U.S. to Spend 900m USD to Produce Chemical and Biological Weapons

U.S. to Spend 900m USD to Produce Chemical and Biological Weapons

Last week the US Defense Department announced that it had awarded 900 million USD in contracts for “logistics and service support to the Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical and Biological Defense”.

The US is the world’s number one user and has the biggest stockpile of biological and chemical weapons. The US used notorious chemical weapon named Agent Orange on approximately 10% of South Vietnam during the Vietnam war. The Agent orange is considered a major cause of certain cancers and other illness in US veterans and their offspring. It also caused severe adverse health effects such as specific birth defects on many Vietnamese.

The undersecretary of the Army , in a response to a New York Times investigation, apologized this week for the military’s mishandling of more than 600 service members who, according to the investigation, suffered from chemical exposure such as lethal amounts of sulfur mustard and sarin gas in Iraq, received inadequate medical treatment.

Since many of the chemical weapons were American-designed artillery shells made in European countries, the Pentagon did not inform on Intelligence of the proliferation of dangerous chemical munitions being uncovered in Iraq to the Senate Select Committee.

During the Iran-Iraq war in 80s, Ronald Regan’s administration also helped Saddam Hussein to attack Iran with chemical weapons, later Bush government toppled Saddam Hossein for keeping weapons of mass destruction or WMD.

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