What’s All The Fuss About? Is Nuclear War Really That Dangerous?

What's All The Fuss About? Is Nuclear War Really That Dangerous?

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Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

We’re in the Second Cold War. Those thinking otherwise have probably been living under a rock. Unfortunately, that rock won’t save anyone and we know it by the change in rhetoric. Namely, in previous decades, nuclear war was a mere hypothesis in the minds of most people, an extremely unlikely prospect that we could casually discuss, theorize on, contemplate as to how it would play out, etc. It truly is meticulous work, involving an enormous amount of moving parts and it could even be argued it’s fun, as evidenced by numerous mass media that use it as their main trope. Whether it’s a post-apocalyptic scenario, a modern war that got out of control or something along those lines, it’s quite prominent in movies, TV shows, video games, etc. Now, imagine fan favorites such as the Mad Max franchise, Fallout or Metro series, certain Call of Duty titles, etc. suddenly becoming a reality. It’s certainly a scary thought.

Well, thanks to the warmongering oligarchies in Washington DC and Brussels, this is exactly the scenario we’re facing. And if you think it’s too far-fetched or even impossible, think again. Leaders and top-ranking officials of the most powerful NATO countries openly support long-range strikes on Russia using Western-sourced missiles, operated by American, British and other NATO personnel. This comes despite President Vladimir Putin’s crystal clear warning that Russia would consider the world’s most vile racketeering cartel a party to the conflict and that it would respond accordingly. Worse yet, even after Moscow used a conventionally armed ICBM/IRBM in response to these NATO attacks, the political West only keeps escalating. The purpose of this text is to understand what’s at stake and that if the warmongers, war criminals, plutocrats and kleptocrats have their way, the world will pay the ultimate price.

Let’s imagine that Russia decides it’s sick and tired of over three decades of NATO’s lies, deceit, crawling invasion and now nearly three years of direct attacks and total war. The Neo-Nazi junta keeps launching these Western-sourced missiles and the Kremlin knows who’s behind it. Do you think Russia would use thermonuclear weapons in Ukraine, a land that has belonged to it for over 1,200 years, against the people it considers ethnic Russians (even though they reject this notion)? Even if we ignore these basic facts, the answer is no, as it would be suicidal to fire a nuclear weapon at an area so close to home. The fallout could easily reach any Russian and/or Belorussian territory. Thus, it can be expected to see Moscow use more “Oreshniks” and similar missiles. However, Russia’s updated strategic doctrine also allows the use of such weapons against targets beyond NATO-occupied Ukraine.

Namely, Moscow knows exactly which NATO command centers are used to coordinate attacks on Russia’s undisputed territory and may decide to neutralize them. Missiles such as the “Oreshnik” give it unprecedented non-nuclear strategic strike capabilities, meaning that Russia’s first retaliatory attack should not trigger NATO’s nuclear response. However, the world’s most vile racketeering cartel doesn’t have comparable weapons and could only use nuclear-tipped missiles or bombs. In response to this, the Kremlin deploys its unrivaled strategic arsenal in full force. How long do you think this would last? I’ve recently argued it would be largely over in 15 minutes. Now I’ll explain in detail how. First, the early warning systems (composed of a plethora of land, sea, air and space-based assets) would sound an alarm and the Russian strategic nuclear-armed triad would react immediately.

Composed of Strategic Missile Forces (RVSN), Aerospace Forces (VKS) and Navy (VMF), the Russian triad could deploy at least 5,500 thermonuclear warheads, each of which is orders of magnitude more destructive than the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs, combined. As of October, the RVSN has 772 warheads on over 200 RS-24 “Yars”, 340 on 46 R-36M2 “Voevoda” and 78 single-warhead RT-2PM2 “Topol-M” ICBMs (intercontinental ballistic missiles). The number of strategic HGVs (hypersonic glide vehicles), specifically the “Avangard” is unknown, but is usually thought to be in the dozens. The VKS operates 580 nuclear-tipped cruise missiles (the Kh-102 and several advanced iterations of the Kh-55), deployed on 55 Tu-95MS and 17 Tu-160 strategic bombers, better known as missile carriers in Russian military nomenclature. And last, but certainly not least, the Navy, the most survivable element of any triad.

The VMF operates 15 SSBNs (nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines) carrying 240 SLBMs (submarine-launched ballistic missiles) armed with at least 896 warheads. The grand total is 2,657 thermonuclear warheads ready to go at this very moment. Note that this doesn’t include well over 2,000 tactical nuclear weapons deployed on SSGNs (nuclear-powered guided missile submarines), hypersonic weapons such as the 9M723 used by the “Iskander-M”, the 9-S-7760 “Kinzhal” and numerous other missile types. Altogether, Russia has well over 4,500 warheads ready for both strategic and battlefield use. However, it also has upwards of 1,500 thermonuclear warheads awaiting dismantlement, but which could be returned to service due to NATO aggression and be installed on land-based ICBMs, IRBMs (intermediate-range ballistic missiles), SLBMs, ALCMs (air-launched cruise missiles), etc.

Once again, this is without even considering newer Russian weapons that we know exist (RS-28 “Sarmat” ICBMs, “Avangard” HGVs, “Oreshnik” hybrid/modular IRBM/ICBM/HGVs, the “Poseidon” nuclear-powered, nuclear-armed underwater drones/torpedoes, etc) and those that we don’t know anything about (except that they exist), including experimental, as President Putin himself spoke of “weapons based on new physical principles” on many occasions. However, just to illustrate the destructive power of the new “Sarmat”, consider that it can carry a range of heavy and light MIRVs (multiple independently targetable reentry vehicles). This includes 10-15 heavy warheads or 20+ light ones. The destructive power of heavy warheads is stated to be 750 kilotons (kt) to 1 megaton (Mt) each. Light warheads have a yield ranging from 150 kt to 450 kt, with one kiloton being equal to 1,000 tons of TNT.

Thus, 150 kt is equivalent to 150,000 tons of TNT exploding at once. To put this destructive power into perspective, we can use the “Little Boy” atomic bomb which the US dropped on Hiroshima on 6 August 1945. Namely, it had a yield of 15 kt and it virtually instantly killed around 100,000 people, with at least another 50,000 dying in the aftermath of the explosion. This would mean that the combined yield carried by a single RS-28 missile is up to 750 times greater than that of the Hiroshima bomb. It should be noted that at least 50 of these are being built, as they are slated to replace the aforementioned R-36M2 “Voevoda”. That’s the equivalent of the destructive power of 37,500 Hiroshima bombs. And that’s just 50 missiles, out of well over 300 land-based ICBMs in the Russian military. However, thanks to US/NATO aggression against the world, Moscow might decide to make 100 of these, doubling that destructive power to 75,000 by 2030.

Unfortunately, some completely delusional lunatics at the Pentagon think they can launch a “decapitation strike” on Russia and “ensure” there’s no retaliation. There’s just one “tiny” problem with this – the Russian Navy. Namely, even if the world’s largest country suddenly vanished, its Navy alone could destroy much, if not most of the world. Even just half of its SSBNs, namely the now legendary eight Borei-class subs, carry 16 R-30 “Bulava” SLBMs (each missile armed with up to ten 150 kt thermonuclear MIRVs). I’ll let you do the math on that one. To top it all, the Kremlin’s nuclear triad can also be used even if the entire Russian leadership is neutralized. The system enabling this is called the “Perimeter” (known as the “Dead Hand” in NATO) and is activated automatically in case of an all-out attack on Russia. Perhaps the most dumbfounding fact is that the US military is perfectly aware of all this, but it’s still pushing for escalation.

Some of the world’s most prominent leaders, intellectuals and experts have been warning about the dangers of nuclear warfare. Perhaps the best example of this is the message conveyed by the late Fidel Castro in an interview with the globally renowned Professor Michel Chossudovsky. Namely, President Castro said that “in a nuclear war the ‘collateral damage’ would be the life of all humanity”. It doesn’t get much simpler than this and yet it’s 100% on point. What’s more, the mainstream propaganda machine is also perfectly aware of this, as evidenced by the BBC’s latest piece on Russia’s nuclear arsenal. Obviously, because it’s the BBC, it cannot do even this without ludicrous lies, as they’re claiming the information came from an “anonymous Russian deserter” who supposedly revealed “war secrets”, even though this information is publicly available (if one is bothered to look for it, that is).


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Storm Shadows Up Russia’s Ass!

moscow will cease to exist soon…heheheh

Niccolo Machiavelli

but london will be gone tonight. as someone commented recently that won’t result in any english deaths – given that there aren’t any english left in london…..

Mohammed el aladdin

london = londonistan only muslim community live in london.

Last edited 3 months ago by Mohammed el aladdin

it’s babylon in the thames the first babylon was on the thammuzz . english is the universal language. they intend to make one world just as babylon ,the tower of babel intended .


london isn’t in england ,isn’t part of england it’s a privately owned i independent city state which is not part of king charles kingdom .it’s private property .


if moscow disappears, washington will go first. paris, berlin, warsaw and all the western capitals.
russia is big so it could survive, but i don’t think all of europe will, and the usa would hesitate.


the half a dozen big citys ?

Mohammed el aladdin

no . russia will bomb incirlik, turkey first. america’s all nuclear bombs are in turkey , incirlik nato base.

Last edited 3 months ago by Mohammed el aladdin

the city that is divided into 3 goes .in one day ,gone .the world’s merchants aka businessmen wail
.they who fornicated ie whoremongers harlots in commercial activities, wail ..but it’s too late baby to turn back now .they’ve gone too far biologically they’ve messed up totally .


it’s degenerative from now on .it can’t continue and money won’t save them theg can’t escape to mars or under ground. its all over ..

Storm Shadows Up Russia’s Ass!

thank you for your reply! please stay weighted for me!


wont it be exciting when nigeria becomes a nuclear state. iran is still unsure if they are a nuclear state, pakistan is, india is, china is, north korea is, even france has nuclear weapons. so far, only the us has used them in war, but that could all change tomorrow. which countries want nuclear weapons. venezuela has a dictator, dictators want more power, so probably venezuela. kill more people faster…


the danger of a leader without personality or determination like putin is that, instead of stopping nato from the start (with tactical weapons within the ukraine proxy), he lets the situation escalate, become unsustainable and then, in his desperation, provokes armageddon.

the scum of washington, london and brussels also contribute to this.

Last edited 3 months ago by Tadeus

and that is the scenario that this reckless article defends.


they get fed attitude .


the love of money is the root of all evil .

Last edited 3 months ago by Annon
Conan M

when the “cheese has sufficiently slid off the proverbial cracker”, and those narcissistic psychopaths that have spent all the money on wars of choice that are still left in charge (losing everthing) without resistance from their domestic $laves… expect the worst!… as an american i always believed that the american people would step up in a crisis like this one… now we know it will be a foreign nation that will be forced to take care of it for them!..

Last edited 3 months ago by Conan M
Boris Orlov

first, nuclear war is not that dangerous. you can take out a few superfluous cities like brussels and london, but we can definitely go on without bureaucrats, “royals”, investment bankers, homeless, etc. second, moscow won’t disappear, europe will.


no the whole world ” falls away ” .they’ve gone too far .they hide it but denial won’t save them .thd half life of radiation is half a million years not a week
humans can’t live in radiation without becoming damaged goods thry can’t hide it with chip implants and artificial limbs and the new world robo man like they’re planning. it won’t work .they’ve f ed it all up imo .


which bombs in hiroshima and nagasaki ? the napalm bombs ? but you choice to believe “jewish” clowns like einstein and oppenheimer. even after “nine eleven”, and when your told to commit suicide with poison in the fake pandemic ! they are like lizards ! its snakes, which the one told to speak to ewe ;-)


whats happen with the “nuclear weapon” was: “psychopath’s of the world, unite !”.
it was a cover, for to terrorize the world. now they will find up a long list of replacement for the non-existing “nuclear weapon”.

Janne Kankaanpää

while pussyboy putin is leading russia, there is no fear of nuclear war. he rather sees russia in flames, than to escalate.

Mohammed el aladdin

mass deportation now,

transgenders, undocumentad illegal refugees send them to mexica immediattely .

promises made promises done.

make amirica great again

Mohammed el aladdin

most transgender population in world

2.united states of america

send all usa transgender troops to ukraine army

make ukraine army great again.

Mohammed el aladdin

incirlik , turkey has a lot of usa atomic bombs . america put all nuclear missiles in incirlik, turkey. erdogan will steal these missiles and bomb greece.


no your can always unleash some buogical plandemic to kill of the mutations before they get too obvious ..


revelations. describes the end. and it’s true imo .because in just the last 80 years they’ve radiated the whole planet ,thd atmosphere the oceans the land .they’ve caused irreversible damage globally ,cancers the most common symptom that they’ve tried to hide under smoking and sun and alcohol .mutations will be next
