Wagner Mutineers Fire Anti-Aircraft Missile At Russian Attack Helicopter Over Voronezh (Videos)

Wagner Mutineers Fire Anti-Aircraft Missile At Russian Attack Helicopter Over Voronezh (Videos)

Illustrative image.

Fighters from the Wagner Group, which is now waging an armed mutiny, attempted to shoot down a Russian attack helicopter over the city of Voronezh while advancing towards the Russian capital, Moscow, on June 24.

The fighters fired a missile from a Strela-10 short-range air defense system at the helicopter, a Ka-52. However, the helicopter fired flares and was able to dodge the missile, which apparently went on to hit a fuel depot and started a massive fire.

Earlier reports said that Wagner fighters were able to shoot down at least one helicopter, a Mi-8, of the Russian military over Voronezh.

Wagner boss Wagner Evgeny Prigozhin started an armed mutiny late on June 23. Prigozhin accused the Russian defense minister and the head of the General staff of various crimes and announced the beginning of “the elimination of evil in the face of the military leadership of the country.”

Russian President Vladimir Putin said in an address to the nation that the attempted rebellion by Wagner amounts to a betrayal of Russia and its people. Putin emphasized that the country’s law enforcement agencies will take decisive actions to restore order.

Prigozhin ignored the president’s warning as well as several calls by the Russian military and security services for his group to end the mutiny and surrender.

Russian media reports indicate that financial motives were behind the mutiny. A vehicle full of boxes of money was reportedly found by Russian security forces outside Prigozhin’s office in the area of Trezzini Hotel in the city of Saint Petersburg, according to the news outlet Fontanka. Around 4 billion rubles in 5,000 banknotes were reportedly confiscated from the boxes.

Saint Petersburg Governor Alexander Beglov said that the situation in the city, which is a home to the Wagner Center Headquarters, remains stable, with increased security measures put in place.

Beglov also noted that “lawful actions of law enforcement agents, including those in the Wagner Center building, have no impact on the ongoing activities in the city,” apparently referring to earlier reports that operatives were conducting searches there.

Wagner’s armed mutiny comes as the Russian military is dealing with Ukraine’s large-scale counteroffensive in the special operation zone. The mutiny plays right into the hands of the regime in Kiev.


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shoigu should have been sacked a long ago. he is not a military man.


that’s the problem when your whole leadership is corrupt, it’ not that easy to just replace people then because power and not competence keeps them in charge. so if you try to replace them you might cause a fight for power. now the either unwillingness or inability do solve this from the top lead to escalation from the bottom. let’s hope that russia learns valuable lessons out of this and emerges stronger.


something like mcarthur and isenhauer mutany or j6 , eh dude?


you are watching a movie!! the very exact msm that all know pump fake news are now to be believed 100%! too fkn funny…next you will believe the assclown is the messiah.


well with a competent leadership a situation like this would have been avoided. no matter how you turn it this is the result of bad leadership. if competent people were in charge they had foreseen this and acted before it escalated in whatever way. we know little but a situation like this doesn’t just come overnight. and blaming msm will not change anything on the fact that this situation is very tough now.


i’ve been criticizing russian military leadership since the day one for so many reasons, including allowing this monstrosity called wagner to become army within army. there is a reason why countries stopped using mercenaries long time ago : you can’t trust them.

but this, this is treason orchestrated and planed from abroad. no surprise you sbu trolls and sick nafo cultists now cheering for prigozhin.

Last edited 1 year ago by Valens

yup, what genius gave air defense systems to pmc led by a madman??? muricans used mercs in iraq and such for limited operations, wagner had similar purpose in syria and africa but for some inexplicable reason they created entire army with completely separate hierarchy, with heavy weapons, artillery, air defense???


shoigu is not betraying the russian people! wagner boss got bought by the americans!


we don’t know any of that yet. what we know is that shoigu is corrupt. or how do you think he could afford his 18 million $ villa with his salary as defence minister? oh i forgot it’s not his, it’s his daughters… anybody in politics who is corrupt betrays his people, period. the question is how bad is it and did things change under the pressure of war? at the moment it’s best to wait and see how things decelop.


all corruption = money for nothing, i.e. no real work or service is provided, at least as defined by decent, honest people. money-for-nothing will always weaken a nation’s currency and bleed it to death by a thousand cuts, which is why every government should make it a top priority to stamp it out. they don’t because people in government are always among the top beneficiaries of corruption.


i am with your thinking


putin should not keep the incompetent shoigu&gerasimov team in this time of ukrainian offensive to take crimea…russia have to turn maidan square into dust beside all decision centres and bridges over dnipor river

otan psyops galore

if prigozhin was bought by nato, it is betrayal. the jews arenot loyal to any nation


we can see the timing… prigožin was most likely hired by nato to do this, only problem is that they were counting on ukrainian military defeating the russians in south donetsk and zaporozhye offensive which prigožin would then use as an excuse to overthrow the government (citing their failure to do their job), but this failed and prigožin saw that his window of opportunity was rapidly closing so he decided to “cross the rubicon” anway!


absolutely. everything was done in accordance with afu offensive, usanato expected massive afu success and then prigozhin activated to start his own rebellion. afu offensive failed so far (it’s not over yet) but they decided to activate prigozhin nevertheless.

the old truth is: no one can’t defeat russia – but russians.
the west know this very well. time for putin to finally wake up and declare total mobilization and total war. the first priority is to eradicate 5th column in russia

Last edited 1 year ago by reality

i’m on the putin side, prigojin is unpredictible

Ukraine Nazi flagwavers suck dick and fuck Israel

the death of wagner. about time.


russian old commanders have made many misstakes but this is not the time to start trouble of prigozhin and very unpatriotic. indeed he maybe feels betrailed but matters should be solved behind closed doors.


this sounds so bolshevic style. stop the war with the enemy. kill the leader and then start killing russians. so the bolshevis will have leaders in both russia and ukraine and continue lenins original plan to kill all easters slavs before stalin of all people stopped him and took power away from the bolshevics.


well the i wouldn’t want to be in the wagner camp. all they officers and the head of wagner will be out to death….death is the reward for traitor…best they lay they arms and surrender or be out to death . the old men has lost his head,he wan to overthrow the russian minister of defense with 24k troops what’s a freaking joke .


lost all respect for south front. pergozin doesn’t have any support from russia. that’s a complete joke. he just walked in the southern command with no resistance. there was a video of a russian citizen applauding him. imagine a mercenary army waltzing in on a us base in the us! it would never happen. shoigun is a complete corrupt pos. btw south front stop begging for money like the beggar you are.


what the hell sf, every comment i write i get the “comment is too long” error!!! wtf am i supposed to write haikus here?!


while some people write entire pragraphs without getting this “comment is too long” stuff. i have the feeling the number of sentences alloud seem to be decreasing lately.

Last edited 1 year ago by kotromanic

that’s because trolls used to spam endless copy-paste cr&p so sf solution/improvisation was to turn off capital letters and limit the number of words.

Johan P

hard to judge the situation right now, especially from far of. still, the term maskirovka comes to mind.
progozhin seems to be a great actor; remember his frantic message about being short on ammo (right after showing vids after capturing the ammo in the saltmines and claiming that was enough for a year).
or hus claims of abandoning bakhmut?
or his claims about the poor defenses of the regular russian army?


trăiască wagner!


the beginning of the end for the putine regime!


prigozhin is the real ukrainian-nato offensive, that one in zaporozhie was just a faint (and it failed miserably, prigozhin obviously expected much better results from his ukrainian allies).


shoigu should resign or putin should fire shoigu for good of the russia and russia military


i think house dollar just bought themselves another insurgency linke in syria before.


there should be investigation to check prigozhin claims. he never lied so far. of course he stands for his men, whom were killed there, if he didn’t stand other soldiers would eat him alive. they are comrades, not enemies to each other.


if prigozhin is guilty ( what i doubt ) ok bring him to court trial. but he is defending his killed soldiers, in that he has lion’s heart. investigation should evidence “who” killed them. maybe it was sabotaged by ukrainians wearing russian military clothes. i will repeat : investigate it. few months ago trolls were saying that prigozhin is about to be set up to be taken out … why? he spoke truth and defended and rescued many russians in ukraine.

Last edited 1 year ago by Gordana

he lied so many times…


that i call trolling if you don’t point to evidence.


yeah you call him a troll, he has no evidence for any of his claims/lies.


just some of his countless lies:

1.rua did not bomb wagner’s base, what he showed is total nonsense; 2.they gave him enough ammo, ru mod proved he lied at least twice; 3. he lied how ukros took large territory, russian fighters even showed their pictures in a village he claimed was taken by ukros. 4. he continuously lies about losses, even changing his own lies. 5.he even said donetsk wasn’t bombed for 8 years and zelensky wanted peace!
shall i continue?

Last edited 1 year ago by Facts

this is what happens when you trust jews.


darkened by immoderate lascivious desires
hearts wide open to demonic whispers
serving their evil masters unquestioned
they seduce, divide, conquer and enslave
left with no peace whithin their souls
their lust for blood grows forevermore
new names for themselves they do suggest
but rest assured we are not decieved a bit
we know them by their cunning deceptions
and know they are the neocons of the west


fraška skončila, myslím. tí ktorých bolo treba odhaliť sa sami odhalili. kto asi tak poslal tie peniaze? prečo moskvu opustili tí čo ju opustili? všetko zo všetkým súvisí. celkový obraz budeme môcť uvidieť až na koniec. treba si len počkať.

Biden has AIDS in his mouth

evgeny the dog accepted 100 million from the united snakes to do this…..he will never enjoy this money


oke,whats going on,this wagnerboss,play’s double game?, on the cruciale moment he,they going to fullfill this trick of them,is v.nuland behind this with psycho,talk,tricky and navalrny?
what they promisse to him this boss?
anyway mentally not a russian adult,
who knows?,nuland,cia,soros,
