Forces of the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG and their all-female branch, the YPJ, held a military parade in the Syrian city of Qamishli on March 28. The parade was dedicated to the forlam declearation of the victory over ISIS.
Forces of the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG and their all-female branch, the YPJ, held a military parade in the Syrian city of Qamishli on March 28. The parade was dedicated to the forlam declearation of the victory over ISIS.
US puppet, pseudo-communist
+ wannabe kike.
The PKK-communist are celebrating the conquest of Syria. So far the PKK can conquered 1/3rf of Syria in the PKK’s first phase of ar against Syria.
They will sit and consolidate their power for 3-4 years till the next flare up between Syria and Israel, then the PKK will take advantage and cross west of the Euphrates river and add more to the PKK-state. That will be phase #2.
Then phase #3 is probably about 12 years out from now in which Israel will role down form their Golan heading towards Damascus and the PKK will attack Damascus from the East.
Between Israel and the PKK Syria will surrender and be divided up and Damascus occupied while Turkey grabs a few scrapes towards the end in the north to add to Turkey and Syria will be successfully conquered under Putin’s planning and administering just enough supplies to prevent the Syrian people from panicking and allowing Syrians to fall into a Faults Sense of Security.
– Iran is the only wild card here, that is why the next president who will be a Democrat will launch the Israel/Saudi war against Iran so they will be to tied up to be of much help to Syria.
The S-400 systems would have changed this game plan and Putin full well knows it. You see, Putin has his own master plan and his own close zionist friends he places about the interest of the Russian people.
The whole Putin is a Zionist shill talking point is a Zionist psy op. None of the nonsense you posted above will take place. Assad will end up taking back every inch of Syria regardless of how long it takes. The Eastern part will likely be taken back through negotiations with the Kurds and Afrin and Idlib will either be taken peacefully through a roach withdrawal or the roaches will have a permanent guerilla resistance on their hand backed with the Syria state until they are forced to leave.
The S-400s will get wasted the first day.
Soon to be crushed and buried in trenches by the Turkish Army