Will The Deep State Risk Civil War To Stay In Power?

Will The Deep State Risk Civil War To Stay In Power?

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Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

Saying that America is a mess would be a gross understatement. In fact, it could be argued that the world’s most aggressive thalassocracy is going through an unraveling of sorts. Societal divisions are at an all-time high, with ethnic, racial and ideological hatred reaching a boiling point. Americans have never been this polarized, including massive differences in values between “blue” and “red” states. The former have effectively embraced all types of ultra-liberal extremist ideology (known under the umbrella term “woke”), resulting in moral degeneracy and other forms of societal decay commonly seen in dying civilizations (the Western Roman Empire’s collapse is a good analogy). Opposing them are the Republicans who usually identify as “conservatives”, albeit it would be best to call them “classical liberals”.

While the Democrats are aligned with the Deep State (to the point that they’re virtually indistinguishable from it), the situation with the GOP is far more complicated. There are many neocon warmongers among top Republicans and many of them have been in the first Trump administration, pushing for wars, invasions and the general expansion of US aggression against the world. However, there are business-minded people like Donald Trump who are much less keen on starting wars around the world. As a realist (for the most part), he is determined to retreat America to more defensible geostrategic positions, particularly as the advent of multipolarity is making it very difficult (if not effectively impossible) to maintain the Wolfowitz Doctrine (essentially the Monroe Doctrine, but expanded to include the whole world).

With such irreconcilable differences, the two groups are destined to clash. In the political arena, this confrontation is expected to be at least somewhat civilized. However, it seems the stakes are so high now that the corrupt federal institutions will do anything in their power to prevent the other side from getting into the Oval Office – including murder. Trump’s assassination attempt is perhaps the most glaring example of how “democratic” America is. Funnily enough, Washington DC always thinks it has the right to comment or even show “concern” for the state of political plurality in other countries, but the latest events demonstrate just how ridiculous that notion is. For instance, in the United States, it’s virtually an axiom that Russia is a “dictatorship”, that Vladimir Putin is “reincarnated Hitler” and similar nonsense.

However, the Russian presidential election back in mid-March showed that Moscow’s democratic process looks like that of a Type 4 civilization on the Kardashev scale in comparison to that in the US or anywhere else in the political West. The fact that the most unpopular leaders are in power in the vast majority of NATO/EU countries demonstrates just how “democratic” their political systems are. Worse yet, any remotely sovereign leaders in the West are being suppressed and treated as pariahs, the most prominent examples being Hungary’s Viktor Orban and Slovakia’s Robert Fico. Interestingly, the latter also barely survived an assassination attempt two months earlier. And just like with Trump, there were also some strange occurrences in the case of Slovakia’s Prime Minister, with the security detail making inexplicable “mistakes”.

However, instead of making up for these “mistakes”, the Secret Service (SS) can’t guarantee Trump’s safety (or perhaps it doesn’t want to). Their “solution” is to limit his rallies to indoor venues. It should be noted that this is certainly a setback for the Trump campaign, as enormous outdoor rallies are one of his most powerful election assets. What’s more, this doesn’t even guarantee Trump’s safety, as the SS has proven to be spectacularly incompetent, or worse, somehow involved in the assassination attempt. Namely, the sheer number of safety snags during the nearly fateful Trump rally in Butler indicates that these weren’t exactly snags, but a series of preplanned events. Although it may seem like a “crazy conspiracy theory” now, there’s very serious and disturbing speculation that precisely this happened.

The testimony of SS Director Kimberley Cheatle led to her resignation, but this hardly changes the calculus, as the corrupt federal institutions have proven their unrelenting hostility toward Trump. The mainstream propaganda machine is in lockstep with them, presenting the assassination attempt as a “minor incident”, while numerous Democrats are openly lamenting that the bullet didn’t kill Trump. It should be noted that this intense hatred for the former president is nothing new. Namely, back in 2017, American “comedian” Kathy Griffin held a replica of Trump’s severed head, an outrageous incident for which she officially “apologized”, only to reuse the image in 2023, during the corrupt US DoJ’s (Department of “Justice”) witch-hunt that effectively landed Trump in jail on trumped-up charges (no pun intended).

Worse yet, if anything, the deranged anti-Trumpists have become even more aggressive. Namely, while placing a Trump sign in his yard, an 80-year-old man was intentionally run over by a 22-year-old Democrat. The Trump supporter suffered life-threatening brain injuries and as of this writing, his condition is unknown. According to Zero Hedge, the assailant later confessed to the crime via a phone call with police, but committed suicide before officers arrived to arrest him. Such intense and violent hatred didn’t come from nowhere, as the DNC itself has been fomenting it for years. Both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have repeatedly called Donald Trump “an existential threat to our democracy”, while just two days before he was nearly assassinated, the infamous neocon war criminal Victoria Nuland said the following:

“I don’t think that Donald Trump is gonna be President, so if that’s what Putin is betting on, he’s gonna get an unhappy surprise…”

Nuland is one of the most prominent exponents of the Deep State that Trump repeatedly vowed to dismantle. She and others of her ilk have a direct interest in making sure he never wins the presidency and the very fact that they run virtually all US federal institutions tells us all we need to know about organizations such as the SS or the numerous three-letter agencies that are essentially the oligarchy running Washington DC. The American people themselves are also opposed to these warmongers and war criminals, as evidenced by the latest opinion polls.

However, the Deep State is showing no signs of stepping back. On the contrary, it’s going full afterburner on using the corrupt federal institutions to quash any dissent and opposition to their deranged policies. Precisely these patently barbaric tendencies in the already atrocious American politics are increasing the chances of a civil war in the US. The Deep State will do anything to stay in power and it’s difficult to say what’s worse – a civil war in a country with 5000 thermonuclear warheads or a direct confrontation with Russia that has nearly 6000 of them.


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stop spreading lies. deep state in the u.s. will stay in power regardless the result of presidental elections . kamala or donald, both are fine for the deep state. if it will end up with the civil war, even better for them.do you remember, how trump ordered missile attacks on syria, even without asking congress, just because he learned about “chemical attacks” hoax ? probably not.

Last edited 7 months ago by hyh

and as for as ordinary u.s. citizens and the middle class, they are systematically screwed up by republicans or democrats since the end of the cold war. who staged 11.9. and started war on terror ? republicans. and who allowed illegals and aliens and dei ? democrats. and what hurt ordinary u.s. citizens and the middle class more ? it is very questionable. and what is a perfect solution for that ? civil war.

Last edited 7 months ago by hyh

“nothing is permanent.” buddha

Edgar Zetar

totally agree. everything is aligned to continue this role-playing game created by the exceptionals.


if the faggy-joo state wants a civil war they will use stooge trump and stooge kamala to make that happen. the parties are controlled so that nobody who is actually anti-establisment will ever make it to a vote in the first place. what a dumpy planet and group of retards to be forced to live around.


seriously lol

Conan M

stupid analysis by bosnic who usually writes important articles. a civil war would be the last thing the u.$. .gov either “wants” or “needs”. because if that happens not only will empire crumble faster, but the plebs will seek out the folks in government for slaughter which is why they will start wwiii through a series of 9/11 casus belli(s) to blame on someone else to ensure a civil war doesn’t happen!

Last edited 7 months ago by Conan M

that is why they have maleisian air mh370 parked at diego garcia the maledives !!! and this time they will blame iran. if the world is so stupid as the day 9/11. this time we know better.

Drago Kurton

drago kurton stinking like moron.


if it comes to that – yes they will!

cosmic dwarf

even if trump made it to the inauguration in good health, and were willing to pick the necessary fights, he would be doggedly opposed at every turn by the various federal bureaucracies. recall that he announced us troops would be withdrawn from syria because isis had been beaten, only for his own subordinates to go “nooooo, that’s not what’s going to happen”.


yea, hopefully he is a bit more wiser this time around

cosmic dwarf

there are too many entrenched interests, foreign and domestic, suckling at the us government’s teat for any real change to be allowed to happen. the game is so obviously rigged that some deep state faction might just seize power and dare anyone to do something about it. a small step from installing a dementia-riddled puppet and forcing the world to pretend to take it seriously for 4 years.


whats your solution then?

cosmic dwarf

well, the only way out is through, which is why i’m something of an accelerationist… those who care about the future should be building low-profile communities that can survive the instability and thrive once the convulsions quiet down.


how can one join your community?

cosmic dwarf

hey, if you know of one and you’re not a fed, let me know :p


best outcome: civil war backfires, blows up completely in deep state’s face, like a cumshot facial

Conan M

and this just in taking place at the “opening ceremonies” of the olympic games in france –
from the wall street journal

“the sabotage marks a stunning breach of the sweeping security dragnet that france erected to shield the games from myriad threats, ranging from islamist terrorist groups to state-sponsored sabotage planned by adversaries such as russia or iran,”… 9/11 style event countdown to blamed on someone else in 4…3…2…1..

Last edited 7 months ago by Conan M
Conan M

“coordinated sabotage” paralyzes france’s rail network as olympics begin”… from the wall street shuffle


hamas are going to spend a few hours putting babies in ovens again? all of this is really starting to make me wonder what my grandpa actually saw at the auschwitz nuclear facility.

Conan M

i$raeli soldiers dressed in hajibs you mean throwing them in ovens when they are not shooting babies and children in the head!… i think their was an all jew brigade that wore waffen ss uniforms that manned the nazi conentration camps during wwii…. one of them is hungarian and is a banker… keep destroying the neighborhood and see what happens to the community in haifa and tel aviv???

Last edited 7 months ago by Conan M

yeah, it seems like they are going to try something at the olympics and blame it on hamas. they have some chubby looking middle-easternish “hamas” making threats about it. they have tranny story time for kids as a part of the 33rd olympics. even when they do their false flag and gain trumptard types for their war, israel is overplaying its hand. the numbers of the gullible dwindle every day. most people would never make such lies, so they don’t believe anyone else would either.

Last edited 7 months ago by BunkerDwellers
Conan M

with images of marie antoinette headless in every window with ribbons of paper blood shooting out of each window!… does macron understand that 3/4 of the country wants he and his transvestite wife beheaded for his war crimes and the destruction of the french economy trying to start a world war in eastern europe?!!! if lady ga ga is riding a paper mache rs-28 sarmat under her crotch -let me know, as it would be a perfect end to the opening ceremonies for what is “coming”!

Last edited 7 months ago by Conan M
John Kesich

junk right win “analysis”

Conan M

“trump tells netanyahu a ‘third world war’ is likely if he loses in november”…
i can’t wait to see what putin will say. or how he will respond -especially given his military’s presence in tartus?… i can only hope this will expedite the “checkout” from the un ca$in0 and that he will warn booby trump that this will also be wwiii whether the anglo-zionist attempts it across the border in ukraine or in tehran!…

Last edited 7 months ago by Conan M
Raptar Driver

integration, affirmative (aggression), has changed the united states to the point where it is unrecognizable for people who have been here and aware for 40 years. the united states for all the existence up until that point was known as the melting pot. now it has become a witch’s brew, world melting pot. this is where one of the freest countries in the world becomes the beast.

Edgar Zetar

the hegemon has raised and sit their childrens around his table, they are all drunk so they will obey, the finely crafted brewery made by the supreme hegemon made them all insane, the shaped corn of the ethernal unicorn are pointed towards russia. they want the move the ‘head of the snake’into moscow, divide them and make them childrens. the exceptionals will not retreat, they will double down, only would wait aggression, covered or uncovered against russia.

Edgar Zetar

the masters of the universe, the exceptionals, the ‘head of the snake’ wanted desperately to drink the blood of the russian father.