybody dies eventually. But in 35 years, the mayority in turkey will be kurdish, so Erdogan is fighting and might win this battle, but they allready lost the war ;)))
They invited foreign invaders (US) in their home state Syria and started land grabbing in order to be “free” at the expense of other Syrians. This is actually worse that “usual” terrorists.
then why wont they allow syrian government back into the area and why do they want a 30k strong army inside syrian territory? backed with US military/training/funding (where have we seen that before? oh yeah.. same place). With the US screaming regime change and 30k strong army already positioned alongside turkeys border? thats an ISIS revival across borders kinda american BS. i think the original kurds have been slaughtered. their women taken, their men killed, and ISIS fighters and mercernaries are now ‘kurds’
Many are Turkish and Daeshmerga, Iranian Kurds , many Syrian Kurds fled when these terrorists started showing up as the US asked them there. Many SDF kurds are ISIS members no surprise there.
emm.. no wonder Erdogan (reported) says they killed isis (in SDF image) too in olive branch operation reported earlier..! I don’t doubt it either..!
Well the Germans made that mistake, now look at Israel and there violations.
Kurds in Syria proved to be traitors and allowed themselves to be used by the US against Syria. The US is the enemy of Arabs, Muslims, Democracy and Freedom. If the Kurds want the freedom they should struggle to go back to their territory in Turkey and not carve a part of Syria where they are not even a majority. Those who ally themselves with the US Satan Imperialists should understand that their fate is hell.
No, not because they want to be free, but because they became the tools for powerful outside players to hurt the country they took shelter in and the region.
Nobody is or was taking their freedom in Syria. Even Syrian government offered them autonomy but they refused and wanted more and considering most of the Kurds in Syria aren’t even Syrian but the ones who fled Turkey and Syrians accepted them, gave them shelter and Syrian IDs, one would think they became greedy. Apparently they want to be treated as special and not like everybody else in the country.
Why should anybody support a “free” Kurdistan which will be formed by carving other countries and stealing their lands? Thank you very much, the Middle East has such experience from 70 years ago and it’s not a pleasant one.
Kurds faced very harsh conditions in Turkey and Iraq in the past but here we talk about Syria, don’t we?
”Even Syrian government offered them autonomy but they refused”. Stop lying.
Can not give autonomy to an area that is not Kudish. Is a minority of Kurdish in an area with arab mayority. There is not doubt that some Kurds want to steal with help of USA and ex ISIS this Syrian territory.
Tell that to the poster above me. He is making false statements that the Syrian government never have made.
Authonomy is a relative term.
Stop lieing, it is not tolerated here very well. He gave you direct links.
If you’re able to see and read, some sources may help:
From Reuters:
From Kurdish sources:
Jew troll are hard at work again :) Now you show you true face: “GET RID OF THE TURKS, THE PERSIANS AND THE ARABS!!!” Don’t have to scream so loud, we already know about your latest goyim vs goyim agenda.
You are sooooo stupid ruski. I ment only out of kurdistan, not from this planet
Do you mean that Kurds to genocide other nationalities only in ME?
NO! I mean every big enough culture deserve to rule themselve, and the kurds are 25 milion people!
If you want to call me a troll, go ahead. But at least understand on what side of the political spectrum i stand. It has NOTHING to do with Zionism!
Read this article, so you get a better idea what is really going on in rojava and what they are trying to build. Stop believing in this childish simplifications about kurds being directly controlled from israel or the usa. This is ridiculous. Israel and the US wished they could control the kurds, but they don’t…
but how on earth a marxist-leninist party can allay with world’s imperialist hegemon USA which fought against any socialist oriented movements for decades and killed millions of marxist fighters around the world?
When your ideology or belief system is not based on or ruled by facts anything is possible. You’re dealing with people who are both anti-“fascist” and hardcore “nationalist” at the same time. People who claim to want “Democracy” and “Freedom” for everyone while attempting to establish an ethnic state ruled by them over a majority non-Kurdish population. People who claim to be “Socialist” or even “Communist” while aligning themselves with the biggest historical enemy of Socialism and Communism. People who reject thousands of years of real Kurdish history and instead believe in completely made up nonsense that has no historical validity or basis.
The US is not helping them. The US is using them to destabilize Syria and possibly if it succeeds to divide Syria. The Kurds in Syria are minority who came from Turkey and they control land that never blonged tto them or to the so-called Kurdistan. Even the Kurds do not call it Kurdistan.
Kurds have been in what is called syria today for hundreds of years!
As gypsies or nomad..! Nomads just roamed around.. Sometimes I really think they’re (kike) Jooz.. which God had prohibited to have land of their own..! Anyway they’ll do anything for money (gypsies)..! I just pity those grateful kurds who apposed to all these nonsense of having a land of their own..! Guess they are forced to agree with all the messes brought by the ungrateful (terrorist) kurds..
Not true. Kurds came to Syria to escape the Turks after WWI and France which was in control of Syria allowed them in and they settled among Arab Syrians in the regions they controlled today by the help of the US and western governments. The is no such thing called Kurdistan in Syria like in Iraq, Turkey or Iran. So, Kurds are refugees in Syria and became citizens aand they should stay that way. Now in Afrin they are calling the Syrian government to help them because they are Syrians. We did not hear that from them few weeks ago. They are fucking idiots because they allow themselves to be used against the country that hosted them.
Krak des Chevaliers for example was originaly built by kurds.
The regiment of Salah ad Din settled in Damascus
The Osmans allready deported kurds from anatolia into Syria
The Kurdish dynasty of Janbulads ruled Alleppo for the Osmans
But even if they were the first kurds, it is long enough!
Assad is a dictator, just like his father, so they don’t want to be ruled by his regime
US politicians and officials are rather keen to keep the Marxist-Leninist origins of PKK and YPG under the radar with the US public. The US suggested the YPG change their name (to SDF) to get around Turkish objections to US allying and arming the YPG – but the name change also helps blur the links with Marxist-Leninist ideological origins of Ocaalan and YPG from the domestic US audience.
It is exactly like when the US wants to conceal the true face of ISIS, AlQaeda, AL Nusra, AHrar AlSham, etc terrorists who are created, financed, armed and supported by the US and its allies change their names so that they can be called “Moderate Syrian Opposition” What a Joke
then living in that region under Syrian rule peacefully… why dont they allow Syrian government forces in and Russian forces in to protect them? they have said they will not relinquish any territory they have gained. They also disarmed loads of villages saying the pashmerga would protect syrians and within a week ISIS rolled in. This was at the start of the war. Kurds have also said if there is any co operation between themselves and syria, it will be through SDF channels.. Syria would have given them some sort of semi autonomous rule if they were genuine syrian allies. Not allowing syria back on to their own territory is not the actions of a friend. The operation is called olive branch because this is Turkey reaching out to syria with friendly intentions. US want to put a 30k strong army on Turkish border? inside Syrian territory? while still promoting regime change? even after the failed CIA coup against erdogan.. It is not in Turkey or Syrian interest to allow another US terrorist army to be created right next door and at home. Kurds in this area have been given every opportunity they choose to fight. they will lose. Bigger picture. Turkey have np with fighting and killing SDF either
Because the Kurds proved to be stupid. Look what happened in Iraq with the idiot Barazani who refused any dialogue with the Iraqi government until the Iraqi army smashed their heads. Now they are begging for dialogue. They refused the dialogue when they were controlling large piece of land that never belonged to them like what the idiot Kurds in Syria are doing.
syrian and russian forces have both said allow us back into Syrian territory and we will protect you from Turkey. kurds refused. (did reply earlier with a longer post but not sure if it went through)
They certainly have not been living on Syrian lands for “thousands of years”, they are relatively recent immigrants from Turkey escaping earlier Turk/Kurd wars. Not only are they not grateful to their hosts for providing them a safe escape from danger but they turn around and betray the same hospitable host. Besides even if they had lived there for “thousands of years” what gives them the right to attempt to carve out a part of the state for themselves?
There has never been an independent Kurdish entity in history, all this push for Kurdish separatism and radicalism is a very recent phenomenon started by the British Empire as part of their divide and conquer strategy for the region. Kurds aren’t the only ethnic minority in the region, there are many more living in the region who don’t have their own separate state or autonomous regions.
Better a kike then a liar
Nothing is worse than being a kike, it’s the lowest life form among all living creatures.
silly boy
Leave? hahaha!!!
emm.. I don’t dare to bet on that.. SF itself had been infected by kikes too.. lol..!
Why US and UK are not multi ethnic countries and even they occupy specific regions in these countries but they living together united because unity is strength.
There are Kurds in Lebanon too like in Syria. They all came from Turkey. Imagine that the Kurds in Lebanon want to have their own autonomy.???
In another 100 years all the Kurds in Europe will claim they have been living in Europe “for thousands of years” and will claim European territory as part of “Historical Kurdsitan”. They will then claim the Holy Roman Empire and the Byzantine Empires were actually “Kurdish” empires.
What would your government say if a country thousands of miles away illegally placed its troops in your country and armed and trained an ethnic group in your country who wish to annex the land that they occupy and take it for themselves as a new nation state Dimitrios?
They’re big trouble makers, many are in Syria illegally, and they’re a minority in 90% of the area that they’re trying to succeed with to set up Israelistan.
Kurdish majority areas:
Sorry, traitors don’t deserve to be free, a bullet is what they deserve.
The Kurds in Syria are real traitors because they allowed themselves to be used by the US to divide Syria. All the Kurds in Syria are Turkish citizens who fled Turkey and took refuge in Syria. The Syrians should have kicked them out long time ago rather than treat them like citizens. Ask the Kurds in Syria where they came from and you will know that they are all not Syrians but they are Turks and their families are still in Turkey. The US never been supporting any freedom in the whole world. The US is an imperialist power who uses whatsoever are willing to allow themselves to be used in the interests of the US-Israeli imperialist agenda. The US in Syria is an occupation army that was not invited or permitted either by the Syrian government or United Nations. The US is a criminal state that violate international law because it is a superpower that can attack any country without impunity.
You are wrong about the support for Kurdish autonomy.
you’re such a cute little dimwitted troll. you make me laugh. gonna keep you as a pet and not block ya
Calling everyone a troll that does not agree with these stupid fascist nationlist ideas, is cute :))))
pointing the finger and shouting racist isnt an argument fuktard
vai cagar retardado
I solute your patience & tolerance towards retarded and no brainer..!
Turkey uses these Kurds to take land from Syria and Iraq. I have seen many times these dramas.
no you havent
Definitely Turkey will expend in Syria. Already Turkey have reserved Idlib for himself by observation towers. Wakeup Syria.
Turkey and Zionists of US have brutally persecute hunderds of thousands of Muslims in Middle East by Zionist Jehadist terrorists.
The main issue in the Middle East is the Zionist state of America. I don’t know when these Zionists will leave Middle East.
i think Russia and syria and iran will be the crux of a new era. Turkey will , as always, stand as independently as it can, while taking advantage of everything. Turkey has no honor. we saw that with the downing of their russian allies plane at the behest of their US masters
Turkey is a part of all problems like Kurds and ISIS.
they definitely have their fingers in a lot of dirty pies
The Kurds cannot trust the USA against Turkey. The only goal the US has on Syria is to Balkanise it for the purpose of control of pipeline routes. If Assad falls the easier it is achieved.
Pipeline are secondary and sorts of bonuses for lap dogs as Jooz are filthy rich who owns 90% of the world’s wealth..! Primary reasons are for the Greater Israhell..!
People who say “Syrian regime” do not have the best interst of Syria and Bashir Assad
I agreed..! And SF plus most of the alternative news site always use the same terms and also “Syrian Civil War” at all times..!
Lots of anti kurd racists here. Guess thats why its the syrian ARAB republic huh?
Hostility to kurdish nationalism isn’t racist.
Sounds like a lot of wolves baying “kill the turds” to me. Ill remain dubious about that statement.
I have met the Kurds and like them , their gypsy clothing and style is so refreshing compared to the Islamic “purity” of their neighbors , but being gullible they are being used by the big players . Unfortunately this might cost them most of their peoples lives , if they survive at all . At this point in time , trying to become a “nation” , is suicide . If America was not involved in their “interests” , a slow development could become possible , but by the force of arms they become traitors and terrorists . Placing their dream ahead of the peace that all Syrians so richly deserve after 7 years of fighting off Saudi Wahhabi mercenaries is thoughtless and extremely short sighted . Sadly it will not only cost them many lives , but by keeping the war going , cost all of us .
Be that as it may if I was the Kurds I might think big gains need big gambles. Its not for me to say if they should or not but objectively from a military strategic viewpoint the time to strike is now if independence is what their after. I doubt theyre fooled by american lies but have no other partner who can and might help.
They don’t learned their lessons & ignored all the states around them when Yankees set their foot on other peoples’ lands.. and i don’t blame them either.. as they proof themselves gypsies.. money come first, unloyal, traitors and forever are pleased to be slaves even they knew that they’ll be thrown under the bus with those bastards Yankees in future..!
“Lots of anti kurd racists here.” I guess many in the forum are sceptical against the kurds since they are supported bgoth by the US and Israel. Thats the main reasons they are suspicious and with right I think.
Yea well given the sometimes genocidal hostility of the turks and arabs around them Id say their justified in seeking the enemy of their enemies as allies.
I guess most of us here supported and appreciated the loyalty of the kurds previously when they were on course with the government of Syria as the proxies war started by the westerns.. until these gypsies changed course of grabbing Syrians of Syria.!
The Kurdish secession threat is only a minor part of the Syrian problem, disunity among Sunnies,- excluding Sunnie Kurds who identity with their ethnicity primarily, – is the major cause of the fighting.
Syria needs Turkey to play a mediating role in this internal disagreement between Coreligionists.
No-one is asserting that there should be a single Islamic Caliphate, some idiots plead their absurdity in public, that being, Harken ,!! prejudice can make this happen.
However, the Muslim Brotherhood are no longer in that position, and the reason being is that they lost when the dropkick Morsi was ousted on the 3 rd. July 2013, he wanted Assad dead now Morsi will probably never see the outside again, good job too, he was responsible for squandering a wonderful opportunity for Islamic unity.
The New Brotherhood recognised this fact because as it turns out, Morsi teamed up with a covert action drafted by israel, Netanyahu’s idea was to give Egypt to Morsi because he was a prize idiot and would justify israel retaking the Sinai and even grabbing the Suez canal.
Brother Erdogan is intellectually much above Netanyahu and Trump combined, that doesn’t say much I know, but the shameful King Salman’s kick backs are the real threat to Sunni unity and Brother Erdogan is on to that as well.
You wouldn’t say that if you realised Mohammad Ali suffered brain damage from all them blows he took in the head, the though of it obviously hasn’t put you off but you might care to start thinking about it right away.
Thanks for making me smile Rodney .
I just found no capacity to challenge such a pervated arrogance stemming from a mistaken view of the ME regional international relevance.
Long live Erdogan..!
Agreed, !! It’s hard to imagine who would be able to stand up against MbS now if it weren’t for Brother Erdogan, he dabbled with alternatives but they all tried to destroy the resistance, now we’re in a position to kick the West out of the ME altogether, if we all support Turkey and Qatar against the secessionist Kurds.
Sounds like Europe in the latter part of the 19th century. Which soon gave way to World War I. The world is at the brink, is it not? In the nuclear holocaust sense of the word…
Gotta watch those neo-cons, and the “vile entanglement of Leftists and Global Deep State. Some one of them might “set the spark off”…
Hope the Kurds don’t fight with the Syrian army.
There is a brave army of SOF commandos from Russia, Palestine, Syria, Iran, Hezbollah etc. They will get ride of all global Jehadists, Zionists, terrorists just take a little breath.
There is a brave army of SOF commandos from Russia, Palestine, Syria, Iran, Hezbollah etc. They will get ride of all global Jehadists, Zionists, terrorists just take a little breath.
Kurds in Afrin were POLITELY asked by Russian military to hand over the territory to the Syrian government forces and the Russian Military Police for demining/securing the area from possible attacks from Turkey and their moderate opposition-sunni-wahabi-jihadi-headchoppers.
They refused.
Now face the consequences.
Crying like a bitch.
The wildcard here is Erdogan. He could mount small attacks which would make YPG/SDF move to afrin and consolidate their positions. He could overrun the whole area and stay there or with proxies for a landgrab. He could cut losses and deal with Assad in securing the border. Of course the other parties will try to move Erdogan to the choice that benefits them. But it is clear here that the YPG has openly refused the SAA.
Folks read this from http://www.zerohedge.com
Syria Back On The Table
So, if you thought the Syrian situation could not get any weirder, the past week might have been a surprise.
The last major development was Vladimir Putin’s orders to pull a large percentage of standing Russian troops from the region, leaving the Assad government particularly vulnerable. This move did not surprise me in the least. In fact, I predicted that Russia would step aside in Syria in interviews last year. I also wrote about the possible problems this would cause in my article ‘A Review Of The Most Disturbing Events Of 2017’. One of these problems would be Putin leaving the door wide open for a foreign force to invade Syria, drawing in other nations like Iran or Lebanon into the fight and expanding the war tenfold.
What did surprise me, though, was the brazen launch of forces into the region by Turkey in particular. Erdogen has been pecking away at Kurdish tribes in Syria for quite some time, but his latest measures are something entirely new. Keep in mind that Turkey is still technically a NATO member and an ally of the U.S., despite Erdogen’s anti-NATO rhetoric and threats to leave the multi-nation defense pact. Also keep in mind that the U.S. government is giving monetary and weapons support to the Kurds. So, to clarify, a U.S. ally is ignoring the tense situation in Syria and the possibility of triggering a wider regional war to hunt and destroy another U.S. ally, all while Saudi Arabia, Iran, Israel, Lebanon, Russia, etc., hover on the periphery waiting to jump into the fray.
This is not a recipe for diplomatic discourse. This is a recipe for disaster. Will Syria lead to WWIII as some people suggest? Probably not in the way most of them imagine. War takes many forms, including sporadic region by region conflicts, as well as economic conflicts. Global nuclear war is unlikely considering such an event would virtually vaporize decades of investment by the elitist establishment in control grids around the world. But, constant regional combat and financial disasters? THAT is a strategy that benefits them greatly.
“said that the Syrian Kurds took up arms “to defend themselves and not to fight the Syrian regime”.
Defend against whom?
Wonder why it is always Erdogan and Turkey that seem to get the razzes on Southfront?