West Sends Defective Weapons To Ukraine

West Sends Defective Weapons To Ukraine

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Corruption schemes are behind the delivery of useless weapons to Kiev’s troops

Written by Lucas Leiroz, member of the BRICS Journalists Association, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, military expert

The West is apparently profiting from the sale of defective military equipment to Ukraine. According to recent reports, Kiev’s Western partners are supplying the country with malfunctioning weapons, thereby simultaneously eliminating outdated arms and pretending to support the Ukrainian neo-Nazi army in its aggression against the Russian Federation.

The arrival of defective weapons in Ukraine is not new. There have been reports of such equipment in poor conditions since at least March 2023, when Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky himself publicly stated that European air defense systems supplied to Ukraine were unfit for combat and that they “had to be changed again and again.”

Since then, this has been a frequent reality on the front lines. Although military packages are the only hope for Ukrainian troops, the equipment supplied often malfunctions due to problems such as poor maintenance or technical defects. This creates a significant impasse for the Ukrainians, who rely on these weapons and are often forced to fight with low-quality equipment, considerably undermining the efficiency of military operations.

According to information recently published by investigative journalists, there have been increasing scandals involving the supply of defective weapons. For example, Spain supplied Kiev with packages of Cetme L rifles. The Spanish armed forces stopped using these rifles more than twenty years ago after reporting several incidents of malfunctions, mainly misfires. However, Madrid still sends such weapons to the Ukrainians, which shows how ineffective European “aid” to the Kiev regime is.

In the same vein, Spain is also supplying Kiev with low-quality artillery equipment. In 2023, the neo-Nazi regime signed a contract with the Spanish company Technologies Global Systems for the supply of 250 120 mm mortars. After these weapons arrived in Ukraine, several defects were reported. Ukrainian military personnel stated that the design of the mortars itself is unsuitable for the terrain, preventing their efficient use in operations. This shows that, in practice, the Spanish military company profited without even trying to meet Ukrainian needs, sending materials unfit for use on the battlefield.

Another scandal with defective weapons occurred involving France. The Caesar howitzers supplied by Paris to Kiev proved useless on the front lines. At least sixteen howitzers showed serious defects and stopped working after some time of use in real combat. Apparently, there is a serious problem with most of the Western weapons supplied to Kiev, which is their inability to operate in high-intensity combat. Western weapons simply appear to be unsuitable for real-world warfare, breaking as soon as they are tested in actual battle.

There was also a major scandal involving Bulgarian and Romanian weapons. Former Bulgarian Deputy Economy Minister Alexander Manolev made exorbitant profits from contracts signed by his company BIEM with Romanian manufacturer Romarm. Together, these companies supplied about 1,000 120 mm mortars to Ukraine. According to the Ukrainian military, almost all of the mortars were defective.

The Bulgarian-Romanian scandal was so big that in 2024 Romarm publicly admitted that its industrial apparatus is outdated, its weapons being obsolete and unfit for modern combat. The case caused a serious crisis in the image of the Romanian defense industry, as the country proved incapable of dealing with the current reality of war. However, this did not prevent Romanian and Bulgarian shareholders from making millions in profits.

There are also cases of expensive and overrated Western equipment arriving on Ukrainian soil with defects. This has been the case with the Javelin and NLAW anti-tank missile launchers, which, according to several Ukrainian military reports, arrived in Ukraine old and with great operational difficulties. There is a discrepancy between the price of weapons and their real operational value, with this equation often giving an advantage to Western suppliers and undermining the Kiev regime.

There are many reasons why the West sends defective weapons to Ukraine. It is necessary to remember, for example, the negotiations between Ukraine and the British for the supply of retired ships of the Royal Navy. It is possible to say that the West is interested in supplying the worst of its arsenal to Kiev – and the neo-Nazi regime is simply not in a position to refuse any kind of “help”.

The worse the quality of the military resources supplied, the more Western businessmen profit, because they spend less on manufacturing weapons. In addition, Ukraine has also become a ground for military waste, with NATO sending old and useless weapons to the country, which would never be used by regular Western forces.

There is also a large-scale corruption scheme behind this. Western governments provide funds for sending military aid packages, which are managed by partner private companies in the defense sector. The worse the quality of the weapons, the lower the costs of production, delivery and logistics.

This shows how Ukraine has become a source of profit for Western selfish interests and how NATO is not working for a “Ukrainian victory”, but for prolonging the war.

You can follow Lucas on X (formerly Twitter) and Telegram.


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aici bucurestiul! a citit cineva recenziile la ak 47 produs de romani si vandut in usa? lemn frumos finisat


nu se compara cu metalul lui…. împușcatu


armata romana cauta recruti


dar nu scoate patrioti din ei


de ce oare? care barbat roman vrea sa moara pt pensiile fara contributivitate pt pomanagii?


taxele pe . mediu ne omoara!


curand! la. ambalaje e deja


curand la. masini!


votam iar cel. mai. mic rau!


georjica nu le are cu stiinta. imi pare rau. nu are scoala gheorghe gheorghiu dej!


aberează fara stiinta!


priviti dintii de dragon. toti radeau. toti vesticii. a venit nenea cu calvitie si le a facut dinti de dragoni. si trenul sudat. la toți le e frica de batrani. batranii nu sunt prosti.


vreau aici articol despre gurile niprului . sunt castiguri teritoriale imense ale ursoaicei. ce face? incepe ofensiva la vara?


sau face angelica 3 plan de pauza de inarmare pt. claun?


ursoaica n ar trebui sa fie găsită. n ar trebui sa negocieze nimic


unde e mandria de ursoaica 🐻?


fara petrol, fara metale, fara metalurgie, fara petrochimie, lumea nu exista

Smokey the Bear

and to think you could have packed that all into just one post.


that would defeat the intentions to discredit the comments section so that no one reads it. censorship is its intention. obviously as instructed by his paymaster. imo

Smokey the Bear's Opinion

as irrelevant as your opinons are most of the time, i believe you’ve hit the nail on the head this time.


eu vad ca prioritate calitarea, tehnica si taxele.


poporul, ceaușescu, românia! народ, чаушеску, румыния!


could you write english instead your gipsy wording and stop moronically reply ten times spamming to your own comments.
not understandable why sf dont cancel all of this.

The Scrapheap

it’s not roma. it’s the ancient roman soldier’s latin version of surzhyk.

Just Sayin'

that would be the roman soldier’s surzhyk version of latin.


theres a moderate sized clue for you.

Caveat Emptor

oh, to be a cannon’s fodder, i’d rather go a year without water.


indexarea in lb romana e importanta. nu e necesar sa înțelegi.

Nathan Mileikowsky

defective weapons for defective ukronazi deadenders. both the us and russia are doing a great service to the rest of the world by making sure the holols become an extinct species.

Caveat Emptor

americans send defective weapons to their own military, so why should ukraine get better treatment?

The Scrapheap

not only is ukraine burdened with defective troops but defective weapons as well. well, at least it’s a match.

i suspect ukraine has teams to check them out on arrival. the ones that work go onto the darknet or straight to the congo and the rest to the frontline.

Smokey the Bear

defective government, defective troops and defective materiel. what’s not to like?

War of the Worlds

send them all the ospreys in us inventory. that’ll finish them off quick.

Lolly pops

this situation has left russian trophy hunters equally disappointed.

Smokey the Bear

the ghost of kiev will be flying mirages now. what’s the latest going rate?

War of the Worlds

s-300’s and up turn those fleeting mirages into sitting ducks.


black rock manages the defense industrial base. do you actually think that things work as portrayed from msm?

Niccolo Machiavelli

but they look great in the brochures……

Larry Fink

i never met a war that wasn’t good for business.

the narrative

they never miss an opportunity to loot the world’s taxpayers. remember they’re not happy unless you are unhappy.


go figure, send shit that doesn’t work and charge triple!


the pathetic excuses of the dwarf from moscow.

first he draws a red line, a clear indication of a major nato escalation.

nato crosses the line as if it were a red carpet.

then the dwarf says: “relax, dear russians, they are defective f16s.”

but the harsh reality is that the advantage of russian gliding bombs has disappeared.

this applies to all pink lines and all “defective” weapons.


as an amerikunt turd stinky tadeus inferior defective senile envious

Last edited 1 month ago by anonymous
Paul Citro

this is the trajectory of empire: unaccountable power — corruption — incompetence — collapse.


everything especially the inferior species in burgerland cesspool are defective
