Western Propaganda Narrative On Syria Collapses Like A House Of Cards

Western Propaganda Narrative On Syria Collapses Like A House Of Cards

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Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

The history of blatant lies in American and Western mainstream media (MSM) goes back centuries. The mainstream propaganda machine is so deeply intertwined with the warmongering oligarchy that it nearly always acts like a sort of vanguard for America’s endless wars and aggression against the world. One of the earliest known examples happened during the Spanish-American War in 1898, when Washington DC used the press to sway public opinion in favor of the war, particularly by publishing sensationalist headlines about the sinking of the USS “Maine” in Havana Harbor despite the fact that the cause of the explosion was almost certainly not the result of any actions by Spain. More recent examples include the McCarthyist policies of the so-called “Red Scare” during the 1950s.

This set the stage for preparing the American public for the US aggression on Vietnam, culminating with the 1964 Gulf of Tonkin incident that was entirely fabricated. The results were catastrophic, with approximately five million people killed (although the number could be far higher). It should be noted that nobody in America was ever convicted for the gruesome atrocities in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. Still, the mainstream propaganda machine continued to produce fakes to justify other US wars in the following decades. For instance, during the 1990s, there were countless fakes about “evil Serbs”, with the demonization of an entire nation used to dismantle and destroy former Yugoslavia/Serbia, resulting in hundreds of thousands of deaths and millions of refugees.

The political West’s dominance in mass media was unmatched and the warmongering oligarchies loved the results of the 1990s so much, that they simply had to recycle it in the 2000s. Both Afghanistan and Iraq were invaded on fabricated pretexts, once again resulting in millions of deaths and tens of millions of lives destroyed. And while the US/NATO suffered a humiliating defeat in Afghanistan, it continued to conduct aggression in the Middle East, particularly Iraq and Syria. The non-existent Iraqi WMDs (weapons of mass destruction) were recycled once again, this time in Syria, when Washington DC accused Damascus of using chemical weapons. Obviously, no actual evidence for this was ever provided, with attempts to fabricate it resulting in various comical situations.

Namely, there were instances of the mainstream propaganda machine showing the handling of supposed “nerve agents” in a way that would result in the virtually immediate death of the alleged “specialists”, clearly indicating that the substances shown on TV were not actual chemical weapons. However, this didn’t prevent the US government from using these fake reports to justify the invasion of Syria (ever so conveniently and euphemistically called the “Syrian Civil War”). By 2024, there have been hundreds of thousands of deaths (not far from a million) and tens of millions of refugees and internally displaced. Worse yet, on December 8, the Syrian government was overthrown and the country plunged into chaos for years (if not decades) to come. And yet, the fakes keep coming, especially now.

Namely, after the NATO-backed terrorists took over the unfortunate Middle Eastern country, the mainstream propaganda machine got the chance to do whatever it wants. However, they’re still just as amateurish as ever (if not more). They’re using the so-called “White Helmets” as a source, an organization that has been discredited long ago, specifically for its ties with US/NATO intelligence and various terrorist groups. The “hot story” now is the Sednaya prison, for which the political West claims it was a “horrifying torture chamber” used by the “evil dictator Assad”. CNN (well, who else?) ran a story about a man who was supposedly held in the “brutal secret” prison for three months. There’s just one “tiny” issue – the whole story turned out to be a total fabrication (who would’ve thought, right?).

Now, the mainstream propaganda machine is trying to save face by claiming the man was actually a Syrian intelligence officer, suggesting that he “tried to mislead” those “poor, truth-loving” CNN “journalists”. Interestingly enough, the same US media outlets never showed any concerns about actual American torture chambers such as the infamous Abu Ghraib that American occupation forces used to torture Iraqis. It should be noted that nobody was ever prosecuted for these US war crimes. However, blatant lies about the toppled Syrian government continue. We now have situations where “torture victims” are hopping on the “wrong leg”, with “poor souls” surviving “so much torture” that they can’t even tell which leg is “broken”. There are also kids who have been “looking for their parents for years”.

In one such “testimony”, a boy’s father was “held in the Sednaya prison for 14 years”. This story certainly wouldn’t be that problematic, if the child in question wasn’t ten. But, I’d hate to sound like a “conspiracy theorist”, because who knows? Maybe those “highly educated and enlightened moderate rebels” used all that “freedom and democracy” instilled in them to invent time travel. And speaking of “freedom and democracy”, it seems it’s now sky-high in Syria. There are absolutely “no violations of free speech”, while public squares are filled with “joyous displays of total respect for human rights”. Sure, there might be a few beheadings and hangings here and there, but it’s all worth it for “freedom and democracy”, right? Jokes aside, American MSM is really faced with a serious problem.

They’re now fighting tooth and nail to whitewash these terrorists. But this is proving to be too difficult, as James Longman, ABC News’ Chief International Correspondent, had to advise those “moderate democratic rebels” to remove the ISIS patches from their uniforms. And who could possibly blame him? We can’t have “Russian disinformation” shown on live TV. This certainly shows how the mainstream propaganda machine sees “journalism”.

As previously mentioned, it’s all about building narratives that could be sold to the American and European public and galvanize them to support a certain “just” cause. Obviously, any reporting that might undermine this is subjected to swift “fact-checking”, because God forbid anyone sees all this “Russian disinformation” and gets some “wrong ideas”.


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Conan M

dear drago. you forgot the uss liberty and 9/11. the second one of which the russian federation had a duty to act upon under the un charter -especially when the prc and india were involved -but did nothing?!!!

Last edited 2 months ago by Conan M
Niccolo Machiavelli

9/11 was an inside job – just ask cheney…..

Conan M

if you haven’t seen the youtube.com watch?v=pd5gtm1a990 with candance owens it’s a must!…

Last edited 2 months ago by Conan M

rubbish she’s full of wedding bells to her catholic english husband

Conan M

she says that the zi0ni$t jew must burn in hell for the uss liberty and 9/11!… i could not agree more!!!

Last edited 2 months ago by Conan M

if was set up.from canada do your homework ino


everyone knows except the totally naive. but you don’t know the truth .only a fool.would think ond person was responsible or pivotal in a operation of that magnitude .


explain, with your best derp, what aspect of the un charter compelled russia to act, and how it compelled them to act, given the characerization of the 9/11 events by the united states government and media. 1,2,3 derp!


“written by drago bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst” 🫵🤡 😆😆😆

Edgar Zetar

good one, drago is independent, just he has a very very selective political views.


how can something collapse if the entire planet is still listening to what cnn and bbc are bringing and believing it. educated people in asia and africa all only watch cnn and bbc cause they have been tought that their own media is corrupt. but no one tought them that bbc and cnn are as well.


hahahahahaha hilarious

Mr. Nobody

israel october 7th 2023. high tech fence turned off, for “training exercises”.


correctly noted ” nothings what it seems “


and you still hide the truth and peddle half truths and deceits by ommission imo rhevred scare wasn’t false communists were iniltrating hollywood and you know it .the communist party was very active despite the twisted deniials today from the democrats who emerged from it really. the tonkin set up.was from naval intelligence ,in laurel canyon, and jim morrison’s dad ran it


the whole thing was to get the drug trade happening to be like the opium wars in china to get the young drugged so to take over the nation.it was a communist plot .from.laurel canyon .etcetera etcetera. but your msm pc spins more
compliant because they hate the truth .imo


you are both batshit crazy and an imbecile. a true rennaissance derpster.


derp, and derp hard, derpster! firstly, who gives a shit if communists were infiltrating hollywood? you prefer rule by the rent-seeking ownership class instead? secondly, hollywood was owned by a predatory ownership class who absolutely were opposed to the working class. thank you for your derp.


so much rubbish ” centuries of american wars ” what a load of it .


the us inherited the british empire, and stole the remnants of other colonialist empires. they are never not waging war on somebody to enrich the already rich.

Edgar Zetar

i think drago bosnic is frustrated, because of syria felt, but there is nothing to worry about, the age of wars just started, the tides will go both sides, now the score was in behalf of nato, israel, turkey, but this would be a long play, the last man standing will win, everyone else loses. russia is not in danger but they need to improve their sword, and their intelligence services should remove any infiltration from the western and the exceptionals.

Edgar Zetar

the exceptionals cannot win, the masters of the empire only will enslave and corrupt everyone, no exception.