On April 14, US Vice President Mike Pence praised the recent missile strike on Syria, which was carried out by US, UK and France, and warned that the Damascus government would have a “price to pay” if it launches an attack with chemical weapons “again,” Reuters reported.
President Donald Trump “made clear that the United States of America is prepared to sustain this effort to reestablish the deterrent framework that exists in order that the Syrian regime and its patrons know there will be a price to pay if chemicals weapons are used again against men, women and children,” Reuters quoted Pence as saying during a Latin American summit in Lima, Peru.
Later, Pence criticized the Russian attitude towards the conflict in Syria and called on Moscow to distance itself from the Damascus goverment during an interview with the CBS News TV. The US Vice President even held Russia the responsibility for the alleged “failure” of the 2013 agreement for the destruction of Syria’s chemical weapons.
“Our message to Russia is, you’re on the wrong side of history … It’s time for Russia to get the message that President Trump delivered last night. That you’re known by the company you keep,” Pence told CBS News.
Pence was not the only US official to threaten the Damascus government with further military actions. US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley said during a UN Security Council session on April 14 that the US is “locked and loaded” and will response to any chemical attack in the future in a similar fashion.
Pence’s threat proves, once again, that the US and its allies are still looking for pretexts to intervene militarily in the Syria settlement, according to Syrian experts and local observers.
Furthermore, the increase in US military threats and actions toward the Syrian government are an example of the gunboat diplomacy, which is often implemented when some side is not capable of achieving own goals through more “soft” measures.
Setting up a casus belli for the next false flag. These devils are so predictable.
Syria just demolished the last attack.
ALL but 32 missiles destroyed,the three damaged buildings were vacant,,,,just like Trumps head.
If you think Trump’s head is vacant, Pence is much more frightening, he actually believes what he is scripted to spew.
You are dead right! He sold his integrity way back for a few pence. Lol
The buildings that US, UK and French morons have targeted if truly there were chemical weapons produced or stored so that would be a disaster for the whole Middle East region because bombing it would spread poisonous and toxic chemicals in the whole environment which would kill thousands but there were not chemical weapons. LOL
No, he believes he is right, that he has integrity. Pray that he will see that he has been wrong, that he has been fed lies.
Pence being a christian zionist believes totally in biblical scripture, the end of days & coming of the messiah. He supports ancient Israels right to huge areas of land currently in Syria, Jordan, Iraq. The guy is nuts which makes him dangerous
If you believe that he is a Christian just because he says so than you must also believe Trump when he praised Saudis as a great peace brokers in the ME. You cherish dangerous anti-religious sentiment using Pence who is a member of Vatican’s Opus Dei as an occasion to discredit all Bible believing Christians. Weather you did it intentionally or on purpose it’s in insult to associate person as Pence with the flowers of Jesus.
I realise this forum is geopolical & it was not my intention to go down a philosophical detour. I was just commenting on how Pences strong ideological zionist support make him dangerous in a position of power. NB on a side note I do believe literal biblical scripture is BS but each to their own
His ideology originates in Vatican since he is the member of Opus Dei promoted by its the most prominent members in US Koch brothers.
It’s Vatican ideology.
I think the point he was making is how dangerous Pence is…which I completely agree with. He is a self-proclaimed end timer. People claim a lot of things, but Pence actions say he is dangerous. He did not discredit all religious people, you read that in yourself. Is this your christian version of anti-semitism? No questioning, no comments?
Oh, drop the Opus Dei bullshit.
Cool down mite and do a bit of research.
A real Satan worshiper, way beyond being just an Israeli ass kisser.
That is fundamentally the problem with American boomer-conservatives, they’re so pathetically loyal to Israel because they’re ‘god’s chosen people’. Literally everything they do regarding foreign policy revolves around ‘what’s good for Israel?’
Thankfully that retarded generation is slowly dying-off, with fewer and fewer zealous Evangelical/Protestants replacing them.
Mike Pence believes in a total MISINTERPRETATION of the Script, A true Christian would heed Christ’s Word’s which he doen’t, as Christ said, “The kingdom is taken from you and given to a nation bringing forth fruit unto God”. I don’t think Christ was kidding when he said that, but the jews have been trying to take it by force which zios like pence are aiding and abetting, problem for them is that it is a Spiritual Kingdom and they didn’t understand when they murdered Christ and they don’t understand it now
Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of
this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered
to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from here. John 18:36
“christian zionists” are heretics.
Pence is a member of Vatican Opus Dei destined to become another unelected US president after Trump is impeached.
Pence is a protestant. Opus Dei is a fundamentalist catholic organization.
Nope. You inform yourself.
so what, pence may as well be a catholic as he doesn’t pay any attention to what Christ said, as do catholics they are running around trying to make the old(flesh) man good instead of crucifying him with Christ. Circumcision of the Heart is an act of God. The old man(the flesh) can never be good enough but they try anyway, which is also direct rebellion against God
You remain a bullshitter.
It’s all just a mix of Crypto-Zio-Shit… every Religion has been infiltrated & Corrupted…Only ones actions, show ones character… that might be one of the Reasons Iran is closed as it is…to keep the Snakes out..
18 The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing. 19 Truthful lips endure forever, but a lying tongue lasts only a moment.
Proverbs 12:18-19 27
27 The one who has knowledge uses words with restraint, and whoever has understanding is even-tempered. 28 Even fools are thought wise if they keep silent, and discerning if they hold their tongues.
Proverbs 17:27-28
The truth will set YOU free too.
But you have to believe it.
Pence is an exposed baby raper and sacrificer to Satan. If there is any walking garbage, this guy is it.
Of course, the same thing goes for the great majority of those in high office in the U.S. these days. Hillary being the very most satanic of all. Also those in high office in academia, corporations and especially banking and finance.
Exposed where? Please give some pointers.
Here’s as good a place as any to start. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sSjrXK4NmQI
Some of this Qanon strikes me as bull but when it comes to the pedogate stuff, it can be found just by walking through these youtubes. It’s massive, world wide.
The Q outfit claims Trump is going to shut it down. Some has been shut down, a few with very large numbers arrested, but not a peep in the MSM. Trump is compromised himself. Not anywhere as deep as Hillary & Bill & Obama though. These pricks are all child murders.
Better pray for Trump to stay on in any case..!
They are all playing a script including Putin. Too bad people have to die to fulfill their twisted machinations. I mean what UN ambassador would ever be making the outrageous statements that Niki Haley is making if there was a real possibility of touching off WWII. There isn’t. In fact, if it was really serious a person like Niki Haley would never be anywhere near the UN and Donald Trump would not be President.
Hi troll can you give some better argument other than trying to make an incompetent UN US Ambassador look smart . Trying to lump Putin in that mess has always been the problem with trolls on this site unfortunately you guys are always spotted for trying to push the same agenda. There is a very cold hard reality of WW3 and not WW2 , your innocuous rantings like Starlight is getting boring other than you being trite in your point it is still the same pointless argument. Those aren’t the real players but only mouth pieces just remember the dumpy looking blonde who was standing on Nikki’s right she is a handler , so please spare me you posturings and opinions.
Cuckservatives will be on the list just as much as liberals on the DOTR.
Assad is not the name of a single person. Assad is the name of Syrian nation. Assad represent Syrian nation. Whole Syrian nation from North to South and West to East are united on Assad. The Israeli bastard cannot delude civilized world by their moronic statements. Attacking Assad mean they are attacking Syrian small kids. Till this time they have slaughtered 300,000 Syrian small kids and women, these MF have destroyed their homes, their defence industry. These MF have grabbed their land. No civilized world will believe their bullshit.
Rather than laugh, I inwardly cry. These ‘moronic statements’ and acts are killing innocent people and destroying their country by continuing to steal their assets and seting up bases to protect the terrorists they support in Syria.
Assad with the help of Russia and Iran develop two 1100MWe Nuclear power plants in Tartus and in Latakia and withdraw from NPT. Assad also develop Nuclear missiles industry in Tartus and in Latakia for their defence. Assad should not negotiate or compromise on Syrian defence. Be strong. Learn from Pakistan, Iran and North Korea.
Assad must have at least enough S300 and Pantsir-S1 for air defence.
Take JF-17 fighter jets from Pakistan.
Yes, it seems that their technology is not as superior as they claim, and that their determination and willingness to take any risks to win is even more absent. The US military only succeeds when it is at no risk at all and their so-called soldiers feel safe and sheltered.
Why is it that people still don’t get that it wasn’t about the effectiveness of the attack, but the escalatory progression that is being sent at Syria by bullying psychopaths. I can only fathom that most people never cover any serious topics in education or encounter bullies and psychos in their lives. It will keep getting worse because Russia is dealing with psychopathic bullies and that is the NATURE of psychopathic bullies, regardless of the effectiveness or of the technology. Nutcase Pence is a prime example as is Haley and the whole infested swamp of them!!!
Good grief, interesting, but not as dangerous as psychopaths. Schizophrenics harm themselves while psychopaths harm others and lack empathy. I wonder if there’s a gene for that and if so, maybe any would be so-called representatives of Americans should be forced to undergo a test for the existence of that gene prior to being found eligible for office.
Washington would be empty if this test had been given all along!
Mostly true, but there are a few. Out of all of Congress you probably could find no greater than about 10 that would pass. In the Deep State, maybe as many as you could count on 1 finger.
I stand corrected = I know of Richard Black, Tulsi Gabbard, Rand Paul to name a few of those courageous and well-meaning people who try to stand up for the rights of others.
Rand Paul???? The whole Paul family are life long masons used as gatekeepers for the Rothschild exchange medium monopoly.
Grow up.
Rand Paul is the only one to stand up for Americans many times. He will even sit down in the middle of the floor to make his point. Besides, my grandma was a Mason – we were poor people, so the rich Mason thing didn’t apply with her. I base my comment on following him and what he tries to do for us when so many others are trying to take away the little we still have.
Apparently you haven’t paid a lot of attention to his votes. ALL of his votes.
Masonry is not just a matter of getting rich, it’s a whole different religion which is NOT Christian. Satanic control after the first 33 degrees.
BTW, if his father was any sort of problem for the Rothschild cabal he would never have been allowed to hold office for so many years. It does not work that way.
As a foreigner looking at America, I see things like this.
It does not cast a good light.
That’s part of it…
Yes, jews must be proud of being psychopathics.
Is anyone, familiar with Bullies, surprised?
Yes, my husband had a similar story. Here’s mine: I am a petite woman who had a much larger friend. I got her a job where I worked and she started bitching that I gave all all the dirty jobs to do – we were working at a dry cleaner handling uniform rentals and I worked much harder than she did, but she kept it up – finally I’d had enough and told her – ‘you want to go outside? Let’s go!’ She must have seen something in my eyes that told her it wasn’t a good idea, because she backed down and was ok from that point on. I’m not a fighter, but I was ready to deck her and jump up and down on her – I’m very easy going, but once I get angry, look out! Bullies can be handled only with force – that’s all they understand. I wish Putin would realize he’s talking to a bully when he talks to Trump. Trump’s a bully and will only understand force, like all bullies.
Like Netanyahu, don’t forget :-)
“Birds of a Feather FLOCK together”
Still think Putin is playing 3d chess or maybe just maybe he is playing his part in the script. I mean how long do you think this would be going on if Russia wasn’t playing Syria false. Why wouldn’t the Syrians already have the S-300? Guess what, they can get it from the Iranians now who design their own. This places Russia in an awkward position of somehow trying to stop it so as not to upset their masters in Tel Aviv. I hope people are finally beginning to get a clue as to what is going on here. Putin not the savior.
The only hope for Russia is if the general staff get tired of him and toss him out.
Well he let the Syrians handle it while they collected data to improve the Air Defense system which will really help out them and Iran in the long run. Now your assumption he is part of the Cabal is based on salacious gossip and opinions of his enemies. Just because Putin doesn’t go all in in this is because he is more a pragmatist and he is expanding to bring in Airborne troops look at the new equipment recently sent that is for those forces to be soon deployed there, where they will be deployed is just guess work.
Meanwhile Syrian Army has made arrangements to evacuate more terrorist factions out of the Homs region. Things move fast and the West is maddened by the fact of the pace of these minor successes are having in bolstering the Syrian people. This is something the West can never win is their hearts and minds as they misused and then abused the protesters with their lies and deceptions and then sending in more extremists from Saudi to try and takeover the country relied on some of the same groups in Kosovo to steal the Serbian capital.
Thanks for playing your little game of good cop and bad cop, troll, as that really doesn’t fly with me as it is always easy to spot your kind.
Pence is very dangerous,under the guise of doing gods work he wont hesitate to attack.
Every one seems to have missed the F’ACT
Yes this is the danger when you dont give the bully a blood nose, it creates an incentive for more provikation and further attacks.
If Russia insists on keeping its finger off the trigger (im glad they did) the only option is to boost its proxies ie Syria, iran and Hezbollah to the highest degree.
This will hopefully give them the means to protect themselves and senf the Israelis into backflipping fits of panic.
If they can defend themselves without intervention then again the Empire is further Humiliated.
Russia is in control and wont fail the free world
I am actually enjoying the show: the idiots are asking for a bloody nose and they are not getting it while exposing themselves for who they really are and hurting themselves badly ( reputation/ image if they had any; financially; morally- they have no morals but the tax payers do). This is how a self proclaimed empires go down to dust.
Dude, I really like what you said, reminds me of young napoleon who said never imterrupt your ennemy when he is making a mistake.
The reality is the syrians did a great job, once again.
Its a real shame how the west treats syrians. But they are showing their strength now. Not many of us know what they are going through.
Thank you.I can not hide the joy of all these insane statements in contrast to reality. Every little step is a great victory for Syria and humanity. The Russians and Syrians are not drumming their victories but they are victorious! I can only be happy about it and the crumbling of the self-proclaimed empire.
We could hardly imagine what the Syrians have been through but it is coming to an end.
Yeah, Im not looking forward to the crumbling part, we got it pretty good here, but I understand that for our standard of living here we stomp on so many little people…that aint right.
Victory to the Syrians
The crumbling part is the collapse of the jewish management/ mismanagement/abuse of Americans. I find it strange that you /one would support or hang on to such an entity.
Lol a saudi prince farts and gas goes up…
As they go down they will suck us dry in the process. I dont support this entity nor does my wife, we both inderstand the parasitic nature of..our civilization and their so called leaders.
2008 is a prime example. Another fine example.
The 2016 bitch slap to brazil by the us reall screwed is royally here.
We have a large potash mine that exports exclusively to brazil. Since 2016 brazil is not buying our potash amymore…mine closed 600 ppl lost jobs.
All these things takes a toll on everyone, and its like that almost everywhere.
Like I said, I’m glad this empire is going down, us peons will probably eat most of the crap, we deserve some for feeding at the trough though…
“…the parasitic nature of..our civilization and their so called leaders.”
This will have to change.
At least us Paegans won’t have to fear the rope…and Paegans killing Paegans had it’s best time too…now the time has come for the Elite to suffer…it will be fairly easy to bring’m down if a people United no longer buys their Shit…
Figuratively and Literally
As an American, I can definitely identify with your sentiments. I think that there is finally a very large part of the US population that is coming around to realize that we are going to have to bite the bullet soon. No, it won’t be pretty…but it will be necessary. I’ve done everything I can to be self-sufficient to mitigate what I feel is coming. The F’ing criminals taking us down this path are too committed (or coerced) to change course and we’re about to get a taste of what we’ve been dishing out.
Some times the humiliation of not being able to produce the hard on you have been boasting of is worst than a bloody nose in public! Is it called salt peter or soft peter?
This is why he is getting nuts ! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1b677469fdeac8a41b9fd2bee2a3be68a02f733ebb5961ab653502a01d3d1b82.jpg is
Russia hasnt used its defences yet.Didnt need to ,Syria took care of business.
Yes, but it is important to notice that Russia used its electronic warefare (EW) to make missile crazy too.
Il dit quoi le tit pantsir??
Pence the pussy, who always looks mesmerised by trumps hair as he stares constantly at the back of his head,probably trying to figure out where it came from,lol
If Pence is not a pedophile , I’ll eat my MAGA hat.
Haahahahaha – I never noticed that before; good one.
How much you can laugh on these morons laugh. They are true bastards.
They are all parroting the same bull so as to keep their positions.
Just wait a bit longer after Assad has got tid of the last terrorists then he will deal with you personally protected by his allies
”That you’re known by the company you keep” Hard to disagree! Russia is dishonoring itself by just becoming Assad’s lapdog guardian for no effin reasons since all the Oil is anyways in the hands of US/Deir-ez-zor council.
I fail to see any upside to Russian interests in syria
That’s because you and US are not interested in fighting terrorism. All you do is stealing other countries’ natural resources.
A troll can be a troll and still open our eyes to uncomfortable questions. If Russia is much of the time just green-busing the headchoppers from one place to another, isn’t even the counterterror part of their Syria mission a double game? Or a triple one? Or — never mind, I think they lost count in the Kremlin as well.
Side question: do we ever hear Lavrov talk about “our Syrian partners”? Or does he reserve that for the countries that have *commanded* his respect?
Stupid…once Russia gives permission to SAA to take US occupied areas, it would be game over within a week.
US forces cannot even defend themselves from SAA plus allies
not really, the us/nato/hymie combined force is pretty overwhelming
Perhaps you can explain how INSIDE Syria NATO forces can be overwhelming.
When Russia gives permission, how are Ñato forces which cannot defeat Houthis or Talibans able to defeat SAA instead of being wiped out?
Do you realise that Nato is naked in ME without Turkey?
Soon, Syrian Arab Army will march into the Israeli criminally occupied Syrian Golan Heights and liberate its stolen national territory.
You idiot syria doest give a fuck about oil, its about their people, there a socialist contry for fucks sakes!!!
Ok I was heavy there I apoligize.
Whats the point in having oil if all your contrymen are dead?
Thats not the issue, Syria needs to be destroyed to protect Israel, thats how ot is…please debate that last argument ,nothing else.
Syria provides Russia with its only warm water naval port – they dont want to lose that.
Russia is well aware if Syria falls Iran will be next & jihadis are a danger to Caucasus region of the federation. Putin knows they seek regime change in Russia & likely WW3 if not stopped now
Is that you again half-wit ?…….
Russia will not let a proposed gas pipeline from Saudi Arabia to Europe go thru Syria. It would effect Russia economically. Russia also needs all the warm water ports(Tartus) it can get. The US will lose because they are the Terrorists. The US by their destruction of countries like Iraq ,Syria, Libya, Yemen and on and on are destabilizing all of Europe. and Asia. These are things that my country did in my name. Unspeakable acts. I personally would Love to be there when you have to justify our actions. Is this what Jesus would have done? Honor is the last thing I’d associate with the United States of America.
you are so stupid-if syria goes then iran it means russia is next
Yep. Known by the company you keep.
Only total sicko’s could support those monsters murdering Palestinians.
bring it bitch!!! watch ur whole fleet get wiped out lmao
In an interview former Soviet president Gorbachev has just stated he thinks this is a training exercise for the west and a prelude to a ground invasion, I think it is too. I just hope Putin’s been transporting lots of goodies to Syria without anyone knowing about it and finally surprises me with some manly behavior instead of his usual girly man whining.
I must admit that I am tending towards that view….I think the Gulf states + the obvious hooked noses will join in the next time as well.
But let us hope we are wrong.
Pompeo’s Promotion: Zio-Christian Armageddonist Power-Play
Why do recent moves promoting Mike Pompeo to head up Department of State, and Gina Haspel taking over at CIA, point to the generals consolidating power for a man in the shadow of Donald Trump, Mike Pence? These promotions are elements of a contest between vying factions where the generals are winning. We begin with the promotion of torturer Haspel at CIA, to arrive at understanding of where this is presently pointed in a convoluted series of contested maneuvers from behind the curtain.
Greater Israel , coming right up. Either that , or Armageddon.
Since both outcomes are about equally attractive , I’d suggest they flip a coin.
Pompeo is Jesuit by default as a former CIA director.
Trump thought about recycling an old tweet , but his handler nixed the idea :
Dude that’s brilliant! Lol
So what happened they launched some misiles most of which where intercepted. Those that did land hit abandoned buildings there where no miltary equipment destroyed no casulties. They where pre warned the attack was coming. And nothing has changed . More S300 coming to Syria from Russia. Assad remains in control so whos winning. What did that attack achieve? Nothing!!!
Pretty much. The real winners are defence contractors.
It must be part of the MAGA campaign. It will give some Americans a reason to idolise Trump.
I love the russian strategy: give an iron bone to the barking dogs. They bite it and broke their teeth :-D
What strategy. Without our own fly on the wall in the Kremlin war room, we have to take the mood on this forum as a flawed substitute: the Russians got *scared to death* once the US Navy showed up. They simply never expected it’d really come to that–like Saddam, like Gadhafi. I’m sure the Empire is applying maximum pressure right now to get the Russkies out of the way before a threatened ground invasion. As for what’s really going to happen, we will see.
And please spare me your Sun Tzu. The ONLY one who’s practicing Asian wisdom here is the Dark Throne, for they’re proving to be masters of Death by a Thousand Cuts.
You really are full of $hlt. Would you have been happy if America started WW3?
Making my point for me. ;-)
You’re sick.
Russia is not afraid of boats. It is afraid of overwhelming numbers, and this needs wider support in the populace. They haven’t really been threatened, they’re just extremely reticent to go all out.
Can i laugh on your face?
“Our message to Russia is, you’re on the wrong side of history … It’s time for Russia to get the message that President Trump delivered last night. That you’re known by the company you keep,” Pence told CBS News.
So, by company, let’s face it all, and include KSA and the like, right ? But possibly all the past ones too (Pinochet and the like)
And History is not be analysed focused on a small period on a local point. Let’s just consider a brief summary of post WWII history:
Who “tested”, not once but twice, atomic bombs on cities (with no military effect, apart from experimental) ?
Who has used the most chemical warfare (and by very, very far), Vietnam style ?
Who as mercilessly grounded countries (just to “punish” ennemies for having resisted), North Korea style ?
Who killed the most innocent children (just remember the 500000 in Irak, depicted as “worth it collacteral damage”) ?
Who made extensive use of radiocative depleted uranium (Serbia today faces 10x leukemia reates compared to neighbour countries) ?
Who has been drone-bombing for years with absolutely no considerations for collateral damage or innocent victims ?
And so on… Then comprare that with any other country.
It is highly likely that in some hundred years, any archeologist going through UN archives (let’s hope there are backups outside US…) will have no doubt on what evil empire (and minions) has been all along in the wrong side of history.
If I would be american, I would be furious right now. This is complete bull
This American Government is out for Total destruction of the North American Continent…..they built themselves Million-Dollar Bunkers and trying to get every American Citizen Killed..Cowardly Cockroaches is what these AngloZioNazis are nothing more…Afterwards America will belong to the Rich Motherfuckers when they pop up again… they think…..the best is to exterminate this Vermin
Ironically, the rebels have got permission to launch other chemical attacks on the Syrian and the promise that every chemical they launch will be rewarded with another bombing.
How many times can they keep using the same false claim – the pretext has a shelf life before it loses any value. Even the dumbed down sheep may start to wake up & begin to have doubts.
Even the current one is one too many. They do not care!
In fact ,Kiddy Nikki said they are loaded for the next round!
Do it is best SAA starts attacking US assets once they are ready since there would be more useless air strikes from cruise missiles as US would not dare to risk their planes shot down
“what has prevented the United States from starting a full-scale attack against Syria is the presence of Russia and the fear Americans feel about Moscow’s military technology.
“So, I think what we are seeing here is one of those technological thresholds in the history of warfare. One technology has made another technology obsolete and I think the Russian missiles have made a couple of trillion dollars worth of military hardware obsolete and the United States fears this and they don’t want to press the issue,””
– ‘US wary of Russia military technology in Syria’ –
Nothing lasts forever. Warpigs keep talking. Watch Oklahoma and the labor situation there. Things will change.
Being on the wrong side of history means losing. We know which country is losing the war in Syria and cannot adapt to the situation developing in the country.
what a pos whore that dude is
What does anybody expect from the Vice-President? US political and military leadership is floating in its’ own dimension. Not to be derogatory in saying this but, the level of consciousness being displayed by them is no more than that of a monkey in a space program experiment, banging on the button for another banana.
Their behavior is driven by fluid morality; meaning right and wrong are determined on the fly. With all the talk of ‘American values ‘, there is no set of concrete morals from which they are operating. As a born and raised US citizen, this is galling to no end. With almost every performance by UN Ambassador Haley, she spews lies and unadulterated hatred, which is exactly as far from a moral grounding as possible. It is a disgrace. In my opinion and with all do respect, what Vice President Pence is talking about is monstrous. He should know better by far. I doubt he will stop, even should we arrive at a greater tragedy than is already upon us.
So, let them keep talking. It really means very little. I wish well to all.
I truly hope Russia provides Syria with S300’s and some advanced anti ship missile technology. Pence is a neocon war criminal like the rest of Trumpo the Clown’s cabinet. We need to find a way to hand the Anglo Zionist Empire a stunning defeat without bringing the world to the brink of thermonuclear war.