The Ukrainian military infrastructure continues to suffer from regular Russian strikes.
On April 21, the Russian Armed Forces launched a strike with with high-precision ground-based missiles on workshops of explosives and gunpowder manufacturing facility for the Ukrainian Armed Forces near Pavlograd. According to the Russian Defense Ministry, the facilities were destroyed.
On top of this, air-based missiles of the Russian Aerospace Forces hit 9 Ukrainian military facilities, Including a command post of brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, 4 strong points and places of concentration of manpower and military equipment, as well as 4 missile and artillery weapons depots near Barvenkovo, Novaya Dmitrovka and Ivanovka in Kharkov Region.
Operational-tactical and army aviation of the Russian Aerospace Forces hit 26 military facilities. The targets included a battalion’s command and observation post, as well as 25 areas of Ukrainian manpower and military equipment concentration. Up to 150 members of pro-Kyiv forces as well as more than 40 armoured vehicles and cars were destroyed.
Destroyed equipment of Kyiv’s forces in Kharkiv Region:
At the same time, Russian missile troops and artillery carried out 423 firing missions. The strikes destroyed 26 command posts, 367 strong points and areas of manpower and military equipment concentration, as well as 25 artillery batteries positions. 4 missile and artillery weapons and ammunition depots near Gusarovka and Velikaya Kamyshevaha were destroyed.
10 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles were downed near Barvinok, Vasilievka, Krasnogorovka, Kremennaya, Novyi Pervomaisk, Poltavka, Tomarino, Fedorovka and Yasinovatoe.
The Russian side says that since the start of the operation a total of 141 aircraft and 110 helicopters, 551 unmanned aerial vehicles, 264 anti-aircraft missile systems, 2,496 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 282 multiple launch rocket systems, 1,093 field artillery and mortars, as well as 2,343 units of special military vehicles of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have been destroyed.
Russian units in Kharkiv region:
Meanwhile, the situation on the frontline in the region of Donbass remains without significant changes.
In the city of Mariupol, Russian-led forces have been developing a security operation. The vestiges of the Azov battalion remain surrounded in the Azovstal industrial area. The direct storm of the facility is delayed because Azov members keep a large number of civilian hostages on their positions.
East of Donetsk city, in the direction of Mariinka and Avdiivka, DPR units supported by Russia carry out regular artillery strikes on positions of Kyiv’s forces. Nonetheless, active offensive operations there are not ongoing as of the second half of April 24.
In the Lysichansk-Severodonetsk area, where LPR units are active, units of Kyiv’s forces are being pushed back from their positions under the threat of encirclement. Nonetheless, it is not likely that LPR troops will establish the full control over this agglomeration without a total collapse of Kyiv’s defense in the entire sector of operation.
Meanwhile, Russian forces expanded their foothold around Izum and are working to set conditions for a wider effort to advance on Slavyansk and Kramatorks (to the south of Izum).
Captured weapons of Kyiv’s forces:
UK is getting frustrated that Germany and France aren’t doing enough for Ukraine
They will be even more frustated when Russia starts sending weapons to Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
Palastine, Cuba, Iran, Venezuela, Syria, North Corea…..
Not being reported much in MSM but Russia donated 20,000 tonnes of wheat to Cuba this week 🇨🇺🤝🇷🇺.
That’s good their feeding Cubans, no?
Russia is already sending weapons to these countries. Albeit for the last 20 years Chinese systems have been gaining more of the market share.
You forgot the US
Russia lacks the balls to do that unfortunately
You obviously don’t understand the relationships here. Ireland is different, but a peace has been politically reached.
Oh, so they had a Minsk II and they actually honored their word. Good for them.
Time to get the IRA active again. Russia has every right now to arm the West’s enemies. I would be putting in my own sleeper agents among the Ukrainian refugees. Arms to the Basque region, Lombardy, Flanders, Catalonia, Moravia. It is a long list.
I do not know whether Ireland even cares about being re-united now. It has all gone to the dogs who work for the deepstate and the demonic entities.
Slumville USSA with its legions of Aunty Fag and Bowel Movements Matter Bolshies are crying out for “Western” style ….humanitarian aid. Return to sender the angloZionaZi crap that hasn’t been incinerated in rump Ukropland already.
Onward to Washing town
Who would they send them to Britain? The invading migrants, they use knives already, the British forces and intelligence services supply them to give themselves a reason to exist. Animal rights? Extinction rebellion? The deepstate is already working with them. The pedos? Nah Russia hates them and anway the deepstate protects the worst of them.
I do not understand, is Russia gone surrender to Ireland, Scotland and Wales?
The English are a generally frustrated people. UAF forces should be shooting their commanders and surrendering to the other side. Kill the puppets and save yourselves.
The brits are an awesome imbecile peoples, ‘double idiots’, lovers of monarchy, lovers to maintain a whole class of pedophile parasites.
And yet managed to rule 1/3 of the world, have never lost their nation for over a 1000 years.
And were the inventors of the modern scientific and industrial world lifting millions out of poverty and ignorance.
Please head to your nearest library as soon as possible, followed by a psychiatrist.
The Brits are ok. As usual it’s the elites that ruin them.
I think you can say that for all peoples.
Look at the mess, hate and disdain Putin and his inner circle have gotten the Russian people in.!
Hey imbecile you just forgot to say the PRIMORDIAL truth: ‘Brits were the number 1 imperialists of history who invented modern slavery and thus on the back of tens of millions of slaves they built……. what they built.
They had slaves yes, like everyone did at some point. They bought them from Arab slavers.
You could add if it wasn’t so inconvenient to your rant that they were the first to ban slavery not only in their own lands, but used their naval supremacy to end the transportation of slaves by sea, and have continuously pushed for the abolition of slavery world wide.
Not only tens of millions of slaves but depleted for free half a world from resources and goods: All Afrika, America, Caribbeans, India, Middle East, China, Thailand, and many many other overseas colonies which were exploited hundreds of years and let them in a phenomenal poverty when the fucking disastrous brit imperialism become faint. Practically that are stolen goods from others, hundreds of years, which gobble England economy and give it a distinct advantage over other nations. In this way, anybody would have the means to do any kind of ‘revolutions’, you moron. The best example was when nazi’s shut off completely Britain in ww2. No more free things from colonies and immediately Britain rush to uncle Shmuel for help to not starve to death. Hey, do you think everybody here are idiots like you ?
NO slaves in East Africa.. all free, paid, fed, clothed. Fake comment.
Suck dick motha fucker racist ! All know that Anglo-Empire of the world was build on the back of the slaves, asshole faggot.
Sounds like you’re talking more about China. LOL
Science? Einstein, a patent officer clerk, wrote up the maths for the physics of the Creation, only recently proven was his work on the electrons reaction near absolute zero.
Tesla who wrote up circuits from his mind, using components invented decades later. HOW? shouldn’t you ask. Helped along by these guys and girls, they told us. htpps://
One can never forget their wonderful “hero” to be emulated: the great Jimmy Saville.
Yes, Royalty were also fans of Jimmy Saville the paedophile. Prince Charles was a very personal friend of Saville:)
And the Maxwell Jews brought them all together.
Sounds like what Sodom and Gomorrah were like.
Very sweet people mostly, but the ruling class unfortunately has a grip on its populace with its social engineering and oligarch owned media hypnotizing a large percentage of its masses. There is a big affinity for societal order, following rules, and an inability to cope with any hard to believe reality (in this case, the common thinking that surely the ruling class cannot be evil to the degree it is). It’s not a society where people will be out in the streets with pitchforks. Maybe Ghandi-style though, if the psychopaths keep pushing the limits.
the British don’t normally go on the streets with pitchforks,thats correct but I suspect the ruling classes in the UK are a bit twitchy, the police over the last ten years have changed beyond all recognition, they look more like russian regular army than police except all in black rather than combats, justified in the name of terrorism, theres little to no terrorism in the UK. They are getting ready for something.
One of their best was Guy Fawkes, may his next attempt be more successful
I am British and not a proud British, we won’t need a guy fawkes, thier destroying themselves, boris should be hung for war crimes.
In England they knight you for murder.
The British have suffered the same as many other nations by deceit , lies, and a none critical education = never to question anything, times are changing, the elites have taken over everywhere,
Revelations will scare them, if any of them actually believed the Bible. At all.
Good for Germany and France. 😊
Half the French army is in the Azovstal catacombs .
are you seriously stating that the photos above of supposed destroyed ordnance are meant to represent munition stores…
because frankly that is a laughable position…
Rus captured a shitload here
zelensky with a small mountain of coke next to him while on zoom with musk. wants to write a book; he seems to be saying
He better use it fast before it gets too sticky. Guess he always wanted to play the part of Tony Montana but got stuck with the crappy role of Prez of Ukraine.
soon all the vehicles sent from US will get fuked by nlaws and javelins
The same nlaws that need three projectiles to just scratch a T-72? The russians should sell them to some amateur militia, make a quick buck and go on. For war you need effective weapons, like the Igla and Verba.
NLAWS are shit anyway.
The guy who designed it just wanted something to take his inlaws out.
Fast transporter USNS Yuma (T-EPF-8) dscharging at port of Koper
So, by now russians learned how to reduce theirs casualties greatly. No more first 2 weeks uncharted waters. They learned how to deal with NATO weapons, strategies and tactics. And every day they accommodate new countermeasures which means Ukropistan will take such a big stick in its ass that no doctors on this planet will heal that slap ever. Off course, in mouth they already have another big stick called CIA dick, for about 30 years now.
it s time for heavy toys. drop the fkin FOAB now
it is famous double penetration method reserved for friends of the empire
It’s definitely a hostage situation. The Putin cockroaches are taking Ukranian civilians away and holding them hostage in other regions of Russia. The fact that these civilian hostages are unaccounted for is more than enough proof of what Vladimir Putin the terrorist cockroach and his demented minions are doing. Putin is a human cockroach and proud of it. Good thing he has a shitty army with shitty rotting equipment.
so? go hang yourself bitch
Change your name you cockroach u don’t represent Islam or prophet Mohamed
Islam stands with justice and truth islam stands with Russia and orthodox Christianity. Your always barking away like a dog.
It’s doing the only thing it’s capable of – LYING. You have to remember that it’s a jew.
How can you tell when a jew is lying? It’s lips are moving.
The captured civilians are unaccount for in Ukraine. It means that they’re missing. They’re in Putingrad somewhere being held hostage. The Putin cockroaches are obviously not the brightest war criminals.
Being held hostage? Really? You really believe that?
Hey momo, you got the web in your desert?
You found 5min between a goat fuck and the little fatima fuck to post a comment?
And i forgot: ‘Mericun bullshit ,Oh no thanks, happy to be born with a mental capacity to discern propaganda from real news (not that we see a lot of the last one for few years now….)
Since you know so much about cockroaches I think you Da Fucken Cockroach Bastard…
It’s only the battle that precedes ww3 The war hasn’t even started yet It will be the biggest war the world has ever seen Billions will die from starvation and plagues and adverse reactions to medications alone.
Anyone thinking its not going to impact them personally is going to be very disappointed.
So true what u are saying I don’t see any way out.
Someone donated a collection of relics from WWI or blue and yellow heros borrowed from a local museum.
That photo of the Russian Model 1910 PM machinegun was interesting. The water-cooled beast probably still works very well and could be handy. 7.62 x 54R ammunition is also still plentiful.
pentru toți românii naționaliști
anti/NWO de aici sau de pe 4chan..; incercati sa răspundeți logic unor troli pro Ukie/nato.
2 o înjurătură sau o poza cu un Ukie mort fac cat o mie de cuvinte.
3.NWO, are o armata de internauți+cenzura, lupta e grea dar în final Deus Vult.
Muie NWO, NATO, si mUE care ne-a futut viitoru !
Si traducerea:
Fuck NWO, NATO, EU which fucked our future ! (about Romania being a neo-colony)
What’s extremely funny, in romanian language to give someone a blowjob is called MUE, and thus the game word UE=mUE
Islam stands with justice and truth , Islam stands with orthodox Christianity , Islam stands and supports Russia. May the righteous be victorious and rewarded for standing up to injustice and tyranny.
Islam probably stands by itself, as it only recognizes Islam as the one true religion. Everyone else worships a false god. Some more false then others.
Shia does seem to have teamed up with Russia, which means Sunni is against Russia, because they can’t stand a shia.
Sorry my friend in the Quran Allah clearly states that the muslims will form a alliance with the orthodox Christians. And the the Quran clearly states that muslims should stay away from those catholic Christians and corrupt Jews who have formed a alliance together meaning Zionist. Pretty clear and it is Russia who have stood up on behalf of the world to preserve justice and peace.
Some of that stuff is junk !
It’s time for Russia to share complete Nuclear Technologies with ALL of the entire world because without it, any country is open to military thermonuclear blackmail.
That should ruffle a few feathers at the underground sex parties in DC and otherwise.
Venezula, Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, countries of Africa, and maybe the MANY various PEOPLES worldwide who want Independence for their LANDS that have been “occupied” since the colonies were STOLEN from Spain in another CONTRIVED WAR.
What’s good for the goose is good for the gander right?
Covid is a smoke screen for radiation sickness (5G)
Interesting that the governments of the world can’t feed people, provide housing for them, provide them with clean running water, electricity and the essentials of life: but they have ENDLESS MONEY for weapons of every kind that could be imagined.
Truly we are ruled by the worst criminals that have ever existed on this planet.
Endless money for killing: a pittance for Life.
I want to support SouthFront other than the coins. Do you have alternate ways of donations, like an address to mail checks, or an alternate donation site on line?
nobody reads your nazi propaganda
very little effort required to defeat USA and their minions–they are incompetent and impotent: they defeat themselves….the stupid bunny rabbit hillbilly from USA trailer park loses patience when LGBT refuses sodomy
The article states that the Russians haven’t taken Azovstal because there are civilians there. That has not been established at all. The real reason is because they want whoever is there, alive. France has been desperate to get them out for a reason. Russia says that there are many different nationalities there.
You never know. They say there is an advanced bio-lab down there too. Would be interesting if they wanted to spread a bad virus and infected the people in there and then passed it out afterwards. It’s actually a good quarantine
Did you hear that the NY Times is reporting that the forensics done on the Bucha and the Irpen corpses showed shrapnel inside their bodies, indicating that most of the dead died from artillery and rocket rounds instead of from gunshots. Most striking of all is that the forensics and the reports were done by the Ukrainians themselves and the press conference was also done by them.
The logic goes that Russia completely controlled Bucha and part of Irpen until they withdrew. Ukraine claimed that all victims were found on the Russian side and therefore claimed that Russia committed genocide.
If the report is authenticated, then Russia is vindicated as they cannot fire upon the areas that they have already captured and controlled. Also Russia left these areas at the end of March and Ukraine claimed that the corpses were all found at around the beginning of April, still fresh. But the Ukrainians were the ones striking the Russians with hundreds of rounds of artilleries and other ammunitions. As the Ukrainians were firing, Russian troops were hurriedly moving out.
Ukraine just made it difficult for the world to sympathize with them. Even the European leaders are now treating all their other claims of Russian killing of civilians and mass graves with suspicion.