War In Ukraine On Day 50. NATO’s war with Russia turns into open warfare.


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War In Ukraine On Day 50. NATO's war with Russia turns into open warfare.

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War In Ukraine On Day 50. NATO's war with Russia turns into open warfare.
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War In Ukraine On Day 50. NATO's war with Russia turns into open warfare.

PAYPAL, WESTERN UNION etc: write to info@southfront.org , southfront@list.ru

While the armies of Ukraine and Russia are preparing for the upcoming battle for Donbass, Kiev’s allies are increasing arms supply shipments to Ukraine. The United States, mainly by European forces, is implementing a large-scale rearmament project for Ukraine.

Heavy offensive systems are being transferred to the disposal of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which will open a new stage of military confrontation.

The delivery of about three hundred modernized Soviet-made tanks to Ukraine was confirmed. According to various reports, Poland transfers the upgraded T-72M1R as the Czech Republic removes its T-72s from storage. The AFU also has 170 Polish BMP-1s at its disposal. Echelons with M109 howitzers and M113 armored personnel carriers are already on the Ukrainian border.

High-precision ammunition is also being transferred to Ukraine, including the M982 Excalibur with GPS guidance and anti-tank SMArt 155 munitions. Ukraine has also been provided with Switchblade mobile barrage ammunition.

Ukrainian troops are being saturated with modern air defense systems including British Starstreak MANPADS and American Stingers.

During a recent briefing, the Pentagon said that a batch of 1,000 ATGMs has already been delivered to Ukraine.

It is reported that Norwegian Naval Strike Missiles are planned to be transferred to Ukraine. According to some reports, the MGM-140 Army Tactical Missile System will be also transferred from Europe. The range of these complexes reaches 300 km, which makes it possible to strike deep into the territory of Russia.

At the same time, mercenaries and military personnel of NATO countries are deployed along with the AFU in Ukraine under the guise of foreign volunteers. The foreign fighters in Ukraine are led by US officers. It has become obvious that the whole command of the AFU is concentrated mainly in the hands of the United States.

On April 14, Russian missile forces eliminated another detachment of foreign mercenaries in Ukraine. As a result of the strike, up to 30 mercenaries of the Polish private military campaign were killed in the settlement of Izyumskoye in the Kharkiv region.

According to unconfirmed reports from local sources, about 2,000 foreign mercenaries, including fighters from Turkey and Azerbaijan, arrived on the territory of the Zaporozhye region. Most likely, foreigners will be deployed on the Avdiivka front lines, since the Russian forces have already begun assault and offensive operations in the area.

In the political arena, the United States openly issues an ultimatum to all countries that are not ready to sacrifice their own interests and stop cooperation with Russia.

US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has issued threats to those countries that see an opportunity to benefit by maintaining their relations with Russia and filling the void left by others.

“Let’s be clear, the united coalition will not be indifferent to actions that undermine the sanctions we have imposed.” – she claimed.

Meanwhile, the Russian special military operation in Ukraine continues.

On April 15, the Russian Ministry of Defense confirmed that the Ilyich Metallurgical Plant in Mariupol was completely liberated from Ukrainian nationalists.

Earlier, the mass surrender of the remaining AFU servicemen at the combine helped to avoid the complete destruction of the facilities. In Mariupol, over the past 10 days alone, at least 1,600 Ukrainian servicemen, including 176 officers, have surrendered as part of large groups.

Another success of the Russian forces took place in the city of Popasnaya, where fierce fighting continues in the streets of the city. On April 15, there were reports that the DPR units took control over the the city administration building of Popasnaya.

The DPR fighters also advanced in the Mariinka direction and took a number of enemy positions located south of the village.

For a week now, the main missile strikes of the Russian Federation have been carried out in the areas along the main front lines, mainly along the Dnieper-Krivoy Rog line. Explosions were reported in the Mykolaiv, Kharkiv, Zhytomyr and Zaporozhye regions.

In response to the attacks on the territory of Russia, on the night of April 15, Russian Kalibr missiles struck military targets on the outskirts of Kiev. Powerful explosions were heard in the town of Belaya Tserkov.

In Western Ukraine, the Russian Kalibr missiles hit Ukraine’s last major oil refinery in Ivano-Frankivsk.

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Time to strike Kiev for 24 hours straight. Moscow allowed this to happen, they just watched the West arm Kiev. These guys need to step up.

Last edited 2 years ago by Wizzy

PUTIN needs to grow a set — he’s STILL trying to appease fahclst amerika and it’s EU stooges !


Putin is a Pedo and gay he fucks little boys


They will!


this poorly planned and even worse executed “special military operation” was a giant wake-up call to the slowly descending west. What did the Russians expect after all? Did they really expect NATO to sit idle, while the regime they propped up for years is fighting for its existence?

Russia should fully mobilize or get out of there asap instead of these half-measures


exactly, they should start by throwing a tsar bomba on kiev


Putin is a Pedo and gay he fucks little boys


Russia is bringing out the Tu-22M!

jens holm

Tempting enough is enough. They might be shot down.

Arzt Injektion

Exactly, never mind these pin pricks at night. Continuous bombing, preferably when on of the leaders from of the shit stain Baltic states are in town.

jens holm

I dont think we in the west will allow that.

jens holmes

There’s nothing there for you to allow or not allow. The west is finished, a dead man walking. Enjoy your skyrocketing food prices, collapsing industry and societal unrest.

jens holm

We dont come from Finland

jack rabbit

Fis af Dan-tard!


lol the loses of troops and the lack of traing in the mobilized speaks vollumes i just wonder if they know that Putin is a Pedo and gay he fucks little boys


LMFAO russia cant use a nuke in ukraine they will get bombed out of existance by the whole of nato if they did also Putin is a Pedo and he is gay he fucks little boys

Last edited 1 year ago by Jord

Putin is too much of a soft teddy bear. God Bless him still. He needs to have some Great men about who can take the hard decisions that need to be taken


Putin is a Pedo and gay he fucks little boys

Last edited 1 year ago by Jord


John Kennard

Kiev and Kharkov and the Donbas cauldron are of secondary operational-strategical importance once contained with sufficient continued reduction to keep them on ever-weakening defensive, and my effort post sufficient Donbas-cauldron reduction would be as rapid similar isolation and reduction of Odessa and above all Lvov as possible, the last to the point that Rosgvardia holds the border, backed by adequate intel and force.

As for denazification, better “debanderization,” this is simpler than people think, just tedious:

(1) The Russians already have their own lists and evidences needed to send many to trial for Banderite violence;

(2) Local investigation will reveal many more;

(3) A special police-unit under proper monitoring and staffed by those who have (a) passed Banderite-investigation and (b) themselves or their families suffered from Banderite violence should scour the remaining, mostly minor Banderites, and afterward monitor reemergence of such propaganda and groups; and

(4) The Constitution shall ordain that any sexist, racist, ethnicist, nationalist, religious or other political violence shall be indicted and prosecuted as such, but upon conviction be punished as insurrection, by death and total confiscation of assets in the most extreme cases, especially of major financiers.

jens holm

Canards are full of shit. Thats why ducktape was invented.

jack rabbit

It’s called DUCT tape, you imbecile. Fis af!


Duct tape was originally called “duck” tape because it was made with water repellant duck fabric, neinstein.

Jens Assholm

Your mouth is full of shit.


Putin is a Pedo and gay he fucks little boys


Putin has a hard time attacking people with hes own genes, he is a good guy


Putin is a Pedo and gay he fucks little boys


If you behave as barbarically as the Seppoes, you’re as bad as them. It’s a mistake to compare Russian methods with Seppo ones and find Russia wanting.

Bob - Enough

Unfortunately, I have to agree with you now.

Abraham Lincoln

Russia needs to bomb these shipments right on the Polish border.
Russia also must send at least 50 k soldiers from Belarus to cut off Ukraine from Poland, Romania Hungary in the west so no more weapons etc. can come in.

Russia must also bomb Ukrainian Judeo Nazis leaders and not allow the puppets of the Judeao Nazis like Boris Johnson to visit Kiev etc. This is a disgrace and massive propaganda defeat for Russia making it look like Russia is losing as the idiot who wrote the article says.

Russia should have bombed Ursula Vanderlin when she went to Berlin.


Putin is a Pedo and gay he fucks little boys


also russia lost this special military operation 9 months ago they just havent noticed yet


It’s time to burn down Moscow!


Putin is A Pedo and gay he fucks little boys


Zelensky : allo Putin wanna hear a joke ?
Putin: go ahead
Zelensky: KYIV
Putin: I don’t get it !?
Zelensky : that’s right bitch, you don’t 😂

Last edited 2 years ago by Bayraktar
High Zelensky on High Heels

Zelensky: allo Gayraktar wanna hear a joke ?
Bayraktar: yes master!
Zelensky: you.
Bayraktar: I don’t get it master ?!
Zelensky: damn you’re stupid. you are a joke. and all my jokes suck. so you suck my dick. Now!
Bayraktar: yes master!



Last edited 2 years ago by Karl
Tom Bombastadillo

har har har … what a dud pud you are


The Ukrainians don’t even want Kiev, which is why any who can leave, do so.


The word “bitch” is not appropriate for Putin. Go and look up in the dictionary.




Putin is a Pedo and gay he fucks little boys


Yea, but kiev is a cess pit — Putin doesn’t want it.

He owns the other 2/3rds of the country — suks to be you, eh uKRAPiTrash slvg ?


lol 2/3rds no more like 6% also Putin is a Pedo and gay he fucks little boys

Last edited 1 year ago by Jord

The word “bitch” is not appropriate for Putin. Look up in the dictionary.

jens holm

The Bitches already has made complaints in the UN about it. So has the pigs.

Don Scrotus

Zelensky: Putin, do you want to hear joke?
Putin: :Yes
Zelensky: Listen to the Ukrainian national anthem.


Putin is a Pedo and gay he fucks little boys


according to Islamic prophecies,
in order for the Jews to become the next superpower in the world first it has to occupy a land for themselves, which already has in Palestine, then arm itself to the teeth, which has continuously doing so every day, and last it has to bring the superpowers to fight each other only to neutralize each other with nukes perhaps, and also reduce population, only then Israel will become the next superpower and destroy the dome of the rock (al Aqsa mosque in Palestine) and build a Jewish temple in its place.
it seems to be taking shape as we speak,
all these wars are connected to this only, nothing else, think of all the wars, all profit israel,


You may be on to something.

jens holm

Islam says You can lie. It even has two verses about it in detail.

It dont say You has to all the time.

I kind of wonder how people are in their minds being to billions all the way from Spain to Indonesia and Nigeria and not accept some few Jews having a little more land between them in parambulator seize.


This is utter nonsense


Is so, who will light the critical spark? So it was with Yaakov who, after witnessing all of Esav’s chieftains listed wondered to himself: ‘Who on earth could ever conquer all of them?’ Therefore the next pasuk continues, ‘These are the generations of Yaakov: Yosef….’ As it is written, ‘And the house of Yaakov will be fire, and the house of Yosef a burning flame, and the house of Esav – as straw’ (Ovadia 1:18). The spark which is destined to come from Yosef will consume and burn all of them.”


See, I told you guys the other day. Russia will lose the war but they’d rather prolong the war rather than admin humiliating defeat. They should have gone full force on the first week to attempt finish Kiev’s regime.

Too late now and it will only get worse.


Derp? Derp, derp.


Don’t agree at all, I remember within the first 3 days of Russia invading, ya’ll were saying back then that Russia only had enough “Supplies” or whatever to last 1 month of their war in Ukraine and that already proved to be false. As long as the Russians can develop appropriate countermeasures it might be better for them to draw this out a bit. Russian equipment is significantly cheaper for similar specsheets so even where they do have to trade it’s not an econmic loss for the Russians especially against all these shiny modern missiles NATO is dumping into Ukraine, NATO is similarly paying an economic price in many fields that Russia can be selfsufficient in if they aren’t already.

I would prefer, if this is drawn out, for it to be done away from the cities but this is an ideal opportunity to drain the west of their economic, military and human resources while simultaneously gaining real world wartime experience, first hand feedback on military equipment and a better idea of how much the Russian military needs to spend (both in financial and material terms) to maintain a war which will better inform the military budget going forwards, I would not be surprised if there is a fairly significant shift towards expanding and maintaining ammunition stocks and related logistics in the near future.

Also, the Russian stock exchange is up and running. The reason is that Putin will only sell oil in rubles. Oil-buying countries must thereby lift the trade blockade in order to obtain rubles, or to buy rubles with euro’s and dollar’s which is an extraordinary boost for Russian finances.

Omas Bioladen

Also, west ist hurting itself economically, exposing its weakness, becomeing more fractured by the day and its also becoming more obvious each day tht USA ist the true villain behind this and the rest of the wolrd ist not volontarily bowing to USA anymore. RUssia is not going to give in, it can’t. Ukraine must be comletely dismantled of its terrorist means. Be it pro NATO or not.

jens holm

None in the west will recognize any of that. We live here.

I look in Our house: NO. I look outside by Our windows: NO.

Do we have plans for escaping to Russia: NO

I will not offend the potatoes.

CIA bot

Stop talking in plural you brainless degenerate bot and go eat potatoes from Joe’s diapers.

jens holm

You have no idea about how west is. none.

jack rabbit

… and you, Dan-tard, have an “idea about how west is”?! Learn proper English, moron! You are truly an embarassment to whomever spawned you and the nation that feeds you. You need a trip to the ukraine (you know, the borderlands, right?) so you have an idea of what the west IS about. Asshat.


lol you forget that the russian army is corrupt and money ment to be spent on procurement gets poketed thats how you end up with wooden explosives, rubber reactive armour plates, cardboad in the flak pokets in body armour, and cheap tyres not ment for the vehicles they are fitted to and most important part you missed is Putin is a Pedo and gay he fucks little boys


Also, regarding the sunk Russian ship, the crew on the ship was safely evacuated before it sunk.

Angus McAngus

Well they can salvage Ukrainian flagship.


It was a cheap soviet, era ship, if the whole crew had died along with the ship sinking then that would be far worse but thankfully this isn’t the case and yes they can salvage the Ukrainian ship, Russia has also been seizing NATO weaponry whenever they can and they give it all to the DPR and LPR forces.


450 out of 510 sunk with the ship


They scuttled the flagship, a modernized large frigate. Ukr also has a Slava-class Ukranski; it is more of a hull than a working ship. The rest of Ukr fleet doesn’t seem to have larger ships besides landing ship and corvette. Maybe just suited mostly for rivers and littoral.


There’s a russian video today with the survivors. They’re not many, Maybe 120-150 (you can count them with a little patience).. So 350 or more died.


Wars are not fought like this my arm-chair general friend. It’s slow and methodical.


Yep, I remember Aleppo in Syria being a very gradual takeover a couple years ago because those ISIS fuckers were doing the same thing back then that Ukraine is doing now in Mariupol, using human shields!


I looked up the death toll from a minor battle in Italy fought by the Canadian against German paratroopers. 1200 dead Canadians, 1300 civilians, in a matter of days. Building to building fighting is a nightmare. And the Ukrotards still got owned after destroying Mariupol. Pathetic.

jens holm

Thats not same thing at all. Only the bombardments of any facilities and protection for civilians are and was.

You seemes to have no cantacts with, what has been going on in Maripol and the fightings.

You also do know how civilians are kept proptected agains the bullets and grenades as well as from running through hidden minefields.

And the delay in evacuation also i done by systematic sniping by the Russians as well as their Artiller is random used.

Thats how Your heroes are.

Bob McGee

That was their idea of full force! Ha ha!

jens holm

Ukras waas there and very well prepared.


The Americans have never run a proxy war like this. In Korea neither the Chinese nor Koreans had the capacity to “reach out and touch” American armour and artillery with air power. Same situation in Vietnam. The only aerial attacks on Americans come from Americans. The only Canadians killed in Afghanistan by air were smoked by Americans. The NATO Klown squad has no experience on the receiving end of modern weaponry. This entire affair is a crime against humanity. The unrelenting drive by the US to destroy Russia is going to usher in the end of the system they have operated for almost eighty years.

Omas Bioladen

That’s what I’ve been saying all along. Nazilensky is a KGB spy playing into the hands of Putin.

jens holm

The main difference is the Ukras are determinant to defend their own country no matter what.

I dont see them as proxies at all. Most of the rest of the world see same thing.

The Ukras seemes very well educated compared to many other armed forces. This is not ad libitum. Ukras are donated, what they can handle well.

Of course there might be delays in that and several only 90%. But the donaters really try. They are given versons of the USSR era weapons Here many experts like You are laughing about it.

The real reason for You farce attitudes are they dont like the invasions and 1000s of killed in detruction. There are no Hurahs and no Russian flags.

Ukriane is a country even Russia added something to an amputate made by a konglometate with no glue.

Pamfil Military Academy

If Chinese should fight in Ukraine instead of the russian, by now they should eat them alive. Chinese don’t give too much for civilian casualties or own casualties. For them, every GOAL, either the goal of a squad to take a strongpoint or the goal of the entire army to simply charge with bayyonets ARE OUT OF QUESTION. The mental of the (far)eastern peoples are way different of the West pussies; the introduced capitalist way of life make peoples very soft. I saw and see this for about 32 years by now. In the commie era, the most important thing was the MOTHERLAND, for which NO sacrifice was too great, but now, peoples don’t give a shit to defend the country, most of them.

Last edited 2 years ago by Pamfil Military Academy

Actually the Chinese don’t deploy their forces unless they are invited


Is NATO really willing to continue pumping guns and cash into this war? Think about it, we arrived at a point where there is nothing to be gained from escalating this war. What is one eastern European country to the western interests? Ukraine is just a hassle, I don’t see what long-term economical potential it has apart from being used as cannon fodder against Russia.
The only interest US has is to destabilize it so it is a forever was on the Russian border.
But honestly, incorporating Ukraine into NATO and EU is just not going to happen, Ukraine is far more useful being a proxy warzone for an indefinite time. The west will pump extremism and encourage chaos, fracturing the country just so the Russians have a harder time. And the refugee crisis will be used to justify the economic collapse that has already happened. This is the point in the conflict where Ukraine is more strategically useful as a “balkanized nation” than what it is now. RIP state of Ukraine, good luck to all your people.


Also, NATO openly waging war against Russia will potentially weaken one enemy (not destroy them) but create many more powerful enemies, so it’s a big no-no from a strategical aspect.

Omas Bioladen

Putin said, this war will have not winners.


That true, Russia will be not destroyed completely because it brings nothing and visa versus but a Russia with Putin on top will make Russia suffer more and longer then without. And still after he left it will take 25 to 50 years of different leaders to build trust. And this is in the context of a fast peace agreement if the war drags on it only will end in the destruction of both, the one worse as the other but the outcome will also for the winner worse then after a peace agreement. But who has the balls and the brains to do it?


It’s a Big Idea. A New World Order.


They’re too brainwashed to figure it out. They live in a fake past, in which Russia prevents them from fulfilling their destiny as something or other. Meanwhile, they are just clueless about the real nature of this “west” that they believe exists. Full-blown death cult.


I guess when they run out of useful idiots. I think they’ll be discouraged now that Russia is parading all the captured militants.

Michael burns

NATO is the largest arms dealer on the planet. All NATO countries are seeing their dues rise considerably. Canada alone in its newbudget has committed half a billion.
This about money, it about the military muscle behind the WEF.
This is the end of money and rhe next step in the great reset
Off course NATO is willing to pump more money and guns into this…with countries turning their old arsenals and captured weapons into ready cash, and a population control exercise geared up for the moment.
Young nationalist and niece Ukraines fed the hunger for propaganda in the west. This is the first virtual world war.


becausae putin wants to retake every bit off the former USSR and that my freind is everything east of berlin basicaly half the eu he wrote a book about it just like hittler did also just rember putin is a pedo and fucks little boys for this he should be shot by his own countrty men but alas the idiots worship him like god LMFOA

Last edited 1 year ago by Jord

How many ukrainians have russian origin? How many russians have ukrainian origin? The 2014 coup persuaded ukrainians to fight for anglo saxons against other slavs. In this way, Russia already lost. But lost without fault. Historians will scratch their heads trying to understand the collective brainwashing in Ukraine in only 30 years, from being happily part of Soviet Union to today’s misery.


Fellow Anglo-Saxons.

Omas Bioladen

USA fought Germany in WWII. Guess what race USA is predominantly. Jews are very efficient in pitching brother people against each other. Its even easier with brother people than with random peoples.


putin caused the misery
and he is a pedo gayboy who fucks little boys


Why isn’t Russia taking out all of uKRAPistan’s rail lines leading in from the EU ?

hans raus

Russobots are triggered = NATO doing good job

Can’t wait for long range missiles for ukraine that usa announced yesterday. Moscow will be like new year party – full of fireworks ^^

Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus
Suk Me Kok

hans rat doing good blow job to Justin Trudeau


Russia has been fighting with one hand tied behind its back. It’s like a big brother sparring with the little brother.

Stephan Williams

Whoever supplies Ukraine with missiles capable of hitting Moscow will be a sheet of glass within minutes of the attempt.

Hungary Guy

US drones must be brought down- preferably by Iranian Operators, intact
US reconassaince Planes need to be tracked and threatened by S400
US Satellites be jammed or destroyed

hans raus

dream on you crackhead ^^

sod off

sod off you shithead


Iran could destroy your country in 3 weeks. Whereas your country could never even get close to Iran.

Omas Bioladen

Why go to professional levels when your reserve can handle those ukrop shitheads quit well?


Russia needs to to start utilising all their older Military hardware that have been retired semi retired military equipment, weapons systems and old ordinance for disposal. they need to put more soldiers on the ground they need to do day and night heavy bombing campaigns with Tu-95 , Tú-126 ,Tú-.16, and reactivate their Su-17 and Mig-27 ground attack aircraft for CAS operations.

This will assist with providing alot of extra firepower

Omas Bioladen

Why? Russia has no old equipement. All their outdated tank gear is being reuse in robots.


That’s the right idea. Imagine a stampede of T-55 converted into BMPT “Terminator”-like semi-automated robo-assistants. RU needs to get some engineers from the industry and planners from the military together for some rapid solutions.


russia need to pull out of ukraine before they lose it will such an embasment when ukrane sets up neptune anti ship missiles on the azov sea coast theatang 90% of all russias sea boune exports

also putin is a gay boy pedo who fucks little boys


Just nuke selected targets in the USA and bring the war to the US homeland.

Omas Bioladen

Why should Russia bomb Saudi property?


There will be little left of Ukraine except grain fields before this is over. But that is probably just as well. The people should try to get out of the cities; that is if the Nazis allow them to.


there are only russian nazis in ukraine the sooner they go home the better also putin is a gay boy pedo who fucks little boys


Most of the military facilities, airports, aircrafts, helicopters, military hardware, train stations, navy, military infrastructure, fuel depots, and industries were destroyed. Russia is setting Ukraine for tourism, maybe somebody would like to see the ruined cities of Ukraine.

Zelensky is a loser for the destruction of his own country and for butchering his own nation.
In this Russian military operation, if anything left with Zelensky is the charity of NATO.

Omas Bioladen

Zelensky is KGB you fool.


That’s a big leap….

Bobby Boucher

Can anyone enlighten me on how they are able to get 300 tanks into Ukraine? I can tell you this first hand there is not a country on the planet that could have gotten 300 to Hussein into Iraq in 91. What is the great mystery here? I cannot conceivably understand how this is the case. Let alone missiles and fuel. Is this even true? I am not even sure they are really getting these types of weapons in, if they are, its confounding, and if Russia cannot stop it, I have no idea what they are even doing there,


All gathered to Poland, then moved to Ukrainian border. Soviets supplied a lot of weapons to N.Vietnam during the war including tanks and SAMs

Last edited 2 years ago by Q
Omas Bioladen

Like during war in Libya, they were shipping weapons to turkey, israel, jordan and Iraq. They are gearing up for the net battle ground possibly georgia, kosovo, moldova, azerbaijian, kirgiszistan, kasachstan or uzbekistan.


railways from poland and romania duh


When is the donbass battle going to start ? you have been saying this for 2 weeks now lmao


If somebody asks from these NATO regimes that you supply hundreds of tons of weapons to Zelensky, can you bet on Zelensky that he will win, they will definitely say no. NATO already knows but they want to destroy Zelensky, his army and his country by Russia.

Omas Bioladen

I like the pace Russia is applying to expose USA impotence and NATO weakness. Even pulling that yellen ghost out of her ashkenazi crypt. LMAO Russia will totally smash these NATO smurfs.


nope russia has no hope of fighting nato


Russia like wonder what my allies can send me wait all my allies got the weapons we no longer needed fuck lol

jeffrey spinner

I saw this on ytube. Subscribed and then wanted to cite something you said about the 2,000 foreign fighters from Turkey, and I couldn’t find you on ytube at all. I searched Southfront and South Front. Nada.

de mun upswing

The West is going collectively nuts it’s impressive to see a civilization crumble at such a fast pace!


Russia’s strategy in Ukraine has been nothing short of total garbage. The sheer incompetence, downright catastrophic decisions made, I simply can’t understand


NATO regimes that supply hundreds of tons of weapons to Ukraine to damage Russia are in fact, NATO regimes are pushing Russia to use nuclear warheads missiles on Ukraine and on weapons’ suppliers.


nope its russias fault all of it


Southfront is now being funded by the USrael government and NATO countries.. SAD

Omas Bioladen

How many German companies alone closed down during Corona lockdowns and how many are closing down or will due to ths war?