Why Does Zelensky Suddenly Want Russia At The Next ‘Peace Summit’?

Why Does Zelensky Suddenly Want Russia At The Next 'Peace Summit'?

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Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

Understanding the Kiev regime’s political decisions can be quite challenging, partially because those decisions are actually made in Washington DC. However, there are moments when understanding the darkest corners of quantum mechanics is far easier than figuring out what exactly the Neo-Nazi junta wants. Just last month, the political West and its puppets in Kiev openly talked about conducting large-scale terrorist attacks all across Russia, including against public schools. These threats were soon followed by real acts of blatant terrorism, with missile strikes on crowded beaches in Sevastopol and an attempt to start religious unrest in Russia through the use of Islamic radicals who brutally murdered both civilians (including an Orthodox Christian priest) and local law enforcement in the southern republic of Dagestan.

The combined death toll of these terrorist attacks was approximately 30 people. The death of a single person to terrorists is most certainly an immeasurable loss, much less 30, but this was still far from the much deadlier Crocus City Hall massacre, also conducted by Islamic radicals who were sent by the SBU/GUR and their NATO handlers. Moscow’s retribution was swift, with hypersonic missiles raining down on both the Neo-Nazi junta’s intelligence services HQs and later NATO personnel fantasizing about setting up so-called “no-fly zones” over Western Ukraine. The situation on the frontlines also kept deteriorating as the Kiev regime forces continued suffering heavy losses in both manpower and equipment, while Russian long-range weapons rained down on various military targets across the NATO-occupied country.

One such large-scale strike was used to stage a false flag in Kiev, where a children’s hospital was hit by a US-made SAM (surface-to-air missile) which then suddenly “transformed” into a “Russian Kh-101 long-range cruise missile”. This was a perfectly timed PR “victory” for Zelensky as he was heading to Washington DC for a NATO summit. The Neo-Nazi junta frontman used the usual buzzwords, “condemning Russian terrorists for attacks on kids”. Interestingly, he failed to explain how it was possible for the Kremlin to accomplish this when the Kiev regime forces regularly “shoot down” 300% of all Russian missiles, including hypersonic ones. And to say nothing of the usual trope about Moscow perpetually “running out of missiles”, but also “using them against children” and “residential areas”.

This was followed by yet another pompous announcement of a new counteroffensive that’s supposed to “turn the tide” and drive out the “evil Russians”. Thus, with everything set up for a major escalation, the last thing one would expect is to see Zelensky suggest that Russia should be invited to the next “peace summit”. The news about it went under the radar because everyone’s focus was on the assassination attempt on Donald Trump, but at a press conference in Kiev, Zelensky did exactly that, leaving many confused and dumbfounded.

“I believe that Russian representatives should be at the second summit,” he stated on July 15, adding that “preparatory work for another summit is underway”.

This is the first time in well over two years that the Neo-Nazi junta hinted that it’s ready for direct “peace talks”. Previously, Zelensky was vehemently opposed to even basic contact with the Kremlin as long as President Vladimir Putin is in power. Thus, the previous “peace summits” were not much more than glorified fairs aimed at creating the narrative that “the world supports Ukraine”. Seeing through this, China refused to participate, leaving the summit nothing more than a NATO echo chamber of endless praise for the political West’s “values” and its non-existent “moral high ground”, based entirely on a fantasy world that exists only in the numerous outlets of the mainstream propaganda machine. Thus, the latest offer seems quite unusual (if not even outright strange), particularly considering the timing and other factors.

It still remains unclear what the endgame is, especially because Zelensky is yet to reveal whether the laughable “peace formula” is still his “red line”. If that’s the case, then he’s just wasting his breath, as Moscow has already flatly refused to even consider such demands, which is perfectly understandable and expected given the fact that the “plan” boils down to Russia’s capitulation. What’s more, getting even China onboard is highly unlikely if the political West continues down the path of perpetual escalation. Interestingly, at least one prominent analyst already predicted that Zelensky will sue for peace several weeks ago, albeit through third parties. However, although the idea of peace is certainly a welcome one, the motivation behind such initiatives needs to be carefully analyzed, especially when dealing with the political West.

With the Kremlin conducting a massive program of remilitarization, including a large-scale reshuffling in the Ministry of Defense, and also (re)building old geopolitical alliances, the Kiev regime is increasingly isolated geopolitically and even militarily. NATO cannot produce as many weapons as the Neo-Nazi junta says it needs, while Moscow made sure it has reliable allies with a massive stockpile of conventional weapons, particularly long-range missiles and artillery. In the meantime, the political West is backing off in the Black Sea after the Russian military sent a very clear message about what will happen to NATO ISR (intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance) assets aiding terrorist attacks within Russia. On the other hand, even American citizens are sick and tired of others wasting their money and resources.

At this moment, Americans are more likely to go against their own government rather than any other foreign adversary. A similar (if not worse) sentiment is felt all across the G7, which Zelensky openly blames for his troops’ inefficiency. This is without even considering the fact that the Russian military is regularly hunting down the best NATO gear, further exacerbating the Kiev regime’s already precarious position (which is one of the reasons why its neighbors are also heavily militarized). The crisis of America’s political system is also causing side effects that are highly negative for the Neo-Nazi junta, particularly if Trump (if elected) tries to use the attempt on his life as a viable exit strategy for the United States. And last (but not least), the chances of Russia accepting such a deal are slim to none, as the Kremlin has zero reasons to trust NATO/the Kiev regime.


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USA #1

come trump – come peace!

the aggressors around joseph biden also know this, that’s why they want to stage a castle peace!

russia should not let itself be dragged by the nose ring through the ring for the hundredth time and stay away from the stupid show of the dictator zelensky

Last edited 3 months ago by USA #1
Ship of Fools

what happened to the first usa #1? did his momma sell his computer for more dope?


narr he just morphed in that trolling muppet crocus shooting gallery, who is also cluster bombs for crimea!, all three are the same muppet with the same trolling content.


oh lord, you are an imbecile. so stupid i can hardly believe you figured out how to operate a computer keyboard. just an absolute moron.

Cluster Bombs For Crimea!

poohtin will be tricked again…hahahah…


and the ukrainians will keep on winning! how many dead ukrainians since the 2014 us coup in kiev? how many ukrainans citizens have left the territory of the failed ukrainian cia project since the 2014 coup? how much territory lost by the failed ukrainian cia project since the coup? these are simple questions, so surely you’ve got some answers.


600k vs 47k,do the real math,aka no 5th column faketh stats.

homer hillbilly sawyer

“amerikuntistan is the ultimate tricksters paradise”. sacvan bercovitch

joke biden

“amerikunts are 300 million used car salesmen…” hunter thompson


little known fact: joe biden started his grifting career playing shell games on a little table in front of the wilmington, de train station.


bill clinton, on the other hand, started his career as a bogus bond daddy in little rock arkansas, the capital of bogus bond boiler rooms.


dubya bubba bush began his road to the white house by drilling dry holes and pouring used crankcase oil down them, then selling shares to saudi sheiks to make abscam go away.

joke biden

taliban peniz in amerikan aruz


each time though,he seems to more than substantiate his resolve as the most powerfull leader of the 21st century bar xi,frgn libtarded shet for brains,real stinker eh soros turdson!


the sooner zelensky formally surrenders and stands down his army, the fewer people have to die.


including the clown himself


because krusty started this? thanks for derping.


mostly porkshanks but krusty chicharron had his role too.

AM Hants

however, the deal is ‘to the last ukrainian’. the people who want to move back don’t want the indigenous people on the land. whose interests does nazi zelinsky serve?

Ship of Fools

why does zelensky want russia there?

so he can hand russia the terms of russia’s surrender in person? lol

zelensky’s a fool. ukraine is a ship of fools. all westerners have free passage on it. welcome aboard, fools.

Last edited 3 months ago by Ship of Fools

they failed to kill trump, now he saw that trump is going to stop the support of weapons and money to him. he now invite russia to peace talks.russia must refuse to go there before he unbirn to the talks and he is an illegal president


this whole sf article is so unbelievable stupid i really cant believe even 1 person is stupid enough to fall for it. they talk about ukrainian “neo-nazi junta”while showing a picture of a jew, who was put in power merely by international jewry. int. jewry which is in full control of usa as well as russia.

Last edited 3 months ago by Teresa999

and who was the only one fighting all three of these entities (int.-jewry, usa & ru)? it was the german national-socialists & the german people! so the above is the classic propaganda article were the real thieves scream “stop the thief”! while trying to slip away themselves. zelensky is a jew, us is fully jew-controlled, jewtin is a jew, his whole government, friends& speakers all jews from solovjov, to medvedev, rotenberg, lazar etc.

Last edited 3 months ago by Teresa999

and these clowns, these jewish scumbags now tell the mio’s of white christians in usa, europe, ukraine & russia, that they ought to shoot & start massmurdering each other because there is (no, not a jewish threat, no but a..) a “nazi”-threat !! hahaha.. jeez. it’s so hilarious, so stupid, so infinitely idiotic – but maybe the propaganda has to be that low & underearthly stupid to reach its intended publicum ?

Last edited 3 months ago by Teresa999
homer hillbilly sawyer

senile nazi teresa failed amerikan walmart janitor insecure feminized


you’ve repeated your national socialist manifesto here a hundred times. why not move on to more interesting stuff? tell us about all your tattoos in intimate locations.


all nazi loving jews are dropping dead like flies being zapped (period) biden is a loser!

joke biden

says moron amerikunt retired janitor–monolingual automaton nazi

AM Hants

what was the point of the balfour declaration? if there was no adolf, who led the national socialists, then there would have been no reason to provide territory in the middle east, to the refugees, now would there? who created both the national socialists as well as the national communists? we have all been played.


no one believe you pathedic soros troll (period) besides nazi gimps like you would fail hitler,it happened befor why it will always happen ever after,so prepare to die in vain,libba sukkrz)))

homer hillbilly sawyer

dumb amerikan hillbilly nazi teresa inferior to jew

joke biden

amerikunt nazi hillbilly teresa inferior to jews and pygmys

AM Hants

riddle me this. what faith was $oro$ born into? so why does he admit to the greatest time of his life, back in 1944 when he was a nazi collaborater? he was a mentor to zelinsky. riddle me this, why was the other mentor to zelinsky, the head of the european j*wish community in ukraine, and also the founder of the azov ‘nazi’ battalion?

AM Hants

2) riddle me this, why is there minimal semitic dna in israel, but the majority of palestinians have semitic dna? why are the nazis working for the fakes, both in the 40s as well as today?


it’s because the palestinians are the actual authentic jews that became moslems and the israelis are mostly usurpers.


“why is there minimal semitic dna in israel”

who said it?

“why are the nazis working for the fakes, both in the 40s as well as today?”

“remember the “maine”” was said in 1898, the cruiser was blown to start the war with spain. and if you’ll find historical crap about russia, you’ll realize that infowars are coming for centuries. you can read about “the last will of peter the great”, it was published in france in 1812.


almost but no cigar: the maine’s coal boiler blew accidentally and the spaniards were conveniently blamed for sinking the ship.

then again, accident? who knows, anymore.


accidentally, but all officers were at shore. strange coincidence, isn’t it? some sources say it was every day. nah, they simply sabotaged the ship to start the war and take cuba with philippines from spain. war is not spontaneous thing, the excuse was used when all is prepared to start. philippines are still under control, president duterte tried to be more independent, but now there is marcos junior, the son of dictator marcos and lap dog of fashington.


“what faith was $oro$ born into?”

seems like the golden bull — money, because he is an atheist and hornless demon. in 1944 he was a kid (~15 years) who was roaming on streets with adult nazis to find and new victims, mainly jews, to rob them (property arrest) and transport to death camp. he said it’s normal to rob his fellows, because somebody would do it anyway. there is the video with his words, he clearly said it.

Last edited 2 months ago by Антон

zelensky is related to soros.however the lands dont belong to either because all liars are destined to move out of them like the gypsies without the faintest idea,putin crushed biden!

homer hillbilly sawyer

zelensky installed by amerikunt—amerikunts make all political decision for the former ukraine


the reason is simple, their might be a change at the top in the us in november, and trump doesn’t want a major war on his watch.


maybe he should get a new watch?


otan piggies are squealing. oink oink

AM Hants

nobody will turn up if russia is not included. then zelinsky wants ‘fait accompli’, as the loser demands the victor walks away from their victory. however, russia will not talk to zelinski, whose term us president ended in may. plus, russia has no desire to believe the words of the west. what was it president putin said, about his last offer being the final offer?


does his septum look inflamed in that photo?.

Last edited 3 months ago by Cavery

i think it was something to do about viktor orban’s visit.
