Will Trump Really Change American Foreign Policy?

Will Trump Really Change American Foreign Policy?

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Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

Donald Trump is virtually always hailed as the enemy of the Deep State, even according to his own statements. He said repeatedly that he’ll dismantle it and make sure there’s peace. When it comes to the NATO-orchestrated Ukrainian conflict, Trump insists he’ll end it in a single day. While such efforts would certainly be commendable, the question arises, how likely is it?

Russian diplomacy thinks it’s unrealistic and for good reason, as there are still ultra-radical elements within the Ukrainian society who have been brought to power with billions of Western funds. In other words, NATO made sure the war keeps going regardless of the outcome of the US presidential election. However, Trump would certainly want to end the war for purely practical reasons. Namely, his political opponents keep using the so-called “Ukraine aid” to funnel money back into the United States and into the DNC coffers.

This also should be more than enough of a reason for a new Trump presidency to end the NATO-orchestrated Ukrainian conflict. And indeed, it may seem like the last chance to prevent a wider Russia-NATO confrontation. Trump is also using this to great effect by essentially warning he’ll quit the presidential race if he loses this time. Namely, in a new September 22 interview with former CBS News journalist Sharyl Attkisson, he said that he likely won’t run for president again if he loses this time.

“If you’re not successful this time, do you see yourself running again in four years?” Attkisson asked.

“No, I don’t. I think that that will be – that will be it. I don’t see that at all,” Trump replied, adding: “I think that, hopefully, we’re going to be successful [in the 2024 General Election].”

The Republican nominee touched upon several key issues regarding the Biden administration’s horrible handling of the country, including economy, financial and energy security, inflation, illegal immigration, etc. He also talked about the two recent assassination attempts. He also mentioned these two nearly fateful incidents in a separate interview with Fox News’s Brian Kilmeade on September 21, when he said that he’s concerned about his family’s safety.

“I do [worry]. I do. I don’t talk about it, but I do. I have to worry about family. I have to worry about everybody. I worry about you,” Trump stated.

The second shooter, Ryan Routh, turned out to be a rabid Russophobe and an ardent supporter of the Neo-Nazi junta. This is further evidence that it’s not in Trump’s interest to support the Kiev regime and that he could indeed make an effort to end the NATO-orchestrated Ukrainian conflict. In the meantime, Zelensky keeps getting on his bad side, this time by visiting crucial swing states such as Pennsylvania. On September 22, he was flown in aboard a USAF C-17 heavy military transport aircraft, prompting criticism that the troubled Biden administration is using federal assets for political purposes. Zelensky already made enemies in the Trump camp, including the latter’s running mate, Senator JD Vance. Namely, in an interview he gave to CNN on the second anniversary of the special military operation (SMO), Zelensky didn’t have anything nice to say about Vance.

In fact, the former comedian insisted that Vance, who served in the US Marine Corps, is “clueless” about the ongoing NATO-orchestrated Ukrainian conflict. It seems the fatigues Zelensky has been wearing since the SMO started gave him the illusion that he’s an actual military commander. Zelensky was always highly critical of Vance, as the latter was one of the staunchest opponents of the $60 billion “aid” package that the US provided to the Neo-Nazi junta in late April. Vance was certainly aware of the Kiev regime’s massive issues with endemic corruption, while also understanding that, as previously mentioned, much of that money was also being funneled back into the US so that the no less corrupt Democrats could get their “fair share” of the spoils. In addition, Trump’s running mate also repeatedly expressed doubt that the so-called “military aid” would change the real situation on the ground.

Obviously, this is something that Zelensky never takes too kindly and insists that “Ukraine is winning”. However, while it’s clear that a potential new Trump administration wouldn’t be too keen on supporting the Kiev regime, can the same be said when it comes to other global hotspots? Namely, Trump is highly unlikely to defuse tensions with China, Iran, Venezuela, Syria and numerous other countries that have been exposed to decades of US-led/NATO aggression. What’s more, if Trump is hoping to break Russia from the multipolar world so the US could focus more easily on other BRICS+ partners, he’s gravely mistaken. Moscow will certainly not risk any damage to relations with its strategic allies just so it could get another four years of a silent “cold war” with the US. The Kremlin’s reasoning is quite sound – Washington DC will remain its primary adversary no matter who’s in power in the US.

Similar strategic thinking is present in much (if not most) of the multipolar world. Iran cannot trust America, as the legally binding international agreements it signs with one administration are then renounced by the new one, making it impossible to trust the US to ever honor its legal commitments. Washington DC also keeps proving this in the case of arms control agreements, as it has unilaterally withdrawn from all of them (except the New START, which is set to expire in 2026 anyway).

China is in a similar situation, as the documents it signed with the Trump administration to end the trade war at the time proved to be effectively void, because the troubled Biden administration keeps surrounding the Asian giant with the previously banned medium and intermediate-range missiles (permanently stationed in the Philippines and Japan). In other words, the damage is already done and nobody will ever trust the US a single word its leadership utters.


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trump cannot change usa 🇺🇸 foreign policy it takes an act of congress and the senate. trump can affect the international trade and markets.

Snow Den

of course trump will not change anything. his party is full of neocons like bolton, trump already proven himself to be an imbecile and he is the most pro jeeeew candidate in the whole u.s. history. the war between u.s. and iran is guaranteed.. russia pretend to be iran’s ally (in fact russia is only misusing iran for their global ambitions and political games). direct clash between russia and u.s. are 100 percent guaranteed regardless klamala or trumpard wins.


so fake. try not using the same source for your fake names for a change. imo


he can if he talks enough senators into supporting the changes


interesting how the moderators here put the truthful comments as far removed from the original comment as they can revealing.


maybe diddy could tell us if he thinks trump will change the course of the boat?


diddy went to mount michael catholic coed college he’s catholic, as they nearly all are globally in the music industry. since his arrest 24 top ceos of large corporations resigned overnight.

Moshe Dayan

he’s a satanist pos and he’s definitely not a catholic you ignorant ass.
the oldest human organization on earth is the catholic church. there must be a reason why it is still here after 2024 years. jesus said his church would exist until his return. go study some history and quit pretending that you know anything.


god you’re a total moron pal catholic church is only 1500 years old dropout.

Last edited 5 months ago by Anonymous

you and your fake names, ignorant uneducated stupid lying pos.


the actual church of christ isn’t an earthly organization, but a group of godly people. there was no organized religion in the early days, just preachers. they were the church, and people like the apostles were the successors.


always found this debatable since he he loves the zionist isreali genocidal maniacs.


just another lying politician. it is almost impossible to find one that isn’t a blatant liar and blowhard, and trump surrounds himself with the worst of the worst.


he surrounds himself with such people because he himself is such a person, only he has the privilege to pretend it’s not him doing it but others. all this act however is pointless since as soon as the topic changes to israel he shows himself as a complete zionist/aipac slave.


he is using his popularity and trying to make kikeland look good. like another kike sob story, he gets people emotionally involved, “oh, they’re trying to kill me!” and then not long after the emotional transference of sympathy to the poor kikes deliberately murdering children and destroying everything palestinians own.

Last edited 5 months ago by BunkerDwellers

trolloping imperialists on the payroll all stick together like mafioso. imo


you havent a clue because you’re too lazy to even look you just vomit propagandas for the anti american agendas anti democratic anti semitic neo nazi empire.

Last edited 5 months ago by Anonymous

dipstick he’s told who he has to appoint by the advisors that’s why he’s surrounded by catholics like pompeo and pence and fauci and pelosi, that’s why two thirds if the scotus is catholics and that’s why the chief justice is too.


no debate whatsoever. a mediocre trust-fund baby who tried being a real estate hustler and tv personality, but really found his niche as a professional wrestling heel. a kayfabe actor.


oh yeah right like you’re a blionaire.

K. Lewis

trump is a masonic mobster. you might this he is unsuccessful because of all the bankruptcies etc but he’s a scheming ‘made’ bastard, 100%. you can argue that you cannot even be potus if you’re not a masonic mobster. even jfk was a mobster and the kennedy’s are a crime family since before prohibition.

Last edited 5 months ago by K. Lewis

almost every american president is either a mason including washington, or went to yale and is a, law grad who swore oath of loyalty to the sovereign, that is the pope, and swore oaths of secret to fraternity of skull and bones where they celebrate owning stashes of hitlers personal property, eg they eat from his crockery, and it was founded by the english russel trust

Last edited 5 months ago by Anonymous

btw mason’s drafted the american constitution when you learn basic primary school grade 2, 3, and 4 social studies as we did then you know its been fraud set up by england’s crown from day one. imo
and fraud vitiates everything

Last edited 5 months ago by Anonymous
jens holm

only lgbt mulatto allowed to change which foreign peniz gurki ramses lick


” nobody will ever trust the us a single word its leadership utters.” is a foregone conclusion, the us has already dug that hole they are in too deep. what ever happened to “wining their hearts and minds” policy? to costly? perhaps easier to go around the world and bribe and/or assassinate politicians


it is far safer to assume that the exact opposite of anything they say is true. it usually doesn’t take long for that to be borne out. control and manipulation through emotions. and two minutes later it’s onto the next talking point. never anything in depth but always hopelessly superficial.


that, ” always the same, always the opposite” is fundamental freenasonary. it’s not anerican its from egypt really even babylon earlier and its all ultimately saturn worship the black rock. black stone.


in this case i think you mean egypt before babylon and before that it was maybe martian like the blasted complex of pyramids there that are a mirror for the giza complex on earth. one side of mars totally washed away in a giant flood from the watery planet that was once there being blown to smithereens and creating the asteroid belt (rocks too dense and small to be from gravity) and the comets with the water in tow.


why would the deep state wage unremitting lawfare against him after they cheated on a scale formerly unseen in us elections, after his defeat?


so that a lot of really ignorant, scared americans who know that they’re under assault by identitarian woke freaks would rally behind him, and go down a blind alley.


exactly pay no attention to the 3 stooges here with each using several different names everyday.


to give him street-cred and get people emotionally involved with him. power is about perception management. have you personally seen any negative effects in his life from the “unremitting lawfare”? he loves being on the stage. breathless theatrics and an endless show, they are so evil they have scripted this for a long time. https://old. bitchute.com/video/katqkedps7qf/ https://old. bitchute.com/video/ttl9dikfoobj/ as they say, just more cohencidences.

Last edited 5 months ago by BunkerDwellers

will trumpo change us policy? yes, of course, look over there at that flying pig! trumpo is the world’s no. 1 shabbos goy, courtesy of $100 million adelson money. if elected, he will spend another 4 years licking israel’s boots and kissing israel’s butt, just like he did last time. and appointing rabid neocon warmongers to all senior posts, pompeo, bolton haley.


“i’m gonna build the wall, bring the troops home, rebuild the infrastructure, jail crooked hilary.” how did all that work out, donny?


trumpo’s time in power was the worst administration in us history. a weird coterie of dodgy billionaires and close family members in an orgy of corruption and nepotism, superannuated generals, religious nutjobs, rabid warmongers, chancers, grifters, spivs, fraudsters, conmen, halfwits, dimwits, and certifiable lunatics. and it will be just the same if he wins this time. and it will be just the same if somebody else wins.

Peter Jennings

the neocons are going to leave the new skipper with a sinking ship, hence the skipper hasn’t ruled out further conflicts with all the countries mentioned. nothing quite like war to stimulate economies, thin the herd, and consolidate power. in the meantime, the isreali apartheid regime can continue their murder and theft.

Peter Jennings

isn’t it odd that all the major parties are all in on the genocide in palestine? nothing much is going to change as western political shysters have no interest in doing so when there is lots of loose money. the us has a choice between two money spinners of whom one is trying to kill the other, much like third world street venders fighting over a spot.


… the left-right political paradigm has always been political theater. at the end of the day both parties are each other’s controlled opposition …


give it a rest you tool

Coconut Water

short answer: no.


kamala, ” what can be unburdened by what has been” its favourite saying , her as described by her own professor of economics father as ” fraud and a liar”. that’s fundamental communist ideology she’s spewing translation : you will own nothing. you will work. you will be happy. you will not speak unless spoken too you will obey.

Last edited 5 months ago by Anonymous

added to that her bff aoc. says ” we have a world to win” that’s their true foreign policy that’s fundamental marxism.


no…trumpstein is bought and paid for by chabad lubovitch jews, who he has intermarried his kids with. trumpstein will play along with the deep state. he will shift attention against iran and china and lessen hostility towards russia. but that is no solution. america with or without trump is still a burning dumpster fire. billionaires all look out for each other. behind trump is a big array of corporate fascists just like behind democrats

Last edited 5 months ago by hasbarats

the usa is doomed like israel. these experiments will not last. they are already unravelling. usa barely 250 years and israel in barely 80 years. now think why civilizations like india, persia, china have lasted 1000s of years. compare their mentality to the demented mentality of americans and jews. the culture of fake trash coca cola, mcdonalds, narcissism and sadism is not anything we look up to

Last edited 5 months ago by hasbarats
Jewish pimp

only drago the bullshit can put this bs as an article.

Last edited 5 months ago by Jewish pimp

only stupid white peoples think trump will make a difference. i mean how naive and dumb do you have to be.

Conan M

answer is “no”. because he is completely blackmailed by the tribe and the dod and cia has his “6 o’ clock” – literally!… if he couldn’t show character and integrity in his leadership the last time with those two sword(s) just mentioned dangling over his head -what makes anyone think he will be different this time. he like putin only cares about his personal wealth and will do anything to keep it!

Last edited 5 months ago by Conan M

nope. to many vested interests.
