A network of underground tunnels with weapon caches and workshops has been discovered by Syrian troops under the National Hospital of the town of Douma.
The network was built by militants while the town used to be under their control.
#BREAKING – First footage of #Syrian rebel underground fortress, under the National Hospital in #Douma. #Syria‘s government forces are uncovering weapons caches, underground artillery and workshops in the hospital as well as a massive tunnel for multi-ton trucks. pic.twitter.com/K7z9If8NlN
— SURA (@AlSuraEnglish) 16 April 2018
Looks like a respectable job. Was it “union labor” ? All the materials needed to build , must be plentiful.
Looks like a outside job, with Western ties. Or, could it of been their all the time ? I honestly have no idea.
They had 6 good years to work on it, and the Saudis were pumping in billions.
It does indeed Fred. Real engineering skill was needed to design and execute the work, especially with a massive building on top .
This is well above the ability of the average Takfiri tunnel digger.
Slave labour using captured government soldiers and supporters… who are now probably long since dead…
Yes ! sometimes sitting in the comfort of my home, its hard to imagine just how uncivilized the world is. And you can bet, their is no country without evil doers within. They come in all walks of life. Maybe their well be a way, to spot the Devils in the future, and instantly eradicate them.
Using civilian infrastructure for military purposes makes it a legitimate military target – so much about SAA shelling “last hospitals”. Also misusing medical facilities and it’s patients as living shield is a war crime. I don’t suppose Nikki Haley might raise that point at next UNSC meeting, maybe pushing for a resolution to condemn Wahhabi terrorists? No? I didn’t think so…
And maybe condemning the US and NATO for material support of terrorism whilst she is at it. I do believe that invites all interested parties to be allowed to invade, demolish and destroy their countries at will, in defense of the world and its people.
you also dream
you dream
Now this is why the couldn’t give Dhuma up. Good money and efforts wasted.
They’ll have to redesignated the whole site. No it should just reinforced and used as hospital shelter.
Cool.. renovate them with structural upgrades… a future subway system…
Dubai Airshow 2017 (Day 3) JF-17 PAF Flying display.
المقاتلة الباكستانية JF-17 Thunder
الصواريخ الباكستانية النووية |Pakistani nuclear missiles
The actual ranges of Raad missile is 550 km, Ababeel 4400 km and Shaheen-3 missile is 5500 km.
Pakistan produces fighter jets JF-17 Block1 / Block2, Cruise, Ballistic Missiles & nuclear weapons.
In 1970 the Pakistani PM visited Russia, China and North Korea for joint military production facilities in Pakistan. In 1998 Pakistan was the first Islamic country that produced and tested 6 nuclear weapons, missiles and fighter jets JF-17 block-1 and block-2. Now JF-17 block3 and ICBM missiles Taimor with 11,000 Km and Tapo 15,000 Km ranges are underdeveloped. The JF-17 Block-3 is 16m long with a new jet engine AL-31FN Series-3 which has also used in China J10 fighter jet.
Looks like a cross between the F-16 and a F-105 Thundercheif from the 1950s, is there anything remarkable about this jet I havent even heard of it before?
The main thing of this air craft is its capabilities while the price is low. The new JF-17 block-3 is more advance than F-16 because the JF-17 B3 will have AESA radar, Head mounted display, more advance avionics and warfare capabilities, a new jet engine AL-31FN Series 3 which has also used in Chines J-10 fighter jet. With this new jet engine the JF-17 speed will become 2.2Mach=2385km per hr
Israeli terrorists have kidnapped Ahed Tamimi and her parents at midnight by gunpoints. Nobody knows where Israel have kept them hostage. Each year Israel kidnap thousands of adults and small kids from the streets and hold them hostage. Many of them Israel kill in fake combats. The US and UK brutal regimes have invaded Palestine and have held all Palestinians hostage for last 100years. They support brutality and terrorism in the Middle East. If Vietnam can be freed from American regime army then Palestine can also be freed from US and UK. Israel should go back to their native countries.
Adolf Hitler Speech – Must See – Exposing Zionists and their MSM ….
I love Adolf Hitler he was genius and a great leader. What we are talking about now he had told us 80 years ago. Now I fully understood that how Zionist hats and lies about other nations in the world to justify their attacks. Zionists fight with the whole world population through US, UK and France. Adolf Hitler was against Zionists. He said in his speeches that if we leave Zionists then they will massacre millions of innocents in the world. We must protect the world population from Zionist oppressors.
How the Arabian prince spend their money. This will be a shame history.
To see how Saudi prince get the girl. This will be a shame history.
Due to these bastards the Yemen children are dying due to starvation because of their blockade.
If I had so much money as much these Saudi princes then honestly there would be no war and no one would die due to starvation. I would never sell my raw oil rather I would produce thousands of products of this oil that is fabrics, plastics, domastic products, packages, fertilizers, cosmatics and so on and then I would sell in international markets but not in US dollars but in my own currency that is Riyal of which conversion rate I would fix myself.
I would produce and sell 5th generation fighter jets, commercial jets, tanks and other thousands of defence hardware. I would produce bullet trans, nuclear power plants, ICBM, manned space rockets etc jointly with China, Russia, Iran, Yemen, Pakistan etc. Majority of Saudi princes wasting their time and money on women, cars, homes and personal aeroplanes. So that is their priorities because of lack of proper education. LOL.
Yemen Explained: Saudi Coalition, Houthis and Famine
Yemen: On the brink of starvation – BBC News
How the Saudi Blockade is Starving Yemen
Oh my God these are children dying due to starvation. They have no food due to blockade …..
1. The Largest Humanitarian Disaster.
2. 8 Million People Hungary.
3. About 11,000 people killed.
4. About 50,000 people injured.
5. Entire villages and towns have been demolished and erased from the earth.
Russia, China and Pakistan could help to open blockade on Houthis, send them humanitarian aid in emergency. All world leaders should stand against Saudi and Israeli bastards that regularly bombing them like pesticides on insects. Stand against Saudi and Israeli oppression and aggression. Saudis tell to Yemen nation that accept Hadi as president otherwise you all will die and nobody will know. Shame
The majority of Muslim leaders have ignored Palestine and also the historic Mosque of Aqsa. Is this help to Palestine or to Zionist Israeli terrorists.
I haven’t heard that any Muslim leader have visited Palestine or they have asked about Palestinians that how their time passing under occupation and oppression. Either these Muslim leaders are scaring from Israel or they regularly receiving blood money from Israeli via Washington and UK. Indeed the judgement day is so near on them that they all will answer to God. No leader will leave unpunished.
Saudi Arabia has no Muslim leader. A Muslim would never spend $430 million for a painting of Jesus.
the jews couldnt buy it themselves in case someone ended up asking why or where did it go?
Billions were spent financing the ghouta pocket. Billions lost.
Hopefully when Syria is fully liberated they may use these tunnels dug by the terrorists and terrorist supporters from our countries to build a kind of subway, that could an asset for Damas.
You are not going to convince me that something that elaborate and sophisticated was built by “militants.” They may have been labor; it’s a sure thing they weren’t the engineers.
This is not the work of amateurs and it isn’t especially recent.
Put some blue LED lights up and use it as an underground market or something, should be a bit cooler down there.
I hope they dont blow them up, could be a tourist attraction after the war like the vietcong tunnel systems are in vietnam.