Egypt risks coming under sanctions by the US if it goes ahead with purchasing Russian Su-35 fighter jets.
US State Department’s assistant secretary in the Bureau of Political-Military Affairs R. Clarke Cooper made the comment while speaking to reporters of the biennial Dubai Airshow.
Cooper said the planned purchase of Russian jets puts Egypt “at risk of sanctions and it puts them at risk of loss of future acquisitions. It’s not a new thing.”
Washington could impose sanctions under its Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA), which targets purchases of military equipment from Russia.
“Cairo is clearly aware of this. It’s not new news.”
Egypt earlier this year signed a $2 billion agreement with Russia to buy more than 20 Su-35 fighter jets.
The Egyptian government has not provided any comment on the claims, but it is likely that its decision will not be swayed by the US sanction threat.
Cooper said using the Su-35 and other Russian weapons systems could pose a threat to a country’s ability to operate jointly with the militaries of the United States and other NATO countries.
Russia also carried out large-scale air defense drills in Egypt in late October 2019. The exercises come one week after President Vladimir Putin held a summit for African leaders in Sochi focused on enhancing Russia’s role across the continent, ranging from trade and weapons sales to military partnerships.
“For the first time, the two friendly nations’ military will act hand-in-hand,” Russian Col. Valery Chernysh, who oversees the Arrow of Friendship drills, said in a statement. “The Russian and Egyptian servicemen will exchange experience and learn how to work together when using modern air defense systems.”
Earlier, in 2017, Moscow and Cairo also agreed to allow, if needed, the joint use of military air bases between the countries.
Moves like this clearly portray the crisis in which US diplomacy around the world has found itself.
Earlier in 2019, the US pulled Turkey out of the F-35 program, because Ankara decided to go ahead with the purchase of a Russian S-400 missile defense system.
China has struck numerous arms procurement deals with Russia in recent months, and US threat of sanctions under CAATSA have done little to sway the decision.
According to Cooper, US President Donald Trump, in his November 13th meeting with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that for Ankara and Washington to maintain their relationship, the system would either need to be destroyed, compartmentalized or returned to Russia.
In September 2019, it was announced that India’s purchases of Russian weapons have reached $14.5 billion and US threats of sanctions have done little to stop the stride of cooperation.
India is the largest buyer of Russian military hardware, having signed a $5 billion deal for Russian S-400 surface to air missile systems in 2018.
“Last year and today saw the emergence of a tremendous portfolio of contracts in contrast to all previous years, $14.5 billion,” Dmitry Shugayev, the head of FSVTS (Federal Service for Military and Technical Cooperation), told reporters. “It’s a real breakthrough.”
In addition to the $5 billion S-400 deal, India and Russia have last year signed deals to deliver project 11356 frigates as well as air force, navy and ground force ammunition.
Other, traditional US allies are also looking into purchasing Russian arms or defense systems – Saudi Arabia and Qatar have both expressed interest in the S-400, while the United Arab Emirates signed an outline agreement for the Su-35 in 2017.
The threats by the US, and even the employment of sanctions have done little, which is quite showing for the state of international “pull” US diplomacy has currently.
At this rate the US is going to sanction every country in the ME but Israel and Saudi Arabia.
S. Arabia expressed will to get S-400 and Pantsir lol
They kind of disliked having their ARMCO destroyed under US arms protection :)
And under continuing threat until air defence systems that actually work replace the Patriot Movie Prop Systems.
As for sanctions, the calculus is simple enough. Demonstrated effectiveness of US military hardware suggests a value of zero be assigned to offset cost to purchase – 100% of purchase price and ongoing maintenance costs is dead weight.
So, if cost of sanctions < cost of US systems to make US happy, then option of purchasing US systems is rejected.
What is important here is that the pain of sanctions has an upper limit and so US arms exports are constrained to fall below the costs of sanctions. High handed US ultimatum style foreign diplomacy has accelerated the process of nations finding alternatives to SWIFT, US Dollar and other instruments of enforcing US hegemonic control.
Therefore, the upper limit declines over time until military sales fall to a point that the US centred MIC collapses.
Its the same with any greedy company.
A business chain of customers has to benefit every link in the chain. If that is not the case the chain will eventually break at the weakest links.
Of course customors has to pay for what all links un tbe chain do.
Do You go to a farm, buy corn and eat it as it is. In dont think so. But of cars with no wheels would save a lot of fuel too ;)
Greedy is about market and conditions around them. Here You fx might forget, that those customers also need protection for growth of wellfare and fx gets it.
Ah US told israel they cant sell a whole bunch of stuff to china or face sanctions.. They might soon tell SA not to sell oil to china or face sanctions.
Actually we are many, which also have smaller sanctions according to Israel. Fx its strictly forbidden to take and export anything from the Westbank by the settlers to anybody,
Your focus is narrowminded. EU in economic are just as big as USA (incl.GB). Even so You only comment us about 10%.
Our sanctions to other countries are milder too.
Me sanctioning every country factually means every country has sanctioned me. Basically a self-isolationism, caused by overuse of sanctions.
Thats right. Its much more like that. Trump is like USSR and Putin in this. If we are small single ones, rhe big ones can handle all as they wish.
Honestly my comment was not about Trump. To be fair Obama was the one who maximized the number of countries under sanctions, sure Trump took it to another level.
The problem is not the administration, the problem is about not having a multipolar world. When one country becomes too powerful, its human nature to start acting like a bully.
If Saudi Arabia will buy S400 and will not be sanctioned US will loose all its vasals that have even slightest bit of souveregnity.
I think USA vassals will do nothing. Most of Central and Eastern EU elites have their balls in the hands of CIA. So only those leaders, who have undisputed support of the citizens, can afford to buy arms, which make their occupation too costly for Washington.
Yeeearr. Much like You have no balls or brain Yourself.
Telling CIA suddenly becomes farmers and mineworkers makes me laugh.
Blame USSR neo-colonialists for collapsing themselves all the way to Berlin and Afghanistan.
It seemes Ukraine, Baltics, Poland and over there is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS ar all.
Please allow me to remind you that this part of discussion is about USA vassals, not about USSR.
Saudis already are sanctioned by USA in military matters.
I wonder if Your behind is as big as Your inflation naming them as “vassels” – Or its just dirty air from the inside of You.
After 2020 election they will sanction China!
HOW? China will be kicked from the WTO for massive IP theft amongst other things!
A lot can happen. EU and many others dont like the Chinese protecting their own production but selling to us for almost free to articifiacial lowered prices.
The last part has been a great help for the low productive chaiman Mao nightmare, but now they – fx also as India – are productive and wealthy enough to compete in fair trading,
Thats not correct.
it’s more and more obvious that the efficient working of the military industrial complex is vital to the well being of the unhinged states of A and any shortfall in projected sales is a threat to the equilibrium in the country. and in using the word equilibrium it is really a balance between the corrupt lawmakers on the hill, the pentagon and the military industry. any changes effect the future and thus the sanctions system for the parties that fail to hear clearly.
the white trash not concerned by the equilibrium are left to fend for themselves, hospital and health-services, low pay jobs, inadequate schooling and crumbling infrastructures in most of the unhinged states of A. how shameful given that the sheeple voted for the lawmakers and they failed the majority big big way.
Yeah, soon just a matter of time
in 3025 …
On a civilian level the US edict that the only shop (store) that their employees
( vassals) can purchase their goods from are the expensive USA Inc owned shops.
This was the situation in many parts of the UK during the 19th century, when some of the Oligarch company owners insisted that their employees bought their goods from the expensive company owned shops. If a worker refused they would lose their jobs and any company owned homes.
It is only continued EXTORTION that enables the US to survive today.
I will go a step further and say the Trump is on an extortion binge to force everyone off the US train called Hegemony on its way to the Cassandra Crossing. Trump the Destroyer is deserving of an A on his essay ‘How to obliterate US Hegemony in four easy steps – each step being a year of his Presidency.
In my humble opinion, if Trump did not have some support within the ranks of the cabal being taken down, he would already be dead. See my other post above.
We are almost there.
I see Trump as a result of the rest has become too stiff. We partly see that in many western systems. They dont change enough and are able to improve having its well known backsodes too.
Hillary was the alternative and not even Sanders could milder her kind of the establishment.
Thats no US or Britt thing at all. You seemes to forget, that many of those companies also sold many things much cheeper then if the workers should have bought it from the outisde as well as far away.
The alternative has been famous here and is well known in parts of USA too. Workers and others make their own shops in divided ownership.
And thats possible in all sectors. Some of our biggest shops today are owned by members. The best know is BRUGSEN., which today is named Coop Denmark.
They have many 100 shops. The internet part is
Arrrrrh – Military complex is same thing as the Russian Kombinate. And white trash is KKK or jews or what ?
You dont understand the USA system is chosen, and of course the several 100 millions doing fine hardly exist in Your dirty book.
Most of those poor are a kind of Sunnis following the tradtions. No contraseption. Vomen left alone with more and more children. No education needed. Fat by wrong food. Correct food is not more expensive. Low living age and in many kinds of pain, because they not try to help themselves.
Great parts of arabs cpuld settle there. If they didnt use the black clothe for women, they hardly would be noticed.
The US have been bully those countries for Israel,they have been humiliated in the public stage,yes you might have a few low life like the Saudis monarchies but a lot of them have been great nations on these earth with great pride. The Russians offer stability, fairness and independence to those countries ofcourse I wouldn’t hesitate one bit to get back at the USA once the atmosphere shows its time. The US policy ain’t fare,you can’t bride certain people to be your friends while you smaking them left and right,respect and friends is earn not enforce,putin is a mater player in wining heart and he knows well how to persuade
They can buy it, but if it endangers any IAF jets or pilots in the future we will destroy it. The only real threat to Egypt is Israel and they better never try to use it against us or they will regret it.
a sextet of turkey, syria, iraq, iran and egypt and hezbollah would make mince meat of israel in no time – would be perfect to kick the squatters screaming and wailing into the Med on their way to the next diaspora replete with gruesome pogroms. and if you join in the houthis with the excellent tactical fighting and possibly something from Libya and israel, body of thieves and murderers and so on would be few to the wolves. not a minute too sooooooon .
Then go ahead, tell them to start a war against Israel, I’m sure they will listen to the wise man verner and accept his great advice. Who knows, maybe they would even let you lead the assault.
don’t worry – it’s not too far away the annihilation of the murderous and thieving squatters.
Ok General verner, in you we trust!
we all know every jew has nightmares of Hitler and the Wehrmacht/SS at night xD
do you also need PTSD therapy for that? lol just make sure group therapy session psychiatrist is not german, otherwise he may be josef mengele
Easy Iron. You protest too much.
Just assessing the risks, imagine if the Egyptian attack Israel using the Russian weapons, what do you think will happen? breaking the peace agreement would give us the greenlight to roll the IDF into Sinai and capture the Suez canal. Everything is possible.
You are out of your mind but, fantasy is not illegal.
HaHa Israel can only destroy Egypt jets when they are on the tarmac!
Israeli pilots have a strong reputation all around the world for a damn good reason, I hope for Egypt they keep their logic and don’t do any move that will hurt them alot more than us.
Bombing civilians is not a stripe i would wear proudly.
They voted for the terrorists? they are responsible too. Don’t portray them as innocents.
Hamas are peices of shit in my book, qatar is their main backer not Iran. You should know this. Remember how hamas gear was found in Al Nusrah areas in Aleppo and Ghouta?
Iran does nnot back Hamas, it is Qatar.
and people wonder why the entire middle east dislikes the joos?
There are a few in the UK who dislike them as well as an ‘identity first’ group :)
France had a strong reputation around the world for a damn good reason and were the strongest military nation on earth …. at least on paper …. in April 1939.
First the Arab armies of the 1960’s and 70’s were self defeating. They had a weak officer corp that was full of nepotism and both Assad and Sadat issued orders without have even a clue about military strategy and in both cases their incompetence directly led to Israel victory. IF they had stuck to their war plans the outcome of the 1973 war would have been very different.
Second the IAF and USAF’s dominance over Russian made aircraft and air defences is attributed to one man …. Adolph Tolkachev …. the Russian engineer who worked for Phazotron and gave the USA detailed intelligence on all their radars and avionics.
This intelligence coup gave the USA and Israelis the ability not only to jam Russian radars and missile seekers as well as tune their own weapons into the wavelengths the Soviet systems emitted. The USAF had complete dominance over every Russian made radar and missile until the Russians started developing new avionics suites, radars and missile seekers in the 2000’s.
If the Egyptians get new Russian gear the IAF will be fighting the Egyptians on a level playing field …. provided the Egyptians are well led and those military leaders are left alone to fight the war.
Would be interesting to see the result of another Israel-Egypt war, though I’d like to keep it in the past because we don’t have any disputes today and we share common interests. However, if the Muslim Brotherhood somehow takes over, anything can happen.
The Muslim Brotherhood did briefly take power until overthrown. I am aware of Israeli concerns over the peace treaty but the Brotherhood did not overtly raise the issue of peace with Israel. This may be due to preoccupied with the volatile situation in Egypt and the short tenure before overthrow.
What is your take on what happened and what might have been the prospects of continued peace under a Muslim Brotherhood led Egypt?
Well, right now their president is Al-Sisi and he is a secular militaryman like Haftar in Libya. Both of them fight Islamists that come from MB, and we help them in that battle against ISIS in Sinai too. MB has helped Hamas to smuggle arms from Iran into Gaza via tunnels when they were in power in 2011, till the overthrown. I really hope they don’t get the power again, the relations were bad and Israelis didn’t come to visit Egypt when they were there, and we talk about hundreds of thousands of Israelis that go there for vacation each year. I expect the economic and military ties to be broken if they somehow get the leadership again, atleast that’s my POV.
Truth be told I wouldn’t worry too much about Egypt. They have no real martial tradition and haven’t fought in a long time. They’re like the Saudi’s who have all the toys but no one who knows how to use them.
Syria OTOH doesn’t have much in the way of modern weapons but has a battle hardened officer corp trained by the Russians and trained in the field during actual combat. In anyone’s hands …. Iran, Egypt or a re-armed Syria ….. they will be a force to be reckoned with.
this is why the Germans almost successfully wiped out all the european jews in 1939-1945. 1 single SS battalion massacred 100,000 of them in Kiev, Ukraine in only 1 day
Why would anyone want to “operate jointly with NATO” lmao
Actually we do against ISIS and together in many parts of the world. Even China is a corner of it.
Abandonning and betraying one good ally sends the other allies scrambling for new alliances. After Trump left the Kurds to the mercy of Turkey, effenctively siding with the Muslim Brotherhood against the proponents of Western values, it is no wonder that other enemies of the islamist movements (also those who not necessarily embrace Western values) are no longer seeing the US as a reliable partner. They are met with open arms by Russia and China.
Are you the one advocating for Western values? Would you please describe those values with examples of west promoting those values in other countries?
Yes, I am the one – or one of them. No need to describe the values. Sadly, you are completely right with your rhetorical question: The West betrays these values whenever doing so promises the slightest short-term advantage, without any regard for the long-term consequences, namely that those values, which are dear to us in our own countries, are seen as mere propaganda by the rest of the world.
the thing is that west have been betraying western values so long that there is no western values anymore and never were. If you ask anyone except for the pure propaganda consumers about what are the western values the answer will be: capitalism, oligarchy, debt, wars, colonialism, coups, sanctions and economic blocades.
You cite these “anti-values” in a slightly incoherent form. Namely, capitalism and large debt do not go together, as the price of money is the fundamental price in a free economy. When debt goes up, its price would soar as well, limiting the indebtedness any free economy could incur. Yet, it is this price of money that has been manipulated by central banks for over a century, in order to promote a debt-driven fake prosperity at the expense of long-term wealth accumulation, the result of free enterprise (aka “capitalism”).
the thing is capitalism works in a different way than capitalistic economic science claims it does. Capitalism in reality is oligarchy, but not because the global oligarchy have not been sticking to capitalism properly but becuase if you base a society purely on “motivation by profit” principles (capitalism) oligarchy forces will always win.
True somewhere, but not everywhere. Switzerland always has had a very free economy. And, at the same time, very strong rule-enforcement has made sure that the more successful people never turned into powerful oligarchs which are able to change the rules to their favour. The same used to go for Germany. Ironically, the process of the rich getting richer, while the poor are getting poorer, is precisely the result of supposedly socialist policy of money manipulation and rule-skewing.
Switzerland has a special protection and special regime imposed by the forces of global oligarchy. This has numerous purposes. Ever wondered why Hitler did not take Switzerland?
Your quote about Switzerland reveal a bit of idealistic view :) I will just add one quote that may serve as a hint to realize how come Switzerland managed to be “neutral” and stay away from all the wars reaping through Europe during several hundreds of years. Describing current Western political structure one smart person said “It’s like a movie making industry. Actors hang in US, directors are in the City of London but script writers are in Switzerland.”(c)
spot on
Well Capitalism works as it is stated in economic text books, it is just that no one actually practices capitalism just as no one practiced communism as described in Das Kapital and other works of Engel and Marx.
Economies are in practice mixed economies being hybrid of socialist and capitalist with some variation of the mix across nations. The US happens to be one of the most government interventionist (socialist) nations in the world as would be obvious to anyone using an Orwellian dictionary for translating US lofty claims of the virtues of free markets and allowing the invisible hand to guide markets.
The invisible hand was apparently quite visible to the iron boot of the US government that stomped on it until every bone was broken. Unfortunately the invisible hand subsequently died of exposure after been ejected from the intensive care unit for its inability to pay it’s medical bills.
Navy Seal Team 6 quietly disposed of the invisible hand at sea, hoping no one would notice. Well most noticed and for those that didn’t, Trump provided the education on how free markets really operate in the US dominated system.
Ehats Your own. Sitting passive and oil is only for lamps:)
It turns out that Western politicians are simply hiding behind nice words while their real values are greed and power over others. You may not notice but simple human values are being slowly replaced by some strange and obviously anti human “values”. Value of family is constantly diminished while freedom of perversions is promoted. Also application of those Western values seem to be very selective :) Judging by actual actions works better than judging by nice words and in this case it is obvious that those Western values are nothing other than lies fed to obedient sheeple to gain their support. Libia is a perfect example of implementation of Western values on practical level, yet Western sheeple keep boasting that they are on the right side.
Well the trajectory is the coming downfall… Nom nom nom (:
The values we have come to associate with the West – equality before the law, self-determination of peoples, freedom of religion (including non-religion), freedom of speech, freedom of sexual orientation (yes, including what a majority would see as “perversion”), minority rights, etc. – were neither nice words nor lies when generations of martyrs fought and died for them against the monarchs of the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. We have to continue to fight for them, now against the usurpators and dictators of our times. It is not the values that should become discredited, but those who wrongly pretend to promote them, while actually, as you say, pursuing the opposite agenda of greed and power.
It’s not the values that I’m discrediting :) It’s the fact that those values are no other than a veil under which power hungry politicians pursue the opposite agenda. “The values we have come to associate with the West” – its not because West is any better, it’s simply because West controls mass media. Those values that you listed are normal human values, there’s nothing western about them :) As for freedom of sexual orientation – for example here in Russia we don’t give a hoot what someone is doing in his bedroom. What we’re against is aggressive promotion of perversion to kids and youth.
During the Cold War, it was the desire of many people in your part of the world, i.e. the one belonging to the Soviet power bloc, to live the free lives of the people in the West. That is why these values have become associated with the West. You are absolutely right that these are normal human values, and it is a fact that some of them (like the economic freedoms) are now much better in Russia than in the West, whereas my country’s government at least is not able to send me to Siberia for standing in opposition to it (and being rich enough to become a challenge, which I am not anyway).
Martin, this quote “my country’s government at least is not able to send me to Siberia for standing in opposition to it” shows that you rely too much on MSM :) Are you talking about Khodorkovsky? That creautre was looting this country on behalf of his Western masters – that simple. He wasn’t detained for being in opposition :) There’s all types of opposition in Russia and even some very radical. They are free to express their views and protests as long as it is done within the low. BTW, Yellow vests handling in France showed that West is eager to opress protesters in a much harsher way than it happens in Russia. There were some protests this summer and our police looked like puppies comparing to those in France. I’m not talking about selected pictures intended to promote desired agenda. I’m talking about live coverage of protests – long enough to be able to see what’s going on.
Having lived through the Cold War, witnessed the break up of the Soviet Union that set us on a destructive unipolar path, creating by its blind arrogance the seeds of its own destruction that is all too apparent today.
What I described is what happened and what is now happening. What the MSM tells us is something very different. It was only by great effort that I broke free of the MSM propaganda machine rather early. Many are only just waking up to the fact that they have been fed a bunch of lies, but are still heavily indoctrinated to beliefs that have been internalized most of their lives.
Reprogramming requires patience and a sense of engaging in a way that is cognizant of the effects of a lifetime of indoctrination. Russia is engraved on the souls of Americans, I know, I grew up in the US. And as you have wisely said, give it time. And it will take time to undo the damage but patience is a virtue here as Russians will find the people of the west are not much different and vice versa.
I look forward to that day.
Well said.
Protesting “within the law” is difficult, though, if the law effectively forbids protesting…
Martin, are you trying to deliberately spread lies or is it the case of you being disinformed? Would you please give an example in which way Russian law “effectively forbids protesting”. Here’s a link (use google translate) to actual law.
What is forbidden:
to hold large gatherings in unauthorized places (were it can harm normal activities of citizens or city infrastructure (transport etc.)
To harm private or municipal property. Any violence in general.
Let us know how does it differ from laws in Western countries. Also why don’t you answer about extremely violent handling of yellow vests protests in France?
Martin, if you are honestly disinformed than I will gladly help with links to actual documents and facts. If you’re another one of anglo-zio empire propagandists than you should know that it’s a tough job this days. Lies are easily debunked with actual documented facts.
The crux lies with the “unauthorized places”, as it is up to the administration to authorize or not to authorize where a gathering may take place. In my country, you are allowed to gather anywhere, even where it does harm “normal activities of citizens”. That means, you may block a central cross-roads for some time (but not for days). Harming private or municipal property is almost never prosecuted. In many cases when it was prosecuted, the defendants won in court, if this harm consisted, e.g., in the destruction of fences around a building-site for something the demonstrators aimed at preventing from being constructed. In these cases, our courts always give the freedom of protest the priority over property rights.
To be honest, my own understanding of fairness would not allow harming property in that way. But you ask about our laws and their application; so I describe the real situation is in my country.
The only exception is: You may not hold demonstrations within a forbidden zone immediately around the parliament and around the seat of the head-of-state. This is, obviously, to prevent a putch disguised as a demonstration.
In the case of violence committed out of demonstrations, for example police officers injured by molotov cocktails, the theoretical punishment would be the same as if you douse your neighbour with petrol and set him on fire. However, our courts usually argue roughly in the following way: The accused felt provoked by the police presence, hindering him in expressing his views freely, so there was an element of self-defence in his action. Then he gets a very lenient punishment. Again, this is not how I think it should be (if I had to make our laws, they would be much nearer to yours), but the situation, about which you ask, is as I describe it.
France is a bit different from my country. It seems you are not aware that the yellow vests first blockaded streets and protested more or less without violence, and the police let them do so. And you also seem not aware that it was radicals putting on yellow vests (if they had anything to do with the original aims of that movement or not), vandalized Paris, destroyed many private cars by fire, looted shops, attacked and injured official people. You appear only to be aware of the reaction of the police, which at that point became really harsh, much harsher indeed than would have been the case in my country. In yours, I guess, there would have been thousands of arrests and the yellow-vest leaders would already be in Siberia for 20-year hard-labour terms.
Finally, the nonsense about an “anglo-zio empire” is below your level of insight you show otherwise. But, as you ask me, I do indeed support Israel’s right of existence. And I am sympathetic with Israel’s wish to have a government in Syria with which to conclude a peace treaty as with Egypt and with Jordan. But this has nothing to do with a secret “Jewish world empire”, about already the Nazis got crazy, but which never existed outside their paranoid imagination.
Before I answer in more details, may I ask which country you are from?
I prefer not to make my country public, as I do not understand myself in any way as a promoter of it. Rather I feel like a citizen of EU, although I fear that this EU, under the present policies, is morphing into some sort of Soviet Union 2.0.
And there we go again. After asking Your stupid questions above, You make soace for Your own stupid and highly inaccurate and very biased answers,
News to me its only as western value to make money in a very greedy way. Most of us westerns are not greedy as You try describe, we are.
Those already are well described and visible. I wonder why they has not reached You yet. Actually You have asked those stupid questions here several times.
If US weapons were actually good then people would be buying that, but they are shit so countries turn to Russia, sorry USA but you need to understand these realities and stop forcing your shitty shit on everyone
Weapon sales dont say that at all. Your internet connection must very censured. There are good numbers for many years and they can be compared.
Countries dont turn to Russia. Russians are very good and relative cheep in several kinds of missiles. Of course You buy them, if You can – And next fx having Syria as a very good example. You have bought at lot of very cheep but outdated Russian equipment. But the equipment is not outfated, where You are. You are not able to handle more complicated systems by lack of a good raising of children and later on soldier.
for many countries the choice is this:
To buy Russian aircrafts or antiaircraft systems and face US economic sanctions
to not buy Russian aircrafts or antiaircraft systems and face US coup attempt or even direct bombardment
No change by coup is possible. Murci destroyed any possiblity for improvements for decades.
Yep, russia jets are on the way regardless of sanctions. The AA systems are next.
US operates like a Mafia protection racket – you buy from us or else we hit you with punitive sanctions. More & more countries are ignoring them.
It has good sides too, which You dont see, because You are a sideliner and probatly far out too.
More and more are not ignoring them but adapting. Changes are like and sometimes for the whole world. Yoru kind always be low even China takes over everything.
The USA wants a monopoly on arms sales in the ME because they can shape the military capabilities of individual countries through the weapons systems they provide.
For example Egypt gets to buy the F-16 but not the F-15 or F-35 while Israel gets the F-35 and F-15 …. Israel has the weapons to attack Egypt but Egypt doesn’t have the weapons to attack Israel.
Egypt has the Patriot Pac 3 …. and you can bet the US gives Israel the frequencies that this systems operates on …. but Israel gets a custom air defence system using US technology that Egypt, or anyone else in the world (except now Russia) has no intel on.
The same goes for the weapons the USA sells Saudi Arabia. The Saudi’s get the F-15 and the patriot but the Israeli’s have the F-35 so Israel can always attack the Saudi’s but the saudi’s can’t attack Israel.
The USA has been blindsided by Russia’s fast rise from the ashes of the Soviet Union. The sale of advanced weapons of which they have no control over and are effective against the Israeli’s and the USA itself to countries like Egypt and the Saudi’s puts US / Israeli regional hegemony at risk for the the first time since the mid 1980’s and the heady days of US dominance in the air thanks to Adolph Tolkachev
Russia sells jets and other weapon systems to our enemies, especially to Iran. Let’s see how they would feel when we sell the Ukranians high tech weapons that can kill Russan soldiers too. An eye for an eye.
I don’t think the Russians would care …. as long as they weren’t nuclear capable and controlled by the USA like the Aegis ashore. In that case they’d likely just paint a bulls eye on them and assign a few more Iskanders to the Southern District. In fact I’d say getting the Ukrainians to spend money on weapons at the same time they lose gas transit income only works in Russia’s favour.
The thing about giving weapons to a nation like the Ukraine with such an ideological split between East and West is if you sell them advanced weapons how can you insure they will be kept secure. The Ukraine could erupt into civil war or could be extremely affected by the next recession. Do you really want advanced Israeli weapons in the hands of a country that relies on the likes of Azov Batallion and Svoboda for their security? That could REALLY turn around to bite Israel on the ass.
You have a good point, but I know Ruskis only care about money and they don’t even care for their own soldiers. It’s not that I love Ukraine they also killed alot of Jews in WW2, it’s a classic case of the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Why should Israeli soldiers or civilians die from Russian ATGM’s they gave to Hezbollah? or other weapons they sold to Arab countries and somehow got to Hamas or Islamic Jihad? it’s a dirty game. My point is, Russians can make us bleed, but it works both ways.
“Why should Israeli soldiers or civilians die from Russian ATGM’s they gave to Hezbollah?”
RUSSIA gave AGTM’s to Hezbollah? So on one hand we have you claiming Russia has armed hezboulla and on the other hand we have senior israeli officials praising Russia for patrolling the Syrian border keeping advanced weapons out of hezboulla’s hands.
The Soviets were communists ….. they gave their designs away for free. Soviet weapons were made all over the world ….. Iraqi T-72’s were made in Iraq not Russia, AGTM’s and small arms are manufactured all over the world.
The British, French, Saudi’s, USA and Israel have been arming “rebels” in Syria and Libya with Soviet weapons from countries like Bulgaria, Romania, Poland and Ukraine for the last decade. Russia sells arms to the SAA and Iraq not Al Queda, ISIS or Hezboulla.
If Hezboulla are getting their hands on Soviet AGTM’s thank some old MI-6 spy drunk on gin sitting in a cafe in Istanbul …. financed by the Israeli government among others …. not the Russians.
This is the danger of these cute little plans to get third party nut cases to fight your wars for you. It seemed like a good idea at the time …. then the blowback hits.
BTW What did the Russians sell to Iran or Syria that puts israel in danger? I’ve never heard of SAM’s being used to attack any country. Are you really arguing that selling arms to defend sovereign air space from invasion by air is aggression against israel?
Very good reflexions. The freedom for Ukraine, Baltics and others there should be some outbalancing being armed but no attack mode.
A very overestimated version for Russian weapon sales.
You must be blind Yourself. Other weapon producers sell a lot too.
I allow me to propose MEs should focus on develloping anything else then weapon systems.
Other weapons producers sell a lot too however the USA sells advanced weapons based on this strategy and have admitted to in in the past when Egypt wanted to buy the F-15 and the US wouldn’t sell it to them. This is why the Egyptians approached the Russians to buy the SU-35.
Furthermore explain why the USA refused to sell the Patriot to their NATO allies the Turks but sold it to the Egyptians and the Saudi’s?
They are trying to shape the power structure not only of the ME but the entire world and if you don’t play ball you get sanctions, chaos and colour revolutions.
I thought America was about free markets, meaning competition, I guess they don’t want to give a reasonable product at proper price in the market. One thing Anglo’s, weather old or new worlder exceed in, is hypocrisy and being two faced, no wonder why English speaking countries are Zionist, it fits their character to a tee, i.e lying uncompetitive cheats.
Thats because You are stupid or cant read.
One of the main problems for the free market for them, EU and others are, that China dont let us into their market and in the other hand sell producta to us much cheeper, because they are hidden subsidized and owned by Communists.
Thats why the markets in stead of that free out and in now is taxed as the only possible equalizer. TRump is right in this even most countries dont support his methods and instability.
The downfall of US hegemony is like a snowball rolling down a mountain slope. At the bottom is the Cabal HQ through which the world order is maintained by their attack dogs, the most powerful being the US. All the attack dogs see the snowball coming as it has grown to such gargantuan proportions no one can pretend any more… except the dog with U.S. engraved on its collar.
Some commentary has correctly pointed out that the overuse of threats of sanctions just isolates the US even further (and faster). I agree, and I think that is the intent behind Trumps foreign policy. Trumps backers want to break US hegemony and this is a good thing, even for the US. A unipolar world enforced by a state so powerful it becomes unaccountable will, despite any initial good intentions, inevitably descend into a blind tyranny.
It will blind the controllers to their own folly as growing vanity silences the voices that could have warned of the dangers of their chosen path. This was our path if nothing had been done, and so we averted a destination where nothing would have been left except radioactive ruins. This fate is still possible, and it will always be so in the age of technology, so remain vigilant we must, always.
The controllers will look back one day and be grateful the snowball that is coming did indeed come because it did what they were incapable of doing on their own – it saved them from themselves.
Egypt once again siding with the wrong nations. They should commit to an alliance with the USA/Israel/NATO and abandon the russkies and chinese
You are absolutely correct… if you said this 20 years ago.
Seems like you are against the free market. This is not about siding with Russia but getting the best deal possible
Forget Your free market crap. USÁ for many years has support the Egyptian economy and by that food for the many lowproductive Egyptions. But the main reasons is a bought peace between them and Israel.
So USA see those jets as compensation for frindship trade. I see Egypt anyway has no money. Soon they hardly willhave water as well and be named as The Mursi Skelletons.
Just get lost already, Rocket Nose. NO ONE like you anywhere… except maybe in Nose Land ;)
Egypt waste billons of dollars in weapons every year………..and half of the population live in poverty……..
Sooner or later will explode again……….sooner or later.
Egypt is very rich with immense reserves of gas on the coast. The alternative to Al Sissi are the Muslim brother friends of Hamas. Not good for Nazision.
Venezuela is over a sea of petroleum………….is a failed state………..
If you waste your money……….NEVER is enough…….
USISRAEL Zionist mafia can only team up with Al Qaeda and the Kurds and steal Syrian oil, the world has turned its back on it, they are in the final phase.
No oil is stolen ýet. From when?
Very advanced text – If You are a child.
Jens you are paid to write fools here. Americans steal oil in Syria, Israel steals gas in Gaza. You and them are Donald-Bibi and the 40 thieves.
I am sick of the doctrine of you followers of God Zion and his Prophet Trump, you are the golden calf, pagans. Neturei Karta not you, are our Jewish brothers.
And You again try to mingle the truth in internal forums like here hardly no westerns se.
But You kid and make Your many false things, so You never will any progress in anything You do.
If I close my eyes and try to see You, I only see naked unshaved behinds in circles and You have no contact to the rest of the world – Ypu not even try.
And what do we see. Only brown dirt comming put from those behinds, no paper no toilet.
Hard to see the world true that whole, but You can pretend and 1001 goly arabic nightmares of Your own.
I started to read and write here, because I was blamed for knowing nothing. That came from mainly musloms but also Dansh Right wings.
I now know much more and even can read and write english from hardly nothing witin a Year.
I am confirmed. Most muslims less about their old countries then some one like me has adapted. They know even less about neighbors in ME and that includes the etnic groups.
Thats a good reason to fight among each other. Your books about Yourself incl. archeology and DNA almost only is totally lying nationalisme of the worst kind.
No Marsian reader of history books would be the ME countries are at the same continent or planet.
Jens it is easier for me to be a brother of a redskin than a Zionist. An Iroquois proverb says: “Peace is not only the opposite of war, it is not only the temporal space between two wars … Peace is more. It is the Law of life. It is when we act in a right way and when between each individual justice reigns “.
Menachem Begin, on the other hand, says that Jews are the chosen race that will dominate the world, as long as this happens without going through nuclear war first, it will not be in my name.
more proof that the pitiful empire is near collapse
USA as well as EU is not even close to collapse. We dont have Your promitive one string systems as well as too much ineffective centralisme.
Our systems are made for change when needed and sometimes fails too by bad chanhes, bu they cant collapse, because it has tools against that.
You only tell, that Your context are not able to translate, how we do. Uou not even has a language for it.
your stupidity is unsurprising
Hard to see Egypts can effort any renew.