Nikki Haley, the US ambassador to the UN, threatened that the United States will take “own” action if the UN Security Council fails to act on an alleged chemical attack in the village of Khan Sheikhoun in the Syrian province of Idlib.
“When the United Nations consistently fails in its duty to act collectively, there are times in the life of states that we are compelled to take our own action,” Haley said during her speech that included images of children as a proof of the need of swift action.
In other words, Haley blackmaled the UN Security Council in order to get a decision in that the US is interested:
To condemn the Assad government for the attack without any investigation.
Haley emphasized that “The truth is that Russia, Iran and [Syrian President] Assad have no interest in peace,” indicating that he is ready to blame these countries if they oppose to the US actions in the council.
The UN Security Council convened on Wednesday to discuss a draft resolution proposed by the US, the UK and France, which would condemn Damascus for the reported chemical weapons attack in the town of Khan Sheikhoun on Tuesday morning.
Russia criticized the draft resolution for being unbalanced and jumping to conclusions. It said the document would have to include several amendments, such as calling on the rebels controlling the area to provide full access to UN investigators and setting an unbiased and comprehensive probe into the incident as the primary goal of the resolution.
“This draft was penned in haste and adopting it would have been irresponsible,” the Russian deputy acting envoy to the UN, Vladimir Safronkov, said.
He also blamed Western members of the UNSC for unwillingness to investigate previous cases of alleged use of chemical weapons in Syria, where rebel groups were accused of using toxin agents.
Reuters’ version:
Western countries, including the United States, blamed Assad’s armed forces for the worst chemical attack in Syria for more than four years, which choked scores of people to death in the town of Khan Sheikhoun in a rebel-held area on Tuesday.
U.S. intelligence officials, based on a preliminary assessment, think the deaths were most likely caused by sarin nerve gas dropped by Syrian aircraft. But Moscow offered an alternative explanation that would shield Assad: that the poison gas belonged to rebels and had leaked from an insurgent weapons depot hit by Syrian bombs.
A senior White House official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the Russian explanation was not credible. “We don’t believe it,” the official said.
SF recommends this article to get clear 3 versions of the incident supported by various sides of the conflict: ‘Chemical Attack In Idlib’: 3 Main Versions. France Calls UN Security Council Meeting.
Yeah, condemn the US and it’s terrorists. We want action now, also for the 1000 civilians USAAF has killed in March with impunity.
Watching this charade I’m more and more convinced this was staged by the same Neocons trying to get rid of Trump that now (think) they found a way to get Trump, Putin and Assad with one stike. If it wasn’t a tragedy it could almost make one laugh his balls off. It takes 6 months for a forensic lab in Paris specialized in chemical weapons NOT to make a decision on Russian claim of chems used in Allepo last October and less than 24 hours for US ambassador to UN to declare WW3 over Idlib…
it can be. Except they can try all they want, but getting it done it’s another matter.
They can start shooting again. Hasn’t worked out for them the last 70 years.
Doesn’t really matter anyway. Russia will veto. Lets see how many hands Trump gets for declaring war on Syria in the US. This is such a dumb move. It’s not like the US has even a bit of the glamour left as a bringer of good stuff. The whole world is watching.
I really hate the US I wish I could move to a better country
It’s not the US, same shit everywhere.
I know what u mean, but they already stated that if the UN doesnt do it, the US will! This means heavily arming rebels again (with ManPads) and even bombing the assad regime! It means more Russia and Syria sanctions! But Trump will get away with it because its just business as usual and a continuation of Obamas war! So it wotnt be considered a stain on Trump’s status. We can be sure this is an ExxonMobil (Rex Tillerson) , Neo Con and protection of the PetroDollar move with the eventual stealing of the European energy market from Russia which will be under US control and exports of US Shale Gas will Boom Trump’s “winning” economy!
I think you overestimate the support for this. The EU isn’t that crazy. And the real problem is that no party can win in Syria with this plan without fracturing the coalition at the same time. Russia, Iran and Syria can just hang back for a while until the crazies start murdering on a massive scale. It’s a trap and if Trump steps in it he’s done.
I was fooled to believe that Trump is not just a branch of the establishment. Well if someone still is keeping such hopes alive, it’s time to face the reality. And unfortunately, Trump is different side of the same coin. It’s a spearhead of hardline republicans that like to handle and instigate wars and directly involve USA in thous. The same that invaded Iraq twice, Afghanistan, bombed the shit out of Yugoslavia. They go to War, present the bill to the taxpayer and then investigate. Sad really I thought this crap and inflaming instability and wars will end. What a fool I’m. Trump is retard BTW.
I tend to agree with u on Trump, however, i do recall Trump ranting about “winnng” so much that we might feel sick of it! Lets be honest here, if this proxy war ends up in favour of the USA, it means Qatar gas pipes through Syria and perhaps Turkey, stealing the European energy market from Russia (hence the reason for the coup in Kiev, Ukraine where 70% of Russian gas transits to Europe). This brings more wealth value to the Petro dollar and enables sales of American Shale gas to europe (at higher costs). It makes Russia poor, contains Russia and enables further pressure to subdue and eventually take over Iran and Russia and get the entire loot of energy resources! NOT A GOOD THING FOR THE HUMAN RACE to have a monopolar world ruled by energy corporations! Rex Tillerson (Sec of State and former CEO of ExxonMobil). Of. Course….. its all about gas, oil, money and ExxonMobil! Trump might call this “winning”!
one does not get how American shale gas can get to the EU market, especially with higher costs due to extraction and transatlantic transport, if there would be already pipelines with different competitors lowering prices.
SCO should act unilaterally too.
Pre-emptive anti-ISIS/AQ operations.
Hipócritas y cínicos. They gave the chemical components to terrorists to use them against the population in order to blame Syria government !!
This is a test for trump. They tested Obama and he saw the evidence wasn’t there to blame assad. But trump is not interested in evidence, he relies on Fox news who accuse assad.
Trump will give the saudis what they want, he’ll ground the Syrian air force. He signaled this by firing Bannon.
He’ll give the israelis what they want, he’ll bomb hezbolla and Iran backed militia in Syria.
The Russians have serious syria problems now.
Whatever happens I hope its the Zionists and warmongers who are DEAD!
Please do it US and get a taste of Russian firepower.
Would show the world how they are still in the Saudi/Israel camp even after Obama/Bush.
That same fucking USA bombed my country Serbia without permission from UN and they used forbiden uranium bombs, 2000 civilians including children was killed and they called it colateral damage,
Yeah, so much for a fresh wind from the US. Guess Israel has been putting on the pressure.
Yep, an Uh’Muricunt is an Uh’Muricunt it seems.
You Serbian Chetnik scum deserved to bombed though only on the forces. I know how you claim Bosnians were “Islamist terrorist” based on Mujahideen volunteers who like Syria were welcomed as a helping hand but were later disliked by them and distrusted completely because of who they were snd what they did. The truth is that you wanted to create a Greater Serbia and take as much territory as possible. You however were prevented and throughly humiliated like your Christian Chechen terrorist ancetors in World War II. You and Russia and Assad are the same, lying mass-murderers. And your fanciful great Serbia with cross all over the Balkans will never be a reality. Of course civilians shouldn’t have been killed, but they didn’t drop sarin.
Hey NyassovIQ11 you dirty, turko-mongoloid a-hole full of crap if you hate Russia and Assad so much – go join ISIS and die – they need more homo-virgins in hell, you terrorist loving, lying pile of swine excrement.
NeoLeo IQ0, you spermcolored Caucasian European inbred from the snow-capped mountain caveman who worships a cross. Your act of Greater Serbia by warring against Croats and Bosniaks and your neoghbors has failed. And yes your plan had everything to do with it. I won’t join ISIS which Assad and his master Putin rarely fights against that too only when he has been indanger of being overrun, I’ll join DACJ(Destroyers of Anti-Christ Jesus). If you think you and your heroes are so great, go join Putin Assad and waste yor time murdering people. After that I’ll take the cross and bury it in your behind so you can wait to wash your clothes in Jesus’ blood whike he bloodbathes the whole world. Then I’ll go and sleep with virgins (aka Jesus’ mommas) you Chetnik and Christboyloving terrorists.
Nyanassov IQ -110 What an absolute moronic post ^. How about you stick to drinking donkey piss you little wannabe terrorist islamofascist sh**teater? Yeah, Borat, I’m proud to be European while you are still living in caves and yurts, you degenerated mutants from frozen tundra donkey anus, who worship some crooked, camel and children r^pist bedouin psycho, and his demonic terrorist cult. Spermcolored? Wtf are you talking about you raving lunatic? DACJ? (Donkey Anvs Crazy Jihadists). Alahaha
My plan? you’re hallucinating (brain tumor obviously, terminal phase). Here are the facts: the war in Bosnia ended in 1995. NATO bombing of Serbia started in 1999. different wars, different countries and yes, you are a clueless idiot. And no, I’m not from Serbia. So take your satanic Quran, your false ‘prophet’, his crescent, all his diIdo-shaped minarets, and that big, black, pile of petrified feces in Meccah, and bury it in your behind, or in your mouth, there is no difference – both are dirty, worthless sh**holes.
By so many Jihadists dying at the moment all around the world, your best chance is to get 72 virgin goats.
Nah Jesus’ virgin mother is open to all. She just finsihed banging a record million yesterday.
actually it was your mommy poor ol’ goat: all these dogs, horses, donkeys, pigs and 1 billion chinese ravaging all her bIoody holes /especially her butt/ again and again; at least you’ll have more gypsy brothers to send to mohamMad soon he likes little boys
If my mommy was a virgin, how did she give birth to me? No everybody isn’t a fraud virgin pussyripper like Jesus. That is why God shut Peters’ eyes, asked him which animal was permissible, then showed them all as permissible so little young Mary could take all animals and the whole mankind.
Russia messed up. They had warning in 2016 that Al Qaeda was planning this. They should have planned a rapid reaction force to seize the area for immediate inspections.
I heard an audio of Trump on the radio saying in response to an AP question after being badgered about trying to shift the blame to Obama’s red line …
AP: ‘Does this cross your red line?’
Trump: ‘This crosses many lines for me, when you have babies, I mean babies being killed with the type of gas that was used it crosses many of my lines’.
Being that Trump puts a premium on how tough he is perceived, this is a really bad sign. Russia better prepare those S300SV’s for a massive cruise missile attack. I can just hear Netanyahu whispering in his ear, ‘we bomb Syria all the time, it’s no big deal, you can hit them big’.
It’s a bigger game. Having the US in a new big war will cause a lot of tension in the US and will make the Trump presidency a lame duck. If the US really steps in it will have to pick Kurds or Turks. It will lose either way. The EU will also get hurt because it’s a joke. Russia can just hang back, it’s not Russians being killed out there. And they just like a naval base. Same with Iran. They can just wait and Iraq will come to them.
Maybe they just arranged this on purpose and did use chemical weapons to get the US in.
Maybe the liberation of opressed turkeys by the Russian-Persian-Chinese and Syrian coalition, starting from Kobane is an honorable cause.
Some NATO dogs should stay should play the trumpet in their cages.
I truly believe that the warehouse that got bombed had the chemicals.Im no fan of Assad however he isn’t stupid.There is no reason for him to use chemical weapons at this stage in the war.The speed at wich the west has blamed Assad shows their lack of knowledge about the Syrian war and the Middle East in general.The UN needs to fully investigate this event without assumptions.If Assad did do it he deserves to be killed or flee to Moscow
why u are not a fan of assad?
World Kabuki Theatre Tour on display. It is embarrassing & disgusting to see the USA sink this low along w/ Trump now playing his Zio-masters Pavlovian Trumpets. The lowest point in US history & justice ever.
It could still be a dumb bluff.
It could but, pretty sure the planet has had it’s fill of dumb bluffs. Winning Hearts & Minds NOT….
No argument there. Sadly the world is not united and loads of people love to see conflict because they think it’s a game they can win.
I blame fake history. After every conflict people always need to point out that the fight was just and they (the winners writing the history) the side supported by God or whatever. People see wars as sport matches until they are in one.
No argument there & see it the same way.
Panem et Circenses
Lol, we have an erudite here. Sadly sane people seem to always be a minority.
Considering that the US started the war in Syria, it’s isn’t as if they’re threatening to do anything new.
Nah, the US didn’t do it. Some US agencies might have helped but it was gonna happen sooner or later.
It’s do or die moment for Russian diplomacy now. It’s a test at this stage. Russia felt betrayed by The West and USA especially. They were never economically integrated and given a Share of the World Economy. Squashed and integrated in the corner, destined to become a resource base for Europe. The Russian political and economical Elite start preparation and eventually declared it’s positions and interests in 2013 with the first Staged Gas Attack. Now USA believes is ready to challenge them openly. If Russia abandon it’s ally it’s Game Over. Every one from North Africa (Libya , Sudan,Egypt) to Europe (Hungary, Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece) is watching and waiting for the outcome in order to pick side. It will determined, the stance and positions in future for many countries and factions. China, Iran, Iraq, The Kurds and central Asian countries as well. It’s decisive time for Putin to stand an oppose, eye and challenge them.
Russia only needs a client state around their naval base. I think both Russia, Iran and Assad are fine having ISIS, the Kurds and Turks fight it out for a bit with the US in the middle. They probably just get some popcorn and wait to see which side holds the fort for a few years. Gives them time and Russia will just focus on China for trade.
How is the US in the middle of this? They are behind all this shit going on
Tillerson: “We think it is time for the Russians to really … think carefully about their continued support of the Assad government.”
Yeah, they just supported him because of a drinking bet….
Time for tillerson to reconsider his support for trump and his Zionist masters!!!
Rex Tillerson (Sec of State and former CEO of ExxonMobil)
The Trump’s answer to the AP question about the Sarin gas attack crossing red line shows that he is a neophyte and diplomatically inexperienced. He was easily manipulated and he gave a hasty uncalculated answer. Now he boxed himself in.
I don’t really blame Trump, he can’t alone go against the tide… this hysterical media madness is far worse than during the cold war, this can be compared only to WW2 level of propaganda, war propaganda basically. And anyone (including the president) who dares to say something, anything different will be crucified, burned alive by media, by politicians (both parties), by brainwashed public. One word against their narrative and they will immediately attack him as a russian spy, traitor, public enemy etc etc.
Excellent take on the situation (hard to fight the MSM on this Jihadist news “story”).
you are naiv
“I don’t really blame Trump, he can’t alone go against the tide..”
obama did. all presidents have big rights.
trump is warmonger, nothing elese. this was my opinion from the beginning, when he appeared.
F*ck Nikki Haley, exactly the same lying, dirty bitch as Sam P…. I mean showing pictures of dead children in UN, how sick and low is that?! How many children died before US/Turkey/Saudi Arabia turned Syria into this bloody graveyard? All blood, all misery on their rotten souls, including these FALSE FLAG gas attacks. Russia should say so: you are the evil here, you and your terrorist minions. You are behind this and we know it. I’m little tired of russian facts, logic and calm, civilized diplomatic tone, it’s simply not enough against this insane, psychotic western hysteria and all their dirty, sick lies.
You hit the mark NeoLeo. What is bothersome also is that the US and Turkey have set up bases illegally on Syrian territory and nothing is being done about it. Also those terrorists take their orders from their sponsors and we all know who the sponsors are so why are they not being questioned and accused. Atrocities committed in Yemen, Syria and Iraq by these terrorists and their sponsors seem to be pushed under the carpet.
The major problem here is the UN and that should be discussed and criticized internationally.
I’m still trying to figure out how the hell trump thought she was the best pick for the job! I mean he said he wants to get along better with Russia but seems like she doesn’t feel the same way at all. Either trump is a complete idiot or something else made him choose her
Monday morning 3:06 Faras Karam journalist of the Orient , a network affiliated to jihadists wrote , ” a media campaign will kick off tomorrow to cover chlorine gas air strike on ciivilianss in Hama countryside ” . That was hours before the claimed attack happened .
Hope that motherfucker is dead
In extremis IF this ends in a nuclear war, the US being the wealthiest nation on earth has the most to lose and the aftermath in the US will be akin to the Mad Max movie. The US would be ruined, perhaps for ever.
Russia has a more dignified population that has endured much hardship for generations.
The US has a population that is largely narcissistic who would tear each other apart.
Even an american myself, I have to agree with you! There is not much I like about my country, or government, anymore!
We should never forget about the high price that US and Russia had to pay in ending WWII in Europe and Asia.
This is utter nonsense, time has come for the Syrian government to order the US out of its’ territory and if they decline then bomb the mongrels. US enlarging their bases in Syria without approval and ignored by the UN is a strong indication that this will escalate. Those terrorists involved in the chemical release take their order from their sponsors, so it should be their sponsors facing the music.
This is the set up propaganda to rationalize a large deployment of ” US boots on the ground” , they have been building forces up near by Jordan , kuwaitt Iraq . They will swoop into the south , DEZ and into their jihadist Idlib , they will add to what they have in the Kurdish north . Russia and Iran have less than a week or two to get their own troops and/or contractors in ,or face certain defeat . By not having troops in place , Russia and Iran are showing weakness , ( from an American point of view) , so they will reverse this whole war by putting their own troops in . .This must be exposed as a false flag .
That they are not going to do. (If they do they will be sorry).
When an agreement between Assad’s side and oposition approaches, happen some bloody event, that stop any effort for peace solution and returns back all to the beginning…I see the mark of CIA and MI6 on it…