US Trying To Use ‘North Korean Troops In Ukraine’ As Excuse To Get Directly Involved

US Trying To Use 'North Korean Troops In Ukraine' As Excuse To Get Directly Involved

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Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

In recent weeks, the United States and its vassals and satellite states have been pushing the narrative that North Korea is allegedly “sending infantry to aid the Russian military” due to its supposed “massive losses”. Both the Kiev regime and South Korea (specifically its National Intelligence Service or NIS) insisted they have information that Pyongyang allegedly “sent around 12,000 soldiers to deploy in Ukraine”. Many outlets of the mainstream propaganda machine keep publishing all sorts of unsubstantiated reports, with claims ranging from North Korean troops that are supposedly “already deserting” and then being “forced into penal units” to elite special forces that are a danger to the Neo-Nazi junta forces. South Korean sources are even presenting rather unclear satellite imagery as “proof” of the supposed “large-scale deployment of North Korean soldiers”.

There are other reports designed to fit into the political West’s usual propaganda narrative, such as the claim that Russia supposedly asked North Korea to “help drive Ukrainian forces out of Kursk [oblast/region]”. The NYT insists that Pyongyang allegedly sent 5000 soldiers to “help Moscow”, quoting American and Kiev regime officials as their primary source. Expectedly, no other evidence was presented to corroborate such claims. However, this didn’t stop the US from (ab)using these unsubstantiated reports to “draw red lines regarding North Korean presence in Ukraine”. Namely, the House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Turner sent a letter to President Joe Biden, asking him to “brief the committee on Russia’s use of North Koreans in Ukraine”, insisting this should be considered a “red line for the US”. However, it seems he decided to up the ante.

“If North Korean troops were to invade Ukraine’s sovereign territory, the United States needs to seriously consider taking direct military action against the North Korean troops,” Turner posted on X, adding: “I have long challenged the Biden-Harris Administration’s unwise position on restricting Ukraine’s use of US weapons against targets within Russian territory. If North Korean troops attack Ukraine from Russian territory, Ukraine should be permitted to use American weapons to respond.”

It could be argued that Turner, a Republican, could certainly be trying to (ab)use the narrative for political purposes, although this still doesn’t explain the need to go that far. Only the most aggressive warmongers in the Washington DC oligarchy use such rhetoric, particularly one concerning long-range strikes deeper within Russia. Worse yet, the troubled Biden administration also seems to be embracing this escalating rhetoric. White House National Security spokesman John Kirby claims that US intelligence services “found evidence that at least 3,000 North Korean soldiers arrived at Russia’s Pacific port of Vladivostok earlier this month” and that these troops then “traveled onward to multiple Russian military training sites in eastern Russia, where they are currently undergoing training”. He also added that “if they deploy to fight against Ukraine, they’re fair game”.

Neither Turner nor Kirby specified what exactly the Pentagon would do (much less how), but if they were indeed suggesting direct military action, the only logical conclusion is that the warmongering oligarchy in Washington DC is more out of touch than previously thought. Namely, if those North Korean troops are indeed deployed in Kursk oblast (region), any US/NATO missile and/or jet sent to attack them will be promptly shot down by Russian fighter jets and/or SAM (surface-to-air missile) systems. It would be even worse if the US or some other NATO member tried launching long-range missiles at Russia, as this would prompt the Kremlin to respond directly by launching its own weapons (particularly hypersonic ones, which the political West lacks entirely due to growing technological inferiority). Moscow already used these to neutralize thousands of NATO personnel.

Russia also sent a very clear message when NATO started flirting with the idea of the so-called no-fly zones over Western Ukraine, launching hypersonic missiles at an area that was virtually on the Polish border. This meant that any NATO forces foolish enough to try and cross the border would get annihilated in minutes. Obviously, the Pentagon is perfectly aware of this, which raises the obvious question – why is the US suddenly making threats it cannot fulfill (at least without risking to blow up the world)? Namely, days before US officials made these laughable threats, the Pentagon refused to support the assertion that North Korean troops are fighting in Ukraine, citing the lack of any conclusive evidence. On the other hand, even if Russia does have foreign troops within its sovereign territory, the US and/or NATO are the last to have a say in this matter.

What’s much more apparent is that the political West (or should we say the Deep State that’s also in bed with other warmongering oligarchies, particularly the one in Brussels) is determined to escalate tensions in the entire world and perhaps even ensure at least one war starts, so the (most likely) upcoming Trump administration inherits one. If we assume that Donald Trump really doesn’t want to start any new wars (and there’s certainly some merit to that, as he refused to invade Venezuela during his first presidency), then the war criminals in Washington DC have just over a week to start one, anywhere in the world. Whether it’s an escalation in Ukraine, the Middle East, Asia-Pacific or perhaps even at home, it doesn’t really matter to these creatures (because calling them humans would be too much of a stretch), as long as there’s more war, death and destruction.


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Boris Orlov

it’s great that our north korean friends get the chance to obtain real combat experience. of course, south korean puppets are nervous.

s n o w _ d e n

it will end up in ww3 anyway. they are escalating systematically. if russia think they will not use long range missiles with nato personel involved, keep dreaming.


follow the money to the uranium mining magnates for it all war and climate change electric cars electric homes etcetera all necessitating nuclear power plants globally.

AM Hants

isn’t ‘virus’ gates, who is heavily linked to the corporations who have purchased ukraine, getting involved in the nuclear field? what could go wrong? didn’t he drop out of college, yet, believes he controls the planet?


well what the hell, you only live once anyway.

AM Hants

they will try, however, think russia is more than prepared for all eventualities.


absolutely correct. putin prepared well in advance before making any move, where as the west, led by zionists, hell bent on destroying the west, destroyed most of the means to prepare for any escalation. thus nato is escalating beyond sustainment capability, and russia, iran, china, north korea, are easily matching these escalations because they have spent the last 30 years preparing for it. this why the betting money is not on israel, us, uk, eu… nope…jews fucked up.


mute point, already happened.


end up in ww3? you’re as blind as you are stupid… we’re already in ww3, didn’t you notice the us best before date on hegemony is up? khinzal pizza is being delivered, full stop, its fucking ww3.


well if your a marxist american like kamala and co that’s correct.

AM Hants

not forgetting, russia gets tips on how to man the donetsk and ukraine borders, in a similar way as the korean borders are administered.

Julián Assange jr

korean troops should go into action asap with full force and before the elections in order to either call biden’s bluff, or force his hand, either way it will help trump win defund and end the war.


idiot with julian assange’s nick, rooting for the election of bibi’s bitch, donald trump, who praises mike pompeo, julian’s biggest persecutor, the same is being considered by the trumpista for important positions in the government. welcome to american cerebral diarrhea


correct. they want war either with russia or china they don’t care. trump will comply with china. no doubt. he s not suicidal.


mike pompeo’s a sycophant (aka trump ass-kisser). chances are, he knows his place by now.

that said, trump’d be a fool to let him back in. anyway, he’s a bibi ass-kisser so the only conclusion is that any administration, red or blue will be full of asses trying to kiss each other.

Last edited 4 months ago by antidisestablishmentarianist

no. if he tries just like jfk wanted to end vietnam hel’l wind up on the same slab.

Last edited 4 months ago by Anonymous

wrong, jfk didn’t want to end vietnam, he wanted to end the fed, and the israeli nuclear weapons program you misinformed retard… no nothing know it all… 😆

Joseph Day

trump will do as he’s told. and a few tweets. just like last time

Last edited 4 months ago by Joseph Day

orange topknot considers appointing mike pompeo as u.s. secretary of defense, praises bibi for war in lebanon, boasts bibi is following his advice, orange topknot transition chief howard lutnick says he should elect trump to end with jihad, while the people of sf dive into the mud of trumpist propaganda trying to fool their readers that this guy has the ability to stop some shit, the only thing he will do is start a war with iran.


he will do whatever his (((masters))) tell him to do.


they all do and the masters are those who are above the law, at least whilst in their domains. eg kings and queens including pontiffs, the king of kings. “the law is made for the king, not the king for the law” is the maxim from centuries. only under revolution can that be changed eg napoleon stripping the popeand the vatican of their temporal powers abd imprsonining the pope until mussolini restored them in 1922 i think from memory then from 2013 the act rolled on.


exactly tly he surrounds himself with bidens catholics. his first wife and his current wife too. same old. “the greatest threat to american democracy will come from pope’s and prince’s” george washington
“america is our barracks” winston churchill the kings prime minister.

Jewish pimp

dragos usual bs. nato is already directly involved.


hahaha classic understatement if ever there was one. imo.

AM Hants

talking of nato, isn’t the new head being prosecuted in denmark, along with gates and the ceo of pfizer? looking forward to the outcome.


hopium show trial to buy gates 3 more weeks of freedom before people just rip his ass apart on the streets…


the only escalation the usa hasn’t been involved in yet… nuclear war…yet…


talking about penal battallions it was just scary to see recently these 5 pow who turned out to be all rapists straight out of jail. kiev regime is emptying prisons for the kursk offensive👹 and let the useful idiots from usa come these mercenaries have not been in battle against a modern standing army for many years it is time they get their reward✌️🤫💪

Last edited 4 months ago by thewhiterose

it is coming. the us eu and uk slowly escalating. brics should agree to use us and eu and uk interest on uk us and eu assetts to finance third party countries due to their support and participation and support of in wars in mid east and ukr


ask maxima.

AM Hants

can you imagine the hysteria from the usual suspects? worth it for comedy value.

AM Hants

i thought kursk was in russia? what is the problem? how many nato forces fighting for ukraine, have returned from their vacation in ‘body bags’?


well over 4000 now…


14 march 2024 — 5962 according to the mod’s data.


hey, why not try writing about how the united states isn’t involved in this war first, work back from there. what part of this conflict wasn’t the us involved in? as if the zionists of america need a fucking reason to become “more involved”… roflmfao. like how the oss “didn’t rescue” (sarcasm) the galacian nazi rat pack for future use in dirty wars elsewhere against the russian people whome rothschild despises like the socially arrested khazar dreamer shmuck he is..?


excellent, i hurt some “feelings” by slapping them with the obvious truth… i can still feel their bitch ass trump derangement tears on the back of my hands…. more down votes…give em…

former Airbus Engineer

2025: trump: -i wanna end this conflict because too many people being killed. and in case of ww3 lives of millions americans would be in danger.👀
elensky: -i dont give a lame shit bout the lives of my millions own people, why should i give a damn shit about lives of americans. no, just throw you sons and daughters into the battle.🤣


if this were the 40k universe! the military industrial complex are essentially korn worshippers!
foorrrrr koooorrrrnnn! more skulls for his skull throne!!!!


any excuse for the otan mouse to roar……the north koreans will be helping repel ukrainian and otan mercs from russian territory so they need to come up with a better excuse


putin called up kim, “hey kim, wanna troll some nato wanks? send me 3k troops and line them in the square right as the us spy satillite comes overhead so it’s ridiculously obvious. then, went they start freaking out, i’ll refer to article 4 and we can troll them back for all their article 5 babbling.” kim said, “only 3k, no problem, if you need 5, 10 200k, by next week, you got it, can’t wait to see annalise bareback cry me a river, she can barely spell ‘escalation’….yep”


nk will get everything it needs, military and economic, from russia and china. uncle sugar had better mind his manners if he doesn’t want an advanced icbm on washington. and if the s. koreans or taiwan start playing silly bu**ers they will suffer the same fate as the ukronazis. maybe kim will donate a couple of spare nukes to iran.


nazi parrot drago junta chooked the same bs since 3 years ago..3 years with the great russian army the new world order lol to much cheap votka here


russians agovern are the new china vassels the alleged new world order eh eh


true, the nk troops will be used for more anti russian propaganda and maybe as excuse for long range missiles deliveries to ukr.
so i dont understand this russian move,
an what will be the big difference if only 10k nk troops will be added to 700k russian troops?
while there are still some 2 million russian reservists in russia.


nah its a play to get south koreans fighting for z. this way they can postpone the wwf interland title fight nato – russia.


similar to ww2 when usa baited japan into attacking pearl harbor to justify involvement in the european war theater?


pearl harbor is in hawaii, it’s pacific theater of operations. the us put oil embargo on japan. modern ships and carriers were moved out before the strike, they knew about prepared attack. no need in false flag operations to enter war against germany, because they were allied with the ussr, uk and france. same as ussr joined to fight against japan in 9th of august in manchuria and defeated their 900 thousand army group in 10 days. lost of manchuria and korea = no resources for war.

Ivan Freely

yep. so few people know of the oil embargo; thinking japan attacked for no reason. however, the embargo was due to japan actions through the region.


there is no evidence of any north korean troops fighting for russia.
