World Reacts To ‘Terrible Massacre’ In Gaza Where Israel kills 59, injures 2,771 Palestinian Protesters

World Reacts To ‘Terrible Massacre’ In Gaza Where Israel kills 59, injures 2,771 Palestinian Protesters

REUTERS / Amir Cohen

UPDATE: 59 Palestinians were killed, 2,771 were injured on May 14.

On May 14, at least 52 Palestinian protesters were killed and over 2,410 were injured by Israeli forces during the protests around the so-called security fence in the Gaza Strip. The demonstrations took place amid the US embassy inauguration in Jerusalem, which took place on the same day. The Palestinian government described the violence as a “terrible massacre” perpetrated “by the forces of the Israeli occupation”.

Washington’s decision to move its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem triggered a series of massive protests, most recent of which started ahead of the ceremony. US President Donald Trump officially recongized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel on December 6, 2017.

During the embassy inauguration ceremony, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu thanked Trump for “having the courage to keep your promises”.

Jared Kushner, son-in-law and adviser to Trump, represented the US administration at the ceremony and stressed the importance of this move:

“The United States stands with Israel because we believe, we know, that it is the right thing to do.”

Later, Netanyahu explained the Israeli actions against protesters as self-defense against the Hamas movement.

“Every country has an obligation to defend its borders,” Netanyahu stated on Twitter. “The Hamas terrorist organization declares it intends to destroy Israel and sends thousands to breach the border fence in order to achieve this goal. We will continue to act with determination to protect our sovereignty and citizens.”

President Trump also praised the decision in a statement:

However, US President did not comment on a new round of Palestinian-Israeli tensions caused by his decision.

At the same time, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan once again slammed Israeli leadership for its actinos describing Israel as a “terrorist state”.

According to Hurriyet newspaper, Erdogan adressed to Benjamin Netanyahu speaking to supporters in the province of Adana:

“We [Turkey] are dealing with terrorists. But you are not concerned about terrorists because you are a terror state.”

Stressing the terrorist measures of Israel, Erdogan said that it must be reacted:

“The international community must act fast to end Israel’s rising aggression by fulfilling its responsibilities”.

Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that it is “negatively for it is a revision of international agreements”

“As for the establishment of the US embassy in Jerusalem, we have many times expressed our negative view of this decision,” Lavrov said. “We are confident that agreements enshrined in the global community’s decisions should be unilaterally revised in such a way.”

The German government expressed sharp concern over the situation in Gaza.

“The right to peaceful protest must also apply in Gaza,” the country’s foreign ministry spokeswoman said. “Israel has the right to defend itself and secure its (border) fence against violent intrusions, but the principle of proportionality applies.”

France has called for “restraint in the use of force” in the area.

“After several weeks of violence and with a growing number of Palestinian victims on the Gaza Strip again today, France again calls on the Israeli authorities to show discernment and restraint in the use of force which should be strictly proportional,” the French Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif slammed the Israeli governemnt for pursuing a repressive approach to peaceful protests by Palestinians demanding their right to return to their motherland.

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Michał Hunicz

Title should be “World eventually reacts”…

jerry hamilton

Probably not. The BBC et al. will be saying thousands of Palestinian terrorists attacked the fence and Israel had to fend them off.

You can call me Al
jerry hamilton

Does the television echo the internet? It never used to.

You can call me Al

From what I can see in the NL – YES. Maybe the TV version of BBC World maybe a little more sharp !, but same message.

jerry hamilton

Did you watch the BBC’s two part documentary Syria: The World’s War?
My sister told me it was start to finish lies.
I don’t have a television so it’s a little difficult to assess.

You can call me Al

You are wise not having a TV, but over here in The Netherlands, we have a few decent channels – forgetting the news.

Even a channel for men !! – war, sci-fi, thriller, comedies etc.

PS I didn’t see it, I don need to as I can imagine.

jerry hamilton

I usually imagine too.
I downloaded the documentary and was shocked. I couldn’t watch much.
The BBC reporter on the ground told lie after lie after lie.
It’s no wonder the sheeple are falling for it.

You can call me Al

Did you hear my UK criticise the hooked nosed bastards ?.


Killing with machine gun and assault riffles the rioters because throw stones never been a standard protocol in Europe or anywhere else in the world.


Kent State 72′ ? Only 4 killed, pales in comparison. Meanwhile Libtards riot
over trans bathrooms these days. Instead of a Neil Young we get booty shakers.

Disturbing article about Julian Assange, he’s toast. They always sneak through truly immense stuff while the world watches their fireworks shows.


Kent State came to mind for me today as well, it helped wake America up.
We hope today will help awaken the world. Godspeed.
“A day of great shame”, indeed.
Thanks for the Julian Assange update.

You can call me Al

Sorry but has that anything to do with my question ?.


Well Israel claim that they met ‘violent’ protestors with appropriate response simply indefensible even to those ardent Israel fanaticism in the west because even them do not do that.

jerry hamilton

“Every country has an obligation to defend its borders,” Netanyahu stated on Twitter.
Except Palestine and one or two others.


What is the fucking matter with these zionists low life brains, so eager to kill muslim, nowhere in the world this kind of things are not happening just only in this so called state of Israhell. It is a protest, if you don’t know how to handle protests, don’t even call yourself a soldier or cops. And what your excuse let me guess, WE ARE DEFENDING right, defending from what you morons, I wish all those protest to have Ak;s in their hands then you can step up and shoot, instead you shoot unarmed civilians. FUckheads.I strongly condemn this slaughtering of innocent protesters, this is the the most heinous act that can be.

jerry hamilton

They are not actually bothered who they kill.
Now it is Muslims. A hundred years ago it was Christian Russians.


When these Zionist morons were in Germany and in Russia so there they have killed many civilians but when they moved to the Middle East so there they have started butchering civilians. These fake Israel just change their labels in fact they are evils with all respects. They are continuously a severe security threat to the whole world.


My heart goes the same.. but not only on those Muslims.. These low life creatures does not care who they kills..! It’s a disaster & disgraceful to let these low life parasite creatures lives to kill..!


The whole world communities want peace but there are some evils that use influence to control the leaderships of Asian and African countries to bring disaster to the nations of these poor countries.


The Muslims are more than 1.6 billions. Five times prayer each day is liability when these Muslim countries are fully developed and protected but if these Muslim countries are not fully developed and not fully protected then five times prayers is a sin because this is a matter of common sense that first of all protect yourself from rabid dogs then you are free to relax and pray. All Muslims are now in the condition of war and it is very obvious that God will help those who help themselves.

jerry hamilton

GOD… Helps people?
He has allowed an awful lot of people to die in his name?
How many? Hundreds of millions?


Many billions if ‘God’ is as old as they say :)


Hi Stupid!

5th Commandment: Thou shalt not kill.

So are those “Killing in God’s name” actually following God?

jerry hamilton

I doubt that your brain can be repaired.
Soldiers will often pray to god before a battle thinking god is with them.
You can shove your 5th where the sun don’t shine.


Nope… Only Killing in Self-Defense is Allowed in TRUE Faiths…the Ones that Are starting all the Wars Are Possesed by the DEVIL… so that is why I’m just waiting for others to start a War….I must say me Hands are Itching…

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The saying goes “first you are given the test and next the lesson.” If one can’t learn from that then there is no next test given as it would be pointless ,only one chance to pass it. This is the only way to get the best in people to rise to their potential of enlightenment of wisdom and knowledge and that is knowing and understanding humanity.

jerry hamilton

A truely good person is not very difficult to understand.
To understand humanity completely, you would need to understand the extent of deprivation or evil one would resort to.
I don’t think we personally, are capable of assessing that.
There are people who have understanding of that ability.
Saying that, I’m not convinced that should be called humanity.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Zionist Jews led communism back then shows who are the enemies of this world when even they will kill their own brothers just as Cain slew Abel.Cain’s goats grew fat off of Abel’s grains so his labor more important and why Jews have been cast out in times past.

jerry hamilton

Ahhh… These were actually Bolsheviks who made zionists look like pussy cats.
Judaism tend to be proud communists.
You are right though as some zionists created kibbutz (collective farms) run on communist principles.
It is easy to be unsure when delving into this as many sites deliberately try to confuse.
That appears to be something jews get intense enjoyment from.
Avoid wiki, they have a strong jewish bias.
They will even tell you that Bolsheviks were not jews but Russians.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Problem is really with the Kabbalists of Christian and Judaism they are the extremists of both sides. Yet all the names of the leaders were known even their Jewish bandit name 17 of 19 at the beginning were Jewish , as the soviet group added on more in the 30’s there was about 33 members still most were Jews.


“Muh hundred millions SHOAD by commueshsts!”
“It’s communesh, fellow goy!”

Nope, the hollowdontmore is a hoax.

jerry hamilton

I don’t have a clue what you just tried to say but I don’t want to see any more of your incredibly stupid drivel. You are blocked.

jerry hamilton

You must remember that altering your post after I have replied to it, makes my reply look WTF?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Haven’t changed it seems like it when I correct typo errors which happens as I am not on a 4G network and have 25ft. gaps in tower communications.

Zionism = EVIL

Muslims are ruled in corrupt puppet regimes in general who sold out their people hundreds of years ago. The Palestinians have suffered most due to the Egyptian total blockade. Even wounded can not get care in Sinai hospitals. Egypt is killing more Palestinians than Zionists.


this is funny , so classic hasbara trolling 101.. Disqus ID name = Zionism is evil , but post blames on everyone else expect israel..

classic israel disinfo , pretend to be anti zionist and then proceed to spread lies and deceit./


good catch!

Sebastian Nilsson

Anti zionist =modern Nazi = foil hat conspiracy lover.

Stephan Williams

zionist = bolshevik = psychotic serial liar and racist murderer.

There…I fixed it for you.


Many Muslim Leaders Are Ruled By Western Satanic Elitists…

Casual Observer

What is happening in Gaza is ethnic cleansing surgically applied. They push an imprisoned population to the limit and when they react as any defenseless human would they kill them with smiles on their faces. What was God thinking?

neil barron

What imprisoned population ? the scum have run amok for thousands of years until some dumb pagan came along declared himself a god for the barbarians at the gates. Nothing has change their still scum if they weren’t very arab would be welcoming them with open arms and don’t mean rifles.

Casual Observer

That is the same mentality that drove the holocaust.


There was no Holocaust as is portrayed now. That is why Zionists protect the fable with force.

Truth does not need an enforcer.


So, what really happened back there Florian? No gaschambers, no einsatzgruppen? No ghetto’s? No kristallnacht? No mein Kampf? All fake history?
All eye witnesses liars?

jerry hamilton

Exactly. I knew you would catch on one day.
Jewish media was just as fake back then.


You are fucking nuts, i live in what used to be the jewish part of town, they are all gone!! Media is one thing but personaly knowing people is no lie at all.

jerry hamilton

Unless it comes from you. You are one of the least credible people on this forum.


oh, you are part of the pathetic conspiracy bullshit club, i forgot

jerry hamilton

Just shut it. You have zero credibility. Zero common sense and bring nothing useful to the table. Ever. You are pointless. Your blocked.


come on, block me!!!!!


We are Living in the Fascist Pig ZioNazi Era these Days!!! The Shoa is a Fairy-Tale…everyone died in them same percentage in the German Labourcamps 1.5 Million Jews Died approximately… 2 Million at the Most, Gaschambers could very well be build after the War… Pure Propaganda… to Sell the Lie! WWII Was started to Create the European Union & the State of IsraHell…


schaam je!!! 2 milioen is nog steeds genocide, je moet naar een psychiater

Stephan Williams

“I know England wasn’t occupied by the Nazis, but i am from the continent and happen to know literately hundreds of people that lost family members and friends!!!”

Lost them to who? Because it wasn’t to the Germans unless those “family members” were pointing guns at the Germans.

The German military concentrated on the terrorists and their corrupted-by-jews-state militaries – not on the general population – that’s the way psychotic israel operates – that’s not how the honorable Germans military operated.

Oh! By the way…there were never any ‘gas chambers’ and yes, all the “I witnesses” to the holohoax were LIARS! That has been proven over and over again. The ghettos were the jews’ voluntary withdrawal from the peoples they lived among – they were NOT imposed on the jews. etc., etc., etc…

Read and learn some truths for a change:

…and its obvious you’ve never read “Mein Kampf”…although you should. The ramifications of you reading what Hitler actually had to say might shut you up for a while while you digested some truths for a change.

I recommend the Stalag translation. It was translated into English by an office of the National Socialist government and given to the English-speaking officers captured and imprisoned by the Germans during WW2.

Free PDF versions are available online.

I look forward to reading your take on what Hitler had to say.


You are an idiot, or a NEONAZI, ok, your’e both

Stephan Williams

matt, Do you know how to do anything other than insult those who challenge your bigotry and lies?

When is Southfront going to be assigned some of the big brain hasbarabots I keep hearing about? I’m getting awfully tired of you low IQ types polluting the comments with your stupids and discredited lies.


better ignore it then…..


An interesting issue with the current official Holocaust narrative is the ever expanding definition of ‘survivor’. Even the youngest of adults circa 1940, say aged twenty, would be in their very late nineties today, and few statistically reach that age. Yet there are clearly those aged in their seventies and younger, from the baby boomer generation, giving speeches in schools and institutions on being ‘survivors’. What this means is that the definition of Holocaust survivor has been expanded, from a direct to an indirect association, ie, to mean being related to those who were interned, and or perished, or simply having been born within continental Europe in the 1930-40’s. That expanding definition does not necessarily correlate with an actual direct experience of being persecuted and interned under the Nazi state, and it is now largely an indirect concept. This is however not a topic for open to discussion or review. It is however a powerful psychological means to unify a national Jewish identity, vis-a-vis the Israeli state, via a defining trauma-survivor narrative, and, incidentally, an effective means to further extend reparations from Germany, into the next generations, who equally claim the identity of ‘survivors’.


I never saw anybody calling themselves survivors lately, they are ALL dead.


The gas chamber fable is fake and the camps were labour camps .

That is not to say that dissidents of all kinds were not shot, including Jews, as is the custom in all wars.

Lok at the gassing claims Matt , then consider the sequence in the story. None of in makes any sense, as religions make no sense.


Bullshit Florian, you have been reading too many fables


Oh well Matt, I beg to differ :)


i wasn’t expecting for you to agree ;)


There is question about the gas chambers. The buildings that were supposed to be gas chambers were not designed for that purpose. Doors with handles on the INSIDE. No ventilation? The openings on top were added a few years after the War. This was verified by the museum curator. Also the ovens. There were no signs of the huge coke deposits needed t[o fire the ovens. The allies flew over these camps in ’43 and ’44. NO coke piles. Of course the Jews were rounded up. Hitler thought that it was the Jews that sold out Germany in WW1. If someone could explain how the number of 6 million was arrived at. After the War, there was a sign that 4 million people were put to death at Austwhich (sp). The last count was revised to just over a million but the 6 million remains constant. I must be missing something. I would welcome any insight on this. This is a very emotional subject but the ONLY way for verification is objectively. I’ve always been a numbers person. When they don’t add up or are called into question, this stirs my imagination. Since I didn’t lose family or friends (My Dad fought in WW 2 in Europe and made it home O.K) I can only look at this period in history objectively. So, did 6 million Jews die as a direct result of Hitler and his program to exterminate? I don’t know for certain. Perhaps a historian that has done exhaustive research on this subject could enlighten me.


it is very well possible that the numbers have been manipulated after the war, but that doesn’t change the fact that there was a huge genocide on jews! And a lot of other people off course!

jerry hamilton

I have studied this subject and any questions you have, I will be happy to help you with.
What you have already observed is a very good start.
No records of huge coke deposits needed which would incidentally be massive.
No signs of abnormal coal shipments at all and the shipments of coal would need to be far greater than train loads of people.
They would indeed need massive coal bunkers.

Consider… You have just gassed 2000 people.
The gas has just proved itself to be lethal.
You then go in the room to start dragging out the dead.
You would be right in assuming that they would have dropped dead.

German women did not work producing munitions like they did in America and Britain, that was all done by workers at concentration camps.
There was an IG Farben facory near many work camps.
There was one by Auschwitz, yet visiting Auschwitz, you will never hear it mentioned. It is a jewish secret.
IG Farben, the most unheard of and biggest corporation in the world at that time, made most of the German military’s war materials that were essential for keeping Germany in the war.
Were Germany really killing the very workforce that their lives depended on?

Moving on to the 6 million.
That I believe comes from one of the jewish bibles called the Leviticus.
The “chosen people” must loose by fire, 6 million before they can return to the “promissed land”.
It was decided in the late 1800’s by Theodor Herzl that holocaust was the way to go.
They tried to make it happen many times.
There are many youtube video’s of it’s instances.,000,000-Before-The-Nuremberg-Trials-Began.php

jerry hamilton

I tried to respond to you honestly having done the research you asked for and southfront deleted it.
It is looking like SF is a zionist entity.
Not to be trusted.

Do any of you know who can be trusted?

jerry hamilton

I will try again but I expect southfront to delete it again.
The 6 million.
That I believe comes from one of the jewish bibles called the Leviticus.
The “chosen people” must loose by fire, 6 million before they can return to the “promissed land”.
It was decided in the late 1800’s by Theodor Herzl that holocaust was the way to go.
They tried to make it happen many times.
There are many youtube video’s of it’s instances.


“Thousands of years”
When none can confirmed that thousands of years ago there’s something resembles jews in tel aviv nowadays you can actually finds Palestine relics and heritage in museum.


I condemn the US, UK, Israeli migrants brutality on unarmed Palestinian small kids. I am with Palestinians in solidarity against US and Israeli genocide of unarmed Palestinians small kids.

Britain, US and Israel have no reason to intrude into Palestine butcher hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians and then establish their own state within Palestine. This is completely unacceptable.

jerry hamilton

Most of us here agree with you.
It is done by our evil governments.
It is not what the people want.


These are all photos of US, UK, Israeli and ISIS gangsters.


They All look the Same to Me… and they All Kill Kids…. No Honour… No Nothing… Just Cockroaches….

Concrete Mike

Go home you uncultured swine, stupid comment like that have no place here. URkk nekulturny

Hisham Saber

Spoken like a true Zionist blowjob, in fact, if I had your address, I would send you pillows to kneel on while you serviced your diabolical Jewish Israeli cousins.


Still people will not believe me that Britain, America and Israeli migrants are butchers killing innocents since their evil bodies appear on this earth.


Well when these things happened in Europe we used to Call it Genocide, Holocaust, Gulags… it is just for the Satanic Pleasure of these AngloZioNazis and to make Matzas…and Shekels

George Evans

it is the same beast…Holocaust…perpetrated by the Ashkenazi…where is SALADIN ???…


I’m trying to keep it as short as possible.. 20th Century..Saladin is pretty long ago…

George Evans

yeah and so was the Jewish possession of Jerusalem…before the demise of the Roman Empire….I think the Zionists were afraid that Saddam would be such a man, with his million man army…but the US scuppered that for them…
now, the US are trying to scupper the Iranians,,,the only ME power capable of containing them….


Saddam wanted to Create a Gold Backed Currency for His Oil instead of Dollars….Just like Qaddafi….so the Died…and the Yinon-Plan with All the Black Gold in the World sounds like a plan too


That’s muammar ghaddafi trying to make gold backed dinar for uses of African country within the Africa and its vicinity. Saddam want to switch into Euro in a feeble attempt of retaliation against aggression waged against them by the USA which by the way keeping the Iraqi under blockade post the gulf war (even worse they keep sabotage the country efforts to built it’s industrial sector)

For their hegemony anything accepted as currency that do not answer to their system is a red line because if they can’t uses the currency as leverage against dissenting foreign government.

Money stop being money when the other parties do not want to sell.


Actually, Qaddafi was the one who wanted payment in the gold dinar. Saddam said he would only accept Euros. This is why both were given the ole regime change. Also, neither one had a Rothschild controlled Central Bank, the BIG no-no.

George Evans

the situation is more dire in Palestine now..and in the whole Middle East….the Arabs will not be even half secure until their economy is moved out of the US orbit….this can only happen when the major powers china and Russia create the NWO…this is already in gestation and will be here soon…probably they are only waiting for the US to renege on their $21 trillion debt…so, Yes, you are right..but the cancer is the Ashkenazi in Tel Aviv and their backers in the UK and US…they are the proverbial tail wagging the US dog…


Saddam Hussain’s biggest mistake was getting suckered into invading Kuwait, when US Ambassador April Glaspie gave him the green light.

George Evans

quite right…but it seems that all those events.up to and including the Iraq disgrace ….feeling almost ” historical ” now ….actually set the scene for the total and absolute destruction of the US standing in the region….
America now has only the scoundrels like Saudi and it,s coterie of fiefdoms and Egypt in it,s entourage…all the above surely living on borrowed time….particularly the Saudi mob….

Concrete Mike

Well, this is the Jews rejecting gods will, same as they did before Babylon came in and enslaved them. As before, they will sadly have to be punished again, such pain and suffering….for nothing really.

neil barron

No world eye here ! head in Uranus no brain idiot the hamas shite group are like elephants pushing the younger elephants agains the electric fence to knock it down then older ones don’t get hurt. then blame someone else for all the problems. Piggly wiggly barbarians.


Your skull is barron – devoid of brains. Only you and fake Jew Khazars think Palestinians are the problem – that thinking was debunked by the global village of thinking human beings years ago. When scum like you and fake jews are eradicated, we will have no problem

Concrete Mike

Blame other people is you guys trick.

It takes great courage to walk up to that fence knowing what’s on the other side, and they fucking KNOW what’s there.

It’s pretty clear who the barbarians were TODAY May 14 2018. Your only argument is Hamas this Iran that, look in the mirror mac, your the problem.

You’re cowards is what you are. You don’t have to the balls to negotiate anything, you prefer stealing it instead, it’s much easier am I right???
Your a fucking coward I bet you ain’t using your real name

Michel LeBlanc


u see brother …i´ve mentioned it over and over again.

THE JEWS RUN THE WORLD including the EU,USA,RUSSIA all of them…..our planet, every thing that moves up or down, left or right, may it be in africa,europe n. or s. america, austrailia…just absolutely everything is run through the MONETARY SYSTEM.And this system is controlled by the JEWS.Period.who are the heads of the monetary systems in each country…just jews by the fed..1 gos 1 comes…who is the head of the russian central bank system…a jew..a jew gos a jew comes.
Thats why they are all freaked out because of the various crypto currencies.
In short..the jews got the world by the balls…and just a few see through the decades long misinformation on so imporatant historic NAZI,holocaust,WW2,WW1,virginia company,louis mortimer bloomfeld,rothshild,ayatholla kohmeni, just to mention a few
nazi..u cannot be a nazi, without being a zionist,u cannot be a zionist without being a jew..NAZI, is short for the deal made between the NSDAP and Zionist jews, thus NAtional ZIonist=NAZI
Holocaust..plan developed by NSDAP and Zionism…to creat Israel (land of the jews)the most imporatant first thing to do , is get jewish people to leave their homes all over the world and go to a desert area with absolutely no infrastructure what so ever, nada.. desert.So u have to make the lives of these people so misrable that they want to leave…which means ofcousre no corpes but living human beings..did people die in these camps..well guess war 2 was going on , everything was bombed and food was scare, not to mention a variety of dieses that break out due to lack of food and hygiene.Gas chambers…sure in the movie schindlers list.
WW2 and WW1 are interconnected..just as the britsh general after siging the versailles treaty said”this treaty guarantees a war in 20 years”.It was always the agenda of the jews,a one world government with jerusalem as its capital.
WW1 was used to destroy the russian monarchy of the zsar, and put in place a 100% jewish dictatorship,,,communism..all leading actors of the russian revolution were jewish…that was the first deal between the national germans and zionist jews.
The germans(it was general ludendorf…later a pal and helper of rothshild child hitler)let the jews in a railray train with 20 million in dollars(1917) pass through germany into russia.Thus the zionist jews promised to stop the war in the east.They did.1917 peace of breslovsk.Then the jews gave green light to the jewish socialist pals in germany and austria…thus germany and Autstria lost the war..quote of a french general”first time in history of mankind, that nations lost a war, although not one city, not one house was bombed and not one single foreign soldier crossed their borders, it was a defeat from within”…thus the treaty of versaille was signed(from the 43 people discussing the treaty on all sides…41 were jews)
louis mortimer bloomfield…jfk assasination PERMINDEX…
ayathola kohmeni…MI 6 operative…thus jewsih controlled

so much info around already about the true history of things…fukushima was a 100% mossad opeartion…2 mini nukes…security company israeli
9-11 mossad operation
JFK mossad operation
JFK Jr. mossad operation..
the shooting massacre in the french theatre mossad opeartion..owner changed 3 months before shooting to isareli..
the us shooting in the sandy school…check out the batman movie with c.bale and the joker…the scene with the map of gotham city………SANDY…. who owns hollywood..oyeah just another fucking coincidence


pot cracker? potcrackhead you mean.


Why the FUCK are you always popping up when I start writing some things… can’t you show up afterwards? MISTER AIVD…. Mark Rutte is a Dirty LIAR, perhaps it is Better if the Dutch Government Emigrates to IsraHell… and take the European Government with you…!

jerry hamilton

I gave up and blocked him.


Now the world nations will listen lots of bullshit statements from US and Israeli gangsters about Muslims, like Hamas did this and that etc. to clean themselves from butchery that they have done in Palestine.

Zionism = EVIL

It is so sad that the Palestinians are facing a real holocaust and have been sold out by the Arab puppet regimes like Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Persian Gulf petro-pimpdoms. Even the senile demented fool Mahmoud Abbas is a Shin Beth agent who lives in luxury while unarmed Palestinian kids are gunned down as the “civilized world” and western “human rights champions” support the Zionist child killers.


This a real televised holocaust of unarmed Palestinians. Shame on so called humanity.


These are the actions of Psychopaths. After a bit of study you will find this is entirely predicable and normal behavior for Psychopaths. They make up approximately 5% of the earths population and are over represented in any position of leadership in all organizations around the world.

They do not play by any rules unless held at gunpoint. Long winded, logical injunctions to behave are a joke for them. The human race is truly in grave danger unless we wake up the masses and take back control of the destiny of this planet.

These psychopaths are not restrained to any particular race or religion. They are consummate liars with diabolical powers of persuasion. We, with our trusting ways, are like children in their hands. One thing is clear, if false information has come from them in the past, there is no reason to believe any thing they say now except willful ignorance or a lack of courage. Going along with the program will not save us as in the end, we are all designated as slaves, even most of the psychopaths themselves.

The Palestinians have figured this out and are fighting to save themselves. The “rebels” in Syria have tanks and ATGMs, the “terrorists” in Gaza have sling shots. Someone is lying, figure out who and oppose their tyranny. I tend to support those whose complaint seems to only serve to endanger their lives. Julian Assange comes to mind. The Palestinians and VIPS such as Ray McGovern, come to mind as well. Their are certainly many more for this quick list.

neil barron

What’s the matter with your blank head the sand scarabs just run around like sand flowing through the hour glass nothing to do but send the idiots to attack someone for nothing including each other. I condemn all of you for being terrorist. Instead of working for a living you live off everyone else them blame them for your problem. No different than BLM in the US.



leon mc pilibin

It does,they are called Palestinians


Killing 52 is disproportional, killing 5 a day is perfectly ok, except when your name is assad or putin, then you are a massmurderer when somebody dies.


I voted for Trump. He sounds like a person without a conscience and without a brain. His words and his actions are extremely evil in the light of massacre of innocent people by this anti-Christ nation and anti-Christ leader Netanyahu. Trump his helping establish Satan worldly base to advance his agenda against the Christian people of God and against all humanity. The Ziochristians in America have become Satan’s (Zionism) little helpers in attempting to overturn the Kingdom of God established by Jesus and replace it with fake anti-Christ Zionist kingdom.

jerry hamilton

As long as Donald Trump remains president we must get used to a world without American leadership.

Promitheas Apollonious

naive question since when you had american leadership? Or for this matter tell me a western controlled country including all west that ever had leadership, that cared for the country and not obeying orders, from the hard core of NWO.

Before the internet and in 17th century and after books been written about the globalist, but none ever believed what is been told and called the info slander then , conspiracies now. I know is hard to digest it but truth is never easy to accept and is very hard.

jerry hamilton

That is true.


LOL, why did you vote for him then?


“The establishment media are the enemies of the American people”. Donald Trump ..2016

He could of added the American people and all of humanity. Also he failed to state that the establishment media in both Western Europe and America are controlled by anti-Christ Zionist Jews. Most middle class working Jews don’t rally understand the power of the hard core Zionist Jews.


Not the answer to my question!


The key weapon of the Zionist Jews is the control of the establishment media in Europe and America. Trump has made at least 50% of the American people aware of this media control. This is like the beginning of disarming the Zionist Jews. Next step will be to attack them with the truth that the Jews control the media.


Because he had prepared internet data that told him exactly what to say to get a constituency on board. Of course since then every important promise has been broken.


Not the answer to my question


Read Sadde too quickly. So if Sadde voted for Trump before learning all the things written about in their post, then Sadde is a Psychopath too. If not, my previous reply and it’s implication of mass manipulation of voters, nothing new, may be part of the answer.


Sadde is not an idiot to vote for someone who only speaks in subordinate clauses. Hell, my 8 year old boy can see Trump for what he is …


If an person, let alone a population of over 300 million, being deceived by such as Trump, then he is exactly what you deserve …


To me Trump is the front man, a puppet, like all the rest of them. Those calling the shots make a call and Trump jumps. Vote or don’t, the result is the same, more war, poor people and inequity.
It is easy from an informed position to pass judgment on those who only see mirages. The endless name calling does not form a powerful consensus for change. It is a crucial instrument in the ever present divide and conquer ploys.
It boils down to Psychopaths against normal people. If 10% of the population strongly believes in something it is near a tipping point where soon 90% will hold that same belief.


although it usually looks as hopeless as you describe, the society comes a long way if you start training your own children …


Agreed, turn off the TV. Go outside, don’t leave them to their dumb phones. The tipping point thing is a not so bleak. I think part of the Empire panic we are seeing is they are losing their base. A lot of people are fed up.

Promitheas Apollonious

you mean the evangelikkkas, by ziochristians?

leon mc pilibin

And these Zionist scumbags use white helMutts fake chemical attacks to bomb a sovereign country like Syria for properly defending their country, unlike these satanists who use any excuse to murder Palestinians. Where’s the Nikki Hately of UN fame for showing fake concern for children supposedly poisoned by her terrorist friends??


Don’t understand why people are surprised. israel is only doing what is written in the Bible.

“Only in the cities of these peoples that the LORD your God is giving you as an inheritance, you shall not leave alive anything that breathes. But you shall utterly destroy them, the Hittite and the Amorite, the Canaanite and the Perizzite, the Hivite and the Jebusite, as the LORD your God has commanded you”

Redsky B

He wasn’t talking to the jews dude. The jews are of Satan. You’ve been misled or you are a jewish sympathizer.


It’s written in the bible. I don’t know. People argue even what is written black on white.


“When you approach a city to fight against it, you shall offer it terms of peace. If it agrees to make peace with you and opens to you, then all the people who are found in it shall become your forced labor and shall serve you. ”

Even if you make peace, you are their slaves !!!! XD.

svenne svensk

52 killed!. White are UK and US missiles?. In syria 17 got killed in a gas attack tjat nobody knows hwo is responsible or if it ever acured


Where are Saudi Arabia, the white Helmets and Turkey ?

Why the white helmets are working with USA to kill Syrians ?


Where are the white helmets ????


Where is Ivanka Trump to save the arab children ?? XD.


What I like is the perverse Zionist idea of “defending your borders”. Zionist paint themselves with a facade of Western Christian values. In reality, their values are values of their father Satan. Jesus told those Jews who rejected Him: ‘ye are of your father the devil. He was a liar from the beginning and so are you…’ Netanyahu murders with impunity with zero sense of guilt similar to any psychopath without a conscience. There is much killing and evil in the world. Many Muslims leaders have been guilty, many Russian and Chinese Communist leaders have guilty of horrible atrocities. The difference is the fact that the world always condemned and questioned these atrocities. Here we have the anti-Zionist thugs bragging and supporting the murder of unarmed children, women and men with not an iota of guilt.


israel won Eurovision. Last time, I think that Ukraine won it. I think that soccer finale champion’s league ins in Kiev.

Welcome to dictatorship.



Saudi Arab sell Islam and Muslim and Palestinian land to Western countries and Israel. Egypt,Saudi and UAE betrayed with Palestinian peoples.


A fact is that Christiansn Muslims and israel followers have sold the world to israel. In the process, they have build their own cell and are trapped in it. Also, they want to capture every free people to send them into the cell they build for their jew masters !!!


Sooo, Armageddon anyone?


Live in your “paradise”. It will be awesome. XD.

Assad Did Nothing Wrong™

Take a peek at the comments section on Kikebart and you will be fascinated by the Christian Zionist’s desire to emasculate himself, his country, and the future of his progeny all to please the chosen race. Their justification: because Israel is killing Muslims.

If only Christian Zionists knew that Jews will be coming for them too.


The jew followers (Christians and Muslims) are helping creating israel ? XD.

It’s a fact that jerusalem has been destroyed twice by …. PAGANS.

Assad Did Nothing Wrong™

Christian Zionists and actual Jews in Washington D.C. are helping Israel every step of the way at the expense of goyim Americans. Don’t tell me you are pro Israel too.


I’m surely not pro-israel as I hate Abraham. So, i hate jews, christians and muslims. They all are stupid cowards and terrorists.

Promitheas Apollonious

reacted how exactly?

jason ellis

I dislike Zionist, but I hate muslims. So in this case of two despisable groups, I am happy to see them inch towards war. I only wish that the U.S. wasn’t dragged into it. Hopefully Kissinger was correct when he said Israel wouldn’t exist in 10 years (2012-2022). One thing I do like about Israel is that they actively defend their people and culture. Why dont we guard our borders and white culture better? Africa for the niggers. Middle East for the sand niggers. SE Asia for the chinks. United States for the crackers. What is wrong with mono culturalism? Diversity is our greatest weakness, and there are subversive forces trying to bring down the US and Europe under the guise of SJW bullshit.


You can’t because jews are importing the immigrants to make you weaker so that they can easily enslave you !!!


jason ellis

Yeah, I know. Them and white traitors.


israel has no people. White traitors are the white that let their culture to convert to abrahamic religions and sell their country.


You apparently also hate justice, fairness and the right to the ownership and sovereignty of an indigenous but dispossessed people.
You don’t have to like muslims but you should respect their rights nor least to their own country.

jason ellis

Honestly I don’t care what others do in their own countries. I do care about justice, fairness and sovereignty of the white people. Do you think affirmative action is just or fair to white people? No it is racist and discriminatory.


I do care about justice, fairness and sovereignty of the white people

Pass a bucket please.
So that is why you believe Polish Netanyahu has the right to murder and kill the indigenous people in Palestine and steal their country.
So you are also a supporter, undoubtedly, of the overthrow of Assad and the creation of a Greater Israel to the Euphrates and of course an attack on Lebanon to the Litani river.
Who cares how many people suffer and die as long as Israel and ‘white people’ get all they want.
Well count this white person out.
As a nationalist and democrat I respect the rights of other nations and peoples.
Frankly you turn my stomach – you are an unprincipled warmonger and with the statement above – a real dyed in the wool racist of the most unpleasant kind.
‘Racist is a word ill used and I don’t like – but you certainly qualify absolutely as you justify mass murder on those grounds.

jason ellis

You assume too much about me, and do not pay attention to what I said. How could I be for greater Israel when I clearly stated I wish for Israel to fall. I don’t give a fuck about Syria either. I care about how the US and other white countries are under attack. Read Protocols of Zion if you really want to understand. Or keep putting words in my mouth and forego honest debate in your knee jerk reaction to be right instead of being intellectually honest. If you truly are a nationalist, you need to up your game, because you seem muddled to me. Where the hell did you get I am a warmonger? I said it sucks that we are going to be drawn in to this. I have been anti war my whole life. All I said was I would be happy for the Zionists and Muslims kill each other. It is their perogative. I just want us to bring all troops home and stop funding terrorists. If we could dismantle the MIC and relocate non whites, we could be the greatest nation on earth in a decade.


You’re the embodiment of what’s your government intends to cultivates. The Muslims that come to murder in terror used the mindset of revenge killings which by the way your government started first but do not want to admits because they then responsible for those “civilian casualties” of yours.
You people should demand that your country should
1. Declare war against it’s real enemy.
2. Treat the enemy states and it’s population in accordance to that
But first you have to ask very strongly
1. Why you have to declare war
2. What’s your national interest in such war
3. Why that course of action necessary.
4. Who will have to be responsible for the consequences of such act (hang those retired in wealth warhawks)

You were duped !
War on terror do not eliminated the threat of terrorism because fundamentally you have no real enemy and that simply not where the root of the problem is. On the contrary that’s exactly what created and encouraged more enemies toward your own country

jason ellis

Nope. I’ve been against my corrupt government for decades. I’m not duped, I am just as enslaved to this system as the whole world is. It really doesn’t matter what we demand or want. The agenda always moves forward. What agenda? Read the Protocols of Zion for clues.


The train you’re on heading into a cliff and it’s on you whether you take courage to jump off it save yourself or force your way into the locomotives to stop the train.
It’s more towards foolish than cowardice for you to take no action in this cases.

jason ellis

Get a grip. I know my country is fucked. What action can be taken? Our entire Jewish media doesn’t allow true dissent. Our schools brainwash kids to be Marxists. Our social media is moving rapidly to full on censorship. Protests stopped being effective decades ago. I take the only action left, and that is to pay zero taxes for the last decade, and only take money from the government. Other than that, I have no voice. Hell, even when I speak up on alternative sites like this, I get bombarded with half wits too dense and angry to have a reasonable debate. See the responses above for proof.


Leaving the country is also an option. But yes don’t participate in the system and lookout for yourself and dearest one for another possible consequence of the government.
By the way stock up some food right about now. Once oil or gas price jump the food price would go up accordingly then everything else following suit.

jason ellis

I am prepped. Not leaving either. One day people will need people like me to rebuild a better system. Till then theres not much to do except keep it local and prepare. Ive been waiting and preparing for collapse since the 90s


Good luck.


Your a fkin retard – what affirmative action and sovereignty ? The only Whites that complain about AA are inbred hick retards like yourself. Whites rule the world man – do you still want MORE? – you’re probably a piece of poor trailer park ghetto white trash that cannot and will never make it. I’d be shy even opening my mouth if I was a dumb inbred like you. You’re a shame on the White race.Go back to humpin your mamma in the back of your trailer.

jason ellis

The indoctrination runs strong in this one.

Stephan Williams

I couldn’t agree more.


Why Israel is so bold and kills as though Palestinian lives are nothing? They control Trump .

With impunity and their European great allies can only say ” concerned” not even a condemnation.

While killings go on as long as Palestinians continue to confront Israel this way … as Israel is a DEMOCRACY and has right to defend themselves from unarmed protesters.


Because “god” tells them to kill them. It’s fucking written in the fucking bible (the fairlytale book that half of the planet worship !!!) !!!


““For the first time, the occupation forces’ installations in the occupied Golan Heights were targeted with such an attack. Israel claims that only 20 missiles were fired and some of them were downed, but the truth is that 55 missiles, some of which of heavy-caliber, were fired at a number of military installations, creating huge explosions, which forced residents in the Golan Heights and some in northern Israel to seek refuge in bomb shelters in panic,” Sayyed Nasrallah highlighted. …

“The other parties will respond at the appropriate time and place and with the appropriate method. You as an enemy can no longer continue to violate Syria’s sovereignty and attack it without facing a response or punishment. This landmark rocket attack has launched a new phase,” Nasrallah concluded.”

– Hezbollah chief hails Syrian response to Israeli attack, calls reports of 23 dead ‘lies’ –


“The secretary general of the Lebanese Hezbollah resistance movement says US President Donald Trump is set to officially announce his much touted “deal of the century” within coming weeks.

Addressing his supports via a televised speech broadcast live from the Lebanese capital city of Beirut on Monday evening, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah stated that the “deal of century” started ever since Trump announced his decision on December 6 last year to recognize Jerusalem al-Quds as Israel’s capital and relocate the US embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to the occupied city.

Nasrallah added that the Palestinian right of return, which is a cornerstone of the Palestinian cause, will be abolished under the “deal” and a future Palestinian state could only be established within the Gaza Strip.

The Hezbollah chief noted that some Arab states are inventing religious pretexts to legitimatize Israel’s occupation of Palestinian lands, stressing that the Riyadh regime is claiming that the occupied territories belong to Israel.

He then called upon resistance movements in the Middle East region not to give in to US and Israeli pressures, describing Trump, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman as the pillars of the new deal for Palestine.”

– US president to announce ‘deal of century’ on Palestine within next few weeks: Nasrallah –

Hide Behind

US Represented by Kushner, a Jewish billionare, and he is not a legal Federal US government Official as he could not secure the necessary security clearance, without back room arm twisting by Trump goons.
An embassy opening is a recognition of one Sovereign State with another, but for you legal Beagles this move by Trump broke the ability of any and all U.N. resolutions, showing just how corrupt that organization is.

So come next election within US you be sure to join in picking your own mafia leaders.
Kiss their ring and swear fealty to them and promise to do a favor for them when asked.
What outrage? You cannot criticize Israel or their Jewish people in Europe, US British Commonwealth,(ex: Australia, Canada) for fear of being jailed for “Hate Speech”.
Any Arab nation should just shut mouths as they oppress their own and abuse foreign labor and females. and have not done one solid thing for fellow Arabs. forget Palestinians, in their lifetimes.
It has taken a Pershain NATION, Iran, to give Lebanon’s Hezbolah Arabs, of one faction of Islamics, dignity, and that scares the hell out of Apartheid Israel


Whites and Arabs are a deception.


The UN never had the capability to resolve this. Only fools ever believed otherwise.