A video from a checkpoint at the village of Sorhane in northwestern Syria has appeared online allegedly showing how armed Kurdish YPG members are preventing civilians from returning to the area of Afrin.
Footage: #YPG fired at civilians at a checkpoint near Sorhane village preventing them from returning to their homes in #Afrin pic.twitter.com/kRvEEEPacl— SMM Syria (@smmsyria) 22 May 2018
The area of Afrin, including the city of Afrin, is now in the hands of the Turkish Armed Forces and its proxies from the Free Syrian Army. During the Turkish military oepration in the area a high number of civilians left Afrin fleeing the violence. However, now some of them wants to return.
According to pro-opposition and pro-Turkish sources, the YPG is opposing to their return because this will mean a major PR defeat to the group and its political wing the Democratic Union Party (PYD).
On May 20, local in the town of Manbij in northern Syria held a general strike in order to protest a forcible recruitment into the ranks of the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). According to reports, a major part of the Manbij locals participated in the strike closing their shops. This caused tensions between the locals and SDF security forces.
The SDF is a US-backed group operating in northern and eastern Syria. It consists of mostly Kurdish YPG/YPJ militias and controls a number of notable towns and cities, including Manbij, Raqqah, Tabqah and Hasakah.
Erdogan, please erase those thugs of YPG !
soon not to worry
Green buses to Israel!?!
Erogan should use the terorist in idlip to erase the ypg. Remove dirt with dirt and give the land back to syria!
YPG terrorists deserve to die. They are at Erdogan’s and Assad’s mercy.
Right now under FUKUS umbrella. Until it lost interest i guess.
this is 100% bullshit
It’s on video. Unless it’s dubbed.
As if kurds were democractic !!! XD.
How many democratic nations do you count ????
Well, it is no clear at all what is going on here. Better evidence is required to believe this statement.
The YPG may be doing it for their own good knowing that returning Kurds are often robbed by the TFSA.
And I can tell you that any people that is “helped” by USA is far far far from being democratic.
Yes convince me that there’s something ‘Democratic’ on the making in US held area. Their democracy failed Vietnam FFS.
Stupid Kurds,they are only pawns in the Zionist occupation agenda,they had better wise up before its too late,or they will end up with nothing,except their traitorous leaders who will have stuffed bank accounts to fall back on.
kurds are traitors…where did they enjoy living under the safety of which state.Syria.Backstabbers.Thats what they are.Payed off by the jews/zionists through oil and heroin.Oil they stole from iraq till the general sulemani told them what would happen if they tryed a kurdistan in iraq.Death.and they back tracked.Now they are trying the same in syria.Morons.Just like Assad said..”kurds are traitors”….my quess is, they will recieve(after Daraa operation) an ultimatum, with the opportunity of autonomy on a wide scale not including defense or border security.If they choose a fight, well might as well declare Syria a “kurd free area” from then on.fucking traitors
This means the US does not want Syrians to return!
It is also a known fact that Kurds have forced a lot of native Syrians to leave the areas where they control at the moment (after the areas regained from ISIS).
Apparently they are following the plans for The Greater Israel uhmm.. The Greater Middle East Project.
Iit is in Isreal’s interest to have a empty land!
Israel, if invades syria, will be damned. They are making the Kurds to do it for themselves. Remember in North Iraq’s referendum for independence Israel was cheering and were ready send 200k israelis over there.
Syrians were nice with kurds refugees. Now, loot at the result. I always say to never be kind and never ever take the refugees.
The Yugoslav dictator Tito openly allowed ethnic Albanian refugees to cross into Serbia’s Kosovo province without papers for decades. Ethnic Albanians duly settled and multiplied there and guess what happened, the next generations grew increasingly self-entitled and eventually attacked the host state and engaged in terrorist actions against its representatives. Later an opportunistic NATO inserted themselves into issue. Seeing the same process in Syria with Kurds – it is another chapter of a very old story – demographics are a tool of politics and of war.
Assad had helped PKK (=called YPG-PYD or SDF now in Syria/Iraq) in the past. Housed them camps. (When Turkey due to NATO/US were hostile to Syria and other allies of RF). Kurds had been in good terms with Assad, until US/Israel promised them land. After Iraq, they are stealing land from Syria now.
Kurds are all-time traitors to countries they inhabit and today they are proven bithces of US/Israel.
Agreed, which makes the Kurds dead-enders now. There’s no way to get back to where they were with Assad. In fact, Turkey and Syria have common cause against them. Israel offering recognition has only sealed their fate. It was a bad move, a horrendously bad move.
I think I finally understood what is real democracy. Real democracy is not electing someone to do “what people want”. Real democracy is to fight to prevent someone to screw you because remember that human mindset is to rob you.
there never was and never will be such a thing as democracy on our planet as long as the jews are alive.First upmost thing to change from today would be the monetary system with its interest rate system.In each and every country on our planet the same story since decades…the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer.Thats a 100% jewish system.Moslems even today are not allowed to fuck around with interest rates.Moslems say because its satans doing.They are spot on.Christians were forbidden to take or get interest rates for over a 1000 years.Pius the 8th 1830.Thats when it was allowed by the roman catholic church.
Aristoteles and Platon always talked against a system of interest rates…”its dealings with the devil” spot on.Even in the old testament.But here is the problem.
Talmud ” all non jews are GOJIM, all non jewish women are whores”
Thats why the jews deal with satan arihman….to conquer and rule under satan arihmans umbrella with jerusalem as its capital.
Thomas Jefferson
“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of
their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and
corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of
all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent
their Fathers conquered.”
Andrew Jackson
“Gentlemen! I too have been a close observer of the doings of the Bank
of the United States. I have had men watching you for a long time, and
am convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to speculate in
the breadstuffs of the country.When you won, you divided the profits amongst you, and when you lost,
you charged it to the bank. You tell me that if I take the deposits from
the bank and annul its charter I shall ruin ten thousand families. That
may be true, gentlemen, but that is your sin!Should I let you go on, you will ruin fifty thousand families, and that would be my sin! YOU ARE A DEN OF VIPERS I have determined to rout you out, and by the Eternal, I will rout you out.”
who does one think they were talking about?zionists?hahaha the jew scapegoat word…..the “military industrial complex?hahaha the CIA? hahahaha
Syrian Kurds choose to believe in Trump’s monolithic originality becoming being copied by the masses, however if Allah wanted to beset everyone with the ultimate temptation Heaven would be Eternally empty.
So what is your Muslim name “Rodney” ?
My friends in the afterlife call me Terry.
I’ll call you Muhammad than
Cool Dr.Pro Liv, that will give the Kurds something to think about when Macron and Pompeo fly their true colours and abandon them, two people didn’t desert what they stood for Assad and Gadaffi.
Cool Rodney.
I don’t have impression that US and French are in hurry to leave.
I hope you are right.
It’s not easy dealing with the occult, Trump is certainly in a hurry to win big or get impeached, quasi red lines are crazy, makes me think about the 3 elbow patients that got busted out of the hospital so they could do some praying at home yesterday, actually I was reading Che Guevara’s recently translated notes about his visit to the Congo DR.
” His native supporters were paddling their canoe, and their beloved leader fell out doing something, the crew tried desperately to go back and save the leader, but the canoe wouldn’t go back”.
Trump might not be as superstitious dumb as that but that’s what were dealing with, luckily it’s them not us.
Ordinary people have different interests…..then their self proclaimed “leaders”…
If they hear from others that ordinary civilians are not persecuted in Turkish controlled area… They want to go back to their abandoned homes….instead of being refugees in the tent somewhere….
As the Syrian Arab Army slowly moves northwards and eastwards from Damascus, clearing all before it, Kurds had better understand that what was and is available to them within a free Syrian Society far exceeds grubby little ‘promises’ made to them by UK/UK/France. Kurds have always been treated equally within Syria but they now put their status at risk because of their stupidity in relying on and believing FUKUS promises.. As and when Trump inevitably decides to withdraw US soldiers from the ground in East & N East Syria replacing them with ???? Saudi forces? that won’t last a week against the SAA, Kurds had better decide now whether they wish to forever bury their wish for autonomy within Syria …….. although, knowing Trump’s Treacherous nature he might well be persuaded to listen to Bolton and use E Syria as the US/Israeli base for attacking Iran ………… in which case, Kurds can leave Syria & Iraq forever and find themselves new homes on the great Prairies of America
Kurd’s with US-NATO controlled area will stick with US I guess.
Other Kurd’s will see things differently.
When you make yourself equal to refugees, then you become the refugees in your own country.
That is very true Serious.
Remember when the Natives gave a very little land for Americans to settle !!!
Never ever take immigrants !!
if you can’t survive and thrive then you die….maybe the Natives should of put down the peace pipe and built some shit other than a tipi or maybe unite under one tribe instead of constantly killing and skinning each other.
That is a quite the contemptuous rant against indigenous North Americans, Joel Dirtstein.
did the truth hurt you?
Nope, it just revealed you.
That is quite the unhinged and contemptuous rant about indigenous North Americans.
ypg=fsa=hts= daesh= usa israel point!
add turkey also to your list and you be very close to the truth.
yeah yeah silly greek moron
it never cease to amaze me that the son of a donkey (turk), is able to read and write.
Old Turkish propaganda, the highway was overrun by TFSA terrorists so they stopped civilians from becoming casualties. As we saw from the YPG withdrawal of Afrin they refused to use their people as human shields. As the Turkish economy collapses it is the Kurds who have the last laugh.
On the one hand they appear to be attempting to deny their enemy any and all resources (including civilian labor, on the other hand I agree with South Front that these Kurd’s PR department want it to look like Turkish overlords are horrible. Since this area is a checkerboard of Kurdish/Pro-government/Pro-Turkish fiefdoms these people could sneak out if they’re willing to risk it. For that same reason there is really no practical way for any government or warlord to prevent these abuses.