White House Designates Ansar Allah As A Terrorist Organization

White House Designates Ansar Allah As A Terrorist Organization

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In a significant move, the White House has officially classified the Ansar Allah movement, commonly known as the Houthis, as a terrorist organization.

This decision highlights the US concerns regarding the group’s activities, which the Trump’s administration has identified as an alleged direct threats to global trade, American national security, and the stability of its allies in West Asia. Additionally, the Houthis’ actions are viewed as contributing factors to rising global inflation.

The announcement comes as part of the Biden administration’s comprehensive policy on Yemen, which emphasizes strengthened partnerships with regional allies to effectively dismantle the capabilities, operational reach, and resources of the Houthi movement.

The designation by the Biden administration follows a proposal from Republican senators, dubbed the “Dismantle Iran’s Proxy Act.” This legislative initiative outlines a strategic framework aimed at confronting the threats posed by Yemen’s Houthis. Key provisions of the act include plans to mitigate the Houthis’ operational capabilities in critical maritime routes such as the Red Sea, as well as measures aimed at cutting off humanitarian aid that is perceived to support the group’s activities.

The White House also announced that within 30 days of this (Trump) order, the Secretary of State, in consultation with the Director of National Intelligence and the Secretary of the Treasury, must submit a report to the President through the National Security Council, designating Ansar Allah as a foreign terrorist organization under 8 U.S.C. 1189. Additionally, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) will be required to sever all ties with entities that have made payments to the Houthis (Ansar Allah).

It is worth noting that the Ansar Allah movement had previously been designated as a terrorist organization during Donald Trump’s first term in office. However, President Biden, in his address on January 17, 2024, reaffirmed his administration’s stance by declaring the Ansar Allah movement a terrorist group. Despite this declaration, the practical implementation of the designation had not been completed by the conclusion of the Biden administration, But now, Trump is doing that.


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professor taco biden

i relentlessly bombed the houthis cuz everybody not transgender is a terrorist in usa


you fail to see its the jews who control and subverted the government to do their bidding in fact its all jews running the government there directly.
its not the american who is obvlivious to the fact its the jews. the americans dont hold any power and are brainwa shed by the jewish owned media and hollywood to believe the jewish narrative.

it is defacto jews using all the us resources to fund israel and bomb babys in gaza and yemen.

Last edited 16 days ago by Thehandrubbingjews

and they prosecute people like me who are jew aware and prepared to make a difference just for speaking out against them. so its time to wake up and stop.blaming the americans the europeans when infact we hold no power and its the jews who control all our governments. every country that has harsh anti semi h speech laws is controlled by jews if you are put in prison for being sceptical on their holo narrative it means they control the government.


the only way how we could make a difference is when we would achieve critical mass and remove the jews from our governments and institutions its that simple. yet the vast majority is oblivious to the fact its the jews who are behind all wars and c rimes against h umanity world wide. all these self destructive agendas woke transgenderism massive immigration climatehoax and wars you name it its all jews who push these upon us

Last edited 16 days ago by Thehandrubbingjews

if you want to make a difference you should do your part in waking people up and naming the jew. people need to become aware of the fact its all jews who are behind it and they are all in on it. all jews go in jew mode when you name them
they push all these agendas against us this far. no matter if you live in the usa middle east russia the jews control all our governments and we are all their victims of their wars narratives and c rimes against us.

Last edited 16 days ago by Thehandrubbingjews

you’re a trollope for the nazis imo you will be enslaved and own nothing


grow up the pope runs america as the rule of law just as he ran the nazi party who were all catholics. and now the new secretary of state marco rubio has saif in plain english that they will obey god over any laws meaning the pope. he’s catholic and they voted him. in 99 to 0.simple as that he said it straight out in public on stage.


@allegedly jesus never told his followers to found a vatican, never declared celibacy(forbid priests to have women, marry and have kids with a woman). jews were the ones corroding & toppling roman empire, they founded vatican and fake-todays christianity which is 100% contrary to what jesus was teaching- so if you say “it’s the pope not the jews running the show”, you are stating “its these jews not that jews running the show”. bottom-line: it’s jews !

Last edited 11 days ago by Bellfly

@allegely. if you not believe me then show me in the bible where jesus says that christians have to have : 1.) a pope 2.) a vatican 3.) christian priests have to live in celibacy. i tell you you cant because these devilish things are all jewish inventions which they introduced into christianity in order to transform god-fearing christianity into a jewish tool of terror against true christians & others god-fearing humans.

Last edited 11 days ago by Bellfly

yes, todays usa itself is a terrorist organization. in fact usa was from its very beginning already when they terrorized and finally murdered 33mio native americans, from apaches to sioux, cheyenne etc. how this jewish-terror construct (jewsa) dares to call other peoples groupings terrorists is really nothing but a groteque joke.

Last edited 11 days ago by Bellfly
George Mellonna

caso almasri, il portavoce dell’ong david yambio: “italia complice dei suoi crimini nell’inferno del carcere in libia”
il rappresentante di refugees in libya: «chi ha preso parte alla parodia dell’arresto e del rilascio ha sangue sulle mani»


so when a country founded on slavery, genocide and bio-terrorism(yellow fever arsenic laced blankets anyone?), calls a freedom fighting tribe and their family members ‘terrorists’, what does it even mean? make it make sense….more zionist-aipac-american projection. just another american ‘confession’.


that’s why i say fuck 1776!


where did you go to school? nazi college for underachievers? you idiot america was founded after the war of independence what you’re describing in your ignorance is americas as an english colony


the worlds leading terrorist (the americ*nts) is attempting to put a bounty on houthis work and stop the houthis straight forward war against the thieving and murdering jews. mankind would be better off without the jews no doubt and they have forfeited the right to be part of mankind so the faster they are dead and buried the better.

grab 'em on the pussy

the means of getting rid of them unfortunately may entail a global war.


a concerted effort by mankind sans the jews will put a gruesome end to the jewish era of graft and thievery and murder and landgrabbing und so weiter. mankind can do the execution at loci palestine and the jews hiding in plain sight in the various cities will do thecrest. confiscation of the stolen fortunes the jews leave behind used for the betterment of mankind free of jews!


the houthis a yemeni peoples army putting up a good fight against america/israel and all that it represents , that it is still fighting against a greater israel shows to the world this small number of people how brave they are fighting a country with massive resources.


more fake nazi votes from. south front showing their true colours


jump before a fast moving train and do us a favour!


so the us mercilessly slaughters 200,000 gazans and they have the gaul to call the houthis “terrorists”? wtf? 😖

grab 'em on the pussy

’tis but the projection of god’s chosen vermin.


the fuckers in the white house are terrorists along with their military industrial complex.


in a significant move, the white house has officially classified the us itself, commonly known as gringostan, as a terrorist organization. this decision highlights the us concerns regarding their own activities, which the trump’s administration has identified as a direct threats to global trade, international security, and the stability of the world in general.


according to the adl anti defimation league everyone who protests against israels c rimes in gaza is a terrorist. also note the adl was founded on the basis of trying to get child grapist and mrder leo frank his beyond a reasonable doubt death penalty commuted through jewisb bribery.
the adl covering up jewish crimes since 1913.

free palestine is now h speech according to tik tok
the adl forced this upon tiktok usa otherwise they were forcefully removed from the appstores by us law.

Last edited 16 days ago by Thehandrubbingjews

look into who actually owns the majority of tic tok.

the narrative

i doubt dc paperwork will change the houthis / ansar allah from defending thier homeland.
zio heads will argue, debate, and propagandize that yemen should not have the right to self defense.
but indoctrinated hasbara heads seem to have critical thinking issues. ( no ability to question thier own beliefs )


israel will never beat yemen with israeli or usa troops, houthis are brave fearless fighters whereas usraelis are treacherous, fat & coward demonic creatures. but in this position they are still highly dangerous, especially the jews because they are masters of infiltration, spying, deceiving people &destroying whole nations & people by subversion,

Last edited 11 days ago by Bellfly

… wherefore houthis need to have to upgrade their counter-infiltration & counter-spy units and connected services to not join the fate of syria, iran or hezbollah.

Last edited 11 days ago by Bellfly

i’m sure it means as outlaws they don’t have to obey geneva conventions.

Go Houthis!

houthis should now continue to bomb the yanky bast’d ships in the red sea.

Shlomo's little weenie

. . . . and other bastard ships too ! in fact, any ships. go houthis ! ! !


we are all terrorists now. we are all racists now. we are all white supremacists now. we are all anti semites now. and proud of it.


who ever rules usa always does things to oppress the life resistant people just to get their way with bias world opinion.usa world number one terrorist state,israel,france and britain follows.


this is like the african leader from villages run and control by usa,france ,britain and china.black leaders ran to europe,usa and china and were accommodated in hotels in return for land, diamonds ,gold and raw material.


african leaders never support poor people,resistant forces or even russia who help them during colonial oppression.their like us dollar and euros to enrich them self.this what chinas and west uses against them


instead of video conference to safe money lifes, resources,eradicate poverty and jobless black african leaders like fancy life’s like in days of colonial accommodation.their prefer flying to europe to attend every single event.

Shlomo's little weenie

and chasing dat white pussy.


un and rich countries should start chasing african leaders back to africa instead of allowing them to come for expensive meeting and staying in luxery hotels while their citizens are jobless and poor


why we black africans are stealing and robbing is we are illiterate jobless and poor.thats why in namibia and south africa leaders are using us to rob on their behalf.we need money,food,sex and rest

Shlomo's little weenie

terrible ! this has, and i mean has, to be addressed by the general assembly of the un. strong words and condemnations will have to be enacted, all over the f/cken place 💨

The Crunge

meet the new zog boss, same as the old zog boss. oh but we’ll get fooled again.


was there ever any doubt? only in america.


no worries houthis, continue pounding enemy forces
