White House Refuses to Say If Ukraine Will Get Toxic Depleted Uranium Ammo

White House Refuses to Say If Ukraine Will Get Toxic Depleted Uranium Ammo

Soldiers from 1st Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division, travel in a Bradley Fighting Vehicle, May 24, 2014, during Combined Resolve II. (Photo Credit: U.S. Army)

Bradley Fighting Vehicles can use depleted uranium shells that are linked to cancer and birth defects in Iraq

Originally published by AntiWar

The White House refused to say if it will provide Ukraine with Bradley Fighting Vehicles equipped with radioactive depleted uranium rounds, ammunition that is linked to cancer and birth defects.

Depleted uranium is typically created as a byproduct of producing enriched uranium and is extremely dense, making it an effective material to pierce the armor of tanks. Bradleys can be equipped with depleted uranium ammunition, which is why they are known as “tank killers.”

When asked on Wednesday if the Bradleys the US is sending to Ukraine will be equipped with depleted uranium, a senior Biden administration official said, “I’m not going to get into the technical specifics.” The official also declined to answer if the M1 Abrams tanks the US is providing Kyiv will be equipped with a depleted uranium cage.

Konstantin Gavrilov, the head of Russia’s delegation in Vienna on arms control, has warned Moscow would view the use of depleted uranium weapons in Ukraine as the use of a “dirty bomb.” Gavrilov claimed that Germany’s Leopard 2 tanks could also be equipped with depleted uranium rounds.

“In case such munitions for NATO-made heavy weapons are supplied to Kiev, we will consider that as the use of dirty nuclear bombs against Russia with all the consequences that come with it,” he said, according to the Russian news agency TASS.

Cancer and birth defects spiked in Iraq after the Gulf War, during which the US fired an estimated one million depleted uranium rounds. The US also used toxic ammunition in its 2003 invasion, and studies have found that birth defects are more common in areas where depleted uranium was used. Birth defects are still common today in the city of Fallujah.


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It’s about time Washington gets a nuclear cookie of own dough


Of course America is going to use depleted uranium shells. They do it literally every time they invade a country. Why would this time be different? As if they care how many people are born with birth defects or get cancer. The pentagon doesn’t care. The people don’t care. Nobody cares. They have to spread cancer and birth defects to protect democracy and that is all that matters.

Last edited 2 years ago by Sunny

Just look at the documentation Iraque after US invasion. There you can learn what impact US uranium ammunition still has on the people there. Illborn/ disabled babies. The DU ammunition is made from nuclear power plant waste! Does anyone belief that USA is friend for Ukriane if they pollute this country with nuclear weapons? Everyone nows what US DU has done in the orient. Please send this message to all Ukrainians. They have to get aware what US Biden is planing this you can call a genocide in Donbass. Radioactive isotopes will be there for decades! Stop American nuclear aggression nowm

Miki Miric

Pogledajte koliki je procenat oboljenja od karcinoma u područjima na Kosovu i Hadžićima u Bosni,mjesta gdje je korišćena ova vrsta oružja,na Kosovu kao pečurke niču ustanove za borbu protiv raka,a finansira se iz budžeta USA.Rusi moraju odlučno reagovati ovaj put ako treba i nuklearni udar u blizini Poljske granice.



Russia has APFSDS tank shells with DU too. If Ukro get uranium ammo Russia can use it too.
If desired, Russia also has 1 Kiloton tactical nukes for artillery.

Miki Miric

Samo ih udariti nuklearno sa time


I believe that Americans are insanely afraid of Russia. So they’ll do absolutely nothing with the uranium.
The masters of the West are superstitious and full of complexes………….

Vishnu Singh

This can be used to level western Ukraine as it doesn’t have any strategic value to Russian forces, let the Polish take the radioactive ash land as gift.

Icarus Tanović

That is right. Also they can make it looks like 50 ton bomb, but it is actually large 152mm or 155mm Giantsin shell.

USA is a shithole, EU is becoming one

I am sure Russia has much more powerful nukes…


But there is one difference. Russia wants to reunion all Russian tribes big, small and white Russians. So they do not like to pollute their country with radioactivity whereas USA does not care about Ukraine and the people there. They just want to hurt Putin. There is no matter in their option what the Ukraine has to pay for it. The earlier the Ukraine understands this cynic game the better.

Simon Ndiritu

I guess you not understand that Ukraine is Russia’s land and Ukrainians are Russian people such that The Kremlin hates NATO efforts to leave this land being poisoned for decades

Miki Miric

Obavezno udariti nuklearno u blizini Poljske granice

Pasi Kuronen

Could it be right time to test full 100 megaton blast over Kiev?


It sure is. The sooner, the better.

Que porra é essa?

Sissy shitskin wants nuclear ass up his asshole. Does it make your dick hard thinking about it?

Last edited 2 years ago by Que porra é essa?

The forces of evil, the masters of the west, ARE NOT NORMAL They are blasphemous, idiotic, imbecile, criminal. They are very unfortunate for their “great” negativity. They must die.


Does The west have any humanity

Wayne Gabler

Russia will flatten Belgium as soon as the shells arrive, they will not wait for them to be fired

Well of Course!

I would assume that NATO will give whatever stocks are oldest and most plentiful.
Mostly DU shells since the 90’s… I expect nothing less.


If America send the toxic depleted uranium ammo, three things will happen.

1) Russian ATGM’s will still blow the Abrams tank to shreds.
2) Russian troops will capture a few of the Abrams (including their crews), and reverse engineer the US classified military secrets it carries.
3) Given that America is encouraging the Ukies to use toxic, radioactive ammo, Russia will start doing the same thing. It will start using dirty bombs to kill more Ukie soldiers.


Obviously the scum of the earth.

OTAN Piggies Go Oink Oink Oink

Ukraine and NATO are winning so much, they need more of everything. That’s Class A Western bullshiiiiiit for you. They are narcissists with a major psycholigical disorder. Have you ever hang around a rich person’s kid? They are spoilt brats. They cannot hear the words “No”. They have tantrums. This is Anglo Saxons. They will have to get used to it from now on.

Last edited 2 years ago by OTAN Piggies Go Oink Oink Oink
Kev not Kiev

Anglo Saxons and Zionists are not the same… Fuck, Anglo Saxons got taken over by the Norman conquest a thousand years ago… Your socially arrested problem is Zionist banksters. JEWS!


I want to see their faces when Erdogan pulls 50% of NATOS strength and turns it against them.
thats worth the popcorn.


Washington doesn’t use depleted uranium in countries that can use enriched uranium :) not that dumb :)


That’s a three-pointer post with a mic-drop.

Kev not Kiev

If DU is used by the NATO forces in Ukraine, the response is going to be ugly for them, DU might lead to other forms of nuclear weapons retaliation. Bad enough that the US/UK/NATO is trying to create bioweapons using the organs of the dead slavic Ukrainian soldiers to grow maladaptive prion forming exosomes, to then isolate and deploy that against Russians in the future, DU constitutes a war crime and an ecological crime, pure hypocrisy from NATO’s blue-haired climate cultists!


Hopefully China stops delivering explosives to the west.

Latin America, Middle East, Africa and China should start a weapon embargo and the export of all resources NATO needs to build more weapons and ammunition.


Russia has stated that any useage of DU will be considered a “Dirty bomb” usage, triggering an “appropriate” response.
IE the russian version of “Fuck around and find out”


USA used DU ammo in Iraq, Syria, Yugoslavia etc. They hated those countries and wanted to destroy the gene pool along with the country. If DU ammo is given to UAF then it will be fired at Ukrainian territory. This really would prove that the USA doesn’t love the people of Ukraine but it does want to destroy the Ukrainian gene pool. Would the Ukrainians be so homicidal to do this to themselves? Well, they kill as many people in the Donbass as they can as the UAF gets pushed out. They kill their own soldiers on the front line who don’t want to be used as cannon fodder. And when they retake some territory they torture and kill collaborators, whether there actually are any or not.


I can agree only.
Greeting from an arab country. It is good if the big devil USA will be sentenced soon because of their crimes against muslim countries #Palestine, Iraque, Afghanistan, Jemen, Libyia, Syria and Iran as well.
After poisoning the middle east now they try to demolish the east slavic sphere.
Next stop will be sinochina.
All nations of the world unite against US aggression!


Are we xoxols wining yet? Yes, no? WTF, we already lost 400k soldiers so how can we not be winning? Why are the orcs still eating us for lunch? Please hurry the fuck up.


If Pentacon decides to poison Donbass with the depleted uranium filth it unleashed on Iraq and Afghanistan then no doubt Russia will respond to these mini dirty bombs with real fisionable “material” on angloZioanaZi territory, be in the EUSSR or Slumville proper.

Would the Satanic pedovorian reptiles crawl in their bunker ratholes and unleash the “nucleeer” nightmare they have long threatened? Does vermin eat its progeny?

There will be no world without Mother Russia in it. That much should be clear even to the juice poison running through the rotten veins of the dying Amerikan Golem itself.

Z to brUSels if that is what’s required.

Wayne Gabler

Smoke rising over DC and Brussels will be Russia’s reply after the first DU munition is detected.

1 poseidon nuke enough to tsunamize the whole UK

radioactive smoke there is

Miki Miric

U slučaju da se to desi, udariti nuklearno u blizini Poljske granice,ako ni to ne bude dovoljno neka onda gori Sjeverna Amerika.


Nuke Fashington, and end that cancer for the good of humanity.

Shark with Laser

Surefire path of escalation to an ***exciting*** round of Sarmatushkas. Swamp might finally be drained or otherwise be turned into an evaporated lake bed. Psychopaths ***LOVE*** excitement, they hate non-zero sum thinking.

Might even staightaway skip Europe because of the levels of *excitement* are off the scales!

On that topic direction, can SF translate the lyrics to Sarmatushka into English as an article post?!

Last edited 2 years ago by Shark with Laser
Edgar Zetar

USA is testing how many redlines could pass before get a strong Russian reaction… USA is thinking in a future war, Ukraine war will be win by Russia for sure but USA is getting telemetry from Ukraine to study and have projections of the outcome on a war in EU NATO or in the event an allout war against Russia happen… … also USA and AngloSaxons are in an Attrittion war against Russia now just waiting, creating weapons in the MIC (military industrial complex) and waiting for the right time to let the hell loose against Russia.

Fred Dozer

Of course America is going to use depleted uranium shells. Biden killed his own son with radiation and cancer in Iraq. Brain cancer. Does not bother Satan Biden, devil worshiper at all.


The united states of liars will not even send tanks.
Again, (like every other time) they just lie to thier allies, to trigger another ally to commit.
the bidenbots will just procrastinate, make excuses, upgrades, downgrades, repairs, alterations to terrain etc.
they aint giving up no abrams to no one for nothing, and they certainly are not going to send them to certain destruction and capture at the hands of a superiorly winning military power on the offensive against huddling cowards in ratholes who either lose everything in 5 minutes or sell it..
just another lie by the Chinese owned corrupt kiddie diddler
no intentions to, no realistic expectation of.

Last edited 2 years ago by banderitelivesdontmatter