Venezuela has severed relations with Colombia and has expelled all diplomats from its embassy, President Nicolas Maduro declared during a rally in Caracas on February 23.
“Patience is exhausted, I can’t bear it anymore, we can’t keep putting up with Colombian territory being used for attacks against Venezuela. For that reason, I have decided to break all political and diplomatic relations with Colombia’s fascist government,” the President said noting that the Colombian diplomatic staff has 24 hours to leave Venezuela.
The announcement followed a decision to close the border with Colombia in the run-up to attempts by the opposition to deliver trucks of ‘humanitarian aid’ from Colombia, in defiance of Caracas.
A part of the border where a forced crossing might take place has been the scene of a tense confrontation between opposition activists and security forces. The most intense clashes took place in the border town of Urena.
MORE: The bus activists hijacked was set on fire as protests continue to turn violent in Ureña #tictocnews
— TicToc by Bloomberg (@tictoc) February 23, 2019
According to reports, at least 4 people died and 24 received injures as result of the clashes between opposition supporters and security forces. Opposition supporters also stole a bus, but it was burned down.
VIDEO: Security forces use tear gas to disperse Venezuelan protesters gathered at the Venezuela-Colombia border
— AFP news agency (@AFP) February 23, 2019
Separately on the same day, 3 members of Venezuela’s Bolivarian National Guard (GNB) defected to the Colombian side after driving their vehicle towards a security cordon on the Simon Bolivar bridge. Venezuelan state media said that the defection had been organized by the opposition.
The GNB has also closed all 3 bridges connecting the country with Colombia and has been building up troops on the border. The development came amid the growing concerns that the US may use the ‘humanitarian aid’ delivery standoff to justify a military action against Venezuela.
President Maduro previously said that Venezuela would also close the border with Brazil.
#23Feb|| Cumpliendo instrucciones de nuestro CJ @NicolasMaduro, Cmdte CEOFANB AJ @CeballosIchaso ordenó al Sistema Defensivo Territorial #FANB despliegue operacional en la frontera colombo venezolana para resguardar la paz y seguridad del pueblo tras cierre de la frontera.
— CEOFANB (@ceofanb) February 23, 2019
- Mike Pompeo Says Regime Change Is Also Planned for Nicaragua and Cuba, Not Only Venezuela
- Fears Of US Military Intervention In Venezuela Grow Further As US-backed ‘President’ Continues His Coup Attemp
- U.S. Plans To Deploy Special Forces Troops, Weapons Close To Venezulean Border: Russian Foreign Ministry
Just more suffering for the people of Venezuela. I just hope no war between two brother countries is going to happend. Thanks for the update SF!
Is breaking all political and diplomatic relations with Colombia a good idea ?
This goes well beyond sealing the border, which is a smart move.
The self declared president was using the Colombian embassy in Venezuela as a safe house. Where will he live now :)
Very fast and smart move. Well done president Maduro.
Hopefully that fool Maduro is removed soon, before any real damage is done.
Removed by whom? So you expect a US intervention, good or bad he is legitimately elected, no one can remove him by force, things just don’t work like that in the world! But for the US Everything is on the table
No, he has been legitimately removed, and replaced by a legitimate president as per the Venezuelan constitution. Frankly, fuck your legitimacy, people are starving, fleeing and dying by the hundreds of thousands. I hope that pig maduro is gutted in the street by the starving mobs his narco state created.
Exactly how the majority of global citizens feel about you and your leaders in the US.
Well, i am not sure who you think you are speaking for. Your comment makes no sense. Our president has been elected. He is in charge. Democrats are bitching and moaning, as the first amendment allows them to do. If they ever get majority, they impeach trump, and then you can come help them take charge.
“Our president has been elected.”Hahaha what a hilarious statement. Correction Your president has been P’OWNED by the Zionists. Blackmailed and controlled. You know jack shit about hoe the USA government works dipshit. Stop drinking coolaid and doritos ya fat slob and get out and do some exercise. Democracy my ass. LOL fucking retard.
Haha, another muslim jew hating maggot. enjoy the depleted uranium sand faggot.
Hahaha Im white Australian. Your just a
cock sucking ass licking butt fucker. Bwahahaha
sure you are
Exactly what the majority of global citizens are saying. Your POTUS is a mafia gangster, elected by a rigged electoral system. If there is any decency left in the US you would pull down that statue that USED to symbolize American democracy.
Your global citizens are irrelevant.
yeah, and everyone in your family and in your shlth0le country still want to live here…
Don’t think so. You can keep your polluted country and GMO products to yourself. Everything about the US is fake, from teeth, body parts and down to character. You are truly showing your breeding; typical low life.
Don’t make statement your mouth cannot cash. The people are not dying by the hundreds of thousands. Until I see people dying in the streets or eating out of dumpsters, STFU.
The problem is you dont have command of the english language.
“the people are starving, fleeing and dying”
People are eating out of dumpsters in the streets.
The narco state is Columbia, and it was created by the USA, Cocaine production has skyrocketed since the DEA moved in.
Do you ever wonder why your government sells cocaine and heroin to Americans?
I am more concerned about narco state that starves its own people, rather than folks who feed american parties with cocaine.
Also, Sinbad, we wont be friends, thats okay, you can fuck off and drink yourself to death hating america.
I would rather die than be friends with such a wretch.
Haha, you should go to venezuela and help maduro, this way you can at least die less ignorant.
Yeah, you are full of crap. Your commentary is baloney in format and content. You have no idea what you are talking about…….
Yeah tinker bell, I have seen a lot of people roll in here and other places, talking smack, blaming it on the ‘dictators’, demanding justice be done by the US and crew ……. yep, it all turned out to be BS. Soon the evidence surfaced that in places like Syria, it was the US spending $12 billion, funding and organizing hard core head choppers, the US made ammo, started showing up in broad daylight, ….. yep all of that.
Uh huh, I saw many who wrote just like you do now, full of hot air and acid for everybody who doesn’t agree or calls you out. Well, here is a news flash hot stuff ……. the US already blew it’s load. It missed. Only thing is, the guys in the WH et al are stumped on what to do next. So they just keep banging away on that button, like a monkey in a space suit ready for launch. You are in the seat right next to those chimps.
So, go ahead and say anything you want right now, tomorrow, next week or next year. You will be just like the rest, who do not come in here anymore and talk trash because the reality painted them as fools and mouthpieces for the ones doing the harm. In the mean time, go jump in a lake cupcake.
thanks john
Fuck off shitstain.
misha, from cuba
Again fuck off.
i like it misha, short simple sentences, dont go beyond your ability or you will look like a fool.
Again fuck off.
Good luck mike
Again fuck off.
get some rice and beans after your shift mike
Again fuck off.
get some plantains with that smoked pig
Again fuck off GMO eating Yanke pig.
Hopefully that fool America is removed soon, before any real damage is done.
keep hoping, your people will go back to worshipping the satan allah before america is gone
Please you pathetic fascist are the premier lackeys of Satan , fucking useless psychopath.
hahaha, cuban mike strikes again…
Better Cuba then the trrorist state of Florida there miami boy.
When the US falls, millions from all over the world will descend on america for revenge.
Will a single American survive the hatred of the whole world?
The american government does a good job keeping savages where they belong, but should a day come when the american people had to defend themselves, bring it, we will bleed you in our streets and save money on taxes.
“..government does a good job keeping savages where they belong..”
At least according to you. Somehow, I don’t believe the rest of the world believes in keeping savages, psychopaths and felons in one’s government is where they belong.
Its true, we could do better, but we are working on a wall. As far as defending ourselves, we are the best armed people on earth. The only ones who could realistically hurt the US are Russia or China, and they wouldnt survive either. What is left of the people, if anything would be very small, we would still be the best armed people on earth.
“..we are working on a wall…”
You seemed to have built yours already, as facts don’t seem to be getting through.
What facts are those?
How about the fact that the US has had Venezuela under sanctions for approximately 10 years, strangling it’s economy for starters and that if the US was truly worried about humanitarian aid, it wouldn’t have been strangling it’s economy since 2008 to try and overthrow it’s government and steal it’s oil? How about the fact that organizations like the Red Cross recognize this ‘humanitarian aid’ as a political show and therefore refuse to partake? How about that people on the ground have reported from Venezuela, check out the greyzoneproject. How about the history of CIA interventions from the ’50s forward which you’ll find some of them neatly laid out in the book titled: ‘the Devil’s Chessboard’ by David Talbot. How about the fact that the felon Abrams, has used ‘humanitarian aid’ to send weapons to countries like Nicaragua for use by death squads? How about the fact that Gweedo was tutored under the guidance of the IMF and wants to sell Venezuela’s resources to the US impoverishing Venezuelans (when not under sanctions) similar to the way the IMF has impoverished Greece, Ukraine etc.
You know, when I was in ‘Nam the government posted a list of music that shouldn’t be listened to. Curiosity got me to check it out and you know what? It was really good stuff. Perhaps you should try some of those sites the Empire tells you you shouldn’t listen to or watch because they’re afraid you might learn something they don’t want you to know. If nothing else, at least you’d get to hear at least 2 sides of an issue instead of just the one parroted by those interests who stand to gain from all of those that remain ignorant….. besides, didn’t your mama ever tell you that there’s more than one side to an argument?
Everything you are posting is a bunch of bullshit, venezuelans want maduro gone, thats why they are protesting. If US helps them, without causing an expensive war, good.
“..thats why they are protesting..”
So in your opinion there’s only protests against maduro. When you use the term ‘bullshit’, make sure you’re standing in front of a mirror so you realize one of the largest espouser of same. You’re either extremely ignorant or a troll.
Maduro is not the president of Venezuela anymore, he is just a guy in charge of the military. One false step and he is a dead man. His soldiers are defecting left and right. Russian intelligence does better work than this. Who hired you? its just amateur leftist analysis, something maybe cuba quality.
Maduro is still legally and legitimately the President regardless of the Empire’s attempt to appoint a president for Venezuela. Of course you would know this if you could read and comprehend Venezuela’s Constitution. If you could reason further, you’d see that the number of countries that accept Gweedo as president of Venezuela pales in comparison to those countries who don’t.
Cuban intelligence is very sad, at least you have girls with nice booties. You should really be fired.
Good enough to scare Americans out of Cuba.
Russia scared americans out of cuba, haha said said propagandist
25th Person at U.S. Embassy in Cuba Is Mysteriously Sickened
You still seem to be stuck in the 1960’s, like the rest of America.
yeah, those are some dangerous crickets
Yes but even crickets scare Americans.
That’s why you all need guns you’re scared of everything.
Trump is no longer president of America, I am and I just ordered the bombers to bomb New York.
What a flawed analogy.
Non of your BS matters anymore, even you can see the end is coming for your disgusting empire.
And the world will do to America, as America has done to the world. No need for hand to hand combat, just poison the crops and starve you, bomb the water and sewerage, and let disease take its course.
best of luck with that, whatever shithole you come from will become a radioactive lake.
It won’t go that way, China is bleeding you out slowly, you can’t even see you are dying they do it so well.
China is a problem, but its self limited. they learned to steal but not to innovate. In the end capitalism will win. speaking of radioactive lakes, china is already uninhabitable, they may move to russia.
Yes they stole 5G, a technology the US cannot make.
America is now a backward nation, all it can produce is farm produce and obesity oh and money, the money press is going full speed to the cliff.
yeah, i am sure chinese 5g works as well as the j20. Dont worry, after the chinese get kicked out of venezuela they are coming to cuba.
China shows socialism beating your pathetic Yakee capitalism ass at their own game, and its funny when globalism and the market doesn’t go your way. Like pathetic kid with tantrum, you then cry unfair, that’s just pathetic, American Anglos are just worthless hypocritical manbabies.
America was renowned for stealing intellectual property and corporate espionage over century ago, stealing from the Europeans the industrial know how. Talk about to pot calling the kettle black, Anglo American trash their ignorance, stupidity, lack of perspective and hypocrisy never ceases to amaze me.
The Americans who wanted the government to stay out of foreign entanglements as desired by those who actually fought to create the country in the first place. The Americans who despise the government lying to the world about values it doesn’t possess such as concerns for human rights and adhering to the rule of law. The Americans who are sick and tired of the billionaires whose money allows the government to be infested with psychopaths unleashed upon the world at large and which has also been turning America into a 3rd world country.
Ever notice how the greatest psychopaths pushing for war mostly made sure they never served in the military or a war? You’ll always find recruiting offices in the poorest areas of the country as the population is good for something the way the billionaires and psychopaths see it, that is, cannon fodder to murder the populations of other countries and enabling the theft of their resources.
Generally speaking, you are correct, a lot of americans push for war unnecessarily in stupid places like syria, libya, serbia, iraq. Sometimes, removing a thug who is using a small group of armed thugs to enslave an entire population is justified, like hitler, isis, and maduro.
Maduro was elected. You don’t like it, vote him out next time. Your argument is so stupid, that you can’t comprehend why the military and majority of Venezuelans support Maduro against a country scheming to steal their resources and repeal the gains made by the poor of the country. If things were as you claimed, the government would already have collapsed, as the majority of the people would’ve jumped at the chance to rid themselves of the current government. Propaganda works wonders on the mentally asleep. Of course for the oligarchs, no propaganda is needed, they just desire an agreement with the Empire to share in the spoils.
Maduro was elected, then the congress removed him and appointed a new temporary president. Its Venezuelan law, dont like it? try to hijack a country whos constitution fits better to your dream. The majority of the people want this scum ball gone. Venezuela is a disaster, and socialists are to blame. Hopefully he dies soon, quickly and quietly.
Nope! Venezuela’s constitution cites that in the event the President is unable to perform his duties, it goes to the vice president, not someone who declares himself to be president as in the case of Gweedo.
If you feel that Venezuela is a disaster, then please examine which country has targeted it’s economy since 2008. It has nothing to do with socialism and everything to do with an out of control Empire intent on murder and theft around the world. The same people who control the Empire feel they could win a nuclear war with both Russia and China with acceptable losses…. i.e. you, me our families and most Americans.
Thanks for your political opinion. Socialism sucks, Cuba is a shit hole, i assume its your home. You are a socialist who voted for Trump? Hahaha. sure you did buddy.
Socialists should be executed like lower life forms
As I have written many times, you can’t deal with Americans, you have to kill them, it’s the only way.
well, you wont be the first to try it. Probably go as well for you as the rest. i see a drone in your future.
Common wealth countries are allied to US.
So perhaps a misfire? :)
Nothing says drone then right wing shit like you.
hahaha, ‘then’ you dont need English lessons
You need lessons in not being a delusional two faced Anglo hypocrite.
How did that work out for your Nazi mentors back in WW2 you pathetic fascist shitstain.
Russians paid a heavy price to beat hitler, doesnt change the fact that socialists are the lowest form of life.
At least now I know you’re incapable of learning or reasoning troll.
yeah, i learned enough, on the ground in venezuela, in the soviet union, in other places communists went and spread their disease. Much like cancer, eventually communism requires chemotherapy. Whatever shithole you come from, pretending to be a trump supporter is great, you should stop exporting ideology and stick to humor.
Maduro can step down and sanctions will be lifted. its simple.
Yeah right you should better
Mike, more roubles for english lessons bro, i like your comments, but what is this shit, get sponsored to boston or new york for a few years so that you can produce quality english posts.
Speaking of English, what is “more roubles for english lessons bro”
Not all of us are higher educated college graduates like you. :)
I just mean, mike can produce higher quality work if he received proper instruction in English
Again fuck off you paid of lackey.
if i were a lackey(whore) you are just a worthless slut
Oh that really hurts coming from paid Miami whore like you.
Misha, go to bed, no extra credit tonight
Sucking dick and posting shit here is barely enough credit for you to pay the miami rent.
its cheaper than paying your mother to stay over
Coming from cheap poster slut.
so many assumptions so little english
With you assumptions are facts laid bare about you mami thug.
haha, comedy
Better comedy then some necon right wing troll, pretending he is anti-imperialist.
Maybe I am wrong, because English is not my first language, but it looks like lackey doesn’t means “whore”
noun [ C ] UK /ˈlæk.i/ US /ˈlæk.i/ disapproving
a servant or someone who behaves like one by obeying someone else’s orders or by doing unpleasant work for them.
Kinda “toady” case, at my point.
no bro, it was an analogy.
Analogy of stupidity.
mike, english lessons are free on youtube, try grays anatomy with subtitles.
Sure thing professor trollwad.
I hope you are paid by post.
That looks like its you stock and trade, you should know better about being paid troll.
are you offering to pay me? its cheaper to get English lessons
For a so called English professor you got to much time posting idiotic alt-right, miami latino oligarchic crap on this site, again paid troll.
for an underpaid cuban leftist propagandist, whoring for Venezuelan dictator you have a lot of time posting rather than looking for cats to hunt or searching dumpster for glorious cuban rations
That hurts coming from lowly paid piece of mimi trash posting troll post for rent money.
hahaha, just trying to earn a night with lukes aids infested mother.
Please pardon me, but I just want to understand your logic. If you’re worrying so much about Venezuleans, isn’t logical to demand US govt unfreeze the Venezulean assets so Maduro can buy food and medicines for his own people? Those 4 or 5 trucks of aid doesn’t worth 7 billions stolen from Venezulean govt.
No, because Maduro is a real cancer. He should be removed per Venezuelan law, and the new president should assume control of all the assets currently frozen.
Spoken like a true neocon fascist thug.
mike, go home, you met your socialist quota, no need to work harder than other illeterates
Paid troll poster is not job lazy shitstain.
so why are you here?
Eskandar black, please stop answering to Mike. Be smarter and stop this grotesque first. Please.
you are right, but i am hoping he gets cuban rent money
Insulting Mike in the way he write his posts makes you his mirror image. ;)
Hey why should I respond to him in any other way, after he insulted a poster here who may be middle eastern with racist slurs. Plus his communist under every bed and the right to thuggishly take out the elected head of Venezuela’s government, smacks of the necon garbage I have had to endure on the MSM. S yeah I will cheese this idiot off, because I don’t think much of him.
Please Mike, try to understand me correct. I have no intention to insult you in any possible way. But, at my point of view, the only person who looks idiotic in this discussion is the person who is trying to insult the opponent with cheap bad words. Every human has a right to have an opinion that differs from yours.
Maybe so but his tough talk bs and clearly racist and ignorant statement deserves whatever he gets for insults. That being said if you have more patience dealing with people like that, then more power to you. As you can see, I kept my ire at him the whole time, hence I have no issues with you. T o much free times on the weekend to vent some frustration at the state of the world and the people who support such dire state I guess. Still hope you have good night.
Im starting to think its an impostor.
feeding cubans is charity.
Eskandar, please, stop it.
Again paid poster isn’t a job miami.
Why then Guaido refused the new elections if it is all about the law? It is a very wise idea if the majority of Venezuleans are against Maduro.
BTW I do hate marxism in all it’s forms, because social equity can not be part of evolution. But if the majority of the citizens in Venezuela wants socialism – why not? The bypass of the democratic procedures always leads to a dictatorship. The process is very good described by the von Hayek.
your premise is faulty, no one wants socialism in venezuela, its why the people are in mass protesting against armed military who is defecting faster than that cuban homosexual mike responds to posts.
So, if the majority is against Maduro, why then Guaido refuses elections?
the problem is that currently Maduro controls the vote counters, thus a legitimate election is not possible. He doesnt oppose elections, just illegitimate elections
Nope, that cheap excuse, for the fact they can’t win any elections and that’s verified fact done by the UN and and many international monitors, again you full of shit miami.
Okay. Why then Guaido doesn’t discuss the elections procedures which can satisfy both sides?
The venezualan supreme court does not agree with you.
As far as we are concerned, its their decision and we must respect other countries judiciary decisions. Otherwise this undermines every judiciary in every country.
Unless thats your goal, this outcome is not desirable for common folks, like me.
Venezuelan supreme court is a joke. A bunch of rubber stamping Maduro appointed puppets. There are two supreme courts in Venezuela, and they disagree.
Speaking of English lessons, Mike Youtube and Grays are all proper nouns and should be capitalized.
I love the way you wogs lecture native English speakers on how the language you barely understand should be written.
thanks mate, if i need lessons on sucking off goats, i will come to you
Put your glasses on, im not the other mike also.
Mike, i like you, i am joking.
labels, labels, just because you are a leftist slime, and i dont like you, you make assumptions about me. dance little panda, dance.
Assumptions, your the idiot that starts with assumptions, then again so called professor you right wingers live for assumptions.
Nothing more hypocritical then a right wing Anglo, and among the Anglos nothing more pathetic then their American variant like you.
Yeah i messed that up.mightily didnt I.
What i meant to say ( wich i bet you know exacly what i meant anyway)is: you , Mr Black , have condemend other regime change bs and called it for the bs that it is. You have been vocal on this about Syria and Libya.
What is the difference between Maduro’s elected government, that jimmy carter and crew said was legitimate, and Dictator Ghadaffi.
At the time(2010) we were all, fuck you muammar see you in hell. Now look at the fucking mess.
You really think doing the same in venezuela will work?
You think throwing the venezualans in a blood bath to remove maduro is worth it??
Who the fuck made you a judge? Last time I checked Libya and Syria are a mess. Why do you wish to impose that on the venezuelan people!!! What have they done to YOU, OH MR ESKANDAR WHAT!!!!!
What happened dude?
Your one of the smart ones!
You should know better than this.
Dont get mad at me, dont give me msm trope on maduro either like he steals all the peoples money, thats bs compared to what usa is doing to them.
You should know better than this!
Dont say the humanitarian aid bs. You have rejected humanitarian intervensionnism in Libya in the past, what changed???
Or your a hel aviv impostor, i havent eliminated that choice yet.
I asked you a series of legitimate questions.
You spent hours flaming with the other gringo yet didnt address my questions.
You asked i write better, i complied.
Whats the deal Black?
Mike, sorry, sometimes works gets in the way, I dont get to respond to everything, will do a better job.
All good brother.
Ill keep my reply short and simple.
Every regime change the west has done ended in disaster for the local population.
No matter how much of a crook Maduro is, I dont know and cant argue this point with you due to mass data corruption on the issue, his regime will still be better than any regime change operation for the people.
Unless Maduro eats babies with his cornflakes, military intervention is totally out of the question.
You are a good dude Mike,
I generally agree with you about foreign policy
Ever regime change the US was involved in with the exception of Nazi Germany and Japan.
Maduro is not merely a crook. I worked in Venezuela, lived there for a bit. The place is worse than the Soviet Union on its worst day. It has become a lawless, starving place. I am not interested in deciding who runs venezuela, but i want Maduro gone. This has nothing to do with Americans or their interventions.
It would benefit Russia to make inroads with the new Venezuelan government and plan for a future where the people of Venezuela support positive relations with Russia. Let China and India continue the foolish support of Maduro. It is unsustainable and will lead to long term destruction of relations with Venezuela.
I am not sure what level of intervention I want. I am not interested in sending US marines into Caracas, but I would like to see a drone strike after drone strike on top levels of Venezuelan leadership for several weeks, just to see what happens.
“Why not send humanitarian aid to Haiti or Yemen?”
You can’t expect this individual to know anything about those countries as there’s no oil to be stolen there and the propaganda arm, media, doesn’t discuss facts or reality…. it’s not on his tv set or allowed on his social media platform due to censorship.
Its not about the US, its about Venezuelans. The people want him gone. Propping up dictators in other countries didn’t work wonders for the US and it wont help Russia either. Maduro dies either way, the only variable is how many innocents go with him.
You still don’t seem to understand that the majority of Venezuelans don’t want him gone or it would’ve happened already, especially with the US using all of it’s weight and arm twisting to accomplish it.
Hears another news flash for you. People like me who voted for Trump to bring troops home and not involve the country in more death and destruction around the world like Clinton wanted to, have abandoned Trump for 2020 since he’s capitulated completely to the ‘swamp’ he promised to clean. I don’t believe he’s going to get 2 terms like Obama did, as he’s shedding supporters left and right except for those whose only goal is a wall.
What makes you think majority supports maduro? you are delusional if you believe this. If trump loses in 2020, but off maduro on his way out, its just going to be another positive thing he has done.
“What makes you think majority supports maduro?”
It’s called getting the whole picture and not just what the Empire wants you to see. You ought to try it sometime, you could learn something or you could stick with the wall you’ve built around your brain.
its called a load of bs
It’s called counting the votes.
Just because Venezuelans don’t want an American style fascist regime you get angry, you think everybody should be bitter and twisted like you.
As a great American once said,
“Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy.”
― H.L. Mencken
Venezuelans dont want the low life Maduro, thanks for playing
BS is what comes out of US zionist owned media outlets and US politicians mouths.
luke, you are a loser, dont waste my time, go fuck your goat mother in her beekeeper outfit.
Eskander your a cock sucking ass licking butt fucker who loves to suck the cum out of your Dads arsehole after he has taken a load of it from you. Bwahahaha
long sentence, copy paste save that, english like that is difficult to find in goatastan.
Do you have trouble reading sentences longer than 2 words do you? Shall I make them shorter for your primitive brain to comprehend?
you shall, haha, Shakespeare award for you my musi pet.
Hahaha ok one word sentences coming up for the illiterate retard then. Here goes. Eskander. Is. A. Cock. Sucking. Cum. Licking. Faggot.
Keep practicing luke, i am your father.
Dad? Is that really you? OMG Dad what the hell are you doing on here posing as a cock sucking ass licking cum eating faggot?
ask your mother, its hard to pass up that kind of a discount
Dad you know Mom left you when she found out that you were really gay. I haven’t seen Mom since she passed away from the AIDS virus that you gave her. Remember?
Musi aids? that sounds tragic, that shit penetrates a beekeeper suit.
Well you should know you gave it too her. Remember? You contracted it from all the homosexual homeless African Americans that you had anal sex with down those dark alleys at night. You told me this.
i think you are confusing me with the people who pretended to be your dad.
No. YOU said you were my Dad.
Goatstan boy you brown shirts are real cleaver lot.
Russia is a great country, socialism is a cancer that tried to kill it. Its a shame you are a brainwashed toad.
Socialism saved it from being wiped out by you hero Hitler,you stupid online thug.
I dont like hitler, lol, silly leftist subhuman, i just realize that socialism is a cancer, and you serve the castro types, how sad?
Fuck off you don’t, you full of it you are just pissed off that socialist USSR put an end to your delusional idols dream of empire. Your a shitty liar.
hahaha, you are so delusional
That not delusion that fact that you right wing pea brain can’t comprehend.
“What makes you think majority supports maduro?”
Well they win or lose on the number of votes, it’s not like in the US where party hacks(electoral college’s) get to decide, and the votes are just for show.
you obviously dont know very much about the american system
Brexit was the same. It was one of the few most democratic votes the UK has ever had, that Parliament is now doing its best to ignore because it was not in accord with the traditional values of the zionist scum who actually rule in the UK.
Every vote made a difference as all the votes were ‘placed’ in one box, unlike the parliamentary MP system where there are many constituencies and the victor can win with a small proportion of the vote when there are multiple parties to vote for.
Really troll, you never supported Potus.
I did support (voted) Trump over Clinton, exactly because of his anti-war message. Since he’s abandoned that promise, my family has abandoned him and we won’t be the only ones to hold him to account for breaking his promise!
Have you ever considered voting for someone not a Democrat or Republican?
Yep! The problem, as Eric Zuesse (I think I spelled his name correctly) is that the US is an aristocracy where a few billionaires at the top appoint who gets to run and the message in the media that brainwashes the population 24/7. Witness that Tulsi Gabbard, when throwing her hat into the ring, made a very common sense speech. She was immediately set upon both from the right and the left and appears to have succumbed. Money controls it all in the US and anyone actually wanting to represent the people doesn’t stand much of a chance at getting into the White House. The thing about Trump was that he had his own money, made the right noises and was set upon by the Dimmocrats from the beginning joined in by some psychopathic Republicans as well. Trump has one very major flaw, ego. He wants to feel loved and unfortunately, the only time the Dimmocrats, Republicans and media espouse love towards him (i.e. being presidential) is when he’s doing the work of the Deep State while spreading disaster around the world be it Syria or now Venezuela.
The thing about voting for minor parties and independents, is it doesn’t matter if they lose, it still scares the regular politicians. I have watched the major parties panic here in Oz when people start voting for minor parties. They even changed the electoral laws to try and stamp it out.
Voting for someone else, even if they are a total wack job is a powerful stick to beat the regular crooks.
I’m going to start writing in “none of the above”. That too is effective. Notice how in the ‘west’ the aristocracies are all worried about populism. They can’t stop the train, it’s coming.
I believe that the only thing that will make life better for all of us normal humans is when the dollar is no longer the reserve currency and the Empire no longer has unlimited funds for murder and theft around the world. Then and only then, after a time, will Americans have an opportunity to have a government that represents them instead of Empire and the world finally be free of regime change operations.
Yes but non of the above still means the regular politician gets elected.
Voting for his/her competitor is a threat to the red and blue duopoly.
true, but it’s a protest vote and in the propaganda environment here 24/7 and amidst the censorship, the majority of Americans won’t have heard of anyone other than those selected to serve the aristocracy as election candidates; also, the red/blue don’t care what the public think or do as they represent the aristocracy and control the media. As a matter of fact, I was intending to vote for Tulsi Gabbard after hearing her speech, but she’s already backtracked calling Assad a dictator who kills his own people and this, after having been to Syria, meeting with him and the Syrian people, coming home and telling the truth. She backtracked after taking a little heat from the media and McCaine’s war mongering daughter on tv. Prior to her backtracking, I had contributed to her campaign and was hoping she’d run as an independent. I’m afraid that the government is so entrenched with murdering psychopaths, thieves and scoundrels, that only the failure of the reserve currency will change things.
Any link of Tulsi calling Assad a dictator, killing his own people.
Hope that helps.
They get to everyone, she would have people she cares about, your family and friends are all at risk when you cross the US Government. is about as reliable as cnn, not at all.
Well, I gave one from RT which I consider reliable and one from the land of Deep State corporate sponsored propaganda. Some think RT is propaganda, some think that US MSM is propaganda. In this case, they both cite the same incident.
Yes the reserve currency means that the US dollar is overvalued, so Americans lose their jobs to people in countries with competitively priced currencies.
However being the reserve currency means that most international loans are written in US dollars, and countries need US dollars to trade.
Being the reserve currency is better than a goldmine for US banks.
So in America the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer. In China the poor get richer by having jobs, so they are labelled commies and are hated?
Right on Sinbad. I live in OZ too and yes we now see the 2 major parties sucking up to the independents here. We truely shook them up a lot here. The USA needs to start to vote away from the 2 main parties then watch the elites shit themselves.
Yes, selective voting is more powerful in Australia as it is mandatory to vote I think, Sinbad ?
Yes you get fined if you don’t vote.
You dont know much about me. I opposed the attack on Korea, and i supported Assad against the Wahhabi bunnies. In this case, Maduro is an illegitimate shithead, and should be removed. Hopefully by venezuelans, but if US help is required, thats one missile thats worth its weight in oil.
Again your full of shit.
haha, mike, if you dont know what you are talking about, why not shut your whore mouth? I have been on south front since before puberty
And sanctions will be lifted.
Pffft come on Esk wtf bullshit is that.
Well Maduro doesn’t give up, he closes all borders and soon or later the Neocons will start a war there will be a civil war with invasion from the United Snakes, it is not just Venezuela now, Pompeo and Bolton are starting to give the REGIME CHANGE also for Cuba and Nicaragua, I don’t know what will happen exactly but this will erupt any second! It is a time bomb.
Venezuela hard times are coming! US desperately need your resources to stay afloat. I hope you will win making the US empire fall faster.
Yes, very hard to beat F-18 Super Hornets, F-35 stealth fighters, B-2 bombers, and Tomahawk missiles will be coming in hordes. US Military now seriously considering direct military intervention to protect the people of Venezuela. It’s all over twitter and on the news.
Go away miami thug, you Yanks can’t win shit.
ever heard of the Highway of Death? An Iraqi Army convoy leaving Kuwait City to Baghdad was completely destroyed in 24 hours. It consisted of 4000 trucks, tanks, light armored vehicles, technicals, and 10000 soldiers. F-18s, A-10 warthogs, F-117 stealth bombers, and F-15 eagles bombed it nonstop and destroyed all vehicles/enemy personnel.
Yeah murdered retreating soldiers barely armed, thanks for reminding me what bunch of pathetic cowards and thugs you necon Yanks are.
Isn’t that what Kerry did from the PT boat in Vietnam and he got the Purple Heart because he got a scratch.
Yet you still can’t win shit Yank.
Go join the child killer Netanyahu of Israhell or get a job from the sick bastard torturing children in the concentration camps– you have all the credentials,you sick shit.
Jacob, you are as insane as Bolton. Full of hatred and bile, whilst you seek to murder the inhabitants of another sovereign state with US airpower.
You really should learn to keep your nose out of this.
Perhaps Jacobs Nose will be commenting later :)
In Iraq War 1.0 Iraqi army was in retreat from Kuwait with no air cover, largely in soft skinned civilian vehicles, with outdated armor support – ie T55 export variants.
In contrast, in 2000’s Chavez bought new military systems from Russia – Venezuela operates T-90 tanks and S-300 SAM defensive systems. Obviously, the US has more resources – but US military is always weary of engaging with peer to peer missile systems. This is why US wants Venezuelan military leadership to defect en masse.
F18? You definitely lack a decent level IQ, well below average judging by your comment.
Actually, Venezuela operates advanced S-300 SAM systems bought by Chavez. These are quite capable of downing FA/15/16/18 warplanes and cruise missiles The USAF do not want to engage with these systems if possible – that is why US prefers a political coup.
US Military needs to take firm and decisive action against Maduro’s regime. Take out his air defenses first with stealth fighters, then take out his military bases, and then bring in the ground troops.
US military can easily defeat maduro’s weak army in less than 2 weeks.
You are sniffing to many toxic fumes with Jacob Wohl’s nose.
With what ground troops to move on Venezuela ??
I agree, it’s the last course of action..
You mean stupid action.
I see the Miami shit crew is out and about posting their CIA troll garbage on sites like this.
A force of 80 F-18 strike fighters from a US Naval strike group could totally wreak havoc on Venezuela’s air defense and military bases. Add to that US strategic bombers B-52 and B-1 lancers escorted by f-22 and F-35 stealth fighters, US will have complete 100% aerial superiority over northern South America.
Oh forgot, add to that all 500 tomahawk missiles from the 6 destroyers/corvettes in the navy strike group. That’s 600 individual cruise missiles in addition to hundreds of strike fighters and strategic bombers. In other words, mass surrender within the first week.
Can’t respond with anything better huh keayboard warrior.
How well did that approach go in defeating the VC and NVA? Oh, that’s right, the US had to withdraw from Vietnam because its conscripted troops were killing too many of its own officers who were too busy stealing food meant for the front line troops and using it to buy whores in Saigon rather than leading the troops in battle.
Air defences YES, but ground forces? No. Venezuela will become a guerilla war front wreaking havoc on the same people that wanted change. Meanwhile US gets its oil. This is not going to go well for all involved except for the oil companies. Oil for misery and death. Another failed state courtesy of the USA, like Iraq.
BREAKING: US Venezuelan coup another failure – nobody shows up, IMF agent Guaido in hiding
Seriously… a bus was set on fire? A couple of USAID trucks that couldn’t get across the bridge anyway were torched? More international press running around looking for a picture than actual protesters? THREE foot soldiers nobody knew ‘desterted’? A few paid Antifa-like thugs threw some rocks at police?
I know many Venezuelans don’t like Maduro for a whole lot of legitimate reasons, but you have to understand that a lot of this started a year or so ago. The IMF was mad at Maduro for not implementing austerity measures on you fast enough, and their biggest complaint was that he was providing cheap gasoline for the little people! How dare he do that! Replacing Maduro with an IMF lackey? Er.. yeah. Let us know how that works out. I don’t envy your choices at this point, but there’s that ‘the devil you know’ thing…
I was wondering when the US sniper teams would arrive to ‘energize’ the crowds with liberty and freedom…
Already there, they killed some native tribesmen just the other day.
Yup, but those were different SOUTHCOM/CIA sniper team earlier today. That happened in a remote little town in southeast Venezuela near the Brazilian border called Santa Elena de Uairén. This is the only border crossing between the two countries, and nothing to the south in Brazil for miles besides the Amazon rainforest. It’s indigenous lands on both sides of the border there, so ‘native tribesmen’ I guess, but they have gas stations and convenience stores. Not the kind of place you’re going to find a lot of political activists – unless you bus in a few thugs and/or pay the locals a few bucks to make some noise. Wait for the National Guard to show up, then snipe a few locals. It would bring tears to a genocidal ghoul like Eliot Abrams. And think of the child organ trafficking profits!
Coincidentally, put out a seemingly bizarre article yesterday (link) claiming that Venezuela had deployed one of their S-300VMs somewhere near St. Elena’s little airport. By little, I mean like no hangars. Tiny. No pictures of the S-300, but they claim its radar emissions were detected starting on the 21st. That area would be about the dumbest place in Venezuela to put a S-300, and Venezuela denied moving one there. So why would anyone (CIA’s Brazil lackeys) plant the story that there was a S-300 there? Another MH-17 in the works? Some fuzzy fake-assed ISI imagery should help Bellingcat get to the bottom of this!
They are not even paying attention to this. They were working on previdência. Even the Globo redes here hardly ever mention Venezuela. The people here I talk to, friends and relatives, have all told me supporting a US move has no backing in the country. É não vai. Could be wrong but, it seems the public government support of this, could be a game being played by Brasil. Brasil has been a much bigger pain in the butt for the US than the occidental media let on. More frequently than not, they do the exact opposite of what da crew wants done. When big players have gotten out of line with them, the Rothchilds, UK, they were burned to a crisp and had to run off screaming, so to speak, before it got any hotter. Naturally, this doesn’t make the papers or english language history books very often.
They don’t trust the US at all and probably want to more fully expose what the US is doing, in terms of what they can see, before they back off and let that burning ship of the coup float off into the sunset. My take Pave. I wish well to you.
Didn’t mean to imply the Brazilians, themselves, were any part of the scheming, John. This is pure US SOUTHCOM/CIA clownfuckery. is rarely if ever mentioned in English language mil sites. Their report was picked up and repeated a little too quickly here – seems fishy. I’m guessing the crazy S-300 story was fed to them on purpose. It’s clear the editor doesn’t trust the US either – he hinted at the potential MH-17 at the end of his article.
The MSM doesn’t want to talk about it, but it’s pretty clear to everyone that most people in Brazil (and Colombia for that matter) have absolutely no desire to interfere politically or militarily with their Venezuelan neighbors regardless of what they think of Maduro. This frustrates the hell out of the US leaders, of course, who would prefer South Americans kill each other for US interests. I think the DefesaNet editor is right to be suspicious and I doubt either Brazilians or Colombians are naive enough to fall for a US false flag. The problem with US neocons is they think everyone else is as dumb and self-serving as they are. I’ll look forward to Brazil giving those psychopaths a good, swift kick in the nuts should the opportunity arise.
Thank you for your thoughts. You are one of the commentors on here that has helped me a lot, understand what F is going on out there. I have not seen a single post from you, going in any direction other than where it truly deserves to be.
I think that the Neocons are the ones who are uninformed at the least. Nobody down here is going to fall for their game. I wish well to you and a good week to come.
Pave you bring up and interesting point when you said native on both sides of the border.
I wonder how similar those native tribes or to our native first peoples?
Our natives dont recognise white man land claims LOL.
Its all native land.
Natives dont give a fuck about any government on either side they care about their people and there land, wich this venezuela mug job is not.
I agree with you, these people were shot by agents provocateurs.
Its was blaring out on CBC radio at 6AM venezuala army shoots 2 people.that was pre recorded…
Irrelevant acussation..
Say’s the miami shill.
Not if your one of the people the yankees killed.
Likely be Columbia paramilitaries or Venezuelan mafiosos – whoever the CIA has cut a deal with. Same script as with 2104 Ukraine, where Georgian sourced mercenary snipers were brought in to indiscriminately fire on both Maiden demonstrators and police – fueling mutual escalation and ‘political outrage’ in west.
Venezuela has a very small air force, a very small number of advanced air defense missile systems – they are in no way going to be a potent threat to the US Military in the long term.
Yeah and Iraq was cakewalk, you stupid keayboard samurai.
For your information, Iraq was a complete cake walk during the Gulf War and Iraq War :)
USAF stats in Gulf War – destroyed 40% of Sadaam’s aerial fleet, 6000 tanks/armored vehicles, 100% of its navy, and eliminated 50,000 baathi soldiers all in only 6 months.
US casualties = <200
USAF/Military stats in Iraq Invasion 2003 – destroyed 100% of Sadaam's airforce, 30000 baathi soldiers eliminated, 2000 tanks eliminated. All in under 3 months.
US casualties = <200
Again destroying a nation isn’t winning a war, you can bring the same statistics in Vietnam and you still lost. That’s all keayboard Yankee necon trash like you understand blowing things up, you truly are the definition of microbrain.
17+ years and the US has been unable to defeat the Taleban in Afghanistan – an organization that does not have an air force, armored vehicles, or of course a navy.
“the amerikan subconscious is maichean, dualist, barbaric”. Johan Galtung
u r proof
Yes it will be easy for the US to kill lots of people, does that bring a smile to your face?
again americans display that they have yet to become civilized
An American journalist once asked Gandhi what he thought of western civilization, he replied that he thought it would be a good idea.