When Good Refugees Turn Bad

When Good Refugees Turn Bad

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Written by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

When the first Russian forces began entering Ukrainian territory in February 2022, the instant reaction from Europe, the UK, Canada and Australia, was one of open commitment to Ukraine’s refugees.  The relentless human trains heading westwards were initially embraced by Poles, whose history with Ukraine is, at best, tense and sketchy. 

Across Europe, walls came down in dispensation for this new type of refugee, tolerated and tolerable by the populists and the border security types, all summed up by comments from the Bulgarian Prime minister Kiril Petkov, who declared the fleeing Ukrainians “intelligent” and “educated people”.  They were certainly “Europeans” and were not like the “refugee wave we have been used to”, the sort packed with individuals with “unclear pasts [and] who could have been even terrorists.”  For a time, governments could distract attention from brutal border policies directed against swarthier irregular arrivals.

The enlarged spirit of generosity was also aided by the perpetrator of the attack: the West’s habitual bugbear, and the number of notably eastern and central European states that had anxiety aplenty about Russian territorial ambitions.  To date, estimates suggest that 7.9 million  people have fled the war, with 4.7 million registered under the European Union’s temporary-protection directive.

While such levels of generosity shown towards refugees were overflowing, clear exceptions were made towards others suffering from the conflict.  Other groups of refugees, be they of African, Indian and Middle Eastern background, found themselves facing rather different treatment at the Polish-Ukrainian border.  A number of accounts of obstructions and violence were reported, suggesting an arching attempt to aid Ukrainian refugees, and a distinct lack of enthusiasm for helping others.

The South African Department of International Relations and Cooperation, through its deputy director-general for public diplomacy, Clayson Monyela, expressed concern about how Africans “were actually, you know, put in different queues or lanes, if you want to call them that, but also at the back.  So, we had to intervene to ensure that our people are assisted to cross.”

The image of the exceptional Ukrainian refugee, to be welcomed rather than questioned and judged, has not been etched in stone.  For all the compassion and interest shown towards the millions who moved westwards, most in anticipation of returning, the effluxion of time has proved telling.

In anticipation of summer tourist arrivals, noble Bulgaria turned the tables on a number of Ukrainian refugees staying in out-of-season hotels.  In June last year, Minister of Tourism Hristo Prodanov, in noting that 56,000 refugees were being housed in such hotels, expressed his concern that these would have to be vacated for the tourist season.

The previous month, signs of irritation were evident in the Petkov government, with Deputy Prime Minister Kalina Konstantinova expressing the view that the hotels were a finite “luxurious experience”, and that the Ukrainians were getting increasingly demanding.  On June 2, Konstantinova apologised to all “Bulgarians and Ukrainians who felt offended by my words”.

The populists are showing growing discontent.  In some cases, such as the Polish nationalist Konfederacja (Confederation), which argues that Poland is being increasingly “de-Polonised”, they are dismissed as insignificant squeaks in the political landscape.  The narrative of privileged Ukrainian refugees thriving as patriots suffer is, however, one that is not going away.

The steep spike in the cost of living, helped by eye watering rises in energy prices, has aided the curdling of kindness.  In September, Friedrich Merz, Germany’s leader of the opposition centre-right Christian Democrats (CDU), told Bild TV that Ukrainians had begun specialising in a form of “welfare tourism”.

“What we’re seeing is welfare tourism on the part of these refugees to Germany, back to Ukraine, back to Germany, back to Ukraine.”

While not specifying a number of how many were actually engaged in such opportunistic practice, he could only conclude that it was “large”.  Germany’s thorough bureaucratic counters have tended to overlook such figures, whether by accident or design.

The concern from Merz was a traditional one about the uses of welfare and what motivates its grant.  It was “unfair and the population has a right to consider it unfair” that the homes for refugees and German welfare recipients be generously heated while working class Germans struggled with energy costs.   While Merz subsequently apologised for his remarks, the sentiment was out of the bag and running through the ranks.

In October, thousands of Czechs gathered in the capital to protest against the centre-right government, demanding an early election and discussions with Russia regarding gas supplies for the winter ahead.  Ukrainian concerns were far from the mind of event organiser Ladislav Vrabel.  “This is a new national revival and its goal is for the Czech Republic to be independent.”

These movements do not augur well for the bleeding hearts of Ukraine’s refugees.  With some alarm, an article from Social Europe reads like a dispatch from a public relations bureau.  Anything negative regarding the refugees from Ukraine must be countered.  These are all due to “Russian disinformation”.  Populist parties must also be confronted and corrected.  “European politicians,” the authors argue, “should shape the debate around Ukrainian refugees.”

The conflict shows no promise of abating in the new year, though there are murmurings about an eventual compromise that is bound to agitate all parties.  Till then, more criticism is bound to emerge from states hosting large numbers of refugees previously admired as victims of Russian aggression in need of protection.  Not all of it will be fed by Russian misinformation, and not all will be populists hugging the fringes of lunatic inspiration.

Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He currently lectures at RMIT University.  Email: bkampmark@gmail.com


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No surprise this tabloid continues to lie. It will naturally ignore the Afro-Asiatic savagery inflicted upon Europeans, clearly Russia does not have Europe’s interests at heart. Neither does America, or any other country ruled by jewish crooks that seeks to annihilate all “goyim”.



Last edited 2 years ago by Jack

“clearly Russia does not have Europe’s interests at heart”

Maybe, perhaps….because EUropeans try badly to hurt, to destroy Russia, by even hurting themselves in process to achieve that objective.
If Russian President, I would nuke EUrope long time ago, with single tactical nuke.
As reminder, food for taught, what is heading towards them… If they continue with their proxy war in Ukraine and don’t renounce insane desire to destroy Russia.




“If Russian President, I would nuke EUrope long time ago, with single tactical nuke.”

The fact you harbor the delusion that Russia will come out unscathed when they cannot even even mass produce their own microprocessors is laughable.

You don’t understand the jewish question, or the fact that Putin is a crypto-jew in league with the jewish oligarchs that run Russia and most other countries worldwide. He supports the Chabad Lubavitch despite their openly jewish-supremacist rhetoric based on the Torah, Talmud and Zohar found on their website.

You want White genocide and cannot tolerate the fact that 97% of all scientific achievement ever made occurred in Europe and North America. Without Western medicine, Africa would be in far worse condition and would never have outbred Europe.

Half the world speaks Indo-European languages, that includes Sanskrit. There is evidence of White people in Asia and North Africa in antiquity, it can be found in DNA tested human remains, ancient art and scripture.

You have benefitted far more than Whites than you will ever give in return. Jews can more easily manipulate your minds to replace us so they can rule over the borderline retarded.

So in your short-sighted rage, you use Russia as a surrogate for your misplaced emotions. Rather than looking at yourselves for the causes of your own troubles, you must always point the finger.

Last edited 2 years ago by Jack

Racist idiot


Thing is you can’t think critically and mindlessly accept whatever form of deception you see from television. You cannot comprehend there are more than two sides to this and that those two sides in question are one side pretending to be two.


You forget that Russia declared war on Napoleon TWICE before he invaded Russia. I suppose you must also think that Prussia under Frederick the Great had declared war on Russia, maybe that’s why you justifying sacking Berlin in his lifetime? If you ever knew about it to begin with.

NATO losers

Racist a r$e hole.


You are only projecting your own ilk onto me. You cannot face objective reality, by necessity you live in dream land to cope with your fragility.


The fact you are racist towards White people out of jealousy when you have benefitted greatly from them summarizes where you stand. You have no moral high ground and mindlessly believe whatever your Judaic masters want you to think. You are no “Russian”, the only true Russians are white.


Are you some kind or Ukronazi scam?


You are only projecting your ugly tendencies upon others.


For example:


The fact desperately rush to remove my comments, while being unable to refute them is enough to prove you are a bunch of idiot crybabies that cannot cope with reality.

It is like you are living in a black comedy, a cynical of the Truman Show. Or a Candy Camera were in the horror genre of cinema combined with the Matrix without the malevolent artificial intelligence and no virtual reality.

The authentic Soviet experience!


The fact that many of the things Russian media has claimed the Western media said about Russia is not found in Western media publications should be a good enough hint for you to figure out.


Fact being Russia is far more hostile in their rhetoric than America and EU. Most of your perceptions are grounded in lies, and most Westerners do not know or care what is going on in Ukraine. They live about their everyday lives, most have nothing to do with the homosexual filth and multiracialism undermining their societies under the decision-making power of wealthy jews that hate them and want to exterminate them.

Fact being Russia is far more hostile in their rhetoric than America and EU. Most of your perceptions are grounded in lies, and most Westerners do not know or care what is going on in Ukraine. They live about their everyday lives, most have nothing to do with the homosexual filth and multiracialism undermining their societies under the decision-making power of wealthy jews that hate them and want to exterminate them.

If I were to ask a Kremlin supporter to specifically tell me which NATO programs increase immigration and drag queen story hour time in their countries, they would say that’s a ridiculous request.

“Clearly what’s happening is NATO generals and other military professionals are conducting covert operations to support the LGBT community and increase immigration while also maintaining their militaries” and to ask for proof is ridiculous.

Yes, you might see some American homosexuals in the military pose with a NATO flag. That is a representation of American society, not NATO policy. You do not see the Polish, Hungarian etc. militaries doing the same thing.

And yet, if you asked me this question about the European Union I could show you the specific penalties they impose on Poland and Hungary for being traditionalist as well as the specific immigration, feminist, and lgbt programs they use EU money to openly promote.

Also a little tidbit worth noting is that NATO was founded in 1949 by largely White Nationalistic Western governments. In 1949 the founding 12 members of NATO were White not by happenstance, but by government policy. Many of these states had pro-White immigration laws on the books, and America was still openly racially segregated. Blacks did not have the same rights as Whites in America when NATO was founded. It would be another 15 years after NATO was founded that America would become desegregated and the races would become equal. And if you blame that change on NATO, then I would:

1. Ask for specific proofs

2. Ask you to explain how NATO did that extreme change in America in 15 years and yet Poland is still White and traditional after 25 years.

When you consider that in 1949 when NATO was founded, America was a racially segregated state, and that the Americans leading the American-NATO charge were White men in their 40’s-60’s who were born in an extremely racial country (some of these men were born in the 19th century!), the idea that NATO was founded to turn the Western world brown and gay is ridiculous. The truth of the matter is this:

NATO is a Western military alliance that certain segments of the Nationalist community now associate the degradation of their nations with as their nations became worse and worse. NATO did not cause these degradations, NATO was simply along for the ride. Now, in 2022, the existence of a military alliance formed in 1949 has the unforeseen consequence of protecting the last homogenous part of our civilization from the Russian Federation (https://www.rt.com/russia/551003-russia-plans-anti-fascist-congress/), an openly antifa (https://odessa-journal.com/the-international-anti-fascist-congress-has-opened-in-patriot-park-near-moscow-shoigu-and-yarovaya-spoke-at-the-first-meeting-and-accused-the-usa-and-the-eu-of-nazism/), openly multiracial (https://www.rt.com/russia/515821-putin-slam-caveman-nationalism/), authoritarian regime where Nationalists (https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2016/11/10/breaking-bad-how-russian-state-patriotism-destroyed-the-far-right-a56088) are persecuted like nowhere else (https://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/features/2017/11/death-russian-171123102640298.html).

The “NATO will turn your country gay and brown” argument that the pro-Kremlin audience loves to trot out is so obviously false that you really need to wonder why these people get so emotional and adamant about it. I have an excuse for having strong anti-Russian feelings, but I never let that cloud my reason and as my channel history will attest, I have a multitude of logical arguments for supporting Ukraine.

The comparison of Ireland and Poland is proof that this argument, like every other argument of the pro-Kremlin crowd, is false and easily refutable.

Last edited 2 years ago by Jack
NATO losers

Ukrainian welfare tourists are scammers, cowards and criminals and need to be sent to the front-lines.


Ukrainian men are forbidden from leaving. So you must be referring to Women and Children. The irony is that the vast majority of fake “refugees” from Africa and Asia are males between 18-35. Those are the welfare scammers you are referring to. The same vile creatures that commit more than half the crimes but are less than 5-10% of the overall population in Europe, North America, and Australia. You are the ones that are the only danger to Russia, the same hordes of orcs that will swallow up all of Russia in a sea of chaos.

Last edited 2 years ago by Jack

Poroshenko’s kid could soak up a few rounds for the cokehead in charge….he is perfect military age to fill a wooden box in a Wagner courtyard in Artyomovsk!! oh wait, daddy took him safely to England while on a treason charge and not allowed to leave the country…LMFAO
seems again , only the poor who cannot escape get to escape from reality by bullet.
Slava rules for ye but not for me.

Last edited 2 years ago by banderitelivesdontmatter

“Ukrainian welfare tourists are scammers, cowards and criminals and need to be sent to the front-lines.”

Projection of the tendencies adherent to the sub-humans you adore. It is also disappointing to admit that many so-called “Russians” (the brown and yellow kind fill those checkboxes, as do some white Russians and I am not referring to Belarus, I’m referring to race).


Europeans especially germany have played this refugee game for decades and now its starting to go rotten on them and the public is tired of it. They mean well…

William Wallace

Just googled this.. Ukrainians arriving in Canada through the Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET) pathway are eligible for a one-time payment from the Canadian government. The financial assistance is a direct deposit, one-time, non-taxable benefit payment of $3,000 per adult and $1,500 per child (age 17 and under). They are even getting free housing. I live in Canada and not even the Natives of Canada get treated this well. It’s truly a mess to me..

Ojhnny Zepp

In FINLAND , there has never been anything but harmful refugees since 70’s. Somalis are just at the top of the list with under 10% working at all since the 90’s when first parasite somalis arrived thru russian border. After that, Somalis and other similar scum have rwally givwn the finnish welfare system a good run for their money.
Also, recently Finland declared free health care and housing for anybody entering the country.
Meanwhile ordinary tax paying Finns suffer rising costs – arabiano tourists are enjoying free life.


maybe the guest worker turks of 1970’s germany were a good indication that A turks were not guests as they had no intention of leaving, B turks were not workers, they just laid around and complained about the number of germans in germany..everything was there to see, no one wanted to look, and now, germanyie is split, turks on one side, kurds on the other with a handful of germans taking the heat.


A strong Russian advance will hopefully send a few million more into Europe, and Russia should help fund as many Middle eastern and African refugees to immigrate to the EU as possible.

Tommy Lee

The South African Department of International Relations and Cooperation, through its deputy director-general for public diplomacy, Clayson Monyela, expressed concern about how Africans “were actually, you know, put in different queues or lanes, if you want to call them that, but also at the back. So, we had to intervene to ensure that our people are assisted to cross.”

Oh no, this is like annudah Shoah! Give me a fucking break.


The EU and Ukraine must come in terms with Russia security needs, the end. It is not a matter of they like it or not.

They have to kick the Satanic States (The US & Israel) out of this as well, remember the role of Zionists and yanquis in the Middle East wars. That all said I don’t believe for a sec these morons can think for themselves at all and they sold their country long ago with themselves. The West leader aren’t anything but greedy puppets.


While Zelensky’s supporters eagerly rush to do his bidding, heading off to the front and from there onwards to the graveyard, the large pro-Russian segment of Ukrainian society, while not daring to reveal their views, are presumably doing all they can to find excuses to flee the country or dodge the draft. But they will be the survivors and so take power because they will eventually outnumber the Nazis, given the extrapolation of the current situation. The current Ukrainian government is destroying it’s own powerbase.


‘The populists are showing growing discontent. In some cases, such as the Polish nationalist Konfederacja (Confederation), which argues that Poland is being increasingly “de-Polonised”.’

Jeezus.. you’d think they’d be grateful for being de-Polonised.

So In A Nutshell

White people have real trouble tolerating other white people..


With the exception of a few, most of them are just economic migrants. The proof are these that go back to Ukraine, and once money spent go back to milk the welfare. And Europe seems to enjoy it big time 😂🤣😂

Sgt. Based

Yeah God forbid white countries don’t want foreign rapists to come and demand welfare

Maybe some of those wealthy non white countries should step up


Ukrainian are the real Europeans.
Russians, Turks, Libya and Iran are gas stations masqueraded as countries…………………….LOL.

John Titor

In that case you’re a child masquerading as a man.

Ukraine has never been a real country btw.