Video: Government Troops Repel ISIS Attack On Their Positions Near Palmyra, Destroy Vehicle

Syrian government forces have repelled an ISIS attack on their positions in near the city of Palmyra and destroyed a vehicle belonging to the terrorist group.

Meanwhile, the Syrian army and its allies continued advancing in the direction of the ISIS-held town of Sukhna along the Palmyra-Deir Ezzor road.

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Joe Doe

If the SAA commands staff planing advance towards Sukhana behind comfortable firing position on Sukhana and trying storm the city head on, they should immediately resign from their posts




very good :))))


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G Dean VanGaya

Wow, so the Syrian peoples’ government of the Confederated local councils is fighting down South now… Turkey has proven so weak to the SDF that they were able to move South against Israel. So what are the Ba’athists doing if they’ve gotten out of the way of the Syrian peoples’ government?