White House: Trump Spoke To LNA’s Haftar By Phone On Monday

White House: Trump Spoke To LNA's Haftar By Phone On Monday

Khalifa Haftar Source: ytimg.com

The White House has revealed that President Donald Trump spoke by phone on Monday to Libyan National Army (LNA) Commander-in-Chief Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar and discussed “ongoing counterterrorism efforts and the need to achieve peace and stability in Libya.”

“[President Trump] recognized Field Marshal Haftar’s significant role in fighting terrorism and securing Libya’s oil resources, and the two discussed a shared vision for Libya’s transition to a stable, democratic political system,” the White House said in a statement on Friday.

Haftar’s forces are currently advancing towards Libya’s capital, Tripoli, which is held by the internationally-recognized Government of National Accord (GNA). Washington says that it supports the GNA. However, the recent phone call contradicts with this claim.

When the LNA began its operation to capture Tripoli earlier this month, the U.S. was first to evacuate its personnel and diplomats from the Libyan capital.

It’s unclear why the White House delayed the announcement of the phone call. However, there is no doubt that this call represents a major blow to the GNA, which is already facing tense relations with France.

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Pave Way IV


White House: Trump back-stabs now useless GNA it helped create; green-lights Haftar’s LNA to Ghadaffi GNA head Fayez al-Sarraj.


Yes, you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to see which way the wind blows.


lol so USA supports GNA in overthrowing and savagely murdering Gadaffi, USA supports GNA to bring slavery, jihad, and terrorism to Libya… and 8 years later they betray them for the LNA? Make no mistake, Haftar is a cia/usa stooge. But he’s still a much better choice than GNA. Plus Haftar is open and friendly towards Russia + China


Whomever helps stem the flow of primates from Africa to Europe. It could be anyone as, long as he accomplishes this task. GNA clearly did not do it; let us see whether Hafter’s troops are any better of stopping the invasion of Europe. I imagine he would not do it for free either.