Vladimir Valentinovich Chirkin is a Russian military commander and Colonel General. Former Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces (2012-2013).
Translated by AlexD exclusively for SouthFront
Vladimir Chirkin, March 08, 2022
Let’s try to understand the situation without hysterics and insults.
It’s hard for everyone. Our guys are dying. Citizens of the Ukraine are dying. But the hardest thing is for the military, both active and reserve, Russian and Ukrainian, who have been through “hot” conflicts”. I grit my teeth with helplessness, I’m not personally sure if I could have carried out the Commander-in-Chief’s order if I had been in the ranks today. To keep civilian casualties to a minimum is understandable, we are one people. I have little idea how to try to not cause critical damage to the Ukrainian army within the tactics of my own unit.
I categorically object to the release of the number of combat casualties before the operation has ended its final phase. This is a gift for someone else’s information war, a trump card in the hands of the enemy, dispelling false information among outspoken alarmists inside the country: “they are lying, hiding, under-reporting everything”, “no war”, “mother, don’t let your sons so”, “how I want peace”, “how much blood can be shed”…
You can and should. Soldiers die, heroes. They didn’t come to the army to polish paving stones with their boots. They came to defend their country. Even at the cost of their own lives. It was a mistake of the General Staff, the people should clearly understand the purpose of the operation, its necessity, the inevitability of victims. But not the current price.
It sounds harsh, but this is the harsh reality of war. Let us wipe away our own and women’s tears after the Victory, let us worship every widow, mother, bride, sister for the feat of their men.
The first stage of the operation…
We underestimated the enemy in its strength of informational, ideological, psychological repulsion, they were waiting for us. Literally on the very first day, with a snap of American bloody fingers – we deprived the support of civilians and the units of the Ukrainian armed forces ready to become neutral. Millions of dollars, thousands of IT specialists, global media corporations cut off Ukraine from any objective information, stinking up our country.
Our main losses were in the first three days. Now they are rapidly diminishing, the Russian Army is no longer conducting a peacekeeping and humanitarian operation similar to the Crimean operation. The fighters received other orders, got involved, became angry, gathered, and their hopes for active support of civilians and the conscious units of the Ukrainian army were dashed.
There are few flowers and loaves, people are crushed by propaganda and lies, and terrified into insanity by the Nazis. The calculations miss another important point – almost 600 thousand Ukrainians have gone through the ATO (Anti-Terrorism Operation) zone in Donbass since 2014, today they have joined the territorial defence all over the place, many have something to fear. Especially on the wave of fake executions without trial by the ATO personnel.
Imagine that during the year of service there, what the Nazis stuffed into their heads, gave them the opportunity to shoot at the settlements of “quilted jackets and colorads” with impunity, to mock the civilian population there. So, the calculation for local help and the Ukrainian army did not work, the cancer in Ukrainian society is simply monstrous. But… we will cure it.
If we explain our tactics of the first twenty-four hours…it is a creatively reworked “reconnaissance battle” of the Great Patriotic War. Only with deep and rapid penetration into Nazi-occupied territory. We provoked the enemy’s activity by tactical groups, deliberately pulling Ukrainian army units and National Security Forces from their locations. Withstanding with small numbers the terrible counterattacks by tanks and armoured vehicles, outnumbered by the motorised infantry.
Sometimes it was impossible to suppress Grads, artillery and mortars hidden in residential areas that were raining on you. Urban areas could not be cleared methodically by combat formations, by calling supporting fire, attack helicopters, sappers, flamethrowers, tanks to blow-up machine-gun points in houses and civilian infrastructure facilities.
This is a war unfamiliar to us veterans. Especially when the skies are under your full control, airfields are jammed with attack planes and bombers, operational-tactical missile systems are in service and there is a mass of heavy artillery. It is now clear even to civilians: the correct name for what is happening is really a “special military operation on denazification”. The demilitarisation of the Independent was completed at the end of the third day.
The Ukrainian army, as a unified, manageable and effective structure, has ceased to exist. Today, there are dozens of groups of different sizes, isolated from one another, hiding in towns and villages. There is no centralised supply, no air support and no reinforcements. They are unable to act within the framework of any plans of the Ukrainian General Staff. Just crowds of armed men with orders to stand to the death.
The main groups North and East, that’s the 22 brigades charged with the honourable duty of drowning Donbass in blood in early March, have been decapitated and deprived of command. We beat them to it by a week or two by launching our own special operation. Now 150,000 people (together with the National Security Forces) are marinating in “cauldrons”, cut off from each other. As a matter of fact, this was done by a smaller Russian force…and in five days.
There is no organised resistance in other operational areas. Separate Ukrainian army units, National Security Forces, sabotage groups. Each operates at its own discretion, with varying degrees of activity. There is no way to move in columns, regroup, replenish ammunition, fuel and lubricants or equipment even in local warehouses, everything is systematically destroyed by high-precision weapons and aircraft.
In a week, 80% of the Ukrainian armed forces will be completely deprived of ammunition, fuel, medicine and food. Mentally and physically exhausted, without a unified command, goals and objectives. This is a terrible thing for an army, dejection and decay. Especially for the Ukrainian army, which is sustained by fear, propped up by the Bandera detachments. Soldiers fear for the fate of their families on the home front.
Second stage of the operation…
Recognisably, the Syrian scenario. A neutral or terrorist-fearing population, among which it is almost impossible to identify militants. The Russian Army does not take such settlements, it surrounds cities with Bandera National Security Forces. Soon we will be observing buses and “export tours” in the direction of the Western region. How they will get burned without any support and assistance from outside.
Elsewhere in the city they take on a semi-enclave, thereby inviting the defenders to leave the area on their own. No organised military columns, no heavy equipment, this stuff is destroyed. Privately, expensive. Yes, there is the danger of large numbers of sabotage groups, but strategically the three main tasks of the special operation are being resolved: minimising losses among civilians and infrastructure, our units and the Ukrainian army.
It is too luxurious a gift for Washington and the EuroReich to have Russians and Ukrainians slaughtering each other with gusto. The Bandera “partisan units” will have a nerve-racking experience, but the commanders’ idea is not bad. They will become lawful prey to the counter-terrorist units, the military police and Ramzan Kadyrov’s men from the National Guard. Who do not take terrorists as prisoners, who kill them where they find them. Denazification in the truest sense of the word.
An even sadder fate awaits the numerous mercenaries of the EuroReich, from which they form not military units (sometimes), but sabotage and tactical groups. Our General Staff has already stated that it does not consider them combatants with all the ensuring consequences, no conventions on prisoners of war work here. I am sure that a special, cruel and purposeful hunt will be conducted for these “soldiers of fortune”. Poor devils…
Third stage of the operation
I will not tell you in detail how and where the fighting unfolds, there is enough information from professional experts in the public domain. But everything is happening strictly according to plans, we have not even started transferring reserves, and they are standing in columns in the border areas. Losses are not just tolerable (from a military statistical point of view) – insignificant. Not a single unit has been allocated for re-formation or rest, which means it is fully combat-ready.
Look at the map, calculate the distances, marching, constant fighting, regrouping, manoeuvring for dozens of kilometres, and remember – our guys are up against the third largest army in Europe and prohibitively motivated Nazi formations. We have to bring up the rear, take basic rest, maintain equipment, and perform a lot of previously unintended actions.
There is no need to hound anyone, to demand more decisive action, Victory flags over Mariupol, Sumy, Chernigov, Kharkov, Odessa and even less so over useless Kiev with three million panic-stricken, propaganda-pumped citizens. The objectives of the operation, strategy and tactics are a whole new page in the art of war; haste is unacceptable.
A classmate of mine from the academy asked in a “private” thread yesterday:
- Why isn’t the military aid to Ukraine being destroyed right at the airport upon arrival?
- Why is it even possible for NATO transporters to enter Ukrainian airspace?
- Do you get the feeling that our diplomats are beginning to discharge the army of its efforts? I have all sorts of bad thoughts running through my head.
On point number three. There will be no discharging, all the goals of the special operation will be fulfilled. This has been categorically repeated every day by the hardened Lavrov, announced yesterday by V.V. Putin. French “peacemaker” Macron wiped out with his mediation. And Medinsky in Belovezhskaya Pushcha is subtly mocking the metrosexuals from the Ukrainian delegation. There is not one there to talk to.
Look at brave Commander-in-Chief Ze, the way he looks. A complete personality breakdown on drugs. He will not be allowed to negotiate by the Americans and his own Nazis will kill him. The task is different – to completely ruin the country, to drown it in chaos, but no one will get it.
The special operation does not stop, there will be no more delays. Every day of delay hurts us categorically, unplanned diplomatic, political, economic, and military problems appear. Only swiftness and onslaught, before the situation in the West starts to be assessed with a cool head.
About flying transports with NATO insignia to deliver weapons. This is impossible, the skies over the Independent and southern Russia are closed to flights. They will be ground transported from Poland. And we will not destroy such “humanitarian aid” convoys. Why, you may ask? Ask another question: who exactly is in power in the Ukraine?
Blatant Nazis. Taking millions of civilian hostages in cities without humanitarian corridors, driving terrified people into basements and underground stations. By poisoning them with lies about “Russian atrocities”, mass shootings, executions, violence, carpet bombings. Placing civilians with machine guns near strategic control and command facilities. Like in Kiev outside the SBU building adjacent to Sofia Kyevskaya [Translator’s note: St-Sophia of Kiev Cathedral].
Zelensky’s handlers and the Bandera battalions are setting up a humanitarian disaster, leaving towns and villages in Donbass to blow up everything: bridges, substations, pumping stations. Remember the liberation of Ukraine and 1945, the agony of the Third Reich. A quote from a demoniac, framed orders to destroy the entire infrastructure of Germany: “if the war is lost, it makes absolutely no difference that the people die”.
It is useful to know history in order to predict Nazi behaviour. It is such an ideology, a social norm of life, a world view.
Now, military convoys will not be destroyed for three reasons. First, they are trophies. Second, the weapons will not reach the combat-ready units of the Ukrainian army and the national battalions of the south-east: the addressees are in “cauldrons”. Third, everything will be transported by regular civilian trucks, the rear transport of the Ukrainian army units being with their units or destroyed in parking lots.
Track down and hit container trucks? Yes, we can. Just keep in mind – all roads to border checkpoints with “kind-hearted Europe” are jammed with convoys of vehicles of fleeing Ukrainians for a good hundred kilometres, the traffic there is terrible. There are women and children in the cars. And Poland and Hungary have not moved the checkpoints deep into their territories, nor have they increased the capacity of the checkpoints with additional staff.
In other words, Ukrainian border guards and their “colleagues” are keeping people waiting 24 hours to cross the border. Shall I go on describing the scenario that Kiev and Washington are counting on? Or can you think for yourself what kind of television picture the whole “civilized world” is expecting? Dreaming that the bloodthirsty Russians will start bombing civilian cars… Or the railways.
But there is little faith in such scenarios, it is clear to everyone – Ukraine is completely lost, any amount of weapons will not help it any more. But some part is sure to be delivered to Lvov, getting mercenaries with Bandera ideologues. And then groups will go out to commit sabotage, to intimidate local administrations across the country, to try to disrupt our communications and supply lines.
But this is another special operation, a police operation. Which the Ukrainians themselves are capable of carrying out with minimal Russian help once they get over the shock. This is their land; they have to live there. If they proclaim a reward of five thousand dollars for an anonymous denunciation, all the saboteurs and partisans will be gone in a day. It’s a country like that.
But we’ll succeed before …
I want to reassure you, it’s the twelfth day our guys are operating in a different operational and tactical reality, casualties will be rapidly decreasing. If before there was a strict order not to cause even hypothetical harm to civilians and civilian objects…today it has been changed. In a single phrase: “not to the detriment of unit personnel”. As a military man I am completely satisfied: now the humanitarian facetious remarks are over, the real work will begin.
You fire on a convoy – you get hit back across the military technical menu. Orders like this only work that way. Civilian casualties? Yes, some casualties are inevitable, but it’s not our fault. We don’t storm cities according to the Charters, we bypass them or operate surgically with special forces, as in Kharkov. Using a previously unknown tactic of urban combat by night manoeuvre groups. We will talk about this separately.
Let the Ukrainians marinate in the cities themselves, digesting the Banderites and the “territorial battalions” duped by Nazi propaganda. They can no longer cope with the looters, what kind of “reflection of aggression” is it? This is not our problem now, however harsh the words may sound.
The final breakthrough will come after Kharkov is cleared, Odessa is blockaded or taken. All the heroic self-defence forces of the other settlements will dissipate on their own, and there are already clear signs of humanitarian disaster in the encircled cities. The morass, when it is scrupulously false, subsides most quickly in darkness, refreshing coolness and on an empty stomach.
The population is not mentally prepared to stand their ground to the last, Ukrainian social media is already full of messages from places where local administrations have been left behind by the Russian army, food supplies are uninterrupted, street lights are on and local police are controlling the streets. With each passing day, the fake hysteria will subside and the drugged-out minds will wonder: what’s next?
Will the encircled Banderites begin to brutalise in their powerless rage? Well, the Ukrainians also have to bear this cross on their own. Of course, we will try to do everything we can to rescue the children and the elderly. But Putin will not allow us to take sensitive losses, this is not that kind of war.
We are not the ones who raised, nurtured and allowed to seize power and hostage an entire nation. We did not arm them and send them to kill Donbass and teach them to hate Russians. Criminal indifference and complicity are also a punishable act. Not by us, by life itself.
The map itself explains what we need to know. Stalemate. With maybe 250k soldiers Russia simply does not have enough fighting power. And it can’t replace missing close combat abilities, lost right at the beginning.
Keep hoping, hope dies last
Loki never had hope. He had Thirty Shekels.
0.02 shekels per post!
We will see.
Dont be too sad if it turns out the other way.
Being sometimes wrong is being Human.
Isn’t it already sad enough that Slavs are killing Slavs? 🤷
But let me guess, you are going for the propaganda narrative too which justifies to kill each others?
This is a war of Putin’s choice. 🤷
The war would have happened no matter what.
It was only a matter of time.
First Donbas, then Crimea, then a few years later Russia itself.
We both know that.
This is a preemptive war.
A smaller war today is better then WWIII in a couple of years.
Ukraine will be rebuilt.
It will be just another page in history books.
And another failed project by our beloved swamp.
We will see how Russian Forces will fare the next days. Already two weeks ago I was promised to see Russian Forces to sweep through the Ukraine without resistance. 🤷
Idiot, the NATO terrorists had been arming the bandera Nazis for the past 8 years. Russia needs to nuke em.
It was only western governments Media propaganda that said Kiev invaded in a few days or it is a Russia failure. The article specifically says it NOT be a hasty campaign. The much smaller Chechnia took 2 years of active fighting. Donbass war has been going on for 8 years. This Ukraine war is still in its very early stages.
We didn’t want Kiev anyway! 🤷🤭
Boy, was that a weak comment. Giving up already?
Said who Loki? Who said Russian forces were going to ‘sweep’ anywhere? As this general has hinted at, the operations terms of engagement were very strict to try and limit collateral damage and, civilian *and* regular UAF deaths – try operating under those terms and your pace is always going to be slow and frustrating.
Russian intelligence was really that bad that they thought with just 200k soldiers, including recruits, they could sweep up Ukraine with ease.
Turned out that Ukraine didn’t want Vlad and kicked his unsuspecting recruits into the butt.
The level of incompetence wasn’t even enough then, parking two brigades in front of Kiev, as if it would be friendly territory. Even after days of being attacked no sign of moving precious equipment and soldiers out of the killing zones.
And the two brigades surely weren’t there to take over Kiev and to kick out the Ukrainian government, because, Russia didn’t want Kiev anyway!
I can tell by your sentence structure you are not an American…for which I am eternally grateful. We have enough fucking idiots here.
worthless moronic gibberish by worthless moronic monkey ^
Then why are they shooting missiles at hospitals and apartment buildings? How is that limiting civilian casualties?
No one promised you that mrfckr except the Zionist Jews in Kiev and the same in the USSD.
Its Nudelmans Choice and Putin wll end it for good 😎
Old news, Nulands 5 billion dollars are well known. More interesting was the replacement of two ministers back then, with US citizens. The Poroshenko regime was so corrupt, that there was no trustworthy person left.
The point is, since the new government took office, Ukraine at least became a working democracy. That is what really scares Vlad.
And that too is the reason why Ukraine is fighting against Russia with force. The people don’t want Vlad, that’s more than obvious now, but Vlad doesn’t care, using artillery to kill brothers and sisters indiscriminately. 🤷
You should do a stand-up comic routine…schedule it right after dancing with the nazis.
Absolute rubbish. You just keep repeating the same drivel. The attempt by Krusty the Klown to turn the Ukraine into a NATO staging area has failed. It’s fairly straight forward. Don’t let facts get in the way of some good US propaganda.
“Working democracy”? Hah! With everyone and everything banned and arrested except Maidan factions? You really are a clueless and brainless imbecile.
In Fatima, the Theotokus specifically asked Lucia, Sister Lucy, for Russia to be consecrated to her Immaculate Heart. Lets see how the tide of change turns after Friday then.
Russia has opened THREE Churches per day, more than one thousand per year over DECADES, since the fall of the Iron Curtain, since the Berlin wall came down. There are newly built churches, REBUILD ones, renovated restored and repaired ones.
In the Western world they are being closed down and sold off.
Russia also has many seminarians whilst in the West, we have a shortage of priests AND churchgoers.
Russia is a family friendly, child friendly, Christian nation, the government WANTS strong Christian families with ,many children. They also protect children from the LGBT agendas.
The Muslim predators of our children in the UK would NOT be tolerated, neither would the too big to touch politicians and deepstate child predators be tolerated.
They preyed on the orphaned children, in Jersey, North Wales, Belfast and London. It is still going on.
We cannot get rapists, predators and pedos incarcerated and locked up here.
Typical hypocritical Christian drivel. So, you open a church while you kill innocent women and children. But then this is the history of all religions — they persecute and murder those who don’t abide with their faith. Just for one example, think of the Inquisition. Actions speak louder than words and you can repeat the Golden Rule as much as you want but if you don’t follow it, then it doesn’t matter. It’s just words and meaningless.
Fck ff Ukro-a SS hole. It is a war of necessity for humankind and YOU are on the wrong side. Off yourself now mrfckr. Save a good person having to do it for you.
Very well written article by a real soldier, not a multiple account couch potato paid troll. Vladimir Chirkin is a decorated professional Red Army general and knows the full capabilities of Russian warriors as Indian generals have repeatedly pointed out. Russia even by US and NATO fabrications propaganda is doing very well, considering its is fighting in a very restraint manner to avoid both Russian and Ukrainian civilians casualties. Russia has the raw firepower to obliterate the Kiev Nazis in a single strike, but that would entail collateral damage. The US war criminals, on the other hand just bomb everything indiscriminately and killed millions in Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Libya and Iraq. Russian professionalism and humanity has to be admired. JAI RUS!
What to do when incompetent generals removed from the front are given the choice propaganda or Gulag. 🤷
Nonsense, you are a silly propagandist fool. Russian military is undergoing a doctrinal reorientation after its successful Syrian operations. However, some of the generals are from the Soviet era and are hesitant to use US style brute force, but that has to change and President Putin needs to let the officers in the field given full autonomy, like India did in 1971. Unfortunately, when a cowardly fascist enemy hides behind women and children in schools, hospitals and malls, there will be some collateral damage, but the lives of noble Russian soldiers is more precious, so let the Red Army rain hell on the Ukrainian racist bastards. JAI RUS!
They better hurry up to replace their Soviet era doctrines. Couldn’t they have done that in Syria already? 🤷
Syria was not facing the whole NATO cowards. Russia also had over 150,000 allied Iranians and Hezbollah Shia militias. In Ukraine the NATO has pushed thousands of terrorists and Russia will need to be ruthless.
No more brothers and sisters anymore?
If the brothers and sisters defend themselves, then Putin has to show his true face, how little he cares for them in the first place.
Putin kicked off this invasion war, he can stop the war any time. Everyone dead counts on him. Every soldier, every man, every mother and every child and baby.
But let me guess, in the mind of an idiot it is evil from the defenders to defend themselves? 🤷
> he can stop the war any time
Why would he do that? I know you are a bot or a paid troll but what we’ve been witnessing in the past weeks speaks for itself.
>Nazis using civies as meatshields
>Ukrop soldiers and terrorist extremists drugged out of their minds
>Nazi elements of the SBU killing all political opposition
>The government arming their own civilians in the hopes of civies getting themselves killed
>All media that provides an alternative view has been shut down
I mean my god if there’s any country on this planet that needs to be purged of all the maniacs that are currently running the country it’s Ukraine.
Why do you fall for the propaganda? Apparently, you don’t see the missiles hitting hospitals and apartment buildings like we do in the U.S. And the Nazi element in Ukraine is small. There are more Nazis in the U.S. than Ukraine. But then you can’t even see for yourself that Putin is a Nazi. Indiscriminately killing innocent children to support his billions and luxury yachts along with his oligarchic cronies. Have you seen with your own eyes Nazis using citizens are shields. I have seen with my own eyes people, non-combatant, children fleeing and being shot and killed by Russian soldiers. It’s horrible that you believe the BS of this Colonel, which is now more than two weeks old.
You should ask for a new set of talking points. You have no answer for the simple facts that disprove your absurd emotional appeals. There is simply no way for you to overcome the outright criminality of the Donbas ATO, the crushing of political opposition by Nazi paramilitaries in the Ukraine, the build-up of troops in the SE, and the push to hand the country to NATO, which exists to destroy Russia as an independent rival to US power.
Exists to topple a fascist regime controlled by a dictator who steals from his people. Wake up and stop being duped by the propaganda.
Putin took a big load to his mouth. And now he has to swallow it. There is no way out for him anymore, because he fullmouthly declared that the mission is to “de-militarize and de-nazify Ukraine”, so now he has to conquer all of Ukraine completely (in order to disarm the whole ukrainian population aka ‘de-militarize Ukraine’) and he has to topple the Ukrainian Government and kill every ukrainian man, woman and child, as the Ukrainian people stand united against this barbaric communist invasion, which the jewish pedophile Vladimir Putin (see: https://bit.ly/36j476y ), has started.
A bunch of Nazi incels with man-portable weapons hiding in the bushes is not a militarized Ukraine. It poses no threat to Russia. As to Ukrainians standing, there sure are a shit-load of them running to Poland as fast as they can. But back to demilitarization. Pulverizing command and control and blowing up, melting or capturing the Ukrainian equipment as they squeeze the cauldrons will more than do for demilitarizing the US puppet state. Boom goes the Iskander!
I hope you’re only pretending to be stupid, Mickey, because there’s no fix for it. It’s permanent.
Go swallow another big load from your transgender boyfriend and his two daddies you moronic cocksucking mutant.
Wow, are the people in Russia this stupid? Sure, we are also being duped in the U.S. and have been by our own wars. But when you see the same thing on the other side, it opens your eyes — I hope this happens here in the U.S. I myself have not been duped, having been anti-war all my adult life. It’s horrible the way fascism and autocracy have overrun our world.
Seems to me more like a letter of application for something he is not qualified for and therefore was not asked for. A lot of words and promises to explain a lack of results and to present hypothetical goals that are not achieved as attainable in the future. A lot of brick a brack to describe the Ukrainian army as worthless, demoralised and incompetent while this army shows the strong immense Russian army all corners of the Ukraine soil and woods. In short, yet another underestimation of the Ukrainian army and a justification of that super army as to why it did not achieve its goals but will do so in the future regardless of the number of deaths, the breakdown of Russian society and despite the suffering caused to boys, mothers, women and children. A paean to the madness, the idiocy of the honourless. Or how a small frog can blow itself up into a great fragile balloon.
Slava Ukraine!
Oh, look. My groupy is back. 🤷🤭
The real problem appears to be that the Russians are fighting in a noble and honorable manner against NATO supported and armed drug addicted Ukrainian racist savages. The Kremlin needs to adjust its tactics for a prolonged scorched earth policy to uproot the Kiev Nazis. No quarter should be given or warranted.
How evil that the defenders are defending themselves.
Putin the invader can end this slaughter between Slavs quickly, he just stops his invasion and goes back to Russia.
It’s more than obvious now that his brothers and sisters don’t want Putins regime. No matter that he went to war against them and already turned to artillery strikes, indiscriminately killing everyone. 🤷
Uki nazi frustrated new rx of Seroquel cannot cure senility—if you double your consumption this will allow 340 nazi ukrops to immigrate to Texas—if you triple your dose—retarded lgbt prostitute in your arkansas trailer park will ask jens to send you a taco
Russians are good civilized decent people who are fighting Nazi terrorists and drug addicts armed to the teeth by NATO warmongers, so the Marquess of Queensberry rules should not apply and Russia should use total missile and airpower and hit any target that poses a threat, including residential areas where the NAZI terrorists hide. Russia should be prepared and plan for a long campaign to liberate its Ukrainian heartland and protect its people. WHO DARES WINS!
Well, Russia already kills everyone in the Ukraine indiscriminately, no matter if baby, mother or soldier.
However, replacing units for close combat with missiles and bombers is expensive. How long will Putins terror war on brothers and sisters last?
Missiles and bombers don’t conquer country, it’s the missing soldiers that do. And communication between both is badly f*cked up, for the whole forces in fact.
Will Russia get more than maybe 250k soldiers for the invasion to succeed, and get into more logistic and supplies trouble?
worthless moronic gibberish by worthless moronic monkey ^
Look, if (((they))) lie this much about a war in 2022, what do you think happened in 1914-1915 or 1942?? -D
‘Loki’ means toilet in my language. Precisely perfect for your posts
Definition of Loki
: a Norse god who contrives evil and mischief for his fellow gods
that fits too
Ol’Putin in his retirement home? 🤷
Loki trying to hammer some common sense in his head
At least in my head there is something that can be put to common sense, unlike many others here. 🤷🤭
There is nothing in your monkey head but cancer and donkey manure… and yours daddy’s dildo in your mouth.
You should take a bigger hammer!!
Please take your inane bloody bullshit elsewhere. We are tired of seeing it. You can continue your lies and propaganda if you like, but you are wasting your time…and ours. You change NOTHING. Your western bosses will soon tire of you as well, like a dog gone rabid and not safe to keep. Soon you will be only an embarrassment to be discarded, take that to heart. Then again, you could be part of Israels contribution to this crime…in which case you will carry on in your Depends gifted you by Trump til even your hasbara compatriots cannot stand the stench. In which case, you will continue to embarrass yourself indefinitely, smelling like the manure you spew.
so do know more than a colonel general. keep masturbating your ass hole please
If your boss sees how poorly you treat your counter-intelligence job he’ll have your ass out the door.
yeah yeah, keep on digesting CNN. Muppet!
It seems that you didn’t even read what the dear Colonel General wrote before writing your nonsense. Loki, Loco?
I knew I could rely on you to get everything wrong. Thanks, Loki, for making me more certain that everything I thought was true.
only stalemate is when transgender senile nazi wants to rape you—too ugly stupid and refuses, preferring obese hillbilly in other trailer park Oklahoma
likely pathetic nazis frizzy grunting Hans, occupied jens burger flipper Sawyer are too illiterate to comprehend the truth—like the marinating ukrps their brains have been pickled in rotting CIA sperm for 65 years
the amerikant empire is dead
the remainder of former u-crappy-stan will soon petition to be a colony of Moldova
Stick a fork in Ukraine, it’s done! NATO is a flea ridden, half blind and arthritic cat that can only sit and watch the Russian mice steal the cheese off it’s Jew master’s table!
Indian generals have been advocating a more robust Russian use of air power and artillery. Russia needs to carpet bomb the encircled Ukrainian Nazis battered formations in Mariupol, Kharkov and Kiev. Russian velvet glove is commendable but is resulting in undue casualties amongst the brave Russian soldiers. It is time to make the cost heavy for the bandera Nazi racist scum. India faced and similar choice in 1971 Bangladesh campaign, but General (later Field Marshal) Sam Manekshaw, a Iranian Parsi asked Mrs. Gandhi for complete autonomy in military operations and unleashed hell. Russia needs to let loose its officers on the Ukrainian Nazi racist butchers. JAI RUS!
Do no worry, if the Russia forces fight with NATO countries, they will know what to do, there would be no kid gloves.
Russia invading Ukraine is like India forces invading Kerala, or the UK attacking an occupied Northern Ireland, or USA attacking an occupied Texas. A more thoughtful long term approach is needed.
Exactly my point. If the EUreich are stupid enough to enter the fray, like Poland might be thinking of, according to some last-minute sources, Russian forces will not hold back at all on these vassals. Russia has officially stated what countries it retains hostile, nearly 30 and has emphasized that the consequences of their actions will be extremely harsh on them. I highly doubt they’re making idle threats.
In a U.S. uniform he could pass as an American.
Americans and Russians are brothers.
Thats why we hate each other sometimes.
I respect Nazi Culture and Ideology because Teutonic Knights are against the Jews, eternally.
The people fighting for Ukraine are not real Nazis because they are friends with jews and the west.
So the fact putin narrates as a proJew anti Nazi is contradictory.
Jews = Bad in Islam, Christianity, and Judaism.
Nazis = Teutonic Knights, God fearing Humans
Claiming to fight Nazis is contradictory because zelensky is a western zionist jew.
Its fact that putin, an eastern orthodox jew, is fighting against western zionist jews.
Proof: noone in their right mind would wear a jew cap (unless they were hysterical), and putin eternally wore a western zionist jew cap.
Little jensi lavs tall Azovnazis very mutch.
So handsome 🤩
Nazis killed more white Europeans than anybody else in Human history.
Skip repeating double digit IQ ukrobot bandera propaganda.
You seem to be a completely uneducated idiot. Well done.
Already debunked the idea that there are no nazis because zellerbum is a jew
First off, just because a leader is a jew doesn’t mean the countrie’s nazis suddenly poof out of existence.
actually Hitler did a great Job for the Jews they got their promised Land thanks to him.
Hitler probably had Rottenchild blood in him.
Poko Molo, you can hide behind all the monikers you want, but you remain a demented Germanic satanic-souled racist small-dick ass-muncher and pillow biter.
Benito Mussolini: “Racism? That’s a blond thing.”
Teutonic Knights?? Teutonic Knights had nothing to do with Jews, except they borrowed money from them.
Eastern orthodox Jew? Russians are Eastern orthodox Christians and you are a complete and total IMBECILE. Clueless moron who has no idea what the fu.ck you are babbling about.
Start WWIII already.
I really want that nuke on my head.
Is true the heaven according to kabbalist rabbis there will be scale and on one side there everything you did that not profitable and on side two how much money was earned inside life. If more money earned to enter and who got most is closest to throne of the big guy.
I see pen!s holm, I downvote
The Sheckel loving fag has spoken his umpteenth non-sensical drivel.
The big is difference is that the Ukranian forces are fighting from defensive positions in terrain of their own choosing. So it doesn’t matter if there’s only a small group of Ukranian forces defending the Azovstal plant in Mariupol. The Russian army is too crappy to get in and take it.
They are already inside.
They arent crappy they just wont employ carpet bombing scorched earth tactics like the U.S.
Ukrops keep crying yet Russia only unleashed around 10% of its conventional firepower.
If it was the U.S. invading Ukraine we would already have 50,000 civilian deaths.
They won’t emply carpet bombing? Because he’s Putin the phony benevolent cockroach, right? He’s not mass murdering an entire population? He’s just liberating them to the afterlife?
Not the real jens holm, post makes too much sense and is also gramatically perfect.
Cry more, shit for brains ukronazi
I need some Azov honey in my dry managina.
Call me, jensi is available 24/7.
(Different) Military academy here:
99% true military description and analysis. Let those nazi homos dream about that 1% left, because they are doomed. The 1% means nazi rats MORALE factor, and once the cocaine ‘Ze’ retard followers will start to fall by this, the whole domino’s will crumble like hell. 2-6 maximum months to final defeat of the Hitler worshipers in the new Belaukraine.
2-6 months? You are a pessimist, aren’t you? It all depends on the Donbas pincering and complete encirclement. In a month, once the Avdeevka-Pokrovsk line and Zolote-Kramatorsk lines fall, and Mariupol cleared, the domino effect will hit hard. Like the general said and I suspected, the second echelon has not even been deployed yet and the more and more heavy weaponry (and advanced precision ones) will be used and ‘less humanitarian theatrics’ will be cared for, the more the Nazis will collapse. If it were me, I would carpet bomb the entire Azovstal plant by now. But I’m not a general obviously, and they probably need to leave the infrastructure intact as much as possible.
Condolences to the fallen CIAisis and Azovisis operators.
MY they rest in pieces…
Ukrobots are crying and raging 🤗🤡
Russia is gaining ukrobots are draining 🤗
Russia will have to flatten some buildings in Kiev, like India did in Dhaka, including hitting hotels that were being used as human shields by the Pakistanis. A few new parking lots in Kiev will get the massage across to the Ukrainian cowardly racist savages that the game is up. The bastard Jew Zelensky is in Poland anyway as a Bitchute green background video just exposed.
Why flatten? Let the people in the cities, military, political and civilian, discuss and ‘work it out’: a) stay in a city with resources running out, or b) leave unarmed in humanitarian corridors.
The west, with their short attention span, will get bored and turn their attention to their own 70’s style fuel queues in their own countries.
A Krasnopol a day keeps Azovisis away 🤗
Slava Rossiye 🇷🇺
The article was made 3 weeks ago
In fact! First published on the Saker blog.
Well spoken,tolerate the premeditated atrocities of NATO and remove the gloves in a few weeks when the world is no longer looking.
There is no bandera, there are no Nazis, there is simply sovereign state defending it’s territory from an invading force. Absolutely nobody outside Russia and the international community supports the Bandera narrative. You people are dumb in the head, this is an outright war against an independent country by a nuclear armed state with the goal of annexing at least part of its territory. At least be honest about your intentions and stop lying to the world. The Russian arrogance thinking they’re smarter than everyone and they can fool anyone is just so obvious. There are satellite photos of ruined cities, there is evidence of murdered civilians everywhere. We live in a different age today where a country waging war is put to account and asked to justify itself to the world every day about why they are conducting this war. Russia hasn’t managed to convince anyone, and if a billion or two billion people independently conclude that you’re a liar and you continue to lie, you’re just digging your own grave and making things worse for yourself. It doesn’t matter how much military hardware you destroy, if you can’t get the Ukrainan state to capitulate and raise the white flag, you’re not winning. If you can’t capture, control and pacify major cities, you’re not winning. The deeper you move into Ukraine, the more forces you need to leave behind to maintain the territorial gains on the captured areas. The country is 600k square kilometers. How are you going to be able to do that with 150k people?
It’s so obvious you’ve never traveled outside of NATO or your mother’s basement. I would say you should travel to some of the countries that have been raped and robbed by imperialists and colonialists but you are so pale and skinny you’d probably get beaten and mugged the minute you stepped away from the airport. If your pants slipped down while they were going for your wallet and they saw your little Hitler buttocks tattoo it’d be over for you. If you weren’t an uncultured moron you would know how the VAST MAJORITY of the world feels about NATO and their paymaster the US Government.
kek, the shills are retarded but this post takes the cake. Imagine claiming that Azov and the like don’t exist, whereas they themselves are active on social media, and the civilians have been interacting with them on a daily basis. Go to Mariupel and try to explain to people there that the Nazi batallions who’ve been keeping the civilians hostage are just imaginary. What an utterly retarded post.
Says the incel babbling about Bandera’s ideas just yesterday. You’re the Queen of Derp.
The true narrative is NATO broke its promise on expension, but common people will not hear to that, so Russian government use a more easy-understanding reason. Yes, it is not that accurate, but Sriyan people don’t care, Iranian don’t care, lots of Chinese don’t care, especially Palestine people don’t care. Europe and USA have play too wrong for too long time, these people now just want them to pay in some way. Of course if Nazis can be slaughtered as a side effect, it is delicious dessert.
Very insightful, and makes sense. I think this is probably the closest you’re going to get to the truth at the moment. The Ruski’s are using the ‘anaconda’ method – form lots of coils around the preys body and then slowly squeeze the life out of it.
This war is an international public relations nightmare for Russia but as always poutine his burying his head in the sand and pushing the same absurd story. He has made the Russian nation the most hated nation on Earth worse than North Korea. Who in the world invades a sovereign state precisely during UN peace talks to deescalate and prevent the invasion? This is unforgivable from a man who simply wants to shit on everyone on the planet and do whatever he likes. The little Vladimir “small dick napoleon” poutine will be liable for the Hague for the rest of his living days. They taught them to hate Russians – now the whole world hates Russians. Good luck with your future.
How did the illegal assaults by “the west” on Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Syria affect their public relations? I see somebody slipped you a new talking point. Good for you!
Well they try to fight an humain war, not possible against Psycho’s, 33 labs ?, its a chame this fighting, but people like Szylensky don’t give a shit about Oekraienian people, this old Khazars hate all other etnic’s, but the west is in the hands of the Zio Khazars, every country is corrupted and brain washed, Europe is not excisting anymore, that why we hope Putin will chanche the whole picture, and this small comic will be hanged for his crime’s !
The previous success in Crimea turned the special military operation into a failure. The population did not side with Russia, the Ukrainian army were ready this time around, Nato intelligence sharing was not addressed in Syria, and the Russian military did not even prepare for a long war of attrition as seen from the lack of supplies, logistics, and follow up support. Domestic defense companies did not even foresee that they would run out of needed components in this war. The Russian expectation of a short operation was a gross miscalculation.
However, the change of plans from minimal civilian damage to flattening everything in the sieged cities will be trading battlefield advances for more international isolation.
As war continues, other dangers become probable. What if the war is joined openly by another? What if a “peace keeping” force was invited and suddenly inserted in kyiv and other cities? What if the Russian military decides on a coup? Zelensky might be keen in continuing the war even after Mariupol has been “denazified” as Russian economic losses pile up on each day.
Because the up-side to continued fighting for the Ukrainian people is..?
I observe that Zelensky is willing to sacrifice people. One possibility could be simply bringing Russia down and ensuring a weaker pariah neighbor. Its economy will now be overtaken in the succeeding years. Also, this is a war the west just wouldnt let Russia go. It is a chance to change the rest of the century from a multi polar one to one with rogue states. The longer this goes, the possibility of a coup or rebellion becomes higher. Thats how a nuclear state can be safely poked.
steady as she goes…establishing the rule of law will decide who wins and who loses
Take you law book to front lines and you will see what makes the law.
This war is over. Ukraine lost. The mop up may be costly in Russian and Ukrainian lives but with time Western propaganda will not cover it any more.
Now for the next stage. Humiliation of NATO and the Western Block. They look like Barbushka old lady winning. Talking talking talking like a parrot !
NATO looks weak. Filled with smiling cowards who look good on TV and make a lot of noise.
Nobody wants NATO protection anymore.
Russia, I know what is going on, I know how the Prince of lies is ruling our world, I know that our Theotokus wants to have Russia, Russia, specifically Russia consecrated to Her Immaculate Heart.
I hear you, I see you and I see the evil and filth and perversions, spite jealousy and blind raging hatred of your enemies. I saw Iraq, Syria, Libya, I hear and see the lies.
God Bless Russia. On the Feast of the Annunciation, May God open the eyes and ears of our world. JC was denounced, hated and crucified. Today, the hatred towards Russia is the same.
When our world consecrates Russia to our Holy Mother’s immaculate Heart, Can we still then hate the Nation She has chosen and whom we have consecrated to Her?
I would prefer all out nuclear war to the reign of the deceiver and his filthy perversions. Also I denounce our government, Boris and our MPs in Westminster for their idiocy, false ideas and spite.
God Bless Russia!