Video: Houthis Use Soviet Malyutka Missile At Saudi Military Check Point In Jizan

Video: Houthis Use Soviet Malyutka Missile At Saudi Military Check Point In Jizan

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The Houthis have launched a Soviet-made 9M14 Malyutka anti-tank guided missile at a check point of the Saudi military in the province of Jizan.

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paul ( original )

It would be interesting to have the opinions of others more expect in weaponry
than myself, however, this did look effective.

Daniel Castro

It’s guided manually by the operator, so it depends a lot on the people using it.


Operator wire guided and takes the concentration of a piano player. Vietcong and Iranians used them very effectively.


They were effective against tanks and APC’s in Vietnam.


Also known as the AT-3 Sagger.
The most widely produced ATGM of all time.


An old but accurate weapon. Excellent.


Iran produces a more upgraded laser tracked version known as the RAAD. Hezbollah used them very effectively in 2006, even knocked out Merkavas. The old Russian Sagger are still very good but the operator was exposed as the wire guided controls had to be manned until detonation. It is quite similar to the German/Swiss COBRA, but half as expensive. It is the most prolific ATGM ever produced in various variants. Max range 3000 meters and 10kg single warhead.

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Next time get someone not high on local weed to man the camera.