Venezuela has been trying to repatriate its gold stored with the Bank of England since 2018
The Venezuelan government won a rare legal victory on Monday in its battle to regain access to gold stored in the Bank of England (BoE).
The English Court of Appeal ruled in favour of the Venezuelan Central Bank (BCV) concerning access to over 31 tons of gold stored in London, overruling a previous High Court decision in July. The BoE has refused to repatriate the Venezuelan gold deposits since late 2018.
In the earlier decision, Judge Nigel Teare ruled against a Venezuelan legal petition to obtain access to the reserves. Teare claimed that the UK Foreign Office had “unequivocally” recognized Juan Guaido as “interim president,” and thus under the “one voice” doctrine the judiciary was bound to the government’s position.
Monday’s decision by Lord Justices Lewison, Males and Phillips called on the UK government to clarify its “recognition” of Guaido.
In this respect it will be necessary to determine whether:
(1) HMG [Her Majesty’s government] recognises Mr Guaido as President of Venezuela for all purposes and therefore does not recognise Mr Maduro as President for any purpose; or
(2) HMG recognises Mr Guaido as entitled to be the President of Venezuela and thus entitled to exercise all the powers of the President but also recognises Mr Maduro as the person who does in fact exercise some or all of the powers of the President of Venezuela.
However, the court stopped short of ruling on the BCV attorneys’ claim that the UK government’s recognition of Guaido violated international law.
In a statement, the BCV welcomed the Appeal Court’s decision.
“The Venezuelan Central Bank will continue carrying out all actions necessary to protect its sovereign international reserves,” the statement read. The BCV further stated that the reserves, valued at $1.8 billion at current gold prices, will be sold and the funds channelled through the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) to boost the country’s Covid-19 response.
Sarosh Zaiwalla, attorney at the Zaiwalla and Co. law firm representing the BCV, also commended the decision as positive for international law, arguing that Guaido is a “virtual prime minister with no real power inside the country.” He had previously warned that a refusal to grant the Venezuelan government control over the deposit would present “a threat to the Bank of England’s reputation abroad as a safe repository for sovereign assets.”
Opposition deputy Juan Guaido proclaimed himself “interim president” in January 2019 and was immediately recognized by the US, the UK and allied countries. In the months that followed, the US and the UK froze most of the assets of the Venezuelan government in those countries, including its US-based oil subsidiary CITGO.
However, despite thte legal victory, the Venezuelan government is still unable to repatriate the gold. In a statement, the Venezuelan opposition personality’s office in the UK noted that the ruling did not change the UK’s official position, stating that the decision over control of the gold would now return to a commercial court. LINK
Those confounded Bolivarans ! what about the claims of that Belarussian housewife in exile on the VZ Gold…her claim is at least as good.?
Dont give them ideas lol.
I’m the emperor of Antarctida with all my beloved subjects – emperor penguins. Give all this gold to me!)
The limeyCUNTS are born liars and thieves and why would anyone with even mush for brains, deposit anything but sh- it there. They have scammed Iran, India, Russia, China, you name it.
not limeys but rothschilds
Who do you think the corrupt incestuous House of Windsor is?
these are not limeys the limeys are just white english not the ruling class cockroaches who are the foreskin eating perpetual victims, the yids
If it is some gold left and the Rotschild’s didn’t brought it in their 100+ cities underground US like they did with the nation’s gold from Fort Knocks where now what is left is pieces of led painted golden…ha ha this Satanic capitalists working hard with Draco’s,reptilians and grey’s under Dulce, Archuleta Mesa,New Mexico with shuttle to Los Alamos and in many other underground places has LOOTED the World!
Good for them, but I’ll never understand why countries with poor relations with the ‘west’ put their wealth there in the first place. At least put it in neutral Switzerland or Singapore or something.
Switzerland steals gold too.
Nazis and jews could tell a story…
But you are right.
Its counterproductive to bend over to the west.
Poor relations now. But not before.
Britain and US in the last century built their wealth on global plunder and theft from the developing world. UK is built on industrial sized theft.
At the time the Brits were just better at it than most other countries run by imperialists.
Most of the wealth didn’t make it down to those who did the dirty work. The same cabals are still at it, albeit at a reduced rate.
The honest working person in Blighty is also being plundered by these parasites, who pass their poison on through the centuries.
Not only in the last century but since this dirty, paedophile,perversepervert, genocidal anglo-saxon perfidious race exists on the face of Earth!
every nation’s wealth is built on appropriation to some extent. the US and UK just did exceedingly well with it and we the last ones to really do it. other nations that didn’t would have, if they could have.
I think you need to study the subject a bit more. Theft does not create wealth, it can only temporarily balance the budget, just look at Turkey. Trading empires like Britain built their wealth on good trades and developing technologies. For instance the the marxist claim that US was built by the sweat of slaves completely ignores the fact that true economic/industrial growth in US happened AFTER the slavery was abolished. It is completely logical. After abolishing slavery the main focus became technology and creation of labour saving devices. That’s when things started changing.
No doubt there was theft too, but that is no way to build an empire.
“neutral Switzerland” is an fake Rotschild “country” buddy! Ha ha cannot stop laughing
London has long been the centrepoint of global trading, so for a lot of countries to trade, using their gold reserves as capital, they have to prove what they have. So the easiest way to do that (because gold reserves can fluctuate as well) is to store them in the ‘trading capital’ so they can be easily proven at any time to be what they claim they are. It sounds weird, but people for instance at Lloyd’s (who guarantee all insurance in the world) won’t take your word for it, they will want to eyeball your assets very thoroughly, as well as feel confident that the gold is not going to be sold the day after the inspector visited and signed.
Incidentally, the fact that the gold is in London makes it super easy to sell too. Otherwise we’d be talking about gold transportation ships ploughing the high seas.
Bozo will cry and rage :)
It’s all gone. If not, better do a full audit. There might be tungsten inside.
Venezuela needs to take all necessary precautions when they collect the gold; they need to test each gold bar for purity because the UK has shown itself to be a thief.
If they ever get it.
Gold is soon going to be in very short supply because many mines have been closed over the scamdemic.
Maybe the Brit gov’t will keep the US produced traitors close and trade them for the gold.
It will also go up in value when it is learned that the gold at Fort Knox is missing. Fort Knox has not been audited since Eisenhower. They removed it by using fracking technology. Look at what they have done to hide their thefts. The twin towers were just the shiny objects to take away the public’s attention from the real targets, the Pentagon and WTC7 where the records of the stolen military trillions were kept. N0RAD did not even protect the Pentagon or the nation’s capitol so that they could do that.
Only a thief???? That’s an big compliment to this disgraceful, dirty,perversepervert, perfidious,fake, genocidal anglo-saxon race!
All of that too and anything else that could be added to enhance your compliments.
This is good, continue taking influence away from monopoly of western financial institutions and this will go far in reducing neocolonialism.
No shit LMFAO, but it funny how that clown Guaidó “had the right” to use Venez gold….what the fuk.
Didn’t they keep most of it in Turkey?
A good news for Venezuela, viva Maduro
So, a supposedly democratic gov’t is throwing their support behind a man who thinks he is a president by merely claiming to be such. This western hand puppet has failed to win support even from his fellow Venezuelan’s.
I hope the UK gov’t knows that there are thousands of people like this is many mental institutions around the world and basing their decisions on the claims of a madman won’t help their case in court.
Still, it could go their way as the present legal system in Blighty is a shambles and is set up to extract wealth via fines from those who cannot afford the legal fees.
Stupid Brits, giving back 31T of Gold to the enemy. The downfall of the Europeans started long time ago after WW2, they will only get weaker and weaker as time goes by.
Its called theft you prick,what about that don’t you understand?
How is Venezuela “the enemy”?
Have they attacked Great Britain or the USA?
Have they threatened to attack Great Britain or any of their allies?
Electing a government that Great Britain, the USA or “the dear leader” doesn’t like isn’t a crime, it isn’t a ‘threat’ and it isn’t an attack on Great Britain or western civilization.
Mounting a blockade against a nation is an act of war and aggressively blockading a nation over simply exercising their democratic right to choose their own government is a war crime. By not giving the rightful government access to an asset they own is participation in a war of aggression.
So you sir are either a mindless fan boy who takes a position without thinking because your peers do the same or you publicly support a war against a nation whose only crime is allowing the democratic election of a government that the USA doesn’t agree with.
Dictators have no right to claim anything or rule anyone, Maduro needs to be hanged on the tallest tree in Caracas.
Maduro was elected by the people of Venezuela in the 2018 election … Guaido was proclaimed by the White house.
In this case the dictator is the US government …. they are the ones who appointed Guaido their governor and lets see if you still say dictators should be hanged if trump refuses to accept the results of Novembers election.
You are very, very stupid occupant of Palestine. Such stupid persons from stupid regimes should be disallowed to have any weapons, they are dangerous as a monkey with grenade. And then you’re whining that everybody around you are enemies, though the real enemy is you. No need other enemies, you are enemy to yourself.
You SPECIALLY YOU, have no say in this matter, you are from the apartheid state of Israhell. So be polite and shut the fuck up, cheers.
Dictators claim the right of might, same as you guys are claiming in the lands that you occupy!
He’s both, and rabid.
Its what they do,its what they have always done,Libyas gold went after they killed Gaddafi,Ukrainian Gold left from a provincial airport in the middle of the night,not long after the Western golden boy Yats left,he is probably in Israel,ancient artifacts were looted from Iraq and found their way into the auction houses of Europe and America,bottom line is these bastards are just sordid little gangsters and criminals,the Nazis did the same,looting gold and art from Europe,only thing they understand is a bullet in the face.
If you dont have it in your possession you might as well not own it, trusting another nation to store your gold never made much sense.
Gold covered Tungsten bars coming right up.
People behind the curtain are saying that the BOE is going to be pushing interest rates negative demonstrating that they have knowledge that the economy is going to take another dive.
BOE is a Rothschild Central Bank.
US Federal Reserve Bank, Deutsche Bank, Credit Suisse, BOF, (deRothschild) Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, Chase, Blackstone, and most of the reserve banks of countries round the world.
If it is some gold left and the Rotschild’s didn’t brought it in their 100+ cities underground US like they did with the nation’s gold from Fort Knocks where now what is left is pieces of led painted golden…ha ha this Satanic capitalists working hard with Draco’s,reptilians and grey’s under Dulce, Archuleta Mesa,New Mexico with shuttle to Los Alamos and in many other underground places has LOOTED the World! We are living the GREATEST SCAM EVER in the history of mankind!
Malaysia is a favorite stash of gold, for Rothschild.