Written by Peter Koenig; Originally appeared at Global Research
We are at war. Yes. And I don’t mean the West against the East, against Russia and China, nor the entire world against an invisible corona virus.
No. We, the common people, are at war against an ever more authoritarian and tyrannical elitist Globalist system, reigned by a small group of multi-billionaires, that planned already decades ago to take power over the people, to control them, reduce them to what a minute elite believes is an “adequate number” to inhabit Mother Earth – and to digitize and robotize the rest of the survivors, as a sort of serfs. It’s a combination of George Orwell’s “1984” and Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World”.
Welcome to the age of the transhumans. If we allow it.
That’s why vaccination is needed in warp speed, to inject us with transgenic substances that may change our DNA, lest we may wake up, or at least a critical mass may become conscious – and change the dynamics. Because dynamics are not predictable, especially not in the long-term.
The war is real and the sooner we all realize it, the sooner those in masks and those in social distancing take cognizance of the worldwide “anti-human” dystopian situations we have allowed our governments to bestow on us, the better our chance to retake our sovereign selves.
Today we are confronted with totally illegal and oppressive rules, all imposed under the pretext of “health protection”.
Non-obedience is punishable by huge fines; military and police enforced rules: Mask wearing, social distancing, keeping within the allowed radius of our “homes”, quarantining, staying away from our friends and families.
Actually, the sooner, We, the People, will take up an old forgotten characteristic of human kind – “solidarity” – and fight this war with our solidarity, with our love for each other, for mankind, with our love for LIFE and our Love for Mother Earth, the sooner we become again independent, self-assured beings, an attribute we have lost gradually over the last decades, at the latest since the beginning of the neoliberal onslaught of the 1980s.
Slice by tiny slice of human rights and civil rights have been cut off under false pretexts and propaganda – “security” – to the point where we, drowned in propagated dangers of all kinds, begged for more security and gladly gave away more of our freedoms and rights. How sad.
Now, the salami has been sliced away.
We suddenly realize, there is nothing left. Its irrecoverable.
We have allowed it to happen before our eyes, for promised comfort and propaganda lies by these small groups of elitists – by the Globalists, in their thirst for endless power and endless greed – and endless enlargements of their riches, of their billions. – Are billions of any monetary union “riches”? – Doubtfully. They have no love. No soul, no heart just a mechanical blood-pump that keeps them alive, if you can call that a “life”.
These people, the Globalists, they have sunk so deep in their moral dysfunction, totally devoid of ethics, that their time has come – either to be judged against international human rights standards, war crimes and crimes against humanity – similar as was done by the Nuremberg Trials after World War II, or to disappear, blinded away by a new epoch of Light.
As the number of awakening people is increasing, the western Powers that Be (PTB) are becoming increasingly nervous and spare no efforts coercing all kinds of people, para-government, administrative staff, medical personnel, even independent medical doctors into defending and promoting the official narrative.
It is so obvious, when you have known these people in “normal” times, their progressive opinions suddenly turning, by 180 degrees, to the official narrative, defending the government lies, the lies of the bought “scientific Task Forces” that “advise” the governments, and thereby provide governments with alibis to “tighten the screws” a bit more (Ms. Merkel’s remarks) around the people, the very people the governments should defend and work for; the lies and deceptive messages coming from “scientists” who may have been promised “eternal, endless ladders of careers”, or of lives in a hidden paradise?
What more may they get in turn for trying to subvert their friends’, peers’, patients’ opinions about the horror disease “covid-19”? – Possibly something that is as good as life itself – and is basically cost free for the avaricious rich. For example, a vax-certificate without having been vaxxed by the toxic injections, maybe by a placebo – opening the world of travel and pleasurable activities to them as “before”.
By the way, has anybody noticed that in this 2020 / 2021 winter flu-season, the flu has all but disappeared? – Why? – It has conveniently been folded into covid, to fatten and exaggerate the covid statistics. It’s a must, dictated by the Globalists, the “invisible” top echelon, whose names may not be pronounced. Governments have to comply with “covid quotas”, in order to survive the hammer of the Globalists.
Other special benefits for those selected and complacent defender of the official narrative, the placebo-vaxxed, may include dispensation from social distancing, mask wearing, quarantining – and who knows, a hefty monetary award. Nothing would be surprising, when you see how this tiny evil cell is growing like a cancer to take over full power of the world – including and especially Russia and China, where the bulk of the world’s natural resources are buried, and where technological and economic advances far outrank the greed-economy of the west. They will not succeed.
What if the peons don’t behave? – Job loss, withdrawal of medical licenses, physical threats to families and loved ones, and more.
Screen Shot: NTD, December 16, 2020
The Globalists evil actions and influence-peddling is hitting a wall in the East, where they are confronted with educated and awakened people.
We are at war. Indeed. The 99.999% against the 0.001%.
Their tactics are dividing to conquer, accompanied by this latest brilliant idea – launching an invisible enemy, a virus, a plandemic, and a fear campaign to oppress and tyrannize the entire world, all 193 UN member countries.
The infamous words, spoken already more than half a century ago by Rockefeller protégé, Henry Kissinger, comes to mind:
“Who controls food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.”
Quoted below are some lines and thoughts of a 1 January 2021, RT Op-Ed article by Helen Buyniski entitled “Civil war, medical discrimination, spy satellites and cyborgs! How 2021 could make us yearn for 2020”. The article may point us in a direction of what may happen in 2021, that we certainly do not yearn for:
“People everywhere are eager to bid farewell to 2020, a year in which our lives were turned upside down by power-mad elites who seized the Covid-19 pandemic as a chance to go full police state.
But be careful what you wish for…. merely putting up a new calendar does nothing to address [the mounting repression and tyranny], which seem certain to reach a breaking point.
Humanity has been pushed to the limit with arbitrary rules, enforced poverty, and mandated isolation — it will only take a spark or two for things to explode.”
And it continues –
”As vaccines are rolled out to the general public, the divide between those obeying the rules and the dissidents will only grow. Those who decline to get the jab will be treated as pariahs, banned from some public spaces and told it’s their fault life hasn’t gone back to normal, just as so-called “anti-maskers” have been.”
And more glorious prospects
“Anyone who isn’t thrilled by the idea of ingesting an experimental compound whose makers have been indemnified from any lawsuits, will be deemed an enemy of the state, even separated from their children or removed from their home as a health risk. Neighbors will gleefully rat each other out for the equivalent of an extra chocolate ration, meaning even the most slavishly obedient individuals could end up in “quarncentration camps” for upsetting the wrong person.”
Yes, we are in the midst of war.
A war that has already ravaged our society, divided it all the way down to families and friends.
If we are not careful, we may not look our children and grandchildren in the eyes, because we knew, we ought to have known what was and is going on, what is being done, by a small dark power elite – the Globalists. We must step out of our comfort zone, and confront the enemy with an awakened mind of consciousness and a heart filled with love – but also with fierce resistance.
If we fail to step up and stand up for our rights, this war goes on to prepare future generations – to abstain from congregating with other people.
They are already indoctrinating our kids into keeping away from friends, school colleagues, peers, and from playing in groups with each other – as the New Normal.
The self-declared cupula – the crème of the crop of civilization – the Globalist evil masters, already compromised and continue to do so, the education systems throughout the globe to instill into kids and young adults that wearing masks is essential for survival, and “social distancing” is the only way forward.
Must see Video
Children of the Great Reset
Breaking the Social Fabric. Towards Totalitarian Rule
They, the Globalists, know damned well that once a civilization has lost its natural cohesion – the social fabric is broken, the very fabric that keeps a civilization together and dynamically advancing, they have won the battle. Maybe not the war, since the war will last as long as there is resistance. The “dynamic advancing” – or simply dynamics itself – is their nightmare, because dynamics is what makes life tick – life, people, societies, entire nations and continents. Without dynamics life on the planet would stand still.
And that’s what they want – a Globalist dictator, controlling a small population of serfs, or robotized slaves, that move only when told, own nothing and are given a digital blockchain controlled universal income, that, depending on their behavior and obedience, they may use to buy food, pleasure and comfort. Once the slaves are dispensable or incorrigible, their electronically controlled brains are simply turned off – RIP.
This may turn out to be the most devastating war mankind has ever fought.
May We, the People, see through this horrendous sham which is already now playing out, in Year One of the UN Agenda 21 /30;
And may We, the People, the commons, win this war against a power-thirsty elite and its bought administrators and “scientists” throughout the world – and restore a sovereign, unmasked, socially coherent society – in solidarity.
Wow …. What a complete crock of crap
This article was written by someone with mental health issues and no friends who has spent all his time wrapped in tin-foil and seeking out whack-job websites for ill informed urban myths and ultra conspiracy horse-shit that they glued to a few skewered facts
Sure, how much do you get for spouting your bollox?
30 pieces of silver, or are you paid in shekels.
nah it seems to be you that is in need of some mental reconditioning but probably to late to judge from the crap you present.
Hope you don’t mind to read long articles by Davos forum organizer:
I am ‘reimagining’ long lines of lamp posts along motorways etc, with globalists and their little helpers hanging from them until their bodies rot and fall to the ground.
Their remains could be ground up to make bonemeal as the British did with Napoleonic soldiers remains after 1815 and human bones from countries thousands of miles from Britain. This is why there are no French mass graves at Waterloo.
“I think it is quite likely that bones really were dug up from battlefields, imported to England and used in agriculture, along with any other bones which could be obtained anywhere else. The demand was very high, and only displaced in the late part of the period by imports of another phosphate source — guano. Bird poo mined in Peru and the Caribbean.”
I cant read his bs. Im puking when I hear and see the idiot. Remind me of Mao’s many mistakes.
Too sad Tommy, they don’t hide their plans anymore. And this is alarming.
Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt says the advice from the National
Incident Centre is there were zero cases of community transmission of
coronavirus Australia-wide.
Its time for Australia to have a permanent curfew then , just to make sure the phantom virus does not return :)
The effect of plastic shields, masks, lock downs, tests, quarantine, airport blocking, home schooling, fines and jail to all beach goers plus all the other tough measures.
Now to the final task.
Vaccine to all healthy people for Covid-19 string 5 effective in 6 month.
Never ever take the vaccine if you’re in a western country!
If you live in Russia, hurry up! Take evreything they give you. That’s the point of the article.
Just wondering what your nationality is? you are delusional American wannbe lund chuse. Go figure!
Your own stupidity based on something below Your bed blanket is verý cosmopolitic.
You should read what he reads. I even allow me to write, that there are 330 mio Americans and elections are made and Biden represent somethingh Trump dont. So at least 2 oppinions are avaiblable.
People are not delusional https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/fbbc0f18e87fe25eca0b49ace08cd1b4b21feb9d2321eef51778c915119d071b.jpg just because You say and think so.
He is Ukrainian. He can’t justify his existence without Rusophobia
Bacon, the passport of vaccinated is seriously discussed in UN now. Without this passport you won’t be able to travel any of G20 countries. Russians will get the vaccine for free, but you gonna pay for it in case you will decide to travel outside of your town. BTW Pfizer vaccine expires after 6 month and you have to make it once again.
The old aristocratic families are returning all the power they have lost for last 4 centuries and there is no place for you and your nation in the brave new world, but you still are repeating the rusophobic mantra in surrealistic illusion that old families do care about you and your nation. LOL. Even dying of hunger you will blame Russia or Russians I think.
The only vaccine that I would accept if I had to, would be SputnikV.
Me dying of hunger? Thanks. Take the vaccine, Harry.. It’s free ;)
No worry I will. But what about you bacon?
I will be among the last ones.
Good. It is what everybody excepts from creatures like you.
Quick joke: the devil decidea to vaccinate an englishman a frech and a russian.
The english: i don’t want to vaccinate
dev: a gentleman would vaccinate.
eng: ok I want it
french: i won’t vaccinate
dev: it’s trendy to vaccinate
french: ok I want it
russian: i won’t vaccinate
dev: it’s free today
russian: ok i want it
I could twist this in many ways :))
“A person could still exercise their right to refuse vaccination but the government could then impose limits on other rights and freedoms.
In practical terms, this could mean no travel or access to school or the workplace if it placed the health and lives of others at risk. Similarly, a refusal to be vaccinated could limit jobs or social welfare benefits that depend on work availability.”
Unfortunately it will happen but I’ll have time to see if there are serious side effects, I don’t think I will have to do it this year.
The situation changes too quickly. Don’t miss the moment.
Dont worry. You and I will have all the time we need. They will continue to issue new strains until 2025.
Im triple anti vaccine. Not only do I not need it as auto-immune, I dont accept political medication which make me without money and happy, and it would probably ruin my physical system as it is used to keep up with any physical circumstances without any medications.
I prefer a bottle of Chivas instead and a fine cigarillo.
I don’t like to feed the scamers either, including the gov. I like chivas but have you tried ileach?
Never, didnt even knew the name. Lack in my education. But, locked in the next 4-plus years there should be plenty of time.
Actually I said first before anybody said anything, that I would be the last one to take it.
And you know why? Because you will transform in Godzilla.
When the world is burning, I will eat trains. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3d56839731a460372c8ac952bd20c2e24bb8ee518fa0613b6d3fcd95f0e9d266.jpg
You cannot make me believe that Putin put a microchip in the Sputnik vaccine, he’s not a globalist and the enemy of the elite, no wonder he’s demonized all the time in the media
Yes, with 6G. Corona is just flu.
Currently the US banana republic is at war with itself as thousands die from the CIA virus.
Its no CIA virus. Its very strange You dont mention the rest of the world is pretty bad and give numbers too.
The latest seemes to be the Chinese has abbout 25 mio. infected and their vaccine only seemes to cover 60,5%. But at least it make the death rate from 2 to 1 and slow the spreading.
Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt says the advice from the National
Incident Centre is there were zero cases of community transmission of
coronavirus Australia-wide. FK CIA!
These drugs are DNA altering and also part of the global surveillance state. Most are lethal anyway.
We only see indications for the opposite. Vaccines makes almost all live longer.
Vaccines are no new thing. Så whatS the future. Do You also want people Having pest, small poxy, measels all kinds of influenza etc ???
Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt says the advice from the National
Incident Centre is there were zero cases of community transmission of
coronavirus Australia-wide.
Our injektors hasnt been like that for many years. You hardly see them.
Haha. I use an inslin pen evry day and do it myself. I can hardly see the needle.
Every 3 month Im at hospital check for blodsamle and check up. The needle is not bigger then that and I dont think the doktors and nurses are some kind of wampires and they make a fast and friendly atmospere. I sometimes feel it, beacause its in the big albow vene and thats it.
When You feel fear, You has to breathe and fx plan shopping details for Your next meal. Dancing Hawai ladies in mini skirts and cold ananasdrik with umbrella might do it too.
I have toilet seat, when I sit there calm waiting for something else, it take it as they say in correct mililiter and use the same pen until its empty.
I have a box for recycling pens and needles.
I forgot that if I dont feel well, it take finger needle for suger control. If lows I have to eat something. If high I have to eat less. That needle is bigger and has to take a drop of blods in the finger. It does not hurt.
But You are not the only one feeling not fine. I know none who has died by that. When I was Yoünger, I fainted a few times. I stopped looking. Now Im used to it.
Last week I was at the hospital. We all has to wear masks, so I not even saw, who dis it. Nice eyes.
not blank
Haha. I use an inslin pen evry day and do it myself. I can hardly see the needle.
Every 3 month Im at hospital check for blodsamle and check up. The needle is not bigger then that and I dont think the doktors and nurses are some kind of wampires and they make a fast and friendly atmospere. I sometimes feel it, beacause its in the big albow vene and thats it.
When You feel fear, You has to breathe and fx plan shopping details for Your next meal. Dancing Hawai ladies in mini skirts and cold ananasdrik with umbrella might do it too.
Fine with me. A pity only 2% dies and mainlyh Your Granparents.
But You save money not feeding them anymore and might be rich as well. None vaccines makes Younger Sheiks hip hip.
Folks happily married over 2/3rds of a century,I told them not to trust corona vaccine ok!
Your point is completely unwarranted,
Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt says the advice from the National
Incident Centre is there were zero cases of community transmission of
coronavirus Australia-wide.
You are barking mad. Vaccins are used all over the world since the small poxy was introduced and has saved billions of lives.
One thing is You kill Ypurself, but Ypu also contaminate others.
yes at war against an ever more invading and spying and noting and nudging authoritarian steering groups of the faux-democracies.
“That’s why vaccination is needed in warp speed, to inject us with transgenic substances that may change our DNA,”
That’s as far as I got. Bat-fucken-shit crazy. I got a faraday cage around my head and my balls are wrapped in tinfoil so I think I’m safe from the magic goo.
They already have social control. You’re poorly educated, have a ssn, kept in debt, and tracked and surveilled every second of your life. Why do they need DNA changing goo and how does the science work?
You’re clearly poorly educated, read up on what mRNA is before casting hypocritical aspersions against others. They use “DNA changing goo” because the traditional method of inoculation with inert viral RNA has consistently failed to stimulate production of long lasting antibodies for Coronaviruses. The science is essentially the same as that which underpins CRISPR. Now you know and don’t have to bore us all with your snarky ignorance again.
His level is paintingh horses into zebras.
“The science is essentially the same as that which underpins CRISPR.”
CRISPER is a tool to modify and splice genes in a lab. Please explain what process in the body actually changes your genes in the way CRISPER does?
You have to get those changes made in CRISPER into the DNA at the embryonic stage of life in order for them to change your DNA. Once the zygot starts dividing you it’s just replicating what already encoded.
Genes can be switched on and off via epigenetics but you can’t change the DNA itself … except randomly by mutation.
The mRNA in the Moderna vaccine replicates the spike protein in the Covid-19 virus which causes an immune response. That’s all it does. If you could change DNA in a controlled way by ingesting it we would slowly become what we eat, snort or inject.
Hell I’ve been getting the flu vaccine …. which is produced in eggs… annually for decades and I’m pretty sure I’m not turning into a chicken.
Yea, my education in life sciences is lacking … they don’t teach much of that in engineering school however being married to a medical research scientist and managing her business has helped a great deal in that regard.
The acronym is CRISPR to start with, so forgive me if I don’t bow to your presumed authority. How do you think we made glow in the dark mice if you can’t change DNA?
The vaccine does not mimic the spike protein, it recodes our own cells to produce the spike protein.
From the CDC:
“How do you think we made glow in the dark mice if you can’t change DNA?”
I don’t know. What exactly did they do to the mice to make them glow in the dark? Did they make changes to the DNA or force gene expression through epigenetics? Did they change the DNA of adult mice or insert the modified DNA into an unfertilized ova?
“Instead, they teach our cells how to make a protein—or even just a piece of a protein—that triggers an immune response inside our bodies.”
What the mRNA is doing is altering proteins by combining with them not changing DNA. The end result is the protein then causes an immune response. The way it was explained to me is the protein is identified by the immune system as a spike protein found in Covid-19.
To my knowledge there are therapies that can target the DNA of specific cells but not the body as a whole and not through injecting a substance into you.
There is also epigenetics which refers to genes that can be switched on or off through environmental conditions. Something as simple as stress or a change in gut flora can cause major genetic changes but this doesn’t alter the DNA it just expresses genes that are already present in the DNA.
This shouldnt be a micro discussion worth as long everything smells of fraud.
I have travelled Africa, Amazonas, ME without vaccines, never got seriously ill.
Conclusion is we should stick to KISS Keep It Simple Stupid:
– If you feel bad, go to your doctor. If he thinks you need a vaccine against it, you examine the case and consider it.
– If you feel well, give everything Corona the f…fingers.
(I know the group thinking is making its psychological impact fear, but it is false).
“I don’t know. What exactly did they do to the mice to make them glow in the dark?”
“”Instead, they teach our cells how to make a protein—or even just a piece of a protein—that triggers an immune response inside our bodies.””
Take it up with the CDC, I was quoting them because you’re clearly devoid of critical thinking abilities and defferent to “authority”. Clearly I overestimated your ability to maintain consistent logic in your argument, my bad.
“The way it was explained to me is…”
I don’t give a shit what your wife told you, that’s why I included a quote from the CDC.
“To my knowledge…”
We have already established the degree of regard I have for your “knowledge”.
“There is also epigenetics”
So what, what does that have to do with anything? Are you trying to demonstrate how knowledgeable you are by confusing the discussion with irrelevant factoids? It’s not impressing me…
I understand that I’m wasting my time here, go get your jab and then you’ll be safe from us “crazy conspiracy theorists”. Peace out.
Its tested on hens.
They have 3 legs and by that 3 clubs, which is very good But they are very fast, so they have not catched any of them yet.
The picture is the last chicken in USA with 2 legs. Number 3 Corona leg version is in the injected egg. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2b270ce323389cfa358b6eac517c41b9e0fee5148edacd297fa4e612337fd436.jpg
A floating browser, software programme like Windows, installed in your body. So they can download your needs into your brain and heart via 5G or other applications…………………….LOL.
Why do you think a nerd like Bill Gates is deeply involved??
They do exist in small scale here as pilot projets. The doctor and Pharmasists can see Your needs and partly how You are today. They also can paypal.
I see it as other tools even sometimes more dangerous. A knife can be a killer but also used in the kitchen.
So we have to debate limitations versus which control we want ort wish fore.
Of importence might be windows and the rest has to be controlled as the news by TV, Radi or Newspapers are.
Its very difficult. Fx people sometimes get public support in money, but the tax control cant see, they actually has a lot or at least enough money. Thats made to protect the privasy but it also protect crime too well.
You can try to repair. In Denmark we registrated partnership by law and almost as marrige. Many which was cheatied by purpose or by accident is not there anymore.
When I was ill and stayed more or less home for some time, I found old Judge Judy and understood the problems in USA was the same. Judge Judy said: Get married Your disagreements are not Ours.
So You can repair public control by BETTER control.
“Why do you think a nerd like Bill Gates is deeply involved??”
Because it’s the “Bill and MELINDA Gates foundation”. Even nerds gotta get laid once in awhile.
Tommy google for Brain-Computer interface please.
I must admit they are extremely organised. We get it all on movies before the acts. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7092c5419a97a955661d5ae715a64228750109eda7c6257f1f1e825d4fc3d790.jpg the Matrix plug.
The Musk’s chip, there are also non invasive interfaces already. I am an IT guy who remembers Internet without Google and part of me thinks that BCI is extremely cool technology. My other part is scared as shit, to be honest.
Optimizing Computer–Brain Interface Parameters for Non-invasive Brain-to-Brain Interface
Interesting. I am a Civil Construction Engineer guy, understand the concept but not the abstract language around the effects and measurement.
You know in our world there is only one conclusion of all our equations. Whether someone improve their “motoric function”, “learning ability” or something is hurting something neurological is out of our scope.
We need quick solutions, and do only make a risk profile telling whether the uncertainty of the postulate is too high or the postulate is probable.
Thus the use of ultrasound in for example Smart meters in homes or offices is too risky in my evaluation, because we cannot conclude any technical nor economical benefit from it, on the contrary we find 3,5 million sites naming collateral defects of ultrasound in google search.
Do you know of whether ultrasound used that way close to people, has some experimental or other reasons compared to the bad arguments of “its part of digitalisation” and other bs?
The risk of ultrasonic damage depends on frequency and power of transmission. And of course on time of exposure. Don’t think those ultrasound sensors are dangerous. There is a saying in Russian: somebody looked at trees but did not noticed the forest. Digitalization is about automated production and remote control of it. That’s why 5G is crucial. And this means huge unemployment. Tucker Carlson said that if autopilot trucks will start to work in USA then 10 mlns people will lose their job. And as you are in civil construction just imagine the technology below will work in mass-production. How many guys in construction will lose their jobs?
Thanks for your evaluation.
Yes I know, these guys in Silicon Valley claims there is no jo they cant do via automation, digitalisation and AI and the sheeple are working 24/7 in suicide mode to erase their own jobs and future.
The guys who invest in wars, torture prisons, terrorists for profit, now promise the sheeple they will get a “universal income” and at the same time we see the depopulation agenda behind almost every political campaign, vaccines, family dissolution, women equality (less children), poor and manipulated food, health industry with no cure, etc.
Taking away the best of humanity, soul, spirit, love and physical connection to the Creation is Satanic.
May you be with God!
Yep. Those who are not sheeple have only 2 possibilities:
1. To go off grid.
2. To get technological knowledge that will be useful in the Brave New World. Because in BNW a job will be the luxury.
If you are construction engineer I would suggest you to build an off grid well insulated tiny cabin with wooden stove. Away from big cities and near the woods. Better to have one than none. And of course to start grow food even in your backyard just to get the needed experience. Maybe you have already done all of these.
Revelation 3:20
“Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.”
Already prepared. I also kicked a couple of smart city people out on the street. Our Creator’s design of the eternal water cycle was the key.
“Dont bother your time and energy with food and drink, because I have already made this available for you, focus only on my Commandments”.
A big part of Biden’s “interests” is in Ukraine, so I guess he has to continue the show.
Re ultra sound, its of course not the fragment of 1 Smart meter mini battery inside a house.
Its the addition to the increasing electro smog plus 5G on top of it, its the quantity from the surrounding houses plus collection points and the 24/7 long term exposure. Together they make the forest.
Thus, in my engineering evaluation these belongs to the industry where the technical and economic benefit is high and the risk profile low, and not in accommodation.
But you have a point, the fragment/the tree discussion is common, as we are lead into having only an overview of our own discipline but lack knowledge of seeing the whole picture or a holistic instinct to it. Divide and conquer.
5g is electro-magnetic and not ultrasound.
Back to fragments. I know. But they are both microwaves which have some certain characteristics in common, and the cocktail together long term is a parameter.
Im not in any way alarmist, but acc to info some people are vulnerable and sensitive to electro smog and micro waves, and the Russians and the Chinese who take on more true science and more care have 100-1000 lower safety limits.
Just as evaluation parameters. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d3ea7c280e5bf61768f43ce7e032bc52b4090f3ae687ec5d96be3c615d43402e.png
Tommy, Wi-Fi uses 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands. Look at your smartphone how many wireless lans you have. Those ultrasound sensors are nothing in comparison with Wi-Fi radiation.
DNA is a stupid affirmation indeed. But vaccination passports are very real.
They can’t force vacccine on most whoms vast majority shan’t take the risk,regardless of speculations.
Blatant violation of human rights,in any event as with astacka other vaccines all over the world,they will be put in the same medical category,nothing exceptional,though sickly media eg:abc,may try to sprout out alot of lies by their contingent of miseducated twunts,whom are only in it to applease their own petty vile careers,to damnation,which kinda makes them all just weak and useless whom had lie to their shame:
Stay safe:
oo.. they can and they will.. wast majority needs to work and earn money – they will force them to take vaccine – or they will not be allowed to work and to buy and go to government institutions (police and so on)… The same way they had forced everyone to have a mask (that was a test how obedient the sheep’s are)..
Biden hass said the opposite. Did Darwin make You with no eyes and ears:)
Biden said the opposite. No forced vaccination. He might hope some of his opponents die.
Jens Bot is broken again..
None are forced like that in USA´. Biden says so. None here in Denmark are forced Our premiere minister says.
I wonder where You have that forcing. You try to create something which is not here at all.
In an egoistic way I feel fine about it and might even get the vaccine sooner then hoped. My Grandparents already has died too.
We know. Your grandparents died so you could get more.
I did. They left a paid house and should not use it anymore. That was a help and I could efford to have a better house.
But my parents died years before Corona arrived.
Jen’s grandparents left their inheritance in a trust for Jens children I understand from an unidentified source in Denmark.
When Jen’s kids grow up they will be the wealthiest goats in Denmark :)
Yes, they are perfect even one has only one tit. The other was is replaced by a videocamera from CIA.
Good for freedom,what little they try to gravel in nowadays,freedom of choice is my point!
Abc,keep ranting about some battery acid concept works a treat on humans,what for?
however the next day TRUTH TIME,yet again smashed the deplorable abc fascist fktards!.
Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt says the advice from the National
Incident Centre is there were zero cases of community transmission of
coronavirus Australia-wide.
Your words were far more well structured in previous comments on this thread, and now you seem to have reverted to having a lot of mistakes?
Heve you been drinking to celebrate :)
What if no vaccination means no work, no social care, no freedom of movement?
Time to move or die, I think :)
To make an off grid lair or let the brave new world inside you, at my point.
An ‘of grid lair’ is a de facto open prison.
A brave and ‘un-woke’ new world is preferable.
The only prison you have to fear is the one which is inside you.
That’s true and I have a rebellious history :)
South Africa and Rhodesia did it. America did it. We can do it too.
A new Nelson Mandela and MLK will be born, many will die, but it was worth it.
Much as the author hardly has left his balcony and the institution is in some deep valley.. A well known stupidist in those matters and several others.
Argumantations often er like:
If You fill every garbage in the see You have, the waves will be lower and the non existing climate change is gone twice.
More pollution into the sea also makes good living for more fish and more can have tuna sandwich.
Just post in your native language. This is gibberish.
I allow it. Because I trust my government that they are doing the right thing for me and America. I have my house and my two cars and I dont miss anything and I am living my life.
Thats why I love America and nobody is gonna attack America and my freedom. If you wanna get Corona and you want terror and you wanna fight against our government, YOU fight I not!
Because our government have university degrees and know more about what they are doing and you dont, because you are not government!!
Tommy you poor bastard.
When we vaccinate, we protect You too. A pity.
You deplorable assume truth has no power,you just never earn’t freedom fk no!
I kept the streets clean,sure helps to put your body onn the line defending,truth!
Wisen if not harden the fk up!
Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt says the advice from the National
Incident Centre is there were zero cases of community transmission of
coronavirus Australia-wide:
never a truer word spoken or written in these commentary fields – bet he has a safe room in the back of the house that can withstand a 10kt nuke going off right above the house, stocked to the brim with delicacies for the lordship himseelf and the nearest 200 nearest relations.
We have underground cities for insiders. My government has prepared everything for me, because I was the nice guy they appreciated.
and I take it trump himself will turn up on the 20th to keep you company and the venerable kushner and wife.
Tommy you’re right as usual. Nobody can fight government with community colleges degrees. And soon you will change those 2 cars for 2 green Teslas as your government do care about every American!
US politicians are well known for their intelligence, much of which they are being blackmailed with :)
A little hope emerged during these 20 years. China and Russia are growing. If they take over the world scene the situation is not THAT bad.
But US and Allies are doomed to chaos and misery in our decade.
I sadly know you are correct :) It will be chaos and division.
With simple tool, we call cell phone, who’s CPU and RAM scaled up huge, physical distancing is going on for at least two decades now. In my childhood sports fields were flooded with kids playing all kind of sports. And just before pandemic, the very same sports fields were used by few grownups, not children, cause they have “better” things to do with social apps, online games, etc aka socializing in a very different way, we used to have. The only difference is that none of those kids know nothing about making fire, climbing tree, finding water, striking ball without googeling it first. IMHO the article is, simple, non-relevant.
Beside, with deterministic chaos calculations, where having “population control” as control parameter, and the article it self compares 99,999 % vs 0,001 %, where control parameter would be somewhere in between, having in mind that minor error (small fraction) in it, will result in huge differences in result (multiple-multiple orders are involved here). I strongly think that people can’t be controlled NOW or EVER. To put it simple, it is impossible, having cell phones, pandemic or whatever next. So Kissinger alike beings are just way to stupid to realize it!
Yes, I wrote it below too.
Peter Koenig is a well known faker.
covid cult new world religion—-prophets bill gates, Fauci, Beyonce….minister of truth Homer Simpson….sex via mobile phones while distanced at 2 meters
Jens and Tommy : professors of propaganda and LSD DISTRIBUTION
new utopia=dystopia
Who was it that told me to foff for trying to help them harden the fk up?
Well,its not about me,yet in reproach this is what they rejected,truth! foff? they wish it,so be it!fools.
Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt says the advice from the National
Incident Centre is there were zero cases of community transmission of
coronavirus Australia-wide:
Optics:without the cia bullsht n egos trying to insult in insolence,without to resort asking right questions.
Seek it,we findeth.We the masters of destiny,according to our will,no vaccines rolled out yet,see!
The Galactic Federation is coming to get all the gold we’ve mined. repent!
So we should never rely on our gut feeling but trust Hillary Clinton?
This is your problem. You think this is about trust. No, there are specific reasons and evidence that cause people not to want to take the vaccine. You are projecting, because for you it is just about trust, rather than research and finding out whether or not you should believe something or do something.