Why Madness Rules

Why Madness Rules

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Written by Peter van Els

For centuries absolute power and the associated privileges were in the hands of aristocrats, the nobility and the ecclesiastical authorities. Their will was truth and law. That changed when the French Revolution broke out. (1789–1799) Old ideas of absolutism, aristocracy and the power of the church were replaced by ideals, in the following words: ‘Liberty, Equality and Fraternity.’

The individual was central, people had the right to individuality, the right to freedom and choice. The right to be, the ‘I’ became the center. Rene Descrates, French Philosopher (1596-1650) had already given a pass, because he made the following statement: “I think, therefore I am”, in 2023 it is: “I consume, therefore I am.”

‘Freedom’ is a relative concept, because there is no real autonomy, independence. The only true freedom is the freedom within yourself. The freedom and choice to do the right thing.(Lea Ipy) In 2023, ‘equality’ is far from it, the richest are getting richer and inequality is increasing every year. ‘Brotherhood’ is a forgotten concept in these times, where individualization, egoism, narcissism, the ‘I’ and economics, capitalism, neoliberalism are central.

In the past, the nobility and the church ruled – although the church still had a lot of influence until the end of the fifties. My generation still went to church every Sunday – with a strong hand and had absolutism, there were no boundaries for them. Borders were only for the bourgeoisie. Now those walls have been broken down and there is more freedom for the individual, fewer boundaries and boundlessness has increased.

Note: It is mainly about the Western world, but the Western world has largely been world-determining and economy, money, power is still the first priority, because a well-known phenomenon is that power always corrupts.

Man took over from the ecclesiastical institutions and became the universe of his own ‘happiness’, his own individual, his own identity, but that ‘freedom’ also created emptiness, meaninglessness and loneliness, one had to reinvent oneself. And doesn’t this new age create new Psychiatric disorders, new suffering?

The dominant ideology to this day is liberalism (origin: the Enlightenment), politically and socially. The ‘freedom’ of the individual was reflected, among other things, in the pursuit of a market in which the government should adopt a restrained attitude. Postmodernism entered an individualized, neoliberal society, where everyone is alone in the world, with their own responsibility, their own success and where you can buy ‘happiness’ and ‘freedom’.

After the demise of old powers, including the church and especially traditional upbringing (both parents, families and the community were involved in this), norms, values, ethical awareness, morality and boundaries have shifted and become blurred, there are hardly any boundaries anymore, there is no limit. Our new religion has become to consume and consume ‘enlightened’ (to fill the spiritual emptiness within us?), where greed has become a virtue (Greed is Good) and our capitalist society preaches ‘happiness’. Another new commandment is; ‘Thou shalt enjoy’.

Margaret Thatcher; “There is no such thing as society. There are only individuals.”

However, that individual ‘freedom’ also has its downside, namely the increasing degree of loneliness, fear of abandonment, identity problems, emptiness and the loss of meaning. Loneliness, both physical and psychological, is one of the biggest problems of the western world in modern times. In addition, since the 1960s, divorces have increased sharply and people are getting married less. People, children and young people become displaced and detached and search for new forms of meaning.

This puts enormous pressure on people, especially young people, who are brought up under completely different educational, living and environmental conditions. The time of self-development, of self-realization is not an easy road and besides, if you don’t make it, if you are not ‘successful’, it is your own fault, in a world full of lonely souls. However, most of them are not ‘successful’ and thus one creates more losers, more people who drop out, than winners. Fate is often less kind and is also partly determined by their background. Some people are born under good circumstances (familial), but most are born under much more difficult circumstances. (e.g. poverty, divorced parents).

Our young people grow up with the idea that they are at the center of the world and more often grow up without a father figure. When they are raised by both parents, they regularly have to meet high standards and are often spoiled, they always get and want their way, they are spoiled without limits. Attachment has become detachment. It is therefore not surprising that many children, young people and the elderly suffer from separation anxiety, unstable interpersonal relationships, identity problems, mood swings and often a negative self-image. They are impulsive and have suicidal tendencies and self-mutilation. In addition, there is a chronic feeling of emptiness and meaninglessness and a certain intense anger. And there is a high degree of stress/(performance drive) pressure, which affects many. These are all symptoms of borderline disorder, where we’ve gone too far, of “freedom” for everyone. – for one more than for the other of course – to a pretty diseased society. So many damaged children, so many damaged lives. We pay a heavy price for our torn, lonely lives. But it can always get worse, from bad to worse.

From Borderline Times (Dirk de Wachter 2011) to Psychopathic Times

Our primal instinct includes among other things hunting and maternal instinct. The primitive man and today’s modern man are unfortunately not that different, they were hunters then and they are still hunters now and the biggest predator, those at the top of our food chain are psychopaths in leadership positions. It’s eat or be eaten.

Perverse Incentives

A rotten system attracts rotten people. Capitalism, power, greed, ego, stimulate perversity, insanity in man. Looking for successful managers, who are also amply rewarded, creates/nourishes psychopathy and narcissism in man. We ourselves have paved/created the way for this kind of sick behavior, because we are fed with it on a daily basis. In applications for a managerial position, people ask, among other things; Do you dare to take risks? Are you willing to make tough decisions? Are you stress resistant? These are important skills for a managerial position, but is there a sane or a psychopathic manager in front of you? That is a crucial distinction, but is so hard to discern. Debates are held in universities and debate is seen as a true art, whether it is based on truth/facts or not, it doesn’t matter. It is about the debate and when one defends one’s position best and with convincing argumentation, wins. He is rewarded, he gets good grades. Talk for the sake of talking, endless chatter. How do you feed the psychopath? There are also neuropsychologists who guide stock market traders and hedge fund managers in making risky decisions.

The Psychopathic Leader (PL)

They are sellers of confidence, masters of deception, and social chameleons of subterfuge. They are psychopathic ruthless predators and know how to find the defenseless, lonely, vulnerable and naive people and leave them exploited, hurt, bewildered and drained. These people are the food for such hyenas. As malleable as the liberal man thought he was, he can end up completely dehumanized.

A lot of research has been done into the criminal, ‘unsuccessful’ psychopath and is now well understood, but the ‘successful’ psychopathic leader remains almost under the radar, because of their high intelligence and high degree of self-control. They are snakes in suits, (Snakes in Suits, Babiak & Hare 2006), the man behind the mask and they are almost elusive, making madness more and more sneaky. Psychopathic leaders can be very skilled at hiding their antisocial behavior behind their attractive leadership facade because of their high self-control and their technique of impressing. Therefore, the PL is specifically highlighted here.

Robert D. Hare (Canada, 1934, philosopher and researcher) general description is as follows. “They are charming, manipulative and intimidatingly charismatic. A lot of (verbal) violence is used to control others and to satisfy their own needs. They are unscrupulous and do what they want. They do not obey rules or laws because they do not apply to them. They know no regret or guilt”.

“If you are smart, you will quickly try to express your pathological tendencies in a legitimate way: By seeking positions of power and control. Organizations, multinationals, banks, wall street, systems and politics are ideally suited for that. When it revolves around money, power, prestige, you will find them.” (Manfred Kets de Vries, Psychoanalyst).

Important addition:

  • a) Power corrupts.
  • b) Power attracts corrupt people.
  • c) We put corrupt people at the top ourselves.
  • d) The corrupt system they work in makes them corrupt.

Behind this sympathetic facade of the PL, a lot of damage is often done.

Dissertation Désiré Palmen on Psychopathic Leaders (PL)

There are two types of psychopathy, primary and secondary psychopathy, with the controlled primary psychopathic type being the most ‘successful’ type. This type is defined as a combination of innate fearlessness and emotional shallowness with a high level of social competence and good to excellent executive functioning. Well-controlled, purposeful, intelligent and charming.

Secondary psychopathy, (the criminal psychopath) is more strongly defined by destructive social experiences. Intense feelings. High level of subconscious fear and negative, unstable emotional nervousness and are often more impulsive and hostile as a result. They lack “the mask of sanity” and the charm, charisma, intelligence, and self-control of the primary type.

A PL exhibits immoral behavior, is narcissistic, loyal to himself, lacks conscience and empathy, and has a great desire to control his environment. Characteristics of psychopathic and narcissistic personalities: Are extremely ambitious, obsessed with increasing power and demand admiration. They are convinced that they are entitled to privileges and extra benefits. They surround themselves with people they can dominate. Brilliant at manipulation. Charming and charismatic, ruthlessly humiliate others, lie, intimidate, verbally attack, feign empathy and concern.

The “successful” psychopath uses indirect forms of aggression. They lie, cheat, manipulate and, if necessary, bring others into disrepute. They have the urge to predominate, to dominate. Gaining/having power can lead to anti-social behaviour, such as cheating, fraud, manipulations, workplace harassment and white-collar crime. The consequences are dramatic for companies and in politics. Well-being suffers from PL. Studies show that many PL are not competent for important positions. Often negative outcomes, related to finances, employee well-being (high turnover and low engagement) and ethics.

Take a look at the senate, the lower house, the second chamber and our government, don’t you see and hear them? There are so many psychopaths in important positions and there is a lack of knowledge and understanding of PL. In reality, there are many more PL than are currently known, due to lack of research, these people are difficult to classify (the face behind the mask), precisely because they are so intelligent (in playing people) and have high self-control. They don’t like to participate in investigations, of course, and are likely to out-compete the investigators and easily pass a lie detector as well. They are brilliant chameleons.

In a democratic government, politicians with a high level of integrity and moral values are absolutely necessary. When there is more equality, prosperity, well-being, there is less violence, more contentment and mental, physical health. If we want to heal the world, we must put plasters on the stinking wound. Not feeding insanity, but feeding common sense, wisdom and love. The way forward is that of the heart.

Nothing has been written here yet about the differences between men and women, nor about the role of testosterone, neurotransmitters, pills, drugs and alcohol. (maybe in another piece) That neurotransmitters, drugs, medicines, alcohol play a very important role is a fact and that is also an indication why we are NOW living in times of De-lusion.

“Our main task is to pursue virtue in our actions. Our inner balance and even our very existence depend on it. Only virtuous action can make life beautiful and dignified.” (Albert Einstein)

Big thanks go to: Désiré Palmen, Dirk de Wachter, Paul Verhaeghe, Robert Hare, Lien Decorte, Wikipedia, Google, many other philosophers, psychiatrists, writers. journalists and thanks also to my brother, daughters, friend Joris and my American friend Ethan Indigo Smith.


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Isser Harel

Fm eugenicists have sold out the world to satan their guiding “light” of bullshit. Like children they like to play dress up and dance around and pick up the soap together. Clowns on parade. Nixon was right about them when he spoke about bohemian grove.
Listen to the couple minutes of him telling his chief of staff about how disgusted he was by it all.

Chris Gr

In fact, they are dysgenicists.

Peter van Nonsense

The article starts well and goes south pretty quickly. Argument is totally disjoint. Copy paste too much?

1. We have no leaders, we have just cucks and cunts masquarding and acting very poorly like they are men. They are just Trans sissies dreaming and wanting to be Men.

2. If it is Psychopathy we are seeing, than it is totally pathetic. Their impression of power is non-existent. More like laughing stock of sheeple. These zoomer fuckers are placed in high positions and they manage to fuck up and to ruin power they are given in the most efficient and the fastest way possible 😆😆😆👍 They are literally having 0 power and 0 control of their own. Even sheeple have more power.

Last edited 2 years ago by Peter van Nonsense
Elgar Zetar

I love niggers fucking my ass and being their cumdump.


Negroes have it very small. All other races have it bigger.

Chris Gr

Trannies are good for sex only.

Elgar Zetar

I love niggers fucking my ass and being their cumdump.

Ed Snowden

Me too. Me too. I love both in mouth and in asshole.

Last edited 2 years ago by Ed Snowden

Correct! These evil bastards want to destroy races. Which is impossible. They are very idiotic and inferior.

Chris Gr

But they destroy themselves also.


In my opinion, these rich bandits, masters of America, always marry each other.
That’s why they have hereditary defects and diseases.

Florian Geyer

Pfizer spelt backwards is:- REZIFP.
The name is of Hebrew origin and translates as ‘The Burner or The Ravager’ who is an ancient Semitic God of the plague and the underworld,the companion of Anath and the equivalent of the Babylonian God Nergal.

Elgar Zetar

I love niggers fucking my ass and being their cumdump.

Ed Snowden

Me too. Me too. I love both in mouth and in asshole.


eye in the sky indicates:

1. hornets nest (nato or russian jets)

2. Dabiq/Amaq

3. Both

I wonder which side Russia and China is on (BRICS or jews or Humanity)


Chris Gr

Russia is part of king of the North, China is part of king of the East.


Disneyland is king of the south.

Elgar Zetar

I love niggers fucking my ass and being their cumdump.

Elgar Zetar

I love niggers fucking my ass and being their cumdump.

Edgar Zetar

Dont agree because it is too moderns Western Philoshopy concepts… Mens are hunters and eat fleash by nature, it has to adapt to the ever changing social enviroment it creates and it also been modified by the enviroment he creates, first were Tribes, then Towns, then Cities at each phase people should adapt to the new reality… Modern Times since XIX Century or before were a Social Engineering Experiment Age, Goverments started to apply pressure on his individuals acording to his needs. Another example is Church and Religion were used to achieve Social Engineering in Ancient Times, coming back to our Age, after WWII were are guided by USA UK (Masters of the Universe) to new realities, PROPAGANDA is very refined those days even society it depends on PROPAGANDA to move the economy…

Edgar Zetar

in these new Realities we are creating or the Masters of the Universe created to us there are Winners and Losers…. I bet you, you already known who are Winners and who the losers… just see the Reality…. PD: about the Psycophats Leaders (PL) there are going to get to the top always, because of the nature of men; you need the skills of a Bear or a Lion to get to top, sthey need to eat flesh in order to become strong and powerfull and the Country or Culture who has the more quantity of PL and gets the more quantity of prey to feed them would become the Leader of the World… this is the World we are living now.

Edgar Zetar

I love niggers fucking my ass and being their cumdump.

Ed Snowden

I love nigger dick in my ass and mouth too.

William White

Ban him too!

William White

Ban these clowns!

Chris Gr

Humans are not hunters but rational beings.

inflation Russia 4%, german 10%

gay greek moron—cannot comprehend philosophy sociology history

Chris Gr

JHK on Russian flag


Lets cut the crap and talk money. Ukraine is worth money, its not madness its naked greed, ag dollars, mineral dollars and war dollars, thats whats going on, here. Politician speeches and rhetoric contests can only camouflage the obvious for about so long and then we’re down to the driving forces and these macroeconomic battles that deep pockets speculators and investors like to play. ”Follow the money”, true then, true today.

jens holm

If Ukraine and the USSR was that rich worth a lot of money, why did it collapse.

Your version for fx My EU is so far out as any can be. Its very imporessing You can reduce the many human beings into speculators and dirty investers. Ad where are all the Russian proletars kindly assisted by uncla marx and Engels, Stalin half dead Andropov and Thernenko.

jens holm

You also has erased the economic and socials structures we as EU(and USA) has made in the ruins of the no keep USSR Empire. Thats very imressing. Your kind living in it or insist its the best.

We actually came fromthere about 150 yers ago and step by step has changed to something much better and solid, where Your kind of rulers only is a part of it, which we try to control.

And the results are there. I live in it. Who cares about someone like You. My home and livingstandards are not like that. In the streets and fx jibs and free hospitals its same thing.

And yes we follow the money very well. My country is again mentioned as the lowest in corruption having the most sober plie and court system. It also collect tax hard and insisting.

Edgar Zetar

Puppet Jens When I was kid during the 90’s I asked to myself the same Question and my answer then was USSR collapsed because The Masters of the Universe were so Clever and the Fraternal Commisars of USSR were so naive… it was a competition and only the Best could survive… also you need to have at least five generations of Enlighted people to achieve what USSR wanted to achieve (need to have control over all resources, move upon the need of your population, having infraestructure USSR lacked, technologies USSR didnt have), and the Bolshevik Revolution only have had a few dozen Enlighted people not sufficent to reign over a vast land of the USSR while the Master of Universe controlled the Seas the Oceans the International Commerce, have more than a three centuries of UK Empire knowledge and Enlighted breed on how to Master Colonies and their Resources… off course USSR would collapse sooner or later broken apart by the force and craft of the Masters of the Universe.

Last edited 2 years ago by Edgar Zetar
jens holm

Many things are highly incorrect. Its no possible succes to make human beings 5 generations far from the human nature.

USSR has lacked nothing. They had made them lack themself. And You do comapre with UK. Fine but You have to add the Tzar system a´had exact the same big mistakes. The Bolsjevics did not change the vitals where some few replacers denied growth in wealht for exact same bad resons, which was control for own purpose only.

Hard times for the proletars.

Where I live we have removed or at least subtracted the few to rule a alot. As minimum they has to share. They cant produce a lot of stuff, if none are able to buy it.

By that the production is not like upperclas to upperclass Faberge Eggs.

Thsts not succes all over, but compared to fx USSR it is. We see the same for China.

Elgar Zetar

I love niggers fucking my ass and being their cumdump.


In my opinion, these very negative beings, who hate humanity, the healthy, the beautiful, art, values, etc. , they are not normal. They have serious complexes (of inferiority, of superiority), an internal emptiness. From my research, I have noticed aging PREMATURE evident in these patients. For me it depends by blood ……………………… hatred, avarice, evil, extreme ambition, they acidify the blood, and ensues a degradation of the organism.
It was too comfortable to hurt the People and enjoy good health.

jens holm

Its because You are a lowlife not used to something better.

Elgar Zetar

I love niggers fucking my ass and being their cumdump.

Edgar Zetar

According to this Report Using Plain Logic we get this conclusion… Third World Countries only has a few of PL in charge of the country, second world countries have a hundreds of PL in charge of everything…. now up, we have G7 and BigPowers have a thousands of PL in charge and they included the Breed of Bureocrats.. and then at the top we have the big HEGEMON who haves more PL than all together, so if Western World rules are applied worldwide. Conclusion: whoever had the most quantity of PL would rule and Become the New Hegemon and need to have a lot of land (commodities) and prey (slaved citizens) to feed the PL which loves to eat innocent fresh meat by the way… also we dont say Colonies anymore on this moderns days, we call it more markets to grown our economy (a.k.a to feed the PL)…. Welcome to the Western World! You definitely are going to like our Freedom of choices.

jens holm

Thats the Eastern Bunny version.

You forget those many small influencers me included actually has influence and can remove or calibrate those on the top level – and do.

And G7 is a very good example. GDP do represent stockholders and many of them – like me. And we stockholders are united in productions, which we can use or sell, so we can buy.

Im typical and owner in many big companies, which operated around the world. Its by my state pension, my private pension fond and by my privatre saving fond.

Only G7 is big enough to fix things by representatives. Those can be removed and replaced.

jens holm

Even Your writing looks pretty well its phrases as well. Its just like telling high tax makes You poor. actually the countries with the highest living standards has the highest tax.

So things in Your world also is about the incommings are distributed to where its needed or just is taken in by corruption and oligarcs and look a likes in west.

Being many deciders is no must for good decissions. Its very much about the level for, what we vote for and against.

EWhen You mention the third world the reaons for their level is chosen by not changing things and many even in small tribe modes today. If we try to help them, they speak about we are colinists and plunderes. If not they want us to feed them, because the spend too many hours making children(sorry). .

jens holm

And yesterday I was blemed here to promote Denmark too much as some kind of selfie.

Well I see the knowledge level in Rustiaca is biased barking mad. I dont live in that non existing Denmark.

So I do write about how things are here to learn from in own context for free. And I by the way has same kind of reflexions for the problems USA has in its no reforms and no learníng.

So I do have succes, when people actually learn from me how my part of west is from me living here.


** Looking for successful managers, who are also amply rewarded, creates/nourishes psychopathy and narcissism in man. **

Absurd. Managers are needed because enterprises need effective guidance. They DO have to make tough decisions. Psychopathy? Give me a break.

Elgar Zetar

I love niggers fucking my ass and being their cumdump.


Good article about ruskie leader


Good algorithm as well sf – if you mention it is about p it is deleted immediately…

jens holm

Ha ha. The local gravedigger looked into my room by the window yesterday.


“Jamais dans une monarchie l’opulence d’un particulier ne peut le placer au dessus du roi. Par contre dans une democracie elle peut aisément le mettre au dessus des lois.” J.j. Rousseau.

jens holm

He wrote books about children but let others raise his own too.

jens holm

thanky for mulatto penis and glue to sniff

Elgar Zetar

I love niggers fucking my ass and being their cumdump.

Elgar Zetar

I love niggers fucking my ass and being their cumdump.

Ed Snowden

I also love nigger dicks

John Deer

Fraternity = Mafia = Society.
Liberty = Permissions granted under the fascism of a social contract.
Equality = only between numbers/prameters, e.g. ownerships over slaves.
Vassalage = Socialism = Communism = Feminism.
Opinion = Lies.
Tolerance = Sadomasochism.

Chris Gr

You are 100% correct.


I get where you are going but its gotten more complex. COnsider the lost potential of humanity due to these people. Global output is slwoly shrinking or slowing but how much have the rent and banking class actually done. You can’t let banks that produce nothing manage an economy where global Steel output is 2 billion tons. The BUrj Khalifa is reported to be 39,000 tons. Smae with wood, ENergy. Montery inflation, mad greed and rise of the corporate and national Perosnality cult have made the psychopathic leader more like the God EMperors and pharohs of the Brone age. 6 million ton Pyramids supposedly dead empty…thas the world we ar emoving into with population decline.

Stromae – Ta Fete


Capitalism as Creative Destruction, Marixst and Moasit COmmunism as a controls system and SOcialism as flag waving. You can point the finger. I had a friend in princeton who said politics was now post ideological and the 20th century dielogies were gone. Name calling and social engineering At the so called end of history is facade. Old rules apply whether its a Persian EMperor or Mazdakite.

As the economy collapses the Social engineering desribd in Ecclesiatichus applies more. Hope Putin starves the EU and AMerica until they eat their rulers….

HUngry – hustle standard

John Simons

Real freedom is freedom of the heart and here is someone who can help all of humanity in that quest, it is Prem Rawat at the giving an interview about his message of Peace. Peace is a real feeling we all have within us and Prem has spent the 50+ years spreading his message of Peace throughout the world. His Peace Education Program is having huge success all around the world. https://youtu.be/gZwI_1LRpeU

Last edited 2 years ago by John Simons

The next time I kill a rat or swat a fly I will try and gain his philosophical perspectives.


Амин! Every word is true!


Don’t tell this https://tomluongo.me/2017/10/24/putin-solved-problem-forex-reserves-bitcoin/ lifelong government bureaucrat that he is “mad”…

He’$ just greedy!… And all too happy to allow his worst enemies trying to destroy him and his Country to continue setting the price for his commodities that is the U.$. Federal Re$erve and BOE that not only hurts those two Central Banks but his Central Bank as well to the equity in those market(s)…

Can’t enjoy that cake you keep buying at the bargain basement price when the baker is trying to kill you at the cheap price he’s giving you for “your ingredients” that make his job possible!…

Hope that helps the Russian citizenry still on the “fence”!

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt
inflation Russia 4%, german 10%

stupid americunt cannot help herself


Writing based on false histories. Anyway, the craziness is in part due to the Universe telling us to wake up. We are of creation / God and as such have that within. We do not need ego maniacs (Kings and Queens of false divine right) or Gate Keepers (the organised religions) to tell us how to be and communicate and access the Divine.

At present, this planet is experiencing a raising of Vibration / Frequency as is our galaxy and it scares the traditional powers that be sh1tless. There is nothing they can do about it and as a species, we will come through the craziness in a new age, the age of the Divine Human. Co creator and care taker of this planet, it is the way.

Erase my post again and again...

Because…. Rothschild counterfieting banking fraud… As soon as ‘student loans’ came to be, education turned into a pile of shit commodity, useless credentials for anyone deemed ‘white and male’ by the fucking marxist Zionist elites. Quit University en masse and the madness will end…your kids wont be brainwashed on hate, saddled with useless debt for a useless degree, or become obese from the shit fast food poisoning every campus….


There is no absolute truth, but perhaps this is a piece of truth that should be more widely known.

I have only followed the main lines, because in fact every part of the piece deserves more depth, but then it would have become much too long. The depth and nuances are there for other moments, or occasions.
I have now received responses from Noam Chomsky, Dirk de Wachter, Esther van Fenema, J.J.van Os and a few others.
