Western Military Industrial Complex Keeps Profiting Wile Ukrainians Die

Western Military Industrial Complex Keeps Profiting Wile Ukrainians Die

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Written by Lucas Leiroz, member of the BRICS Journalists Associations, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, military expert

One of the main reasons for the West to insist on prolonging the war in Ukraine is the exorbitant profit that the conflict guarantees to businesspeople in the military industrial sector. According to recent data, the German company Rheinmetall, one of Europe’s leading weapons manufacturers, doubled its profits due to its involvement in arming Ukraine. This lucrative business is generating billions for Western elites, while Ukrainian soldiers die on the front lines.

The main German military company recently announced that its sales achieved a historic record of 91% operating profit. Rheinmetall has an order book of almost 50 billion euros, reaching an impressive historical record. In the same statement, company’s spokespeople also make it clear that the reasons for this increase in profits are specifically due to the hostilities in Ukraine – which, according to them, “significantly improved business performance.”

It is possible to say that the war “saved” Rheinmetall’s military investments. Before the special military operation, the company’s military business was declining, with the most of Rheinmetall’s sales represented by parts of cars sold to the automobile industry. Now, military products are most of the company’s production, with priority being given to the manufacture of various types of weapons, including armored vehicles, tanks, artillery pieces and air defense systems.

Business is growing so much that the company is about to open a new factory to make it possible to meet new demands. The new unit is about to be opened in Lower Saxony, where around 100,000 artillery shells will be manufactured annually. Previously, Rheinmettal announced that its objective is to be able to produce 700 thousand projectiles per year, which is why the expansion of industrial capacities is a necessity.

This incessant demand for weapons is guaranteed by the constant Ukrainian search for equipment. Officials in Kiev say they need around 20,000 155mm shells per day to properly fight the Russians. The high consumption of ammunition by Ukrainians creates a kind of “unlimited market” for Western companies, which consequently expands the sales and profits of manufacturers like Rheinmetall.

Obviously, Western companies are also taking advantage of the moment to boost their products’ prices. Last year, Rheinmetall announced that its weapons would need to increase in value, which is being done now. Considering that Ukraine has nothing to do but buy these weapons – with the help of loans from Western investment funds -, the company is overvaluing its products and maximizing its profits.

This expansion of the German industrial complex is even drawing the attention of the Berlin authorities themselves. The German federal government recently announced that it is considering taking part in the businesses of its weapons manufacturers. It is possible that the German state is interested in using the company’s profits to facilitate the financing of some social policies, considering that Germany is in a serious social crisis, with many citizens unemployed and in need of state support. So, in practice, the government saw that the military industry guarantees profits and now wants to take some parts for itself.

The profits of private agents have been a decisive reality since the beginning of the conflict. Arms manufacturing companies do not want the conflict to end, as this would end the possibility of selling weapons to Ukraine and to Western countries themselves – as some of them continue to believe in the myth of the “Russian invasion of Europe”. The more war, fear and instability, the more weapons – and then, companies profit from making arms.

In the specific case of Ukraine, it is interesting to think about how futile all this effort is. The country is going into debt buying weapons that will have no real value on the frontlines, as war efforts have already proven incapable of reversing the military scenario. Russian victory cannot be prevented with the arrival of new weapons, and it is simply irrational to continue insisting on the systematic purchase of Western equipment.

In practice, Ukrainian soldiers are dying to make profits for Western oligarchs. More than that, the profits are so great that even Western states are interested in taking part in these private investments, as is the case of Germany. Kiev is serving as a rich source of resources for the West, which explains why so many actors want hostilities to continue.

The most affected side is Ukraine itself, which will leave the conflict defeated and immersed in an immeasurable amount of debt. This situation could be easily reversed if the regime understood once and for all that it is useless to continue buying weapons, being negotiations and surrender the only options to end hostilities.


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Conan M

“western military industrial complex keeps profiting wile ukrainians die”

to the russian federation. make the slaughter of western ukrainians and now increasing numbers of nato personnel “faster”…

Last edited 6 months ago by Conan M

this territorial conflict should have been prosecuted quickly and ruthlessly to liberate donbass and seize ki*v/od*ssa in 2022. it should never have been a brainless slaughter of conscript ukrainians, a fellow slavic people now us-puppets, who share their history and culture with r.f. such carnage is a zio-western ploy.

but did vlad ‘screw up’ or were mistakes deliberate? time will tell ‘while’ (sic) thousands die and r.f is occupied and suffers daily.

Last edited 6 months ago by B.F.Finlayson

obviously you do not understand the problem, & thus you are playing directly into the hands of the jews. jews always want to make christians fight each other. to achieve this they need to get some idiots to invade other christian nations & start killing there. putin made russians follow his order to raid &bomb a foreign nation. if you support these actions – you have already fallen into the jews trap.

Last edited 6 months ago by Gurki

solution is very simply: russians kill jewtin + all the other jews in high positions in ru government and economy & withdraw all ru troops from ukraine. and ukrainians kill jewlensky + all the other jews in high positions in ukr government and economy &withdraw troops from kursk. very easy.
but people here and elsewhere are eighter deaf & dumb or brainwashed to the core to not realize this simple road to everlasting peace !

Last edited 6 months ago by Gurki

most people still not even know how to identify the jew, and they blindly follow the jews and let these hook-nosed demons drive them into death and destruction, without even noting them. wake up folks, and name the jew now !! for heavens sake !!! see: http://alturl.com/o9jzk

Last edited 6 months ago by Gurki

the nazi is strong in you, identiarian retard!


there are no russian troops in ukraine. the russians are fighting on russian territory. the ukretards forfeited the land when they assaulted their fellow ukrainians in donbas after the us coup in 2014 and pushed to join the criminal imperialist nato. ukretardism is very dangerous to ukrainians, and the rot has to be excised.


once again the identarian ‘rabbit hole’, which is now keeping the world’s population tied in knots.

it’s all theatre. look at the wider geo-politics not at the religious facade or its interests. look at actual actions (military, finance, macro-economic, legislative etc) not presumed motives or myths (or worse still lazy stereotypes).

it’s about gullibility and control, and the jws have proved to be as gullible as everyone else when playing their own parts.


says the dildo prattling about “fellow slaves” and “shared culture”. never stop derping, derpster.


identarian (identitarian) politics has nothing to do with shared history and culture. as such the terms ‘shared culture’ / ‘fellow slavs’ (note spelling) are objective, verifiable descriptions.

identitarianism shifts accepted (objective) topics and terms to create assumed (subjective) badges, which in turn have morphed into social/political movements etc.

go have a read if you can stop flaunting your ignorance long enough.


you’re an identitarian retard, just like the banderites. congratulations!


clyde, you are a bore. just like ‘am hants’ (maybe too ‘just like’?) it’s the same old predictable ‘catchphrase of the day’ thrown at everyone. i guess it’s more economical than way?

i guess it must be annoying for you amateur shillettes to keep coming up with all that pro-us ‘ad hominem’ for not a single cent. never mind, it keeps you out of mom’s kitchen.


dry those tears, li’l identitarian derpster.


err, what tears? boredom more often produces a yawn! although it can occasionally be funny watching you running around ‘trying’ to insult everyone with the same two catchphrases – but the novelty quickly wears off.

Conan M

along with russia’s announcement that the un world order will have their empty seat that will be summoning all it’s foreign service home to russia from all those western countries for their safety… do it not mr. putin and you will in essence be saying you want russia to be just like them!…

Last edited 6 months ago by Conan M

“the most affected side is ukraine itself, which will leave the conflict defeated and immersed in an immeasurable amount of debt.”

exactly what the west and it’s pretend slav puppet zelensky want. death and misery for the average ukrainian and obscene angrandizement for the western one percenter class…


well. once they win, ukrainians will liberate themselves from russia forever, guarantying prosperity for generations – like poland, czechia, estonia, latvia and other free nations…

Gneaus stapo

final solution of russian flathead question is coming,indeed


yes, but i dont want to go against the ru people. they are same as much of western people enslaved by their jewish government. …

Last edited 6 months ago by Gurki

.. difference is that in russia even worse than in usa or germany the people (russians) are under jewish terror reign for sooo long already (since 1917) that they really confuse their fully jewish regime, this jewish dungeon keeper communism (which jewtin slightly repainted to “ru federation”) with something of christian russian origin. because they have actually never seen anything really russian in their whole life but do not know it.

Last edited 6 months ago by Gurki

usa of course is under jewish rule even longer (1913) but with the important difference that they have their constitution and right to bear arms and have free speech laws by constitution. and germans still know what it means to be german, because before 1945 there was not jewish rule – and people where well aware that the jews are the enemies of mankind !!

Last edited 6 months ago by Gurki

and just like that, the nazi bursts forth from the identitarian retard. it’s in him, and it’s got to come out!

Revenge for Kursk Now

hermann göring would be proud of rheinmetall helping the kiev nazis

Gneaus stapo

as shareholder i am happy


just because your mom sends you to the store with enough pocket money to bring home a few candies for her, it doesn’t make you a shareholder, nafomosexual cosplay boy.


as said before there are nazis only in russian federation including kreml.

Gneaus stapo

i totaly agree, rashniks aka russian faschists.


the nafomosexual cosplay boy who calls russians “flatheads” and talks about a “final solution” is worried about fascists?

Юрий из задницы в рот

well, it is all and the same. instead of wermach there is america, and satrapes. they have just weakening and weakening russia, until there was time to hit and hit it hard, just like in last 7 or so days. it was rather stupid to sign cease fire in syria, because they were as they call it in boxing ‘hold in the distance’ jabbed and hit.

Klatten & Quandt

eigentlich ist es ärgerlich, dass sich die deutsche bundesregierung von vornherein auf die seite der ukraine gestellt hat! deutsche konzerne könnten wunderbar beide konfliktparteien mit waffen beliefern.

was die imperialistische politik des westens bis in die 90er jahre nicht zu vollbringen vermochte, erledigen jetzt die ex sowjets ganz allein unter sich.

und mal ehrlich: menschenleben waren schon immer verhandlungsmasse, gerade heute, wo die überbevölkerung steigt und steigt

Klatten & Quandt

actually, it is annoying that the german federal government has sided with ukraine from the outset! german corporations could wonderfully supply both parties to the conflict with weapons.

what the imperialist policy of the west was not able to accomplish until the 90s, the ex-soviets are now doing all by themselves.

and let’s be honest: human lives have always been a bargaining chip, especially today, when overpopulation is increasing and increasing


russian elite and russian military complex is making millions as well. all while ordinary russians die on frontlines.


a neat game where you control both sides and win no matter what. jews and freemasons. taking turns giving each other propaganda stunts to further their control in each country. raking the money in and suffering nothing. every single one responsible for bringing the world to the brink is one or the other.

Last edited 6 months ago by BunkerDwellers

“russian elite” and “russian”-military complex is fully jewish !! to call it russian just plays into the hands of the jews. sorry to say it. i know you are ok, and have good intentions but this indeed is important to point out, so to not confuse it. as confusing it, just benefits the jews.

Last edited 6 months ago by Gurki
Stan The Man

on monday, a russian ka-52m helicopter opened fire on one of its own military columns in a lethal case of mistaken identity.

Degeneration Of Russia

russian army on the brink as discipline crumbles and putin’s troops wipe each other out. putin’s generals appear helpless to stop ukraine’s attack, as they scramble to respond to the military crisis.

Western Faggotry Brogades

sure buddy

Potemkin Village

it can end tomorrow. all russia has to do is ceasefire and withdraw from all ukrainian territory. go home. and lets not forget the us and the west are helping ukraine just like they said they would do if russia invaded. putin didn’t listen and that falls directly on him. the second batch of f-16’s should be ready.


this won’t end tomorrow! z openly asked for nukes in ukr 19 feb 2022, it was this action that triggered the smo days later.

30 months of r.f. ineptness and we now see ‘gulf war’ strategics. the west plans to push to moscow, implant it’s own puppets/color rev, and fragment the c.i.s; all with the unwitting(??) help of a wholly inept/compliant ptn.

will r.f. just stand by in total denial and watch these sickening losses?


so there has been no russian military action in the kursk region since the start of the ukrainian terror operation? why aren’t the ukrainains at moscow already?


the ‘military action’ by r.f. that led to this invasion was irresponsibly inadequate, which is why r.f. was forced into military conflict on its own territory. after 30 months of useless smo this would be hilarious if not so tragic.

it is inexplicable that r.f. hasn’t woken up and dumped ptn (friend of the oligarchs not the russian people), his advisors, ministers and commanders.

first duty of a leader is to defend his borders and protect his people. he failed – period!


isn’t it great that you’re calling for exactly the same thing the five eyes have been screeching about since pristina in 1999? wacky li’l identitarian, you!


bargain shop us-shilling needs facts.

five eyes love ptn, he’s their best hope of taking russia apart and pushing up to and over it’s borders. and the best way to keep him up there in power is big him up as dangerous man that must be removed. it’s not that difficult really if you try harder.


yes very true. but also ukraininas need to get rid of their jewish ministers and leaders. russian need to free themselves from the jewtin regime, and every other country from ukraine to all the european countries and usa too, the people need to rise up and hunt down and execute the jews, posing as their “leaders & governments”. only that will guarantee lasting peace.

Last edited 6 months ago by Gurki

russia is not operating on ukrainian territory. the ukrainian puppet state forfeited the donbas when it launched the ato ethnic cleansing operation. borders com and go. lwow will likely soon be singing a different song.

Tommy Lawton

ukraine paints giant phu u to putin with territory grab as they move about russia with impunity. if russia wants to defend it’s own territory it will have to pull out of ukraine. good military maneuver. the usa and western powers are absolutely against this. it is working as long as they don’t get pinched from the extension. instead this draws the russians out in these long columns on the interstate for easy pickings.

The Future Is Not Nationalist

there is huge demographic change going on. china is loosing annually now 3.5 million people, japan 615000 and russia 620000. at the same time western european population is growing because people have accepted the reality: integration and immigration is necessary. racial mixing is ok and blessed by god. so russian nationalist fascists and racists are there where losers are. in future we in west don’t need even your natural gas and oil. russia is becoming irrelevant and isolated.


the collapse of russian naziland is becoming reality likely in early 2030s. after that collapse russia will be modernized to face the new reality of more and more integrating world.

Western Faggotry Brogades

wrong analysis. russia will become even more powerful in the future, the northern sea route is a great alternative to the suez canal. china will be using it alot. russia has huge gas and oil reserves in the arctic. the west is decaying into degenerate behavior, white people are being bred out of existence. the american empire is collapsing all around us. the future is in the east. they have the resources, the capital and the manpower. and they do not have jewish leeches eating them alive

Last edited 6 months ago by Western Faggotry Brogades
Gneaus stapo

who is they u are babble yada about?

The Future Is Not Nationalist

no wonder why putin’s gang is supporting small fragments of western nazis because the ideology of kremlin leaders is fascist and nationalist. however demographic change is huge and relatively fast. as i wrote russia is losing population of 620000 annually while western nation are gaining. people here are pro racial mixing because it’s reality not worth of fighting against. africans will anyway repopulate the world what ever russian nazis are mumbling. the future of change is here to stay.

Western Faggotry Brogades

import the third world, become the third world. that is europe’s future

Jewish pimp

you know what, back in the days russia told them? send them all here, they’ll all be employed. but america said to those euroslaves no-no!


quote:”and they do not have jewish leeches eating them alive”. are you braindead ? china is communist. communism is a ideology that was created by jews! mao was installed by jewish yale-china association with help of jew kissinger. russia is 100% infested and controlled by jews. jewtin, medvedjew, solovjov, berel lazar, mr. arcady rotenberg, (now dead)zhirinowsky, mr. wekselberg etc. etc. all jews !! wake up punk!

Last edited 6 months ago by Gurki

mao was installed by kissinger? i didn’t know old henry was in china in 1927. thanks for derping, identitarian derpster.

Jewish pimp

whaahahahaha what the fuuck? instaled by who? i’m crying.

Jewish pimp

join the discussion.

Last edited 6 months ago by Jewish pimp
Jewish pimp

you know, it may be truth, but i really do not giving a flying fuck about races as long as russia is winning.

Last edited 6 months ago by Jewish pimp

nafomosexuals interrupt the circle jerk for one last keyboard charge as the russian steamroller grinds up the military assets of the failed ukrainian cia project. day late, and a dollar short, fellas.

Psycho Zionism

globalist corporations are anti-human and rejoice in human losses. greed has become self defeating to their customer countries economies.

Western Faggotry Brogades

the future is nationalist, the westoid trolls do not want to hear it because they are “all in” on their faggotry rainbow flag globalism. most of the world i can tell u, is running fast away from the west. everybody can see the west stands for fascism and fake values. nobody is dumber than europeans, who have handcuffed themselves to the sinking american-jewish titanic. the future is not in the west. most of the world is conservative not libtard. most of the world is nationalist not globalist.


you are one of those pathetic russian fascist racist zealots backing russian imperialism and lousy russian “smo”. your worldview will collapse very soon. down below your last line will be – shame.

Western Faggotry Brogades

i am not russkie, eurocuck. you can enjoy your lower standards of living for the next century. stock up on candles and iodine. your neanderthal genes will come in handy

Last edited 6 months ago by Western Faggotry Brogades

“russian imperialism”? nato, a us imperialist structure, has been attacking sovereing countries for twenty-five years. the us operates in over eighty countries, and has had special forces missions running in as man as ninety countries in a given year. you nafomosexuals are just silly.


correction: russian generals keeps getting their pockets deeper while russian conscripts die for nothing

Jewy Lewy

israel is pissing its pants while iran counts each day billions of shekels are lost. congratulations, you have now made so many enemies within and outside of israel, it will ensure you never live in peace and security. all becuz you just couldn’t help yoursleves from the genocide cookie jar

Last edited 6 months ago by Jewy Lewy

iran cannot defend a war criminal in its home turn let alone too afraid to attack israel. in short, iran is a gayshit rat’s nest

Jewish pimp

no, nothing, just like four times chase out your parasitic vermin kind out!


the desperation of the ruzzian nazis is hilarious. putin, the laughing stock of the world 🇷🇺=🤡 😆😆😆


tommy boy, you are the laughingstock around here


when krusty goes on his begging tours and pisses his pants screeching about russian aggression, does it give you the impression that people are laughing at the russians? if they’re so funny, why are all the identiarian retards in poland and the baltics claiming that the red army is driving to the english channel? why the f-16s? why the himars and the mission creep for us missiles against russia? the five eyes have said the russians have been in the failed ukrainian cia project since 2014.


russians are always cool and calm under pressure. stay calm and crush the westoid losers