YPG Cells Assasinate Two Members Of Turkish-backed Militant Groups In Afrin (Video 18+)

On August 26, the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) released a statement saying that its cells had carried out two separate attacks on Turkish-backed militant groups in the Syrian region of Afrin.

According to the statement, on August 19 the YPG assasinated a member of Jabhat al-Shamiya, Muhammad Arduan, on the road leading to the Mabata district. Then, on August 24, a YPG unit assasinated Abu Muhammad al-Shamali, a member of Khalid al-Taher of the al-Sham Division on the road leading to the district of Bilbile. Al-Shamali was allegedly responsible for checkpoints set up by Turkey-led forces in the district.

It’s interesting to point out rhetorical tricks used by both the YPG and Turkey-led forces in their ongoing propaganda standoff for Afrin. The YPG claims that all members of Turkish-backed militant groups are “terrorists”. At the same time, Ankara also claims that the YPG is a terrorist group, which is linked to the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), another “terrorist group”.

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>>It’s interesting to point out rhetorical tricks used by both the YPG and
Turkey-led forces in their ongoing propaganda standoff for Afrin. The
YPG claims that all members of Turkish-backed militant groups are
“terrorists”. At the same time, Ankara also claims that the YPG is a
terrorist group, which is linked to the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK),
another “terrorist group”.<<

Well….., don't we do the same by calling anyone who resists Assad as terrorists too? And the vast majority of them are of course, but still…..

Promitheas Apollonious

Your point?


An observation maybe that its not fair to blame others for what you (and we) do ourselves? And there’s plenty of stuff to blame the Turks and Kurds for, but SF chose this?

Promitheas Apollonious

you right.

al quaida

SF chose what?


turkish backed rebels are terrorists. they are not turkish army.. they don’t answer to international conventions, they can kill rape and steal..basically terrorists.


Great. Two trash less on this planet.

Mustafa Mehmet

So always happen nighttime and (silly man)travel alone . typical terrorist propaganda

al quaida

Yes, the two videos (I’ve seen) are similar, with the victim already “deceased” at the start of the video. Could be faked.


yes Turk puppets are silly men. Turks just dumb

Peter Jennings

Terrorist killings terrorists? it can only end well.
The YPG wants to steal what Syrian land they can, whilst they can, yet purport to be fighting terrorists and liberating areas. These areas will no doubt get YPG governance once they are taken and never returned to Syrian sovereignty.

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