US Warplanes Launched Massive Airstrikes In Eastern Syria (Map Update)

US Warplanes Launched Massive Airstrikes In Eastern Syria (Map Update)

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On the night of March 26, US warplanes launched a series of airstrikes in eastern Syria. The cities of Deir Ezzor, Al-Mayadin and Al-Bukamal came under attack. At least one civilian was killed and 20 more people were wounded.

According to the Syrian National Defense Forces (NDF) based in Deir ez-Zor, the attack took place at 01:49 (local time). Several US warplanes launched at least 10 airstrikes in Deir ez-Zor province. The targets were located on Raase Al-Jameeh street in Deir Ez-Zor city, Al-Tamo neighborhood, Al-Mayadin city, Al-Suwiyeh area, Al-Salehiya village and Al-Hajneh street in Al-Bukmal city. In addition, Al-Filat neighborhood, Ayyash area of Deir Ez-Zor city and Al-Hari area located on the border of Syria and Iraq were targeted.

US Warplanes Launched Massive Airstrikes In Eastern Syria (Map Update)

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The victim killed in the strikes is reportedly civilian identified as Emad Shahab. Minutes after the attacks, sources close to the Syrian militants claimed that several Iranian military advisers and other members of the resistance axis were killed in the airstrikes. However, these claims cannot be confirmed.

On March 24, Al Mayadeen reported that armed groups of Shiites belonging to the Islamic Resistance of Iraq movement fired missiles at a military airfield in Harrab al-Jair, which is used by US forces deployed in the Syrian province of Hasakah. Several large explosions thundered on the territory of the facility. Amid the escalation of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict in the Gaza Strip, attacks on US military bases in Syria and Iraq have become more frequent. Shiite forces warned the United States that they would increase the number of armed operations in Syria and Iraq, as Washington continues to provide military assistance to the Israeli army.


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_Tom Sawyer_

we will defend our nazis/islamist/jiddish terrorists at all costs!

usa usa usa!

Damien Lewis

once you go oled, there’s simply no going back to regular lcd. f that


what a bunch of losers the zionists enslaved, dumb green goes are. read my lips. numero uno: assad won’t be toppled. numero dos: the iranian landbridge from tehran into iraq, through syria & all the way to hezbollah in lebanon won’t be closed. numero tres: the zionists enslaved “servicemen” will eventually leave syria with their tails up their arse without achieving anything just like every other time since vietnam


al tanf and any other illegal us bases should be taken off the map, if the russians won’t do it give the weapons to those who will.

Satanic Anglo Scum!

the illegal al tanf occupational base is really no different from the old forts that would be established on the frontier in colonial america’s expansion towards the west, al tanf is a legitimate target for saa.

Last edited 11 months ago by Satanic Anglo Scum!

the united states is protecting terrorists who are fighting against syrians

saxon the sap nazi

our air force need practice—spend 10 million $ kill 1 camel


myslím, že je čas aby už konečne rusko zasiahlo a zničilo posledné základne okupantov z usa v sýrii!!! svetu mier!!!

Peter Jennings

this is an act of war. who the fuck does the us military think it is? even the houthis now have hypersonic weapons. when they make them in numbers they will use them in numbers. this means the us invaders days in persia are also numbered. it won’t be long before this tech is shared with syria. nobody anywhere apart from zionist warmongers are under any doubt that the me will be a lot better off without us thieves, parasites, and murderers.

Peter Jennings

the us has built their present economy with their military, stealing assets around the world like every other evil empire. the isreali apartheid regime has done the same locally so they both need wars to keep their economies going. their wars have created their economies and war will finish them.


where are the sanctions against the jewish supremacist colony the usa for bombing a sovereign country?

Saxon american tampon

amerikunt pilot kill scorpion in desert tells cnn he eliminated all al qaeda


it’s all about the illegal occupiers of palestine so that they can continue to steal and rape as they have been doing for the last 120 years, enabled by washington dc and london. finish the jew’s illegal occupation of palestine and the problem will cease to be i.e. no jews no genocide of palestinians.
