Two thirds of the US’s high-altitude Global Hawk drones ($130m each) may be scrapped after one of them was shot down by Iran in the Persian Gulf in June.
The Global Hawk spy drone has been the Pentagon’s top long-range craft for 18 years, conducting spy missions across the Middle East, Afghanistan, the Asia-Pacific region and North Africa. Each one costs $130 million.
Current, and former US defense officials told the Foreign Policy that the US Air Force is considering to slash as many as 21 of its 35 RQ-4 Global Hawk high-altitude drones, as part of a series of steep cuts to legacy programs.
The report says that the proposal has been submitted to the Office of the Secretary of Defense for review as part of annual budget negotiations.
Hahahaha , good one, we had a controversy in canada around a old hockey coach called don cherry, in regards to poppies and what not.
Anyways, to all YOU PEOPLES (im laughing at the white anglophones in canada here) this picture applies.
Indians??? Those pussy’s should have fought harder.
Thank your moms for sucking my white c@ck and licking the brown eye on my ass for diversities sake.
Text book example of trailer park alt-right trash. Oh well you guys will be less then half the population by 2040.
Trump and his Supreme Court for the next forty plus years. Oh what a feeling
Why do I give shit about you’re fake presidents, weather he is a first or second termer, dem or repub they are all corporate puppets and you trailer park are their slaves. You Yanks are all talk and no action.
“After visiting these places, you can easily understand how that within a few years Hitler will emerge from the hatred that surrounds him now as one of the most significant figures who ever lived.”
– John F. Kennedy
Quoting Kennedy from a neo-Nazi that’s rich, you must really be huffing on your meth.
I’m certain Asians will give a damn about fat lazy, entitled Indians
Or entitled rednecks, by the way you mean Indians from India.
To be clear, your average redneck is armed to the teeth. Figure it out you foolish city idiot
No I meant fat, lazy, diabetic, entitled North American natives. By far the laziest race of people in the western world
Dont say that that wasn planned by the US all the way.
This is 100% a win-win for the US military complex/industry
This seems just to good to be “accidently”: Iran will be stamped as agressive and warmongering and so new weapons and increased spendings is called for and the US gets new drones and a(lot) few billions from the taxpayer.
“This is 100% a win-win for the US military complex/industry”
Assuming the golden goose keeps laying that is. if the magic printing press stops working and the USA has to live in the economic reality it’s a disaster to lose a platform that has so much invested in it.
It’s disaster anyway. Whether or not the economy collapses depends totally on the Rothschild cabal which is the true owner of the dollar, as well as most other national exchange medias around the world.
It is a huge mistake of ignorance to keep posing nation against nation, an ancient tactic of the cabal which too many people love to help the satanic bastards win over every false accusation.
how can any american truly look into their Mirror and say “iám proud of my Country and it´s Actions”, be it on foreign soil or back home… a truly pyschcotic , boozed up, Junkie Nation..with an average IQ of 8…. a Stone has 9!!!
this sure wont end good…..sad to write…with the weapons available..they will take a whole lot of other antions down the pipe with them.
Most Americans don’t have any pride in their captive government. But the concepts of most Americans NEVER see the light of day in the media. If it’s not what the Rothschild cabal and its Israhell want, it just doesn’t exist as far as the media (wholly owned by the same cabal) is concerned.
We don’t have mirrors.
Iranians invented the game of chess, you know.
And how is that helping them ward of US sanctions and drone strikes? Or how is Africa being the cradle of humanity helping it with its problems as the poorest continent on Earth?
Here’s a lesson that life taught me, unless you scored really really big you are only as good as your most recent accomplishments. Your boss will only judge you based on your recent accomplishments. So will your wife or girlfriend. And so does international politics. What have you done for me lately?
The out-of-Africa “theory” was debunked years ago via genome mapping. It’s the job of the Smithsonian (J. Smithson – a branch on my familial tree) Institute to continue this nonsensical rubbish as is the MSN’s job to splatter sewer spew nicely packaged as “the news” you need to believe.
Thought you’d like to know.
I did some quick checking and even the multi-origin theories of man still has man originally emerging from Africa.
Yeah, that’s the approved narrative; I get it.
Dissenters will be silenced, history re-written.
Wise men for millennia warned, “everything you’ve been taught is a lie.”
BTW – Epstein didn’t kill himself.
Your not a dissenter, your a deluded racist.
And you’re a public-schooled moron. Suck it up, buttercup!
BTW – Bruce Jenner is not a chick.
Figured you would state such idiocy, couldn’t expect much from alt-right trash, and yes your ancestors are African get over it.,
Wow, you really put me in my place.
Trash? Hardly. I can assure you your ancestors gleaned from the bounty that was my ancestors’ dominion.
Tell me, what are the circumstances that lead to you having a public school “education”?
No, my ancestors were from the fertile crescent, the cradle of humanity.
Yes, some did mate with Neanderthals which gave them an edge as Neanderthals
had larger brains than modern humans.
While other modern human mated with Denisovans which also had larger brains than modern humans.
Now, keep in mind sub-Saharan Bantus do in fact have archaic hominid DNA
data-sets found in no other living human.
Which, BTW, have the lowest IQs of any humans on planet earth.
Anthropologists are pretty much dived into two camps as to why the primitive humanoids with whom modern humans in Africa mated with became extinct.
One camps says they were unintelligent given early remains lack any noteworthy tools.
The other camp says they were honestly just to lazy to carry on and died out.
Personally, I think it was a case of the chicken and the egg.
Sorry to be the one to break this to you. You just keep sucking at the government teat for everything you regurgitate as “fact”. You keep spraying your sewer spew as some form nicely packaged enlightenment and intelligence.
When dull meet bright, tough love rules.
Let me leave you with this;
you up-voted yourself. Telling, very telling.
Then you went back and edited your post as you just probably didn’t “feel” like you’d said enough. Poke “da man” some more.
That’s what government “schools” do.
They fill their captive audience with lies and hubris.
BTW – 911 was an inside job.
Nope your ancestors where from Africa, your opinion is not scientific fact, now go away and argue your nonsense on stormfront. This isn’t the topic is about chrome dome. Oh no I up voted myself by accident when I meant to downvote your racist ass, so sue me nitwit. Your African get over it hillbilly.
There you go again; editing your comment after posting it.
You just couldn’t assemble your thoughts into a initial, cogent response.
(that’s probably due to the subliminal suggestions your government-workers’ (what’s called a “teacher”) psy-ops to confuse you as to which restroom to use. they poisoned your mind with nonsense, falsehoods, Satanism)
You don’t know how to negate your up-vote.
You don’t even know how use proper spelling.
Dude, you’re a mess. A total mess.
Nope, my ancestors are not from Africa.
My ancestors created the modern world.
My ancestors created the old world.
Farming, aerospace, industry, genetics, computers, engineering, medicine.
You name it.
You’re the victim of maleficent parenting.
You go back to your culture of liquid manure.
You go back to your cultural Marxism.
You go back to your historical revisionism.
You go back to the MSN.
You know, I actually feel sorry for you.
Yeah, I realize it’s unwelcome sympathy on your part.
Yeah, I get that.
You’re just a normie, an NPC.
I think there’s hope for you, however.
Yes, I really do.
You see, if you can’t smell the stench of the sh!t that’s moving
forth to the proximity of the fan, then you’re a lost cause.
Yeah, you smell it.
I’m older than you and I’m wiser than you – and I always will be, cookie.
Truth did not being when you were born. Truth has always existed!
BTW – No plane crashed at Shanksville.
By the way chrome dome notice the topic of the article, you want to discuss deluded fantasies find another website. Nice that you know me so well, how about I describe you. You live in trailer park, your an alcoholic and a pill poper, you make and sling meth for a living, and you are pathetic bigot who types big, but in reality you fold like a wet bag of dogshit, outside the internet. Your African get over it.
I responded to a false narrative with my original post; the out of Africa BS.
BS that’s perpetuated throughout “government” psy-ops.
The only delusion is that which was planted into your brain by the government and their culture of liquid manure that you so very willingly consume with vapid exuberance.
Delusion, man you are poping one to many opiods along with your meth there trailer park, again stormfront forums is waiting for you.
Khazar detected.
It’s opioids, you public-schooled moron.
Tel-Aviv’s elite Pedo-defense brigade has been deployed behind an impregnable wall of computer keyboards.
BTW – Churchill was a drunk half-breed (whose mother was an savage inbred animal).
Trailer park detected, lack of education pill poper on the lose typing idiotic crap. Funny you Nazi’s have alot in common with your Zionist brothers, you both white supremacist idiots on is Jewish and the other is Withe whatever supremacist. Oh and they are your biggest funders in Ukraine so don’t scoff at your masters.
You’re projecting.
Tel-Aviv’s elite Pedo-defense brigade has been deployed behind an impregnable wall of computer keyboards.
The KKK = The Kvetching Kosher Khazrars
Are you kidding, stormfront is the perfect place for a two bit pill poping red-neck hick like you hang out in.
Obsessed over kids penis there pedo.
Kosher dills, dufus.
Keep molesting your sister or brother there kletus.
No, that’s what that piece of trash, the “Talmuc” says to do.
You fakers are animals, Chaim.
Don’t touch that Bilble whatever shit from the Bronze age there fagot.,7340,L-4382986,00.html
Again changing topics signs of a vapid neanderthal brain.
Say, it’s headline times from CNN. You’re missing out on your “thinking” points, Chaim.
Don’t watch that shit you know nothing of me you slack jawed neanderthal.
Oooh, CNN approves, Chaim.
Getting stupider, you are devolving back to your neanderthal state.
Neanderthals have larger brains than your monkey ancestors.
You’re resorting to your government “education” which is nothing short of a culture of liquid manure.
Woo, wooo, dance about like a monkey. Got that beat? Dance about like a monkey.
A culture of liquid manure.
Eat it up.
Congratulations you have proven reverse evolution, chrome dome, yeah so advanced that’s why they are extinct. Yet why bother arguing this with a Bible thumper like you who wouldn’t know lick of science, so your point is mute. to be finished a few hours later dipshit.
IsraHell did 911
Nah the CIA and Mossad did that, Jewish or not white kills white and it shows you are no smarter or better then other groups of people, you albino African.
Public schooled pleb.
They did it.
Yup your Zionist masters did it, just like they funded the Nazi party in 30’s or the Maidan in the Ukraine, your just useful idiot there trailer trash.
Oh, oh. God’s chosen my foot. Oh, oh. muh, muh holohoax. Six gorillion my other foot.
What your neanderthal brain is failing there.
You need to eat moar foreskeins, Mr. Shecklestein.
Man you really are obsessed with penis there, yeah you are fag along with your buttercup remark.
If you want to see hatred for Jesus, and hence Christians, look no further than the Talmud.
Fuck off with that fairy tale, if you believe that shit, then what you say about Human evolution and science is null and void. You vapid brained red-neck
Yeah, okay. Keep spewing you vulgarities. That’s really “smart”.
What have you been spewing there red-neck Shakespeare.
Ah, a science denier.
Say, how many times in a day do you appropriate intellectual capital?
Wow, where I have denied anything scientific here, man you are reaching there mush brain.
Your people, Schlomo?
Got nothing to say there chrome dome.
Israel did 911, monkey man.
I’m back, I see you have devolved now in to lowly albino snow ape
Your people, Schlomo?
Again what are you spewing their mush brain, can’t think of anything to say.
Hollywood – Pedophilia paradise. It’s going to be nuked.
All thanks to corporate capitalist Hollywood, as opposed to you conspiracy fantasy of cultural marxist. Now keep eating that up you idiot.
Oooh, ooh, is that you, Mr. Shecklestein?
Sure whatever Kletus, your cave brain showing there pill poper.
Biden thanks (fake) so-called “jews” for “Gay” marriage.,7340,L-4382986,00.html
Yeah and what is trailer park trash like you going to do about it, do what you always do take pills and moonshine.
Projecting again, Mr. Sackler? Your days are numbered. You’re inbred fake so-called “jews” who’re nothing but Satanists.
Projecting what Kletus.
I’m calling “liberal douche” on this snowflake!
Your so bad ass, that moonshine is working your brain cells overtime.
STFU… The “Racist Racist Racist!”
thing has been wore the F out!
No one cares anymore.
Sorry that nobody cares about you, you silly hillbilly.
130 million USD each. Finally something more expensive then the F-35.
Can the U.S. be that stupid, couldn’t we at least sell them to some other country? Everything has a price.
Here here, I’ll take three!
They will most likely be given gratis to Israhell, like the rest of the country.
IsraHell did 911.
Neanderthal mush brain.
Ran out of things to say, mush man.
Oh, the “jewish” language is just a bunch of made-up bull shit.
No one knew the ancient “hebrew” tongue.
It’s as made-up as is the state of IsraHell.
All BS.
You like talking to yourself I see. Like those tweakers on meth or crack at the trailer park.
You keep peddling your BS. IsraHell’s days are numbered.
You cannot keep murdering people for a made-up biblical claim to which you have no God-given right.
IsraHell’s days are numbered. Just watch.
Oh please, back to more pills meth head.
Are you feeding the trolls today ?
They are very hungry today.
just scrap them all hahahaha