An RS-24 Yars / SS-27 Mod 2 solid-propellant intercontinental ballistic missile during the military parade marking the 72nd anniversary of Victory in the 1941-45 Great Patriotic War on Red Square, Moscow
On May 9, the annual Victory Day parade was held in the Russian capital of Moscow to mark the victory over Nazi Germany in World War II. During the parade, the Russian military showcased some of its most advanced weapons, including Sukhoi Su-57 stealth fighter jets, MiG-31 interceptor fighters armed with Kinzhal hypersonic missiles and T-14 Armata battle tanks.
More about new Russian nuclear weapons:
I watched the whole parade. It was a magnificent precision display of past and present valour .
A symbol of the endurance of the Russian People that no other country in the world today can even aspire to.
Me too. Congratulations Russia! May you always be victorious!
I have to pick you up there; Britain were World leaders at this sort of parade, but after this display by the Rusky’s, I hate to say it, but I think they are ahead……if we had any equipment maybe we could compete for No.1.
I want to see next year’s Yank one.
How many flags do you think they will have ?.
No of times the National anthem is played ?.
No of times the crowd starts shouting USA, USA, USA…..?.
Percentage of fat people ?.
No. of protesters ?.
No. of times they meet the “equality status regime”?.
The US parade will be tacky I suspect.
As for a UK parade, it is necessary for the populace to have pride in Britain and in recent years the UK military has been involved in unworthy wars.
Iraq, Afghanistan , Syria, Yemen, Libya and the Balkans.
I fully recognise that even fighting in an unjust war requires bravery and to that end , the UK military has been betrayed by our recent governments of all hues .
I totally agree. The first war I really lived through was over the Falklands. The whole of the British population was behind out troops (military) but Iraq ruined everything we believed. Now we march on the streets protesting – that I agree with.
We know, we are British not dumb Yanks – http://www.thinkinghumanity.com/2015/11/watch-the-moment-british-soldiers-throw-war-medals-to-floor-with-these-powerful-words.html
I travelled 100 miles to see the Falklands Victory Parade.
We live just outside Manchester – we all got involved for our boy’s return.
PS As a side note, there wasn’t 1 x LGBT weirdo.
I looked at the website and the linked VFP site. I never knew they existed Al.
It is rather odd that many such ‘controversial ‘ sites these days seem to flood my PC memory. Is it by design or is that being conspiracy theorist :)
I would think that many of the mental issues of veterans deployed to fight questionable wars against some of the poorest nations in the world today are due to the decency of most soldiers in the British Army who have been taught that Britain is exceptional ( another one ) and only fights ‘just’ wars.
Training terrorists in Syria and destroying infrastructure in far off lands for the questionable hegemony of the US is not what most soldiers sign up for.
Agreed. But did you see what happened after the parade on the way to the wreath laying? Netanyahu took up a prominent position next to Putin. Clearly he knew this
would be visible to all the world. Do you have ant thoughts on this?
He tried to march next to Putin but was separated by someone else, who looked away from Netty towards Putin.
May be I should have said near rather than next.
He purposely visit at said date knowing that refusal for him to attend the said parade would be too rude of action to make.
If he’s given a chances to make a statement officially in said parade then it would be different.
He’s using the same tactics at charlie hebdo solidarity parade if I’m not wrong.
Good point. I had forgotten about Charlie Hebdo.
My thoughts are worth little in the scale of things but I would file it with the Molotov/Ribbentrop accord in the months before Germany invaded Russia.
President Putin has many moves to plan in all the chess games he is playing simultaneously . There is much that we do not know and may never know BUT Russia’s stand against US/Israeli exceptionalism is a genuine one I am sure. In the US and Israel it is fair to say I would think that the vast majority of their populations do not want war BUT both nations are under the control of totally deranged venal fraudsters.
Israel and by association , the US , seem to want war now, before Syria is all Liberated. The answer to that is to deny them the ‘casus belli ‘ to have what they want NOW.
Very good thoughts. I think Putin is very sure footed, a lesser leader might have been provoked years go.
Russia is a great country in the whole world. Russian government always very friendly with all Muslim states while US, UK, France, Sauds and Israeli migrants are always number one enemies of all Muslim states.
Russia sure knows how to hold a military parade. And it is high time the suffering and contribution of Russia and all the other people of the USSR get some attention. The scale of the fighting and barbarity with which the Wehrmacht misbehaved itself on the Eastern Front dwarfs anything that happened in the West. Except the Battle of France in 1940.
As far as I can tell Russia is being progressively written out of the
the WW2 narrative in the West. I have not seen a single mention of
this parade in any of the UK media that I sometimes look at. Also
consider the desecration of Soviet War Memorials. It should not be
forgotten that even before WW2 had ended the Western allies were
conducting a feasibility study on ways to continue the war by
attacking the USSR using reconstituted German divisions. Given this
background can there be much hope?
Not just the West though, I’ve read reports from historians, back in the 90’s, so before this new Cold War, that Stalin wanted his Red Army to unleash some of its massive artillery barrages on Allied units. Under the guise of: It was you guys? We thought you were Germans. Oops! Sorry. Just to give the Allies a taste of what fighting the Red Army would mean. And I’m sure he had other plans as well. That’s what any country would do in such a case. War’s over, prepare plans to fight the other victors. Just in case.
I doubt that the Allies could ever hope to pull this off. Because there was a SHITLOAD of sympathy in the Western Allied nations for the USSR. We may have forgotten about it now, but back then EVERYONE knew. And especially in 1942 and 1943 there was massive public pressure on Allied leaders to start the Western Front to relieve the Soviets. There’s even a Hollywood movie of the time glorifying the Soviet struggle.
Also, US political and military strategy of the last months of WWII was all about finishing off Germany ASAP so the US military could be shifted from Germany to Asia. Churchill wanted to take Berlin at all cost, but American commanders were not interested one bit and basically told Stalin that Berlin was all his. I reckon a lot of these plans bear the hallmark of Churchill, who, like Hitler, was a veritable fountain of crazy military schemes and adventures. Much to the chagrin of his generals who had to spend hours talking him out of them.
If I had some free time, know how and cash I’d make one of those slick documentary series about the war in the East. Travel the battlefields of the East. This war deserves to uncovered.
Yes the feasibility study was British and as you say public opinion was not favourable. I even recall some contemporary footage showing opposition to this idea. However, they were still able to conceptualize the idea which says something about that way they thought.
Well, there were American and British war plans to go to war with each other in the 1920’s and 30’s. A good general staff should have warplans for every situation.
The British always looked at Stalin with some distrust as the war progressed. Even the Labour party. And in a sense they were right. All the countries that fell into the Soviet sphere of influence received communist take overs. Hard to imagine now, but the Americans had a much more rosey picture of the USSR back then. Roosevelt in particular always ignored Churchill’s objectives, saying he could handle Stalin. And his generals, Patton being a rare exception, were only focused on shifting forces from Europe to the Pacific ASAP.
The funny thing is, is these plans would have gone ahead Stalin would have known from the start, as he had thoroughly infiltrated British intelligence services.
Fantastic display and how I loved the way Putin shook hands with the whole front row…. nice gesture.
Watching now more, but am I losing my mind or was that Nutty from Israel with him ?
You must have missed the news. It was announced a couple of days ago that bibi is going to Moscow to bend a knee and get instructions from his boss after the parade.
I did not miss the news and knew he was intending to be present. What surprised me was that he popped up in such a prominent position right next to Putin. I did not see any other leaders in this group. May be I am mistaken and others might have been included.
I have seen VD parades before and it is no news to have a “guest of honor”. This time it is very strategic.
Yes I too have seen the Chinese in a prominent position. But this seems a bit strange and may be disappointing.
I guess politicians are also playing games. I guess Putin is making it clear that Russia remembers the horrors of WWII and is trying to avoid another war but at the same time sending a clear message that they are ready and mighty prepared. There is no better place and time to show this to the-most-desperate-for-war statesman.
See my reply to Al (above).
He was separated from Putin by another man, who held a banner in front of Netty’s face when a camera zoomed in for a close up. Netty looked embarrassed.
There was also Serbian PM present with them.
I am glad to hear it. I think probably Netanyahu was one of a crowd tying to push his way to the front.
He got demotivated because he was a whinging twat.
Unlike what is told in the west Jews know who actually saved their sorry a$$es during WWII. Thats why they always come on May 9.
Israel is being led to slaughter by “GP” once again. May be Bibi hopes that somehow Russia will save them again from their own (Jew’s) masters and from their own evil deeds.
It may sound weird but prediction is that center of concentration of power is moved from US to China and from UK to Iran. (Same forces behind that power). It’s already going on for decades and will take many more years (China is not ready yet and Iran is far from being ready. Country level US elites actively opposing this process). Being stretched in time this process is mostly unnoticed by majority of population.
Lets see how it unfolds.
Putin with Netaniahu ? Who is really Russia ally ? Rusia like USa is totally unriable
Russia is an ally of almost everyone.
This is Putin’s genius.
Sure is,Putin is a very clever man.
The world can clearly see Russia is peace full and wants good relations with all.
I don’t want to be flippant but may be being an ally to most means you
get shafted by everybody.
That is actually true, the trick is to find the safe path. It is a trait that a good project manager must follow. The project is important not the relationships, but without the relationships the project will fail.
Russians will fry Poles on a stick
“almost everyone” especially in the Middle East.
I am glad you saw it as well, no-one else seems to have.
Yes I saw it. It was after the parade on the way to the wreath laying. I
actually did not believe it and thought it was just someone else with
similar features. It is only now I realize that what I saw was real.
Note that he didn’t march next to Putin, and the man between Netty and Putin held a banner in front of Netty’s face when he was on camera.
He actually did.
Very impressive.
This year’s Victory Parade’s obvious message to the whole world is:
Russia and Israel are great friends and strategic partners and will cooperate in the Middle East to the fullest. Iran will get the message for sure.
Classy Putin.
Putin welcomes & accompanies WWII veteran after he was pushed away by president’s guard
Military parade is important and has high simbolic value but what fallows (last several years) is of much higher importance and significance. Immortal regiment is something very special. Immprtal regiment. One should see and attend in person to realize what it is.
I wish SF gives an article about this movement. On energetic level this is something – million of people honoring their heroic grandfathers carrying their pictures.
Wonder if grandson’s of allied forces can attend (have pic of grandfather in North Africa!)?
People from many ountries attend with pictures of their heros and many simply by joining even if their relatives were not effected by that war.
Well, at least two divisions were put off your hand, leaving only about 223!
Everyone counted.
zdrastvuy rossiya!
present years
and relax
Thank you for your sacrifices in defeating of fascism!
Oi! What’s the deal with this? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/82d18117e381101f55634fc8a47d93fe550b73b5e37ca638e60b90bdd2faca5e.jpg
What victory.. Third world Russia cannot even protect Allies in Syria… incompetent, feeble, castrated Putin