Video: Iranian Combat UAVs In Action Over Syria

Video: Iranian Combat UAVs In Action Over Syria

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The Hezbollah media wing in Syria has released a video showing members of Kata’ib Sayyid al-Shuhada using combat unmanned aerial vehicles (UCAVs) against ISIS tartegs in Syrian Badia (the Syrian steppe).

Kata’ib Sayyid al-Shuhada is an Iraqi Shia militia formed in 2013 to protect “shrines across the globe” and to preserve “Iraqi unity”. The group is a part of the Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) that are an official part of the Iraqi Armed Forces.

According to the data shown on the video, airstrikes are conducted byIranian-made Shahed-129 UCAVs.

It is not clear if the UCAVs are operated directly by Kata’ib Sayyid al-Shuhada. Experts believe that Shahed-129 UCAVs are likely operated directly from Iran. Meanwhile, Kata’ib Sayyid al-Shuhada members just call airstrikes on selected targets using reconnaissance drones.

More screenshots from the video:

Video: Iranian Combat UAVs In Action Over Syria

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Video: Iranian Combat UAVs In Action Over Syria

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Video: Iranian Combat UAVs In Action Over Syria

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Video: Iranian Combat UAVs In Action Over Syria

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Video: Iranian Combat UAVs In Action Over Syria

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Video: Iranian Combat UAVs In Action Over Syria

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Video: Iranian Combat UAVs In Action Over Syria

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Video: Iranian Combat UAVs In Action Over Syria

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Video: Iranian Combat UAVs In Action Over Syria

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Video: Iranian Combat UAVs In Action Over Syria

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Video: Iranian Combat UAVs In Action Over Syria

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Video: Iranian Combat UAVs In Action Over Syria

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Video: Iranian Combat UAVs In Action Over Syria

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Video: Iranian Combat UAVs In Action Over Syria

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Video: Iranian Combat UAVs In Action Over Syria

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Video: Iranian Combat UAVs In Action Over Syria

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Video: Iranian Combat UAVs In Action Over Syria

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Go go Iran, kill the wahhabi


good kill like 4000 daesh to avenge the death of mohsen


go, shia!


Shias are so much better than Sunni’s!
I think the world can accept Shiaa muslims!
Wahabbi’s can GET FUCKED!

Jc Plancarte

Don’t generalize sunnis. Be more specific. The bad guys are the wahabis, salafists, and all the radical extremists followers of these terror doctrines spread by the Saudis under contract with the UK and USA. The majority of Syrian Sunnis are with Assad. The majority of Syrian Army are Sunnis fighting against the terrorists!!!


Yet only Sunni’s have a Wahhabi faction!

Jc Plancarte

Yes, but be careful not to incite sectarianism within Syria. That is just what the radical Islamist, the CIA, NATO, Israhell have been doing throughout this dirty war. They tried to have every sunni turn against Assad by lying and carrying out terrorist attacks on sunni mosques and blaming Assad’s government. If it wasn’t for the majority of Syrian Sunni supporting the modern, secular, inclusive, tolerant Assad government, Syria would have collapsed at the very start of this dirty war. So, try not to generalize against sunnis, lest you want to succeed where the regime change cabal failed; devide Syria along sectarian lines.


Yes u are right! Syria is 70% sunni! Not all are against Assad. But before the Syrian war even started, 18 factions were at war with each for decades! It is the Saudi’s that fund and grow Wahabbi ideologies in Syria!