Which Cities Are Hotspots For Crypto Payments?

Which Cities Are Hotspots For Crypto Payments?

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The limitless possibilities that come with crypto adoption which is a joy to see in real-world application as well as for crypto enthusiasts. However, it can be said that Bitcoin is here to stay, and crypto will be used by everyone, regardless of the risks or obstacles along the way. It was hard for most around the world to imagine a world where traditional fiat currencies were not needed, but, when El Salvador adopted Bitcoin as a legal tender in September 2021, at that time the whole world came to know about this. Since then, revolutionaries have spread in the world; Cryptocurrencies and digital payments alike are now being adopted by many countries as well as gradually becoming more tolerant of it.

However, there are only two countries that have recognized bitcoin as a legal tender, and there are many other regions and local municipalities that, although they have not officially recognized them, have become hotspots for crypto payments. Have become. Let us go through this blog which the countries which are widely accepting crypto payments as well as the hotspots for crypto payments. If you want to know more about bitcoin trading, then you can visit https://bitcoins-era.io .

  1. Paris, France)

Paris was one of the first cities to start accepting crypto payments. In November 2016, the attraction became a tourist attraction, with about 25 shops in the Passage du Grand Cerf announcing that they would start accepting payments in BTC. This finally marked the beginning of mainstream adoption in the city – officially speaking, today a wide range of businesses in Paris increasingly support crypto payments.

  1. Madrid, Spain)

Madrid is a country known worldwide for its many crypto attractions, one of which is a crypto technology startup incubator that provides co-working space, as well as a ‘Crypto Plaza’. A blockchain network through which the environment running on the technical infrastructure is also usually provided for the applications. And Spain is reportedly aiming to create alternative digital currencies where there are more than 1,200 companies, most of which are based in Madrid. Additionally, thousands of additional companies in Spain accept cryptocurrency payments on a formal basis.

  1. San Salvador (El Salvador)

El Salvador is perhaps the one best known in crypto circles for its adoption of bitcoin as a legal tender, and as a result, it has become a popular destination and a major hotspot for all sorts of crypto lovers. El Salvador is planning to set up a ‘Bitcoin City’ in the country’s LA Union region, and even if Bitcoin City might just be a blown-up version of a typical retail store based on what has been presented so far.

  1. Prague (Czech Republic)

Prague is a country famous for its Old Town Square, which is the center of its historic center and has earned its place on this list based on the many bitcoin vendors available there. Even rural areas of the country, to be seen, include a high density of businesses that accept BTC. Among the many crypto-related achievements, Prague stands out as one, which is also home to Paralleling Polis, a crypto hub and the first institution of Crypto anarchy and BTC Cafe. The project combines social science, art, and modern technology to create a coworking space located in the Holsovice district.

  1. London, United Kingdom)

London, home to over 8 million people, is another well-known crypto payment hotspot. London is considered one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, so it may only be a matter of time before crypto gains traction as the preferred means of payment for tourists. Let’s take While London is a tourist hotspot, it does not, like Lisbon, have any specific crypto laws, but in addition, neither are crypto assets considered legal tender.

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Bitcoin only

Erik Nielsen

Physical Gold, Silver, Copper bullion are the only real exchange money. You can steal it physically but you cant manipulate it.

Fiction e-money inside a computer can ever only be mind fuck like fiat. So you are exchanging fiat for fiat for fiat………………….LOL.

Last edited 1 year ago by Erik Nielsen

crypto has limit, only 21 million btc backed bye math … fiat has unlimited supply aka being worthless


EMP, blackout, internet down -> BTC is worth zero