Who’s Actually Running Out Of Missiles In Ukraine?

Who's Actually Running Out Of Missiles In Ukraine?

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While Russia is still producing advanced missiles such as the Kh-101, the US has used up 13 years’ worth of Stinger production and five years’ worth of Javelin production.

Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

For nearly 10 months the mainstream propaganda machine has been trying to convince the world that Russia is running out of advanced weapons, particularly precision-guided munitions (PGMs) which are essential in long-range strikes against strategically important targets controlled by Kiev. The Russian military is supposedly so desperate that it is expropriating washing machines, smartphones, laptops or any other devices with microchips in them so it could maintain its arms production. Such nonsensical claims would never be accepted by anyone remotely familiar with how military technologies work. However, they are an important segment of the information war aimed to present Russia as supposedly “backward” or “technologically challenged”.

In the end, the proponents of such claims only embarrass themselves as Russia has not just been quite consistent with using advanced long-range PGMs, but has actually started using even more of them, especially in recent months. This was also recently confirmed by none other than the New York Times, one of the flagships of the political West’s massive mainstream propaganda machine. On December 5, the NYT published a report titled “Russian cruise missiles were made just months ago despite sanctions”, revealing that the so-called “severe PGM shortages” in the Russian military are nothing more than a myth. According to the report, weapons investigators hired by the Kiev regime determined that “at least one Russian Kh-101 cruise missile used in widespread attacks there on November 23 had been made no earlier than October.”

The remnants of Kh-101 cruise missiles found in Kiev had components made months after the supposedly “crippling” Western sanctions were imposed against Russia. The political West promised its favorite puppet regime that the restrictions would halt Moscow’s ability to produce advanced weapons, particularly long-range cruise missiles such as the air-launched Kh-101 or the seaborne “Kalibr”. Yet, since then, hundreds of these missiles have been made and used by the Russian military, resulting in disastrous consequences for the Neo-Nazi junta’s strategically important infrastructure. The damage to the power grid under the Kiev regime’s control has severely degraded the logistics of its forces, further resulting in the erosion of their ability to fight.

The NYT claims the investigators determined that one of the missiles was made sometime during the summer, while another was produced in late September or early October. According to one of the researchers, the findings support the claim that “Russia has continued to make advanced guided missiles like the Kh-101, [suggesting] that it has found ways to acquire semiconductors and other matériel despite the sanctions or that it had significant stockpiles of the components before the war began.” The investigation was conducted by the Conflict Armament Research (CAR), a self-described “independent group based in the UK that identifies and tracks weapons and ammunition used in wars.” Apparently, the Kiev regime security services (presumably the SBU) asked CAR to send a small team of its investigators to study the remnants of missiles used by Russian forces.

The findings were also confirmed by Piotr Butowski, a Polish journalist who specializes in the Russian military. This was further acknowledged by an unnamed US defense intelligence analyst in an interview before the report was released. He stated that “Mr. Butowski’s analysis was consistent with the government’s understanding of how Russian missile producers — including those that make the Kh-101 — mark their weapons.” The US analyst further stated that “reports from Russia indicate that the government has ordered employees at munition plants to work additional hours in an effort to produce more ordnance.” This clearly implies that the US is aware that Russia has all the necessary components to produce advanced weapons such as the Kh-101, once again proving that the reports about the supposed lack of Russian PGMs are nothing more than propaganda.

In contrast, the US Military Industrial Complex, the largest and most powerful arms cartel on the planet, as well as the principal supplier of weapons to the Kiev regime, seems to be having problems with its stocks of advanced weapons. Recent data reveals the extent of production issues the US is faced with while trying to arm the Neo-Nazi junta forces. According to a report by the National Review, dated December 3, Raytheon CEO Greg Hayes warned about the severe depletion of US stockpiles of Javelin ATGMs (anti-tank guided missiles) and Stinger MANPADS (man-portable air defense systems) due to the Biden administration’s insistence that the Kiev regime forces are to be supplied with such weapons.

Speaking during a panel on Ukraine at the Reagan National Defense Forum, Hayes said: “The problem is we have consumed so much supply in the first ten months of the war. We’ve essentially used up 13 years’ worth of Stinger production and five years’ worth of Javelin production.” According to Hayes, Raytheon and Lockheed Martin are jointly producing 400 Javelins per month, but no new Stingers have been made since 2004. However, he stressed that “the ongoing fighting in Ukraine is burning through existing weapons stocks and the question is, how are we going to resupply, restock inventories.”

The National Review asserts that, as of May, the US sent 5,500 Javelins and 1,400 Stingers to the Kiev regime. As for the claims by the CEO of Raytheon, while they could be overblown, as it’s in the interest of the corporation to increase weapons production, there’s certainly some merit in his statements. However, there’s also growing frustration due to the lack of oversight for the massive weapons shipments to the Kiev regime, one of the most corrupt on the planet. The new GOP-dominated Congress is extremely likely to investigate the reports about Western arms being smuggled out of the country.


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Carl the Moon boy

This is exaaaaaaaaactly as I predicted. The western MIC is making killer profits. That’s why I invest in their stocks so I can buy my private yacht and my next Bugatti. Les Gough to the mooooooooooooon. 🚀

Last edited 2 years ago by Carl the Moon boy

I just don’t get it

The US military industrial complex would have no problem ramping up arms production and supply without much sweat (compared to the US during the first two years of WW2, having to make the transition to a full fledge wartime economy) So I really don’t think that is the issue

I feel it’s simply a case of miscalculating the investment, risks and expectation involved (which Russia was also guilty of at the start of their SMO)

Last edited 2 years ago by Adz
Gece ansizin

Halep city is belongs to fatemiyoon and zeynabiyoon. At least 8500 men in these area.
Damascus and Dera belong to Irgc qods forces .. more than 3500 elit.
Asad army are. in other coastal and high lands.
UsA will loose everything in east LESS THAN 1 year. Israel knows that very well..


The United States, the top of the class, the almighty, it is on its knees, war production (after so many wars with chronic catastrophic tremendous DEFEATS) is now unprepared for any scenario. Poor amateurs. The masters of America are great geniuses.

USA is a shithole, EU is becoming one

I would not take the claims of the military industrial complex about the depletion of USA stocks of ammo and weapons seriously. They want to get unlimited money now, so they try to use fear for that just like Big Pharma used fear for profit using the covid scamdemics.


America is at twilight, in my opinion it can pretend something, but it is clear that everything is bad for it. The fall is fast. Internally and externally everything is falling apart. They destroyed their own industry for an extra dollar. This “elite” is mediocre and idiotic.

i wonder

And American arms deals are pre order development in progress sales scams. They probably ask for some design fee to build new factories, then money for the factories etc etc etc. just another excuse to place more orders. And at the same time putting ukraine in to debt and grinding a little away no russia, who is also arming.


They will shoot their arrows towards the sky and they will come back with blood on them, and they will say: “We have defeated the people of earth and subdued the people of heaven.” Then Allah will send a worm in the napes of their necks and will kill them with it.'” The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “By the One in Whose Hand is my soul, the beasts of the earth will grow fat on their flesh.”

Muhammad Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

The worm (peace be upon them) feasted on Muhammad’s rotting corpse.

According to Islamic sources, Lubaba wounded Abu Lahab so severely that his head was split open, laying bare part of his skull. The wound turned septic, and his entire body erupted into open pustules. He died a week later. This would have been in late March 624. The smell from Abu Lahab’s wound was so repulsive that nobody could come near him. His family left his decaying body decomposing in his home for two or three nights until a neighbour rebuked them. “It is disgraceful. You should be ashamed of leaving your father to rot in his house and not bury him from the sight of men!” They then sent in slaves to remove his body. It was watered from a distance, then pushed with poles into a grave outside Mecca, and stones were thrown over it.[28]


Burning old inventory and refitting, probably.


Certainly getting rid of old inventory at inflated prices which the US public will have to pay. Ukraine has no money to pay for anything. The new stuff the US will no doubt keep for themselves.


I think the game goes like this.

The EU sends the ukraine money to help them. Then ukraine pays this money to the the us which uses it to pay for these weapons. Of course the elites of all three take a huge cut for themselves out of the eu tax payers money.

And the media tells the eu tax payer “you are broke cause of putin so enlist”.


New stuff is junk nowadays anyway,pentagonnas fkd either way,no future in fascism nor lgbtq!


The usa will use the 300 billion of Russian money that they say will be given to zelensky to then pay for the American weapons
USA will then upgrade up the eu nations who have supplied ukr with their old soviet stuff
USA will then control all arm sales to EU as have to be nato compatible in reality american arms industry so-win win for usa businesses

USA is a shithole, EU is becoming one

And this way there will be no proof about what happened with those weapons and munitions: maybe some will be used against Russians but I am sure much is sold on black and grey markets, making different guerillas, cartels and terrorists groups stronger so USA will have more enemies to fight against…


Russias too strong for usa (period)


lol, you are on drugs. russia has troubles with 18 himars.

Non Nazi Citizen

… and if the production in Russia one day stuck (which I dont believe it will happen), China will be the first line to provide Russia with the needed hardware, and this is on China’s own interest. Call Russia what you want in connection with the PRC, junior partner, proxy, whatever – but the fact is, if the RF falls, China falls next, very fast. This is 100%.


And if Russia and China fall the West will be overrun with economic migrants (who were previously perfectly happy where they were) and destroyed like the North American Indians were, there are two types of invasion, military and migratory, and the Western governments are too stupid to realize they are fighting for their own destruction too.


You could have given us just the facts. Of course Russia isn‘t running. And it‘s not a „myth“ – which is sth. profoundly true and accurate, but on the contrary, a lie.


Russia can produce limited numbers of everything it needs for its weapons production. Unlike the west, they created a technological wing of the military production capacity instead of “outsourcing it”. Yes, do they use materials from other countries when it’s cheaper and more accessible, it would be stupid not too. Do they treat use technology as an emergency surplus, if they don’t, they are being stupid, so I suspect they do. Russia is not going to run out of weapons but much of the raw resources the export is used in the west’s weapons……………so maybe it’s time to cut those off.

Captain Hohol

I feel like since Hillary Clinton could not shut up about wanting to go to war with Russia, that Putin would have taken this as a very open threat and ensured that all contingencies necessary to deal with a protracted conflict (including lots and lots of ordinance for fighting) were at hand and in storage “just in case”.


There is no neo-natzi junta in Ukraine.
Ukraine is being run by democratically elected government.
Nazis got 2% of votes, they are not in the government.

Instead, Russia is provenly run by fascists.


Russia had the capability to produce 3kalibr missile per month until february.

So, they might have produced 30-50 missiles since february, if they had the parts in storage?


Just a note:
No-one is ever going to attack USA by land, therefore USA should have no issue on delivering all Anti-tank weapons and gmlrs rockets they have in storage.

Just ramp up the mlrs production in Sweden, South-Korea and elsewhere.

EU must not be USA slave

Maybe Mexico will attack them… or China will hide an army in comercial ships and launch a concentrated attack from both coasts, helped by Cuba…